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Dreams are said to be the window to the mind. Through the study of dreams, we can catch gl

impses into what our subconscious minds are thinking, or what is troubling us at our deepest levels. Not all dreams me the same, however, either in content or in meaning. In this respect, the study of bad dreams, nightmares, can yield interesting observations in regard to the mind and status of the dreamer. Indeed, nightmares appear to have been the subject of far more studies than more pleasant dreams, if for no other reason that while pleasant dreams are easily forgotten upon awakening, nightmares tend to linger in our minds is sufficient to demand attention.

The sources of our dreams are most commonly attributed to factors in our waking lives. Whether it be emotional challenges, stress in the workplace, relationship problems or a myriad of other possible factors, the thoughts and feelings created in our waking environments are believed to directly influence the content of our dreams. A particular dramatic or traumatic experience during the day would no doubt be encountered again in some form. or another during the night.

Just as important as actual events in the determination of the content of our dreams are the preexisting beliefs that we hold. If we encounter some kind of phenomena in our dreams, it is very likely that we already believed in the possibility of the phenomena before the dream. For example, if someone dreams of being abducted by aliens, it's very likely that, before the dream, he already believed in the existence of aliens. To the extent that dreams are direct reflections of our minds, they will reflect accurately what we believe and hold to be true.

The way that we act in dreams bears consideration as well. Oftentimes, our behavior. in our dreams reflects hidden desires for that type of behavior. in our waking lives. Someone who dreams of revenge may actually desire revenge in real life, and likewise someone who dreams of adventure night after night may be experiencing his mind playing out a desire for more excitement in his everyday life.

While the items encountered in our dreams are of great importance in the analysis of dreams, it must be recognized and understood that the same item in two different dreams can easily have entirely different meanings for the two dreamers. For example, a home in the dreams of an avid equestrian can signify comfort and relaxation, whereas the same home in the dreams of a hunter can represent excitement and challenge.

Nightmares are mentioned in paragraph 1 in order to______.

A.give an introduction to the main subject of the text

B.give an example of one particularly vivid type of dream

C.provide a justification for the study of dreams

D.illustrate the value of analyzing dreams

提问人:网友senvenfoot 发布时间:2022-01-07
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What do people usually do when they visit their ancestor tombs during the Qingming Festival?

A、Eating mooncakes

B、Sweeping the tombs

C、Making ritual offerings

D、Commemorating their ancestors

It can be learned that______.A.the future is still bright for Hostess"s iconic brandsB.Hos
It can be learned that______.

A.the future is still bright for Hostess"s iconic brands

B.Hostess filed for bankruptcy with debts that far outweigh its assets

C.the bakers" union is an immediate trigger for Hostess"s death

D.Hostess secured a bankruptcy judge"s permission to go out of business

Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 【B1】 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the 【B2】 man. But they insisted that its 【B3】 results during the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and misery for the 【B4】 of the English population. 【B5】 contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750, when England was still a 【B6】 agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.

This view, 【B7】 is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists 【B8】 history and economics, have 【B9】 two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was 【B10】 by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace.






根据以下资料,回答下列各题: Spain’s government is now championing a cause called“right to be forgotten”.(46)It has ordered Google to stop indexing information about 90 citizenswhofi led for malcom plaints with its Data Protection the Agency.All 90 people wanted information deleted from the Web. Among them was a victim of domestic violence who discovered that her address could easily be found through Google.Another,well into middle age now,thought it was unfair that a few computer key strokes could unearth an account of her arrest in her college days. (47)-They might not-have received much of a hearing in the United States,where Google一 is based and where courts have consistently found that the right to publish the truth about someones past supersede sany right to privacy.But here,as elsewhere in Europe,an idea has taken hold--individuals should have a“right to be forgotten”on the Web. (48)In fact,the phrase "right to be forgotten" is being usedt0coverabatchofissues,ranging from those in the Spanish case to the behavior. of companies seeking to.Make money from privat einfor mation that can becolle ctedoil the Web. (49)Spains Data Protection Agency believes that searchengines havealteredtheprocess by which most data ends up for gotten and there for eadjustments need to be made.The deputy dlrector of the agency,Jesfis Rubi,pointed to the official government gazette(公报),which used to publish every weekday,including bankruptcy auctions,official pardons.And who passed the civil service exams.Usually 220 pages of fine print.it quickly ended up gathering dust on various backroom shelves.The information was still there.but not easily accessible .Then two years ago,the 350 yearold publication went online.making it possible for embarrassing information--no matter how oldto be obtained easily. The publisher of the government publication, Fernando P6rez, said it was meant to foster transparency.Lists of scholarship winners,for instance,make it hard for the government officials to steer all the money to their own children.“But maybe.”he said,“there is information that has a life cycle and only has value for a certain time." Many Europeans are broadly uncomfortable with the way personal information is found by search engines and used for commerce.When ads pop up on one’S screen.clearly linked to Subjects that are of interest to him,one may find it Orwellian.A recent poll conducted by the European Union found that most Europeans agree.Three out of four said they were worried about how Internet companies used their information and wanted the right to delete personal data at any time.Ninety percent wanted the European Union to take action on the right to be forgotten. (50) Experts say that Google and other search engines see some of these court cases as an assault on a principle of law already established--that search engines are essentially not responsible for the information they corral from the Web.And hope the Spanish court agrees.The companies believe if there are orivacy issues,the complainants should address those who posted the material on the Web.But some experts in Europe believe that search engines should probably be reined in.“They are the ones that are spreading the word.Without them 110 0ne would find these things.” _______

Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph?[A] Democratic idea
Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph?

[A] Democratic ideas started with education.

[B] Federalists were opposed to education.

[C] New education helped confirm people’s social status.

[D] Old education had been in tune with hierarchical society.

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