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提问人:网友my_sxh 发布时间:2022-01-07
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Sports and games make our bodies strong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. But these are not their only use. They give us valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work together. In tennis, our eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction and pass this information on to the brain~ The brain then has to decide what to do, and to send its orders to the muscles of the arms, legs, and so on, so that the ball is met and hit back where it ought to go. All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice at tennis can carry out this complicated chain of events successfully. For those who work with their brains most of the day, the practice of such skills is especially useful.

Sports and games are also very useful for character-training. In their lessons at school, boys and girls may learn about such virtues as unselfishness, courage, discipline and love of one's country; but what is learned in books cannot have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned by experience~ The ordinary day-school cannot give much practical training in living, because most of the pupils' time is spent in classrooms, studying lessons. So it is what the pupils do in their spare time that really prepares them to take their place in society as citizens when they grow up. (16) If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit.

When we play tennis we have to______.

A.use, first, our eyes, then the brain and finally the muscles

B.make our eyes, brain and muscles work almost at the same time

C.use mainly the arms and legs to hit

D.use mainly the muscles so that the ball is met and hit back

In the United States elementary education begins at the age of six. At this stage nearly all the teachers are women, mostly married. (80) The atmosphere is usually very friendly, and the teachers have now accepted the idea that the important thing is to make the children happy and interested. The old authoritarian (要绝对服从的) methods of education were discredited (不被认可) rather a long time ago-so much so that many people now think that they have gone too far in the direction of trying to make children happy and interested rather than giving them actual instruction.

The social education of young children tries to make them accept the idea that human beings in a Society need to work together for their common good. So the emphasis is on cooperation rather than competition throughout most of this process. This may seem curious, in view of the fact that American society is highly competitive; however, the need for making people sociable in this sense has come to be regarded as one of the functions of education. Most Americans do grow up with competitive ideas, and obviously quite a few as criminals, but it is not fair to say that the educational system fails. It probably does succeed in making most people sociable and ready to help one another both in material ways and through kindness and friendliness.

According to the passage, the U.S. elementary education is supposed to make children ______.

A.sensible and sensitive

B.competitive and interested

C.curious and friendly

D.happy and cooperative

Advertisement can be thought of "as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services". Advertisement aims to increase people's awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform. and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method, and magazines are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local market. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective. Public notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertisement.

There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century. Many businesses such as those handling frozen foods, liquor, tobacco and medicines have been built up largely by advertisement.

We might ask whether the cost of advertisement is paid for by the producer or by the customer. (19) Since advertisement forms part of the cost of production, which has to be covered by the selling price, it is clear that it is the customer who pays for advertisement. However, if large scale advertisement leads to increased demand, production costs are reduced, and the customer pays less.

It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisement on sales. When the market is growing, advertisement helps to increase demand. When the market is shrinking, advertisement may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its support. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertisement if they were not convinced of its value to them.

Advertisement is often used to______.

A.deceive customers

B.increase production

C.arouse suspicion

D.push the sale

She is very careful. She______very few mistakes in her work. A does B takes C makes D
She is very careful. She______very few mistakes in her work.

A does B takes

C makes D gets

Conversation begins almost the moment we come into contact with another and continues throughout the day 【B1】______ the aid of cell phones and computers. However, we are so often absorbed in conversation that we 【B2】______ sight of its true purpose and value.

One important 【B3】______ of a good conversation is that the words are 【B4】______ used to express thoughts and feelings. We are 【B5】______ deep thoughts and strong emotions, yet our vocabularies are not 【B6】______ for this expression, and many 【B7】______ little effort to expand that. Perhaps you see a movie that 【B8】______ you deeply, yet you have the following conversation: “So, what did you think of the film?” “Oh, my God, it was so sad, I swear. I went through 【B9】______ a box of tissues (面巾纸). I was in tears.” This dialogue is 【B10】______ an effective way of expressing feelings. It gives no 【B11】______ of how or why the movie truly 【B12】______ you. Such commonly-used phrases are certainly not enough to describe a deeply moving experience. However, not only 【B13】______ try to avoid overused words, you must 【B14】______ be careful in your selection. The purpose of expanding vocabulary is not to use the 【B15】______ or most impressive words, but to find those best suited.

What is lacking in many conversations is the ability to talk to another rather than just talking with that person. A 【B16】______ person will find that even in the most ordinary conversations. There are a thousand questions 【B17】______ to be asked if you have courage and a desire for exchange. Good conversations should not be 【B18】______ nonsense, but of a meeting of two 【B19】______ the human condition. It should bring a better understanding of others and offer a release of emotions more than drive away 【B20】______ thoughts or kill time.






By adopting a few simple techniques, parents who read to their children can greatly increase their children's language development. It is surprising but true. (77) How parents talk to their children makes a big difference in the children's language development. If a parent encourages the child to actively respond to what the parent is reading, the child's language skills increase.

A study was done with 30 three-year-old children and their parents. Half of the children participated in the experimental study; the other half acted as the control group. In the experimental group, the parents were given a two-hour training session in which they were taught to ask open-ended questions rather than yes-or-no questions. For example, the parent should ask, "What is the doggie doing?" rather than "Is the doggie running away?" (78) The parents in the experimental group were also instructed in how to help children find answers, how to suggest alternative possibilities and how to praise correct answers.

At the beginning of the study, the children did not differ in measures of language development, but at the end of one month, the children in the experimental group showed 5.5 months ahead of the control group on a test of verbal expression and vocabulary. Nine months later, the children in the experimental group still showed an advance of 6 months over the children in the control group.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A.Children who talk a lot are more intelligent.

B.Parents who listen to their children can teach them more.

C.Active children should read more and be given more attention.

D.Verbal ability can easily be developed with proper methods.

The idea sounds very good but will it work in __________? A. practice B. place C. adva
The idea sounds very good but will it work in __________?

A. practice B. place C. advance D. company

Under no circumstance______to tell lies to parents.A.children are allowedB.are children al
Under no circumstance______to tell lies to parents.

A.children are allowed

B.are children allowed

C.children will allow

D.will children allow

The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them ______ every night this week.


B.to practice



—Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer?— ______ ?A.What forB.What is itC.How is
—Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer?— ______ ?

A.What for

B.What is it

C.How is it

D.How come

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