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People who reverse the letter of words ________ to read suffer from dyslexia.

A、when trying

B、if they tried

C、when tried

D、if he tries

提问人:网友beinuo0501 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“People who reverse the letter …”相关的问题
I hate people who ________ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.A) reveal

I hate people who ________ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.

A) reveal

B) rewrite

C) revise

D) reverse

By saying that "people who held this view attempted to reverse the orthodox view" (in para

By saying that "people who held this view attempted to reverse the orthodox view" (in paragraph 1), the author means that those people______.

A.didn't quite agree to the "orthodox" view

B.held an opposite view to the "orthodox" one

C.considered the "orthodox" view unworthy of notice

D.were faithful supporters of the Soviet foreign policies

听力原文:The Beatles were a mystical happening that many people still don't understand. Ph

听力原文: The Beatles were a mystical happening that many people still don't understand. Phenomenologists had a ball in 1964 with Beafiemania, a generally harmless form. of madness which came from Britain in 1963. The sole cause of Beatlemania is a quartet of young Englishmen known as the Beatles. In the less than one year that they achieved popularity in England to the time they came to America, the Beatles achieved a popularity and following that is unprecedented in the history of show business in England. They became the first recording artists anywhere in the world to have a record become a million-seller before it was release. They became the target of such adoration by their fans that they had to cancel all one-night bookings because of riots in early 1964. Beatlemania had reached unbelievable proportions in England, it became a form. of reverse lend-lease and spread to the United States. Capitol records followed the Beetles' single record with the release of an album, "Meet the Beetles," in late January of 1964. That event was followed by the Beatles themselves, who arrived in New York February 8, 1964 for three appearances with Ed Sullivan.

According to the speaker, how many singers are there in the band of the Beatles?





Animal studies are under way, human trial protocols are taking shape and drug makers are o
n alert. All the international health community needs now is a human vaccine for the bird flu pandemic sweeping a cluster of Asian countries.

The race for a vaccine began after the first human case emerged in Hong Kong in 1997. Backed by the World Health Organization (WHO), three research teams in the US and UK are trying to create a seed virus for a new vaccine. Their task is formidable, but researchers remain optimistic". There are obstacles, but most of the obstacles have been treated sensibly", says Richard Webby, a virologist at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

The biggest challenge is likely to be the rapidly mutating virus. Candidate vaccines produced last year against the H5N1 virus are ineffective against this year's strain. Scientists will have to constantly monitor the changes and try to tailor the vaccine as the virus mutates. They can't wait to see which one comes next.

The urgency stems from fears that H5N1 will combine with a human flu virus, creating a pathogen(病原体) that could be transmitted from person to person. But if people have no immunity to the virus, the strain may not mutate as rapidly in people as it does in birds.

To quickly generate the vaccine, researchers are using reverse genetics, which allows them to skip the long process of searching through reassorted viruses for the correct genetic combination. Instead, scientists clone sequences for hemagglutinin(红血球凝聚素) and neuraminidase(神经氨酸苷酶), the two key proteins in the virus. The sequences are then combined with human influenza genes to create a customized reference strain.

Because products developed with reverse genetics have never been tested in humans, the candidate vaccines will first have to clear regulatory review. In anticipation, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) are both preparing pandemic response plans. The EMEA has produced a fist-track licensing program, an industry task force and detailed guidance for potential applicants.

In Europe, a reassortant influenza virus—but not the inactivated vaccine—produced by reverse genetics would be considered a genetically modified organism, and manufacturers would need approval from their national or local safety authorities. The WHO has prepared a preliminary biosafety risk assessment of pilot-lot vaccine, which could help speed up the review.

A preliminary version of their protocol calls for several hundred subjects, beginning with a group of young adults and gradually expanding to include those most susceptible to the flu—children and the elderly". If we had product", says Lambert", it would probably be a couple of months at the earliest before we have early data in healthy adults".

We can infer from Paragraph 2 that facing the tough task the researchers of WHO ______.

A.flinch from their work.

B.hesitate and feel perplexed.

C.carry on their research.

D.abandon their research.

Decision-thinking is not unlike poker—it often matters not only what you think, but also w
hat others think you think and what you think they think you think: The mental process (过程) is similar. Naturally, this card game has often been of considerable interest to people who are, by any standards, good thinkers.

The great mathematician John yon Neumann was one of the founders of game theory. In particular, he showed that all games fall into two classes: there are what he called games of "perfect information", games like chess where the players can't hide anything or play tricks: they don't win by chance, but by means of logic and skills. Then there are games of "imperfect information", like poker, in which it is impossible to know in advance that one course of action is better than another.

One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information. Quite the reverse, business, politics, life itself are games which we must normally play with very imperfect information. Business decision are often made with many unknown and unknowable factors(因素)which would even puzzle(困惑)best poker players. But few business people find it comfortable to admit that they are taking a chance, and many still prefer to believe that they are playing chess, not poker.

The subject discussed in this text is ______.

A.the process of reaching decisions

B.the difference between poker and chess

C.the secret of making good business plans

D.the value of information in winning games

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Have you heard the story about the two drivers who wanted to park their cars in the same parking space? Well, the man who arrived at the parking space first was rather old with gray hair. He was driving a large Rolls Royce. The beautiful car stopped just in front of the parking space. Then the driver turned his head and very slowly began to reverse his car into the space. Just as he was doing this, a very young man in a Mini came up from behind. He noticed the space and drove straight in, nose first. The old driver in the Rolls Royce stopped his car suddenly. He was very angry and red in the face. He wound down his window and looked at the young man. But the young man wasn't sorry. He had got out of his car now and he was laughing. "You have to he very young to do that!" he said to the older driver and point- ed at his Mini and at the space he had just taken. The older man said nothing. He just began to reverse his Rolls Royce again and crashed into the Mini very hard. There wasn't much of the Mini left when the older driver had finished. The young man watched what was happening and couldn't believe his eyes. He was very angry, and very red in the face. The older man looked out of the window and smiled. "You have to be very rich to do that," he said.


A.You are not rich enough to buy a new car like mine.

B.You are too poor to contend with me for the parking space.

C.You are not rich enough to park your car here.

D.Only rich people can have the daring to do that.

Part ADirections: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by cho

Part A

Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Scientists will be able to freeze dying people and revive them years later when a cure for their disease has been found opening the door to human immortality, predict excited experts.

And their conclusions are not just pie in the sky. They are based on an astonishing experiment in which a dog was frozen for 15 minutes, then revived in perfect health!

"The bottom line of experiments like this is the indefinite extension of human life ! "declared Dr. Paul Segall, who conducted the frozen dog experiment.

"If you're about to die -- you have an incurable disease such as AIDS, or even extreme old age -- we could freeze you and stop time for you until we can cure those diseases or reverse a condition like aging."

"What we're looking at is a gradual victory over death and aging and freezing someone and then bringing them back could be here within four years !"

"Not only will freezing allow iii persons to survive until a cure for their disease if found, but it will also open up new possibilities for organ transplants, which will in mm allow people to live much longer perhaps indefinitely."

"Right now, organs taken from a person who's recently died must be transplanted to another person within a very short time, but with the new technology, body organs could be frozen for use whenever they're needed."

Doctors could freeze a patient's body, then warm up just one diseased organ -- a lung or a liver, for example. The person could be injected with massive doses (剂量) of drugs that would be toxic (有毒的) to the body if it weren't frozen.

"Older individuals will choose to enter freezing before death, with instructions not to be revived until a means to stop and even reverse aging is discovered."

"Without a doubt, freezing has the potential to make man immortal. And we should see our first freezing centers established within the next 10 years and probably sooner!"

The word "immortality" in the first paragraph most probably means ______.

A.long life span



D.never-ending life

Questions 37-38Complete the following notes on reducing reverse culture shock using NO MOR

Questions 37-38

Complete the following notes on reducing reverse culture shock using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

&8226;while abroad, keep in touch with 37.______ back home, and with other people from your own country

&8226;read newspapers and magazines from your home country so that you know about important 38.______

&8226;before you leave, get the addresses of the friends you have made in the UK so you can keep in touch

&8226;when you get home, give yourself time to readjust to life there—and give your friends and family time to readjust to you

&8226;stay in contact with anyone who lives near you and has also studied abroad

An eccentric is by definition someone whose behavior. is abnormal, someone who refuses to
conform. to the accepted norms of his society. This, of course, immediately begs the question, "What is normal?" Most of us, after all, have our quirks and oddities. It may be a passion for entering newspaper competitions, a compulsion for collecting beer mats, a tendency to write indignant letters to the press on every conceivable subject. Eccentricity is the assertion of our individuality. Within most of us that urge is constantly in conflict with the contrary force. It is as though in the depths of our psyche we have two locomotives head-to- head on the same track, pushing against each other. One is called individualism and the other conformity, and in most of us it is conformity that is more powerful. The desire to be accepted, loved, appreciated, to feel at one with our fellows, is stronger than the desire to stand out in the crowd, to be our own man, to do our own thing.

Notice, for example, how people who have unusual hobbies, strong opinions, or unconventional behaviour, tend to congregate. They form. clubs, hold meetings, and organize rallies where they can get together and discuss their common enthusiasms or problems. The important word is "common". They look for other people with whom they can share what in the normal run of events is regarded by relatives, friends and neighbors as an oddity. A crowd, even a small crowd, is reassuring.

Probably all of us recognize a tension within ourselves between the two forces of individualism and conformity, for at the same time that most of us are going with the crowd, we tend to resent any suggestion that this is what we are doing. We feel a self-conscious need to assert our individuality as when the belligerent man at the bar informs his small audience, "Well, I say what I think." Or the wary stranger to whom we have just been introduced announces, "You must take me as you find me. I don't stand on ceremony."

Any of us can, at any time, reverse this trend. We can stoke the boiler of individualism, assert our own personality. Many people have made it to the top in their chosen professions. One example is Bob Dylan, the American singer, who has gone on record as saying, "When you feel in your gut what you are doing and then dynamically pursue it—don't back down and don't give up—then you're going to mystify a lot of folk." But that self-conscious assertion of individuality is not eccentricity, at least not in the early stages. When a pop singer deliberately wears bizarre clothes to gain publicity, or a society hostess makes outrageous comments about her guests in order to get herself noticed in the gossip columns, that is not eccentricity. However, if the pop star and the society hostess perpetuate such activities until they become a part of themselves, until they are no longer able to return to what most of us consider "normal behaviour", then they certainly would qualify. For the most important ingredient of eccentricity is its naturalness. Eccentrics are not people who deliberately try to be odd, they simply are odd.

The true eccentric is not merely indifferent to public opinion, he is scarcely conscious at all. He simply does what he does, because of who he is. And this marks the eccentric as essentially different from, for example, enthusiasts, practical jokers, brilliant criminals, exhibitionists and recluses. These people are all very conscious of the world around them. Much of what they do, they do in reaction to the world in which they live. Some wish to make an impression on society, some wish to escape from society, but all are very much aware of society. The eccentric alone goes on his merry way regardless.

According to the writer, eccentric people

A.want to show that they are different

B.try to do what is expected of them

C.express their own views in public

D.pretend to be something they are not

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