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We’ve been told that() (饱和的) fat is unhealthy. It is claimed to raise cholesterol l

We’ve been told that() (饱和的) fat is unhealthy. It is claimed to raise cholesterol levels and give us heart attacks.





提问人:网友15***739 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“We’ve been told that() (饱和的) f…”相关的问题
B A British schoolboy has been excluded from lessons after he organised a mass protest ove


A British schoolboy has been excluded from lessons after he organised a mass protest over a lack of homework.

Aaron Parfitt, 14, led 100 of his fellow pupils on a walkout at Bispham High School in Blackpool on 12 March over concerns about teaching standards.

Despite his eagerness to learn, Aaron was told he wasbanned from lessons for the next two days, and now claims to have been excluded again ahead of a meeting between teachers and his mother on 17 March.

Aaron originally contacted Blackpool Council and Ofsted to raise concerns over the quality of teaching before losing patience and organising the 100-strong walkout last Wednesday.

Teachers took a dim view of his actions and excluded him for two days on Thursday and Friday last week - much to the anger of his mother Janet, 52.

'I'm absolutely fuming they've excluded him because he's doing the best he can to get a good education,' she said

'He was only trying to stick up for himself and his mates and then he gets told to stay away from the school for two days,' she added.

Aaron said: 'We've had loads of different teachers and we weren't getting enough homework.I failed my maths exam in school and I was really worried because I just wanted to make sure I was able to do the work properly.'

55.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Aaron could not get enough homework

B.Aaron's teachers were not adequate to their jobs at all

C.Teachers were accused of assigning little homework

D.All students did not agree with Aaron's proposal

听力原文:W: Oh, Peter, there you are. You've been ages. What kept you so long?M: I'm sorry

听力原文:W: Oh, Peter, there you are. You've been ages. What kept you so long?

M: I'm sorry I am so late, Sally. Have you been waiting long?

W: Oh, half an hour. But it doesn't matter. I've had a coffee and I have been reading this guidebook for tourists. Sit down. You look very hot and tired. What would you like to drink?

M: I'd love a really chilled mineral water or something. Will you have another coffee?

W: Yes, I will. The waitress will be back in a moment. Why were you so late? Did something happen?

M: You know I went to the bank to cash some traveler's checks. Well, the exchange rate was looking healthy, but when I went to the teller, they told me the computer system was temporarily down, so they couldn't do any transactions. They said the problem would be fixed in a few minutes, so I waited. And then I started talking to another guy in the bank, and I forgot the time.

W: Oh, really? Someone you met in the bank? Does he work there?

M: No, he's a tourist, from New York. His name's Henry, and he has been here for a week, but he's moving on to Germany tomorrow. He's an architect, and he's spending four weeks traveling around Europe.

W: Just like us!

M: Yeah. He told me the names of some places where we should eat. Great food, and not too expensive, he said. He also gave me this map of the bus system. He said he didn't need it any more.

W: That's useful. Pity he's moving on tomorrow. Ah, here's the waitress. Let's order. Do you want anything to eat, or shall we just have a drink?

M: Well, I'm hungry, and we've got a lot of sightseeing to do, so let's just have a snack and a drink.


A.To go to see and talk to a friend.

B.To go to cash his traveler's checks.

C.To go to the bank and repair the computer.

D.To go to the bank and save some money,

听力原文:W: Oh, Peter, there you are. You've been ages. What kept you so long?M: I'm sorry

听力原文:W: Oh, Peter, there you are. You've been ages. What kept you so long?

M: I'm sorry I am so late, Sally. Have you been waiting long?

W: Oh, half an hour. But it doesn't matter. I've had a coffee and I have been reading this guidebook for tourists. Sit down. You look very hot and tired. What would you like to drink?

M: I'd love a really chilled mineral water or something. Will you have another coffee?

W: Yes, I will. The waitress will be back in a moment. Why were you so late? Did something happen?

M: (19) You know I went to the bank to cash some traveler's checks. Well, the exchange rate was looking healthy, but when I went to the teller, they told me the computer system was temporarily down, so they couldn't do any transactions. They said the problem would be fixed in a few minutes, so I waited. And then I started talking to another guy in the bank, and I forgot the time.

W: Oh, really? Someone you met in the bank? Does he work there?

M: No, (20) he's a tourist, from New York. His name's Henry, and he has been here for a week, but he's moving on to Germany tomorrow. He's an architect, and he's spending four weeks traveling around Europe.

W: (21) Just like us!

M: Yeah. (22)He told me the names of some places where we should eat. Great food, and not too expensive, he said. He also gave me this map of the bus system. He said he didn't need it any more.

W: That's useful. Pity he's moving on tomorrow. Ah, here's the waitress. Let's order. Do you want anything to eat, or shall we just have a drink?

M: Well, I'm hungry, and we've got a lot of sightseeing to do, so let's just have a snack and a drink.


A.To go to see and talk to a friend.

B.To go to cash his traveler's checks.

C.To go to the bank and repair the computer.

D.To go to the bank and save some money,

听力原文:The American soul singer James Brown has died at the age of 73. His agent told th

听力原文: The American soul singer James Brown has died at the age of 73. His agent told the BBC the singer had died in a hospital in Atlanta, where he'd been treated for pneumonia. The man, who became known as the God father of soul, was a former shoeshine boy. He grew up in poverty in the American south, who went on to write and produce some of the most successful anthems of the civil rights movement in the United States in the 1960s. The U.S. civil rights activist Derevent al Shopton paid his respects, "James Brown was not just a guy who'd made a lot of hits, he changed culture for us. He made the common landmark. We've lost more than loves. We have lost the way of life."

According to the news, James Brown ______.

A.used to be a shoemaker

B.grew up in a well-to-do family

C.supported the Civil Rights Movement

D.was the God Father of Blues

听力原文:M: We've been walling for more than 30 minutes!W: Are you sure you read the direc

听力原文:M: We've been walling for more than 30 minutes!

W: Are you sure you read the directions correctly?

M: Do you think I made a mistake? I'm sure he said Joe's Bar and Grill.

W:I wish you had brought the directions with you.

M: Well if you hadn’t lost them, I would have brought them!

W: Now, now, let's not get into that. I told you I put them on the shelf in the hall.

M: It's no use worrying about that now. Anyway, what will be doing this time tomorrow? I'm so excited about getting away on holiday.

W: So am I. Just think, this time tomorrow we'll be lying on the beach soaking up the sun.

M: No, I'll be sitting at the bar enjoying my Gin and Tonic and reading a good book.

W: It's going to be wonderful, isn't it? It's been so long since we last got away.

M: Yes... I wish he were here. I'm getting hungry I just don't understand our friend is never late.

W: Well, maybe he's at Joe's Pub.

M: Joe's Pub?

W: Yes, I beard that theme’s also a Joe's Pub nearby. People mix them up all the time ! Why not phone him to see ff he is there?

M:AII right.

The husband______.

A.forgot the directions

B.brought the directions

C.never had the directions

D.didn't bring the directions

听力原文:In Europe, one can go from one's home to an international conference with merely

听力原文: In Europe, one can go from one's home to an international conference with merely a long train ride in between. One scientist, after such a trip, came home looking ashen and distraught.

"What happened?" ask his wife.

"My dear," groaned the scientist, "I've been riding for hours in a backward-facing seat. You know how that always distresses my liver."

"But, darling," said Iris wife, "we have talked of this before, mid surely you told me that if you found yourself in such a spot, you would ask the person in the seat facing you to exchange places."

"Alas," said the scientist. "On this trip I could not ask. There was no one sitting there."






—I‘ve been told to pay the rent. —But it‘s already been paid.It ______ by someone else.C.m

—I‘ve been told to pay the rent. —But it‘s already been paid.It ______ by someone else.

C.must be

D.may be

E.must be paid

F.must have been paid

听力原文:W: I've been standing here since half past six! Where have you been?M: I'm terrib

听力原文:W: I've been standing here since half past six! Where have you been?

M: I'm terribly sorry I'm late for about an hour, but I just couldn't help it. I got here as soon as I could.

W: Well, it's not soon enough. The opera's already started!

M: I know and I'm sorry.

W: It's really very well saying you're sorry but you know I've been waiting to see it all month!

M: Look, just give me a chance to explain, please!

W: All right.

M: I was all ready to leave the office when my sister called round. Really hysterical! So I couldn't just rush off without a word.

W: Go on!

M: I invited her in and she told me that Jack--that's her boyfriend--had been knocked down and was seriously injured. So I stayed with her until she calmed down. Than I came here as quickly as I could.

W: I see.

M: I'm sorry.

W: But you could have phoned me or sent me an SMS. It wouldn't have taken a minute.

M: I did try, but your mobile phone just powered off. I am sorry about the play. I know how much you wanted to see it.

W: Well, never mind. We can always see it some other time.

M: Yes, of course we can.

W: I'm sorry for the way I snapped at you.

M: I understand. I'd have been just as angry in your place.

What was the woman doing at 7: 00 p.m. ?

A.She was on the way to the theatre.

B.She was in the office.

C.She was waiting at the door of the theatre.

D.She was phoning her boyfriend.

______ that the sports meet might be put off. Yes, it all depends on the weather.A、I’v

______ that the sports meet might be put off. Yes, it all depends on the weather.

A、I’ve told

B、I’ve been told

C、I’m told

D、I told

—I‘ve been told to pay the rent —But it‘s already been paiA.It ______ by someone elseB.

—I‘ve been told to pay the rent —But it‘s already been pai

A.It ______ by someone else

B.must be

C.may be

D.must be paid

E.must have been paid

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