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Humanlike animal behavior. has a striking effect. Dogs and eats bolster our morale and mak

e us feel special, because they offer us intense loyalty and do not criticize us.【66】Many people need a caring role in order to feel that they matter, and pets make them feel needed. No matter what arrangements the humans in your life may have made for themselves, if you have a pet there is always someone who will miss you if you do not come home tonight. Taking in a pet can help children to have a greater sense of a contributing role in the family if they take responsibility for the pet's care. Similarly, a dog or cat can help parents whose children have grown up and left home — it can be an antidote to the "empty nest syndrome".【67】Better self-esteem from pet ownership and having someone to care for are of benefit to the lonely. Pets also combat the understimulation that lonely people suffer.【68】Even when the animals you keep are not very human, they can help to combat the effects of loneliness by providing positive "solitary activity.【69】Even by simply walking your dog in the park you are more likely to become involved with other people. Like babies in strollers, dogs on leashes are conversation ice-breakers—they are appealing, and it is socially safe to question strangers about them.

A dog, cat or cagebird is someone to talk to. Most pet owners do not really look upon these companions as other species but rather as unique individuals, not quite as "animal" as their wild Brethren. They talk to their pets and feel that there is a reciprocal understanding of moods—a mute communication. And they feel free to say to pets what is really on their minds, thus releasing many of their everyday tensions and anxieties.【70】Even a small but noisy dog is as effective at keeping burglars out as many sophisticated electronic systems. Its inherited urge to join in the cooperative defense of territory makes it the classic watch animal.

A. A pet can also provide an outlet for those who have never had anyone to care for.

B. Dogs, in particular, can also provide a sense of security.

C. They do not lay down conditions for continuing to love us.

D. Observations have recorded that men pet their dogs and cats every bit as much as women do.

E. They are something to watch and something to keep you busy.

F. Pets can also bring lonely people into contact with others who share an interest in annuals.


提问人:网友ouli13 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Humanlike animal behavior. has…”相关的问题
Man is the only animal that laughs. What is the history of this "happy laughter", as someo
ne once【67】it?

We are not【68】of theories to explain the mystery; researchers have been seeking a【69】explanation of laughter. One writer put【70】the theory that its function is to frighten others or to humiliate them. Another took the opposite【71】that we laugh in order not to cry. A psychologist offered the explanation that laughter【72】as a remedy to painful experiences and it serves to protect a person from【73】the psychologist called "the many minor pains to which man is exposed". In the seventeenth century a writer set forth the theory that we laugh when we【74】ourselves with others and find ourselves【75】to others; in effect, we laugh at the【76】of others.

Almost every theory has been【77】with either the structure or the function of laughter,【78】relatively few have been devoted【79】the question of its origin. I propose to offer a theory which has not previously been set forth,【80】only those animals capable of speech are capable of laughter; and therefore man, being the only animal that【81】, is the only animal that can laugh.

Those who have【82】chimpanzees(黑猩猩) closely feel confident that chimpanzees occasionally【83】behavior. that looks like a primitive human laughter. This【84】, however, has been observed only in a humanlike way; whether or not it is laughter is doubtful; the【85】fact that under any condition an ape is capable of【86】behavior. is no more than passing interest—it only indicates that early man might have the basic laughter.






Robot. It is a word that seems very modem. A word that creates a strong mental picture. A
picture of something that looks and acts like a human. Robots are not human, of course. They are machines.

The word robot mad robots themselves are less than 100 years old. But humans have been dreaming of real and imaginary copies of themselves for thousands of years. Early people made little human statues out of clay. And they cut wood and stone to look like humans.

What is the future of robots? The goal of scientists is to create a true humanlike robot. Some experts have described this robot of the future as one that can act independently with the physical world through its own senses and actions. Humans have the ability to see, hear, speak and solve problems. Engineers have built robots that have one or two of these abilities. But it takes a number of big expensive computers to make the robots work.

The biggest problem in creating a humanlike robot is copying human intelligence. The way the human mind works is almost impossible to copy. A simple computer can solve mathematical problems far beyond the ability of even the smartest human mind. But the human mind is better than a thousand supercomputers at speaking, hearing and problem solving. Seven American and Japanese companies are working to develop the senses of sight and touch for robots. The development of these senses will make robots much more useful.

However, the most important human ability—the most difficult to copy—is problem solving. An intelligent robot must be able to change the way it acts when it faces an unexpected situation. Humans do it all the time. Computers must do it for robots. This means computers must have a huge base of information about many things. They must be able to find quickly the needed information in their systems. And they must make choices about how to act. So far, this is beyond the ability of computers.

According to the passage, however intelligent a robot may be, it ______.

A.acts as an ordinary animal

B.is nothing but a machine

C.is viewed as a modern myth

D.is regarded as a human being

Man is the only【B1】that laughs. Why is this true? What makes us respond as we do to pleasu
rable experiences? What is the history of this "happy convulsion", as someone once【B2】it, and just what is its function?

We are not short【B3】theories to explain the mystery; For centuries, biologists, psychologists, and medical men have been seeking a definitive explanation of laughter. One writer put【B4】the theory that its function is to frighten others or to humiliate them. Another took the opposite【B5】that we laugh in order not to cry. A psychologist offered the explanation that laughter functions【B6】a remedy to painful experiences, and that it serves to protect a person【B7】what the psychologist called "the many minor pains to which man is exposed". In the seventeenth century a writer set【B8】the theory that we laugh when we compare ourselves with others and find ourselves superior to others; in effect, we laugh at the【B9】of others.

Almost every theory has been concerned【B10】either the structure or the function of laughter,【B11】relatively few have been devoted【B12】the question of its origin. I propose to offer a theory which, so far as I am concerned, has not previously been set forth.【B13】only those animals capable of speech are capable of laughter; and that therefore man, being the only animal that【B14】, is the only animal that can laugh.

Those of us who have【B15】chimpanzees closely feel quite confident that chimpanzees occasionally【B16】behavior. that looks very much like a primitive human laughter. This【B17】, however, has been observed only in a humanlike way; whether or not it is laughter is doubtful; but the【B18】fact that under any condition an ape is capable of【B19】behavior. is no more than passing interest—for【B20】only indicates that early man had the basic laughter.






Robot. It is a word that seems very modem. A word that creates a strong mental picture. A
picture of something that looks and acts like a human. Robots are not human, of course. They are machines.

The word robot and robots themselves are less than 100 years old. But humans have been dreaming of real and imaginary copies of themselves for thousands of years. Early people made little human statues out of clay. And they cut wood and stone to look like humans.

What is the future of robots? The goal of scientists is to create a true humanlike robot. Some experts have described this robot of the future as one that can act independently with the physical world through its own senses and actions. Humans have the ability to see, hear, speak and solve problems. Engineers have built robots that have one or two of these abilities. But it takes a number of big expensive computers to make the robots work.

The biggest problem in creating a humanlike robot is copying human intelligence. The way the human mind works is almost impossible to copy. A simple computer can solve mathematical problems far beyond the ability of even the smartest human mind. But the human mind is better than a thousand supercomputers at speaking, hearing and problem solving. Several American and Japanese companies are working to develop the senses of sight and touch for robots. The development of these senses will make robots much more useful.

However, the most important human ability the most difficult to copy is problem solving. An intelligent robot must be able to change the way it acts when it faces an unexpected situation. Humans do it all the time. Computers must do it for robots. This means computers must have a huge base of information about many things. They must be able to find quickly the needed information in their systems. And they must make choices about how to act. So far, this is beyond the ability of computers.

According to the passage, however intelligent a robot may be, it______.

A.acts as an ordinary animal

B.is nothing but a machine

C.is viewed as a modem myth

D.is regarded as a human being











s= "abcdefghijklmn" print(s[1:10:4]) 上述代码的输出结果是()





"Perché ieri Mario non è venuto alla mia festa?" "Beh, () [andare] a Shuanghai per un viaggio di lavoro."

A.复位DS18B20,发出Read命令(BEH),发出Skip ROM命令(CCH),温度格式转换,读两字节的温度

B.复位DS18B20,发出Skip ROM命令(CCH),发出Read命令(BEH),读两字节的温度,温度格式转换

C.复位DS18B20,(CCH)发出Read命令(BEH),发出Skip ROM命令,读两字节的温度,温度格式转换

D.复位DS18B20,(CCH)发出Read命令(BEH),读两字节的温度,发出Skip ROM命令,温度格式转换

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