题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

Leading Sydney citizens used to complain that Sydney, unlike many smaller cities in Europe

and America, lacked a large modem center for the arts. Public pressure became so great that a committee was finally set up to look into the situation and make proposals. It considered thirty possible sites before it chose Bennelong Point. The Government decided to find a design for an Opera House by holding a worldwide competition. The prizes were quite small, but the winner could expect to earn a lot more when he designed the working plans and took charge of the construction. An international group of judges received designs from more than thirty-two countries. They all agreed that the first prize should go to Iota Utzon, who had sent in a highly imaginative, bold design of a great building that looked like a beautiful concrete butterfly. They nevertheless commented that Utzon's drawings lacked detail. They were thought to go beyond the limit of existing technology.

Even before the difficult construction work began on the roof, the engineering firm had to face unusual technical problems in building the platform. About seven hundred concrete piers (码头) had to be sunk to a depth of thirteen meters in Sydney Harbor to support the building. The company ran into so many difficulties that they had to be paid twice as much as was originally agreed upon.

Almost six years were needed to work out a way of building the platform. Thousands of calculations were made using a computer. Utzon had had disagreements with many engineers. But most Australians are extremely proud of this house which stands on the finest site of any public building constructed this century.

From the passage we can see that this building ______.

A.was big enough to hold all the citizens of the city

B.was difficult because of the lack of detail

C.was the most modem Opera House till then

D.was built with the joint efforts of the country

提问人:网友lwjjjj 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Leading Sydney citizens used t…”相关的问题
In the last few years,there________great changes in the country.

A. had been

B. were

C. have been

D. has been

The neurobiologist Eric Lenneberg is a major proponent of the idea that ________.

A、there is a distinction between acquisition and learning

B、there is a critical period for language acquisition

C、language influences thinking

D、there is interrelationship between language and thinking

Passage Two(2016年6月大学英语四级卷1真题及答案)

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

Why do some people live to be older than others? You know the standard explanations: keeping a moderate diet, engaging in regular exercise, etc. But what effect does your personality have on your longevity(长寿)?Do some kinds of personalities lead to longer lives? A new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at this question by examining the personality characteristics of 246 children of people who had lived to be at least 100.

The study shows that those living the longest are more outgoing, more active and less neurotic (神经质的) than other people. Long-living women are also more likely to be sympathetic and cooperative than women with a normal life span. These findings are in agreement with what you would expect from the evolutionary theory: those who like to make friends and help others can gather enough resources to make it through tough times.

Interestingly, however, other characteristics that you might consider advantageous had no impact on whether study participants were likely to live longer. Those who were more self-disciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old. Also, being open to new ideas had no relationship to long life, which might explain all those bad-tempered old people who are fixed in their ways.

Whether you can successfully change your personality as an adult is the subject of a longstanding psychological debate. But the new paper suggests that if you want long life, you should strive to be as outgoing as possible.

Unfortunately, another recent study shows that your mother’s personality may also help determine your longevity. That study looked at nearly 28,000 Norwegian mothers and found that those moms who were more anxious, depressed and angry were more likely to feed their kids unhealthy diets. Patterns of childhood eating can be hard to break when we’re adults, which may mean that kids of depressed moms end up dying younger.

Personality isn’t destiny(命运), and everyone knows that individuals can learn to change. But both studies show that long life isn’t just a matter of your physical health but of your mental health.

51. The aim of the study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society is____.

A)to see whether people’s personality affects their life span

B)to find out if one’s lifestyle. has any effect on their health

C)to investigate the role of exercise in living a long life

D)to examine all the factors contributing to longevity

52. What does the author imply about outgoing and sympathetic people?

A)They have a good understanding of evolution.

B)They are better at negotiating an agreement.

C)They generally appear more resourceful.

D)They are more likely to get over hardship.

53. What finding of the study might prove somewhat out of our expectation?

A)Easy-going people can also live a relatively long life.

B)Personality characteristics that prove advantageous actually vary with times.

C)Such personality characteristics as self-discipline have no effect on longevity.

D)Readiness to accept new ideas helps one enjoy longevity.

54. What does the recent study of Norwegian mothers show?

A)Children’s personality characteristics are invariably determined by their mothers.

B)People with unhealthy eating habits are likely to die sooner.

C)Mothers’ influence on children may last longer than fathers’.

D)Mothers’ negative personality characteristics may affect their children’s life spans.

55.What can we learn from the findings of the two new studies?

A)Anxiety and depression more often than not cut short one’s life span.

B)Longevity results from a combination of mental and physical health.

C)Personality plays a decisive role in how healthy one is.

D)Health is in large part related to one’s lifestyle.

He has ____ good knowledge of many foreign languages,and one of them is English which is____ language spoken by many people in the world.

A、  the;a




"The weather seems very dry here. ""Seldom______ in this area.A.it rainsB.does it rainC.ra
"The weather seems very dry here. ""Seldom______ in this area.

A.it rains

B.does it rain

C.rains it

D.it does rain

A tornado is ______.A.a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 mph or greater which starts over
A tornado is ______.

A.a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 mph or greater which starts over water

B.a fierce, harmful, spinning wind accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud

C.an ice cream cone

D.a dance performed in Spain






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