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Who may benefit from the Clinton-Nickles bill?A.Only those enrolled in the federal program

Who may benefit from the Clinton-Nickles bill?

A.Only those enrolled in the federal program.

B.The estimated 95, 000 unemployed workers.

C.Just those exhausting their state-funded benefits.

D.Laid-off workers, with or without federal benefits.

提问人:网友deamongel 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Who may benefit from the Clint…”相关的问题

Who may benefit from the Clinton-Nickles bill?[A]Only those enrolled in the federal program. [B]The estimated 95000 unemployed workers. [C]Just those exhausting tl'eir state-funded benefits. [D]Laid—off workers,with or without federal benefits.

Read the following passage. Tell if it is reasonin...

Read the following passage. Tell if it is reasoning or explaining. New-born babies may lack the capacity to monitor their own breathing and body-temperature during the first three months of life. Babies who sleep alongside their mothers could benefit from learning to regulate their breathing and sleeping, following the rhythm of the parent. These babies wake more frequently than those who sleep alone. Moreover, mothers who sleep next to their babies are better able to monitor their child for movement during the night. Consequently, it may be safer for new-born babies to sleep with their parents.





【B1】Means the assembly of small parcels of cargo from several consignors at one point of o
rigin intended for several consignees at another point of destination. As a consolidator,the freight forwarder will provide the service in his own name and issue a 【B2】.To the individual consignors,the consolidator is the【B3】.While in his relationship with the actual carrier.he is the【B4】 .Consolidation can benefit all concerned, e.g.exporters and shippers,carrier and forwarder.For exporters and shippers,they get the benefit of a rate lower than they would have normally paid to the carrier. And shippers find it advantageous to deal through a freight forwarder who pmvides consolidation services to a wide range of destinations instead of approaching several 【B5】, each of which may be offering services only on routes which they operate.






阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题。WHY VOLUNTEER?Volunteering is a great way to get work e



Volunteering is a great way to get work experience, and may be one of the most valuable experiences of your life. You learn new skills by trying new jobs. Better yet, you can meet people who can give you guidance and possibly help you to find a paid job later on. Employers will be impressed that you took the initiative to learn new things. You can learn how a charitable organization works. Best of all, you will be taking action to promote what you think is important and probably be helping someone else along the way.

Instead of considering volunteering as something you do for people who are not as fortunate as yourself, begin to think of it as an exchange. Consider that most people find themselves in need at some point in their lives. You may be the person with the ability to help today, but tomorrow you may be someone who needs others' help. Even now you might be on both sides of the service cycle: maybe you are a tutor for someone who can't read, while last month the volunteer ambulance corps rushed you to the emergency room. Volunteering also includes “self-help.” So if you are active in your neighborhood crime watch, your home is protected while you protect your neighbors' homes, too. It's a double win: your community or cause benefits from your work and you benefit from your experiences. In a word, adding your effort to the work of others makes everyone's lives better.

1. After you have helped others, you might{A; B; C}.

A. get guidance from someone else and maybe get a job.

B. feel that you're not as fortunate as others.

C. feel that you are special.

2. What is the meaning of the word “initiative” in paragraph1? {A; B; C}

A. benefit

B. positive power

C. energy

3. Volunteering is a great way to get {A; B; C}.

A. a lot of money to become rich.

B. work experience and learn new skills.

C. pride in daily life.

4. When we help others we internally(本质上){A; B; C}

A. help ourselves.

B. benefit from others.

C. get something different in life.

5. By volunteering, we can make{A; B; C}.

A. you protect your neighbors' homes.

B. the volunteer ambulance corps rushed you.

C. one's life easier and happier."

Some social scientists have claimed that divorce harms children for the rest of their li
ves leading them to form. marriages as happy as their parents. But other recent studies say marital【M1】______ breakups have mixed long-term effects, foster growth in some【M2】______ children and the resolve to build happier marriages of their own. In support of the second viewpoint, a recent Pew Research Center study suggests that when divorced parents remarry, the【M3】______ kids own marriages may benefit from the example of a parents second, happier union. Indeed, some 60% of children who grow up in stepfamilies say their marriages are closer than that of their own【M4】______ biological parents, says the Pew survey of 2,691 adults, conduct【M5】______ last October. Also, some 70% of people with step-relatives say they are very satisfied with their family lives, the Pew study shows. The study indicates that the stepkids may be benefiting【M6】______ from a parents positive bond with a stepparent. Still, blood is thicker than water. The 42% of Americans who have at least one step-relative typically feel a strong sense of【M7】______ obligation to their biological parent, child or sibling than their【M8】______ step-relatives, the Pew survey says. Significantly higher percentages of correspondents said they would feel obligated to【M9】______ provide financial help or care with a biological relative who was in【M10】______ trouble, compared with those who would help a step-relative who was in trouble.


To: TCA mailing listFrom: Keiji SatoDate: April 18Subject: TCA annual award informationOn

To: TCA mailing list

From: Keiji Sato

Date: April 18

Subject: TCA annual award information

On behalf of the board of directors of the Tacoma Community Association (TCA), I would like to announce that we are now accepting nominations for the TCA annual educator of the year award. Each year, this prestigious award is granted to five people working in the field of education who go over and beyond the requirements of their profession to educate the youth and benefit our communities. The award includes a grant enabling the winners to continue their efforts to promote education.

This year, for the first time, the awards will be presented during a gala event at the Lynden Hotel on May 29. The event includes a five-course meal, the awards ceremony, and an auction. Proceeds from the auction will be used to fund new projects in education that will further benefit our youth and community.

To be nominated for the award, the educator must currently be working at least 8 hours a week in a Tacoma school. Nominations will be accepted from colleagues, administrators, or students. Each nomination must include an information form. available at www.TCA.org/serviceawards and a short explanation of why the person is deserving of the award. The deadline for all nominations is 6 PM on Friday, May 8.

For more information, contact TCA at awards@TCA.org.


Keiji Sato

Chair, Selection Committee

What is the purpose of the e-mail?

A.To ask for information about the awards ceremony

B.To notify the committee of the finalists

C.To invite nominations for the awards

D.To request the e-mail address of the committee

A) neglected B) protection C) provision D) recovery E) compensation F) rewarded G) pension H)

A) neglected

B) protection

C) provision

D) recovery

E) compensation

F) rewarded

G) pension

H) receipt

I) occur

J) mislead

K) misunderstand

L) notice

M) notify

N) fantastic

O) ridiculous

What happens in America when someone becomes disabled and cannot do the kind of work they did in the past? If someone has been injured on the job, they are supposed to(1)the medical worker, who would certify that there was a problem. Then, they may receive(2)from the company. If the company provides a(n)(3), the person may receive money monthly to make up for lost wages. The person who has been disabled may also take the company to court if safety was.(4)at the workplace. This usually results in(5)of a payment to settle the dispute. In addition, all workplaces are required to pay money to the government for a program to take care of people disabled on the job. One(6)in this program requires workplaces where more injuries(7)to pay more money. For this reason companies that require heavy physical labor take safety very seriously. Most people(8)disability insurance. They think it is(9)that a person should get paid without working. In fact, this benefit is usually not enough to cover the rent and other bills of those who receive it. Most of the disabled still want to work, but(10)from the injury and training for other types of employment takes time.

Moderate drinking reduces stroke risk, study confirms. Similar to the way a drink or two a
day protects against heart attacks, moderate alcohol consumption wards off strokes, a new study found.

The study also found that the type of alcohol consumed -- beer, wine or liqour -- was unimportant. Any of them, or a combination, was protective, researchers reported in today's Journal of the American Medical Association. "No study has shown benefit in recommending alcohol consumption to those who do not drink", cautioned the authors, led by Dr. Ralph L. Sacco of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York. But the new data support the guidelines of the National Stroke Association, which say moderate drinkers may protect themselves from strokes by continuing to consume alcohol, the authors said.

The protective effect of moderate drinking against heart attacks is well established, but the data has been conflicting about alcohol and strokes, the authors said. The new study helps settle the question and is the first to find blacks and Hispanics benefit as well as whites, according to the authors. Further research is needed among other groups, such as Asian, whom past studies suggest may get no stroke protection from alcohol or may even be put at greater risk.

Among groups where the protective effect exists, its mechanism appears to differ from the protective effect against heart attacks, which occurs through boosts in levels of so-called "good" cholesterol, the authors said. They speculated alcohol may protect against stroke by acting on some other blood trait, such as the tendency of blood platelets to clump, which is key in forming the blood trait, such as the tendency of blood platelets to clump, which is key in forming the blood clots that can cause strikes.

The researchers studied 677 New York residents who lived in the northern part of Manhattan and had strokes between July 1,1993, and June, 1997. After taking into account differences in other factors that could affect stroke risk, such as high blood pressure, the researchers estimated that subjects who consumed up to two alcoholic drinks daily were only half as likely to have suffered clot-type strokes as nondrinkers. Clot-type strokes account for 80 percent of all strokes, a leading cause of US deaths and disability. Stroke risk increased with heavier drinking. At seven drinks per day, risk was almost triple that of moderate drinkers.

An expert spokesman for the American Heart Association, who was not involved in the study, said it was well-done and important information. But it shouldn't be interpreted to mean, "I can have two drinks and therefore not worry about my high blood pressure or worry about my cholesterol," said Dr. Edgar J. Kenton, an associate professor of clinical neurology at Thomas Jefferson University Medical College in Philadelphia. Instead, he said, the study provides good reason to do further research and to add alcohol to the list of modifiable risk factors for stroke.

The new study conducted by Dr. Sacco and his colleagues is unique in that ______.

A.it refutes early studies on the protective effect of moderate drinking against heart attack

B.it confirms early studies of moderate drinking against heart attacks

C.it helps to resolve the disputes over the effect of moderate drinking against stroke

D.it finds that moderate drinking can benefit people of different races equally well

According to Coffey's research, the brain may benefit from ______.A.runningB.playing chess

According to Coffey's research, the brain may benefit from ______.


B.playing chess


D.playing football

According to the author, who can benefit from business competition?

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