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Sen. John F. Kerry's 11-day mini-campaign on the theme of national security appears unlike

ly to produce sensational headlines or seize the country's attention—which is, on balance, to his credit. At a moment when the crisis in Iraq dominates the national discussion, Mr. Kerry is resisting the temptation to distinguish himself from President Bush with bold but irresponsible proposals to abandon the mission, even though that course is favored by many in his party. Nor has he adopted the near-hysterical rhetoric of former vice president A1 Gore, who has taken to describing Iraq as the greatest strategic catastrophe in American history and calling US handling of foreign detainees an "American gulag. "

Instead, Mr. Kerry is in the process of setting out what looks like a sober and substantial altemative to Mr. Bush's foreign policy, one that correctly identifies the incumbent's greatest failings while accepting the basic imperatives of the war that was forced on the country on Sept. 11, 2001. In his opening speech on the subject Thursday, Mr. Kerry reiterated one of the central tenets of Mr. Bush's policy: Lawless states and terrorists armed with weapons of mass destruction present "the single greatest threat to our security. " He said that if an attack on the United States with unconventional weapons "appears imminent I will do whatever is necessary to stop it" and "never cede our security to anyone"—formulations that take him close to Mr. Bush's preemption doctrine.

Yet Mr. Kerry focused much attention on the president's foremost weakness, his mismanagement of US alliances. The Bush administration, he charged, "bullied when they should have persuadeD. They have gone it alone when they should have assembled a team. " Not only is the truth of that critique glaringly evident in Iraq and elsewhere, but Mr. Kerry is also right to suggest that repairing and reversing the damage probed will require a new president. Though Mr. Bush has belatedly changed course in response to his serial failures in Iraq, there is no evidence that he would pursue a more multilateral foreign policy if reelected.

Mr. Kerry's promise to "launch and lead a new era of alliances for the post 9/11 world" nevertheless does not add up to a strategy by itself. Tensions between the United States and countries such as France, Germany and South Korea predate George W. Bush and will not disappear if he leaves office; leaders in those nations have their own ambitions to challenge or contain American power. Strong alliances require a common strategic vision—and the vision offered so far by Mr. Kerry is relatively narrow. His Thursday speech focused on combating threats and on reducing dependence on Middle East oil; this week he will set out policies to block the spread of nuclear weapons. But he has had little to say about the good that the United States should seek to accomplish in the worlD. In an interview Friday, the candidate stressed that he has set out the "architecture" of his foreign policy and will talk more about goals and values in coming weeks. Thus far he has spoken more about protecting American companies and workers from foreign competition—something that hardly promotes alliances—than about fostering democracy in the Middle East or helping poor nations develop.

The emerging Kerry platform. suggests that ultimately he would adopt many of the same goals as Mr. Bush. In his latest speech he rightly warned of the terrible consequences of failure in Iraq and, like Mr. Bush, embraced elections and the training of Iraqi security forces as the best way forwarD. His proposal for a U. N. high commissioner represents a slight upgrade on the deference already given by the White House to U. N. representative Lakhdar Brahimi; his call for a NATO- led military mission already has been aggressively pursued by the Bush administration, with poor results. There are, in fact, few responsible alternatives to the

A.leave him in a disadvantaged position in the campaign

B.result in a draw against President Bush in the campaign

C.do him good instead of harm in the campaign

D.bring about a general disappointment among the public

提问人:网友windboy98 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Sen. John F. Kerry's 11-day mi…”相关的问题
Make a list of your child’s toys and then _________ them as sociable or antisocial.





Who symbolizes God in this story and watches over everything that's going on?






The term control is highly—and unjustifiably—unpopular. Some of its unpopularity can be traced to educational and philosophical writings that have addressed issues of freedom, self- determination, self-worth, individuality, and other humanistic concerns—concerns often equated with liberal and permissive child-rearing and educational methods. They are the concerns that define the spirit of these times. No teacher wants to be nonliberal and restrictive. And there is little doubt that the deliberate exercise of control is restrictive. Is control therefore unethical?

There is, of course, no simple answer, ff there were, there would be little controversy, and behaviorists and humanists would have much less to disagree about.

Consider, first, that control is not only inevitable but also necessary. There is no doubt that teachers, by virtue of their position and by virtue of their duties, have control. Indeed, it is not at all unreasonable to insist that the exercise of control is one of the teacher's most important duties. We are not speaking here of a fear-enforced control that might have been characteristic of some of yesterday's schools. Control can be achieved, or at least facilitated, in a variety of gentle ways, some of which can be learned.

Parents too control their children (or at least try), often by setting limits for their behavior. Part of the successful socialization process requires that children be prevented from engaging in behaviors that might be injurious to themselves or to others. Thus, parents do not permit their children to play with the dinner as it is cooking on the stove, to insert knives into electrical outlets, to jump off ladders, or to swim in dangerous waters. Less extreme instances of control involve the teaching of socially appropriate behavior, of values and morals—of "shoulds" and "should nots". It is less by accident than by virtue of parental control that children learn not to deface wall, steal other people's property, or kill the neighbor's god. In short, certain standards of behavior. are learned at least partly as a function of parental control. Whether that control involves reinforcement, punishment, models, reasoning, or a combination of these and other strategies, we cannot avoid the fact that control is being exercised.

The classroom situation is not really very different. Teachers have often been described as acting [in loco parentis]—in the place of parents. More precisely, teachers have been urged to act in all ways as might a wise, judicious, and loving parent. And there is, in fact, no great incompatibility between values held in highest esteem by those who describe themselves as humanistically oriented and the techniques of behavior. control that have been described by science. Love, empathy, warmth, genuineness, and honesty can go a long way toward ensuring a classroom climate corducive to and learning and development. In spite of these highly desirable qualities, however, discipline problems are not uncommon in classrooms. That teachers should judiciously administer rewards and punishment in an effort to maintain an effective educational environment does not mean that they care less for their students; indeed, in might well indicate that they care more.

The passage indicates that the current educational spirit is characterized by______.

A.unjustified control


C.liberal and permissive educational methods

D.deliberate exercise of restrictions

According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A.It is ethical to cheat unless money is involved.

B.Failure to tell a store cashier you were undercharged is not considered cheating.

C.There has been a general rise in cheating.

D.Most cheaters are college students.

The weather was very cold and it was snowing on the day of my arrival in New York.



Besides______, he had to pay back all the money he had received from bribes.


B.being jailed

C.to be jailed


Tourism Enriched Campaign


"Tourism enriches individuals, families, communities and all the worlD." This is a central, simple but straight-forward message of the new awareness campaign with which the World Tourism Organization (WTO) wants to raise awareness of the positive impacts tourism can have on life, culture and economy, in shourt on society at all levels.

The "Tourism Enriches" campaign was launched at the First World Conference on Tourism Communications (TOURCOM) end of January in MadriD."This is the first time WTO has aimed a campaign at the general public," said WTO Secretary-General Mr.Francesco Frangialli. "It is a simple, upbeat idea and a simple beginning, but ultimately the campaign is intended to be developed and used by the tourism industry, especially ministries in our member countries, as they see fit. "

The initiative came from the WTO Members last year and was discussed at the 15th Session of the General Assembly in Beijing, China, last October.

"Governments have been putting a higher priority on tourism in the time of recent crises," stressed Mr. Frangialli, explaining that this resulted in recognition of tourism as the most prospective activity, important for environmental, cultural and social awareness, pursuit of peace and international cooperation recognition and in particular of its ability to alleviate poverty through the creation of small and medium sized tourism businesses and the creation of new jobs. "That same recognition has taken place at the highest level in the General Assembly of the United Nations, which unanimously agreed on December 23rd to make the WTO its newest specialized agency.

"We are calling upon governments to implement this importance of tourism in practice and invest more funds in tourism development and communications," said the Secretary-General. "The success of Tourism Enriches' also depends in part on its diffusion in the media, so we are inviting them to become the third member in the already established public-private partnership in intemational tourism. "

The aims of "Tourism Enriches" campaign are to promote tourism as a basic human right and way of life, to stimulate communication about the benefits of tourism as the most prospective economic activity for the local communities and countries, to enhance cooperation between destinations and the tourism industry with the local, regional and international media and to link individual tourism entities to the larger community of international tourism.

Cooperating in the campaign is offered to all destinations, tourist companies and the media, unconditionally with the membership status in the WTO. "While we believe that the principles of this campaign are acceptable for all, we in particular invite the developing world to adopt them and link them to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals," added Mr.Frangialli.

The campaign features five basic components that can be adapted and expanded for use by Member States, Affiliate Members of the WTO and the rest of the tourism industry in their own tourism promotion and awareness building activities: the slogan "Tourism Enriches", the graphic image or logo of the campaign, a six-page A4 size flyer outlining positive impacts of tourism, such as economic benefits, increased international understanding, rural jobs, environmental protection, etc., an attractive poster using the same artwork and a thirty second video public service announcement for free use on national television channels, airlines, and satellite TV (in progress).

The TOURCOM Network of Communications Experts, a new consultative body to the WTO Press and Communications Section, will be responsible for implementing the campaign within the scope of their own activities around the wo

A.It was launched in Madrid in January.

B.It was launched in New York last October.

C.It was launched in Beijing last October.

D.It was launched in WTO end of January.

The Federal Government


The Constitution

When America broke away from Britain in 1775, she did not adopt a British Constitution. The British have always had an unwritten constitution, whereas every item of the American Constitution is clearly written down and numbered, and can only be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of Congress.

Yet in their different ways, the American and British forms of government did have one thing in common. They were both democratiC.As for American society, it was more democratic than British society, in that it paid less attention to class or wealth. Political Parties

There are two major political parties in the USA, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The policies of the two parties are not basically opposed to one another. Inside both parties there moderates and right-wringers, though the Democrats still have the reputation of being somewhat more liberal than the Republicans. Voters are influenced by family traditions, but there are plenty of ordinary people who vote according to their hopes, fears and beliefs.

There are no other political parties that can compete with the two big parties, though there are occasionally independents who stand for the presidency and manage to collect quite a few votes. There are no left-wing parties. Most Americans are in favor of free enterprise, believing that it may one day help them fulfill the American Dream.

The President and Congress

The President of the USA has more power than any other president in the democratic world- except the French President. It is he who formulates foreign policy and prepares laws for the home front. He is leader of the nation and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. He represents the USA and, since the USA is a super power, the eyes of the whole world are on him. The fate of the world is in his hands, or so many people believe, and one careless, ill-prepared speech by him could precipitate a crises.

Actually, a great deal of the President's power is controlled by Congress, the American name for "parliament". It is Congress that declares war, not the President. Unlike the Prime Minister of Great Britain, or of Germany, he can make a treaty with a foreign power. But this treaty must be debated and agreed by Congress before it comes into force. The same control applies to laws at home. Congress has (on several occasions) refused to ratify treaties or given approval to laws proposed by the President. The USA is the only country, apart from France, where a president can rule with a parliament, the majority of whose members do not belong to his own political party.

Some Americans have the feeling that idealism has gone out of politics and that personal ambition and money have taken its place. The election campaign fro the Presidency is unique in the amount of money poured into it. The wooing of voters lasts for months. But before the campaign for the election of the President can begin, each political party has to choose its candidate for the Presidency. This can lead to some very close contests. Men aspiring to be elected as the party candidate employ top public relations and advertising men, who invent clever catch phrases and set about "selling" their man. There are whistle stop tours by train, by plane, by car. The candidate delivers countless speeches and shakes countless hands. This razzamatazz typifies American enthusiasm and extravagance.

Big money is necessary to support a presidential candidate's campaign and the candidate himself must be rich enough to pay his share. An attractive wife is an advantage, too. Money is also needed to become the Governor of a state, or a successful Senator, or member of the House of Representatives. Yet from this small group m




D.interested in class and wealth

He______in the emergency room when I arrived at the hospital.

A.has been treating

B.has treated

C.had treated

D.was being treated

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