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It was 2001 when his brother was admitted to the Peking University

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更多“It was 2001 when his brother w…”相关的问题
When did Mr. Lincoln Harris begin his work in Florida Sugar Corporation?A.In 2000B.In 2001

When did Mr. Lincoln Harris begin his work in Florida Sugar Corporation?

A.In 2000

B.In 2001

C.In 2002

D.In 2003

A longtime aide to President Bush who wrote occasional guest columns for his hometown
newspaper resigned on Friday evening after admitted that he had repeatedly plagiarized from other writers. (67) The White House called his actions unaccepted. (68) The aide, Tim Goeglein, worked for Mr. Bush since 2001, as a liaison to social and religious conservatives, an important component of the president's political base. (69) Mr. Goeglein was influential in decisions on a range of question important to that constituency, including stem cell research, abortion and faith-based initiatives. A blogger in Mr. Goeglein's hometown, Fort Wayne, Ind. , found the plagiarism. (70) "This is not acceptable, and we are being disappointed in Tim's actions," a White House spokeswoman, Emily Lawrimore, said Friday morning, hours before Mr. Goeglein resigned. (71) "He is offered no excuses, and he agrees it was wrong. " (72) Mr. Goeglein, 44, is small known outside Washington. (73) He is a familiar figure to conservatives and evangelical Christians, who knew him as a spokesman for Gary L. Bauer, the conservative who ran as president in 2000. (74) When Mr. Bauer dropped out the race, Mr. Goeglein signed on with Mr. Bush, eventually becoming a top aide to Karl Rove, the chief political strategist. (75) He was the eyes and ears of the White House in the world of religion conservatives and an emissary to that world for Mr. Rove and the president.


1 Stuart is a self-employed business consultant aged 58. He is married to Rebecca, aged 55
. They have one child,

Sam, who is aged 24 and single.

In November 2005 Stuart sold a house in Plymouth for £422,100. Stuart had inherited the house on the death of

his mother on 1 May 1994 when it had a probate value of £185,000. The subsequent pattern of occupation was as


1 May 1994 to 28 February 1995 occupied by Stuart and Rebecca as main residence

1 March 1995 to 31 December 1998 unoccupied

1 January 1999 to 31 March 2001 let out (unfurnished)

1 April 2001 to 30 November 2001 occupied by Stuart and Rebecca

1 December 2001 to 30 November 2005 used occasionally as second home

Both Stuart and Rebecca had lived in London from March 1995 onwards. On 1 March 2001 Stuart and Rebecca

bought a house in London in their joint names. On 1 January 2002 they elected for their London house to be their

principal private residence with effect from that date, up until that point the Plymouth property had been their principal

private residence.

No other capital disposals were made by Stuart in the tax year 2005/06. He has £29,500 of capital losses brought

forward from previous years.

Stuart intends to invest the gross sale proceeds from the sale of the Plymouth house, and is considering two

investment options, both of which he believes will provide equal risk and returns. These are as follows:

(1) acquiring shares in Omikron plc; or

(2) acquiring further shares in Omega plc.


1. Omikron plc is a listed UK trading company, with 50,250,000 shares in issue. Its shares currently trade at 42p

per share.

2. Stuart and Rebecca helped start up the company, which was then Omega Ltd. The company was formed on

1 June 1990, when they each bought 24,000 shares for £1 per share. The company became listed on 1 May

1997. On this date their holding was subdivided, with each of them receiving 100 shares in Omega plc for each

share held in Omega Ltd. The issued share capital of Omega plc is currently 10,000,000 shares. The share price

is quoted at 208p – 216p with marked bargains at 207p, 211p, and 215p.

Stuart and Rebecca’s assets (following the sale of the Plymouth house but before any investment of the proceeds) are

as follows:

Assets Stuart Rebecca

£ £

Family house in London 450,000 450,000

Cash from property sale 422,100 –

Cash deposits 165,000 165,000

Portfolio of quoted investments – 250,000

Shares in Omega plc see above see above

Life insurance policy note 1 note 1


1. The life insurance policy will pay out a sum of £200,000 on the death of the first spouse to die.

Stuart has recently been diagnosed with a serious illness. He is expected to live for another two or three years only.

He is concerned about the possible inheritance tax that will arise on his death. Both he and Rebecca have wills whose

terms transfer all assets to the surviving spouse. Rebecca is in good health.

Neither Stuart nor Rebecca has made any previous chargeable lifetime transfers for the purposes of inheritance tax.


(a) Calculate the taxable capital gain on the sale of the Plymouth house in November 2005 (9 marks)

When President Obama took the stage here Wednesday to address a community — and a nation —
traumatized by Saturday’s shootings rampage in Tucson, Arizona, it invited comparisons to President George W. Bush’s speech to the nation after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the memorial service President Bill Clinton led after the bombing of a federal office building killed 168 people in Oklahoma City in 1995. But Obama’s appearance presented a deeper challenge, reflecting the tenor of his times. Unlike those tragedies---which, at least initially, united a mournful country and quieted partisan divisions---this one has, in the days since the killings, had the opposite effect, inflaming the divide. It was a political reality Mr. Obama seemed to recognize the moment he took the stage. He directly confronted the political debate that erupted after the rampage, asking people of all beliefs not to use the tragedy to turn on one another. He called for an end to partisan recriminations, and for a unity that has seemed increasingly elusive as each day has brought more harsh condemnations from the left and the right. It was one of the more powerful addresses that Mr. Obama has delivered as president, harnessing the emotion generated by the shock and loss from Saturday’s shootings to urge Americans “to remind ourselves of all the ways that our hopes and dreams are bound together”.

______ was in 2001 ______ I graduated from university. A.That; that B.It; that C.That; when D.It;

______ was in 2001 ______ I graduated from university.

A.That; that B.It; that C.That; when D.It; when

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

On a November day in 1999, Frederick Miller, terminally ill with lung and brain cancer, ate a bowl of apple sauce laced with barbiturates (巴比委酸盐). Ninety minutes later, with his wife Nora by his side, the 52-year-old died peacefully.

That scene occurred in Portland, Oregon, where since 1997 it has been legal for a doctor to prescribe a fatal cocktail of drugs to patients who are terminally ill. But that law, the Death with Dignity Act, has been hotly debated for most of its existence. In 2001 John Ashcroft, then attorney-general of the United States, claimed that prescribing drugs to end life was not a "legitimate medical purpose". This started legal skirmishing (小冲突) that landed the Oregon law before the Supreme Court. But for the moment the option to take one's own life, with a doctor's help, stays open. On January 17th the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Oregon could keep its assisted-suicide law.

The decision depended largely on whether states or the federal government should control how doctors do their work. The majority of justices decided that states should. But for most people, including the dissenting (持不同意见的)judges, the legal technicalities were secondary to the bigger question of whether doctors ought to help people end their lives.

Opponents of Oregon's law insist that it is simply legalized murder. Others see the law as appropriate, even enlightened, giving dying patients a much-needed choice when heroic medical procedures cannot help. "It's not as if physician-assisted suicide isn't happening elsewhere in the country," says Timothy Quill, a doctor and professor at the University of Rochester in New York. "But in Oregon it's out in the open, so you don't have patients asking questions in secret, and doctors giving advice in secret."

Another supporter, Arthur Caplan, the director of the Center for Bioethics (生物伦理学) at the University of Pennsylvania, says there is no evidence that Oregon's law has been used to "kill" anyone: "Critics have been desperate to find someone who took fatal drugs and was imhalanced or not terminally ill but they haven't been able to." He points to the prudence exhibited by Oregonians, with only 238 people using prescribed drugs to end their lives.

For those who use Oregon's law and their survivors--such as Frederick Miller's widow, Nora the Death with Dignity Act simply makes sense. Her sister recently died of cancer in Florida, an experience more painful and emotionally wearing than Frederick's planned death. "When Rick died he was calm and comfortable," says Ms Miller, who now lives in Phoenix. "When he took the drugs his body was ready, and he fell deeply asleep almost immediately. I just hope I have that option, if I need it, when the time comes."

From the first paragraph we may infer that Frederick Miller ______.

A.ill with lung and brain cancer

B.ate a bowl of apple sauce laced with barbiturates

C.killed himself with his wife Nora's help

D.chose to take his own life peacefully

After September 11th, 2001, when the Twin Towers destroyed by the air crash, the tallest b
uilding of New York City is ______.

November 7,2000 is a very special day in the United States. Voters all across the nation a
re【21】representatives in local and national races. Some people think that they're voting for the president of our country too. They're not! Again, they're voting for【22】. These representatives are called electors. They are part of a system called the Electoral College.

In most states the electors are chosen on a winner take all basis. That makes it【23】for one candidate to win【24】electors while getting less popular votes nationally than his【25】.

The【26】will meet in their respective states and vote for president and vice-president on December 18, 2000. The Constitution does not【27】the electors to vote for the candidates that they are pledged to, but they almost always do.【28】January 6, 2001, just two weeks before the【29】president and vice-president take office, the votes will be counted in Congress.

If no one gets a majority (more than half) of the electoral votes, at least 270 out of 538, the【30】will be chosen by Congress. The House of Representatives will choose (one vote per state) the president and the Senate will choose the vice-president. It’s not likely, but we could【31】end up with a president from one party and a vice-president from【32】.

In an extremely close election, all【33】of strange outcomes are possible. Will the【34】that most voters prefer be the next【35】? And when will we even know?






Although he has become rich, he is still very ______ of his money.[2001]A.economicB.thrift

Although he has become rich, he is still very ______ of his money.[2001]





【单选题】When did 911 terrorist attacks happen?

A.In 2000

B.In 2001

C.In 2002

D.In 2003

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