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This method saved half the labor that______to combat the insects separately.A.would not ha

This method saved half the labor that______to combat the insects separately.

A.would not have been needed

B.would have been needed

C.would not have needed

D.would have needed

提问人:网友qixiaohua 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“This method saved half the lab…”相关的问题
听力原文: Farmers usually use plows to prepare their fields for planting crops.Plows cut i
nto the ground,and lift up weeds,and other unwanted plants.However,plowing is blamed for causing severe damage to top soil by removing the plants that protect soil from being blown or washed away.Many farmers in South Asia are now trying a process called Low Till Farming.Low Till Farming limits the use of plows.In this method of farming,seeds and fertilizer are put into the soil through small cuts made in the surface of the ground.Low Till Agriculture leaves much or all the soil and remains of plants on the ground.They serve as a natural fertilizer and help support the roots of future crops.They take in rain and allow it to flow into the soil instead of running off.It has been proved that Low Till Farming increases harvests and reduces water use,and this method reduces the need for chemical products because there are fewer unwanted plants.Scientists say Low Till Fanning is becoming popular in South Asia,which is facing a severe water shortage.They say the area will become dependent on imported food unless water is saved through methods like Low Till Farming.Currently,more than 150 million people in South Asia depend on local rice and wheat crops.Farmers grow rice during wet weather.During the dry season they grow wheat in the same fields.Farmers are using the Low Till Farming method to plant wheat after harvesting rice.Scientists say Low Till Agriculture is one of the best examples in the world of technologies working for both people arid the environment.

What is the main problem caused by the usual way of plowing?

A.The crop's blooming period is delayed.

B.The roots of crops are cut off.

C.The topsoil is seriously damaged.

D.The growth of weeds is accelerated.

No Englishman believes in working from book learning. He suspectseverything new, and disli

No Englishman believes in working from book learning. He suspects

everything new, and dislikes it, unless he can be compelled by the force of

circumstances to see that this new thing has advantage over the old.

Race-experience is what he invariably depends upon, when he can, 【M1】______

whether in India, in Egypt, or in Australia.

His statesmen do not consult historic precedents in order to decide 【M2】______

what to do: they first learn the facts that they are; then they depend upon 【M3】______

their own common sense, not at all upon their university learning and upon 【M4】______

philosophical theories. And in case of the English nation, it must be 【M5】______

acknowledged that this instinctive method has been extremely successful.

The last people from whom praise can be expected, even for what is

worth of all praise, are the English. The Englishman all the time is 【M6】______

studying, considering, trying to find fault. Why should he try to find fault?

So that he will not make any mistakes at a later day. He was inherited the 【M7】______

trouble caution of his ancestors in regards to mistakes. It must be granted 【M8】______

that his caution has saved him from a number of very serious mistakes

that other nations have made. It must also be acknowledged that he exercises

a fair amount of moderation in the opposite direction—this modern

Englishman; he has learned caution of other kind, which his ancestors 【M9】______

taught him "Power should be used with moderation; for whoever finds

himself among valiant men will discover that no man is superior than others." 【M10】______


阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 55~57 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。 B Scientis

阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 55~57 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。


Scientists have searched for many years for a method to tell whether a volcano(火山)explosion will be small or large. Now,four scientists say they have discovered something in lava(熔岩)that will help do this. They did the research on Mount Unzen on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu.

Mount Unzen exploded in November,1990. Since then,more explosions have killed 43 people and destroyed the homes of more than 2,000 others. The volcano is still active today.

The scientists say the lava of the volcano contains high level of an element(成份),which is a sign of the presence of the lava from deep in the earth,not from the surface. They say it shows that the lava coming directly from inside the earth is connected with huge explosions instead of smaller ones.

The scientists examined the lava from 18 explosions of Mount Unzen that took place during many thousands of years. They also studied the lava from other volcanoes in the area that are older than Mount Unzen. The lava studied came from both large and small explosions. The scientists found that large explosions contained more of the element than small ones. The scientists say if they had known this two years earlier,they could have warned the people living in the area near Mount Unzen and saved many lives.

第 55 题 From the passage we learn that Mount Unzen is the name of ______.

A.a huge volcano explosion

B.a Japanese island

C.an active volcano

D.a kind of lava

Antiseptics(杀菌剂) have saved countless lives, but they are most effective when the bacte

Antiseptics(杀菌剂) have saved countless lives, but they are most effective when the bacteria they are attacking are individual cells in suspension. Once bacteria have attached themselves to solid surfaces and formed films, they are far harder to eradicate with standard disinfectants. Bacterial pollution of medical devices is a particular problem, as those devices are then used on people whose immune systems may be in less than best condition. Surgical instruments may be treated with ultraviolet light, but that is not appropriate for everything. The result is that infections arising from bacteria attached to surfaces in clinics and hospitals are reckoned to cause up to 1.4m deaths per year.

In order to develop a better method of disinfection, a team led by David Whitten of the University of New Mexico and Kirk Schanze of the University of Florida set out to design the equivalent of a mousetrap for bacteria. The device they came up with is an empty capsule five microns across. It is made of alternating layers of two polymers'(聚合体) ,one of which is positively charged, and the other negatively so. These opposite charges serve to hold the capsule together.

The polymers in question also absorb light in a way that is likely to transfer the absorbed energy to nearby oxygen molecules (氧分子) to create what is known as singlet oxygen, a particularly reactive form. of the element that would kill any bacteria inside the capsule.

To test this idea, the two researchers ran a series of experiments in which they exposed their newly built microcapsules to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a fatal bacterium commonly, found in hospitals, and also to Cobetia marina, a bacterium that frequently adheres to ships and marine equipment, causing dirt. They found that in both cases the microcapsules attracted and captured bacteria that were nearby. After one hour of exposure to light, they report in a forthcoming issue of Applied Materials & Interfaces, the capsules killed more than 95% of the bacteria used in the study.

What kills the bacteria is clear: it is the singlet oxygen. What is attracting them into the microcapsules, though, is not well understood. The researchers infer that the positive electric charge may have the function of attracting bacteria, since many bacteria are negatively charged and would thus be attracted to the polymer in question. Alternatively, because both bacteria and polymers are repelled by water they may be pushed together by this joint repulsion. However it works, the result is what Dr. Whitten describes as a micro-sized Roach Motel ("Bacteria check in, but they don't check out"). If the idea can be scaled up, it may prove a useful weapon in the fight against hospital-caused infection and marine-dirt alike.

According to the passage, the antiseptics will be less effective when ______.

A.the bacteria are floating in individual cells

B.the bacteria pollute the medical devices in the hospital

C.the bacteria adhere to solid surfaces, wrapped by films

D.the disinfectants are not so standard

The Commercial Revolution was not confined, of course, to the growth of trade and banking.
Included in it also were fundamental changes in methods of production. The system of manufacture developed by the craft guilds in the later Middle Ages was rapidly becoming defunct. The guilds themselves, dominated by the master craftsmen, had grown selfish and exclusive. Membership in them was commonly restricted to a few privileged families. Besides, they were so completely choked by tradition that they were unable to make adjustments to changing conditions. Moreover, new industries had sprang up entirely outside the guild system. Characteristic examples were mining and smelting and the woolen industry. The rapid development of these enterprises was stimulated by technical advances, such as the invention of the spinning wheel and the discovery of a new method of making brass, which saved about half of the fuel previously used. In the mining and smelting industries a form. of organization was adopted similar to that which has prevailed ever since.

But the most typical form. of industrial production in the Commercial Revolution was the domestic system, developed first of all in the woolen industry. The domestic system derives its name from the fact that the work was done in the homes of industrial artisans instead of in the shop of a master craftsman. Since the various jobs in the manufacture of a product were given out on contract, the system is also known as the putting out system. Notwithstanding the petty scale of production, the organization was basically capitalistic. The raw material was purchased by an entrepreneur and assigned to individual worker, each of whom would complete his allotted task for a stipulated payment. In the case of the woolen industry the yam would be given out first of all to the spinners, then to the weavers, fullers, and dyer in succession. When the cloth was finally finished, it would be taken by the clothier and sold in the open market for the highest price it would bring.

According to the article, what changes did the Commercial Revolution bring about?

A.Methods of production.

B.Appearance of craft guilds.

C.Increased trade volume.

D.Growth of trade, banking and methods of production.

The Commercial Revolution was not confined, of course, to the growth of trade and banking.
Included in it also were fundamental changes in methods of production. The system of manufacture developed by the craft guilds in the later Middle Ages was rapidly becoming defunct. The guilds themselves, dominated by the master craftsmen, had grown selfish and exclusive. Membership in them was commonly restricted to a few privileged families. Besides, they were so completely choked by tradition that they were unable to make adjustments to changing conditions. Moreover, new industries had sprung up entirely outside the guild system. Characteristic examples were mining and smelting and the woolen industry. The rapid development of these enterprises was stimulated by technical advances, such as the invention of the spinning wheel and the discovery of a new method of making brass, which saved about half of the fuel previously used. In the mining and smelting industries a form. of organization was adopted similar to that which has prevailed ever since.

But the most typical form. of industrial production in the Commercial Revolution was the domestic system, developed first of all in the woolen industry. The domestic system derives its name from the fact that the work was done in the homes of industrial artisans instead of in the shop of a master craftsman. Since the various jobs in the manufacture of a product were given out on contract, the system is also known as the putting out system. Notwithstanding the petty scale of production, the organization was basically capitalistic. The raw material was purchased by an entrepreneur and assigned to individual worker, each of whom would complete his allotted task for a stipulated payment. In the case of the woolen industry the yam would be given out first of all to the spinners, then to the weavers, fullers, and dyer in succession. When the cloth was finally finished, it would be taken by the clothier and sold in the open market for the highest price it would bring.

According to the article, what changes did the Commercial Revolution bring about?

A.Methods of production

B.Appearance of craft guilds

C.Increased trade volume

D.Growth of trade, banking and methods of production

The Commercial Revolution was not confined, of course, to the growth of trade and banking.
Included in it also were fundamental changes in methods of production. The system of manufacture developed by the craft guilds in the later Middle Ages was rapidly becoming defunct. The guilds themselves, dominated by the master craftsmen, had grown selfish and exclusive. Membership in them was commonly restricted to a few privileged families. Besides, they were so completely choked by tradition that they were unable to make adjustments to changing conditions. Moreover, new industries had sprung up entirely outside the guild system. Characteristic examples were mining and smelting and the woolen industry. The rapid development of these enterprises was stimulated by technical advances, such as the invention of the spinning wheel and the discovery of a new method of making brass, which saved about half of the fuel previously used. In the mining and smelting industries a form. of organization was adopted similar to that which has prevailed ever since.

But the most typical form. of industrial production in the Commercial Revolution was the domestic system, developed first of all in the woolen industry. The domestic system derives its name from the fact that the work was done in the homes of industrial artisans instead of in the shop of a master craftsman. Since the various jobs in the manufacture of a product were given out on contract, the system is also known as the putting out system. Notwithstanding the petty scale of production, the organization was basically capitalistic. The raw material was purchased by an entrepreneur and assigned to individual worker, each of whom would complete his allotted task for a stipulated payment. In the case of the woolen industry the yam would be given out first of all to the spinners, then to the weavers, fullers, and dyer in succession. When the cloth was finally finished, it would be taken by the clothier and sold in the open market for the highest price it would bring.

According to the article, what changes did the Commercial Revolution bring about?

A.Methods of production

B.Appearance of craft guilds

C.Increased trade volume

D.Growth of trade, banking and methods of production

Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: Many private institutio

Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

Many private institutions of higher education around the country are in **er. Not ail will be saved, and perhaps not all deserve to be saved. There are low-quaiity schools just as there are low-quality businesses. We have no obligation to save them simply because .they exist. But many thriving institutions that deserve to continue are threatened. They are doing a fine job educationally, but they are caught in a financial difficulty, with no way to reduce rising costs or increase revenues (收入) significantly. Raising fees doesn't bring in more revenue, for each time fees go up, the, enrollment (注册人数) goes down, or the mount that must be given away in student aid goes up. (78) Schools are bad businesses, whether rmblic or orivate, not usually because of bad management but because of the nature of the business. They lose money on every customer, and they can go bankrupt either from too few students or too many students. Even a very good college is a very bad business.

It is such colleges, thriving but threatened, that I worry about. Low enrollment is not their chief problem. Even with full enrollments, they may go under. Efforts to save them, and preferably to keep them private, are a national necessity. (79) There is no basis. for arguing that private schools are bound to be better than public schools. There are plentiful examples to the contrary. Anyone can name state universities and colleges that rank as the finest in the nation and the world. It is now inevitable that public institutions will be dominant, and therefore diversity (多样性) is a national necessity. Diversity in the way we support schools tends to give us a healthy diversity in the forms of education. In ah imperfect society such as ours, uniformity of education throughout the nation could be **erous, ha an imperfect society, diversity is a positive good. Eager supporters of public higher education know the importance of keeping private higher education healthy.

第6题:In the passage, the author asks the public to support_____ .

A. private higher education in general

B. public higher education in general

C. high-quality private universities and colleges

D. high-quality state universities and colleges

Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: Many private institutio

Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

Many private institutions of higher education around the country are in **er. Not ail will be saved, and perhaps not all deserve to be saved. There are low-quaiity schools just as there are low-quality businesses. We have no obligation to save them simply because .they exist. But many thriving institutions that deserve to continue are threatened. They are doing a fine job educationally, but they are caught in a financial difficulty, with no way to reduce rising costs or increase revenues (收入) significantly. Raising fees doesn't bring in more revenue, for each time fees go up, the, enrollment (注册人数) goes down, or the mount that must be given away in student aid goes up. (77) Schools are bad businesses, whether rmblic or orivate, not usually because of bad management but because of the nature of the business. They lose money on every customer, and they can go bankrupt either from too few students or too many students. Even a very good college is a very bad business.

It is such colleges, thriving but threatened, that I worry about. Low enrollment is not their chief problem. Even with full enrollments, they may go under. Efforts to save them, and preferably to keep them private, are a national necessity. (78) There is no basis. for arguing that private schools are bound to be better than public schools. There are plentiful examples to the contrary. Anyone can name state universities and colleges that rank as the finest in the nation and the world. It is now inevitable that public institutions will be dominant, and therefore diversity (多样性) is a national necessity. Diversity in the way we support schools tends to give us a healthy diversity in the forms of education. In ah imperfect society such as ours, uniformity of education throughout the nation could be **erous, ha an imperfect society, diversity is a positive good. Eager supporters of public higher education know the importance of keeping private higher education healthy.

第6题:In the passage, the author asks the public to support_____ .

A. private higher education in general

B. public higher education in general

C. high-quality private universities and colleges

D. high-quality state universities and colleges


Programming Languages

Ten years ago the proliferation of programming languages caused many people to foresee the development of a computer-age Babel where, in total ignorance of every other language, each programmer would learn only his own chosen language. That unhappy situation has not occurred for several reasons. First, effective efforts have been made to standardize particular languages such as Fortran and Cobol. It should be pointed out that pragmatic rather than scientific considerations motivated this standardization movement. However, the second reason that Babel has been averted is that computer scientists have begun to apply the scientific method to organize the classification, comparison, and appreciation ofvarious programming languages.

Due to the efforts of McCarthy (1962), Landin (1964), Strachey (1966), Wegner (1968), and others who provided insight into operational models of computation, we can now evaluate programming languages in terms of an unifying view of computation structures. Semantics and the expressive power resulting from modularity can now be studied in terms of the data structures and the accessing paths to them established during the execution of the control statements of the language.

Integrated Software

Convenience and saved time, work, and effort are the promises ofintegrated software. The antithesis of stand-alone packages, integrated software delivers a collection of applications based upon a common user interface and sharable data.

In its most common form, the integrated product includes a word processor,a spreadsheet, and some form of database. Many packages add telecommunications, presentation graphics, and outline modules. Comprehensive products throw in desktop accessories such as calculators, calendars, DOS shells, and other utilities.

Even when stand-alone products are from the same vendor, it can be frustrating trying to move information between applications or simply trying to remember which key to press to call up the menu, That is why integrated packages appeal to many users, particularly novices. Using an integrated product saves you the headache of trying to move data in a Brand X word processor to a Brand Y spreadsheet. And because the integrated package is a single product from a single vendor, training, support, and upgrades also are made simpler. [试题解析]

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