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听力原文:What the UK shares with the United States and other wealthy English- speaking cou

ntries is a very high proportion of "owner-occupation', that is, most homes are owned by the people who live in them.


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听力原文:What will the man most likely do?(11)A.He will talk about the matter with Mr. Sha

听力原文:What will the man most likely do?


A.He will talk about the matter with Mr. Sharp.

B.He will visit Mr. Power's office tomorrow morning.

C.He will wait for Mr. Power's call in his office.

D.He will call Mr. Power again later.

听力原文:W: Excuse me, does this No. 8 bus go to the Wang Fu Jing Department store?M. No,

听力原文:W: Excuse me, does this No. 8 bus go to the Wang Fu Jing Department store?

M. No, it doesn’t. You' ll have to change to a No. 3 bus at Sha Tan. Or, if you don't mind walking, you can take this bus and get off at the Workers Club Building and walk across to Wang Fu Jing.

W: I think I'd rather take the bus. Where did you say I should change?

M: Sha Tan, when you get off the bus, walk back to the corner and turn left, you' ll see the bus stop just ahead of you on the left-hand side of the street. But remember to take a No. 3 bus. The others don’t go to Wang Fu Jing.

W: Change to a No. 3 bus at Sha Tan. Thanks a lot.

M: Not at all.

What does the woman want to do?

A.Go to Wang Fu Jing Department Store.

B.Play at the Workers Club Building.

C.Ask the way from the man.

听力原文:W: Excuse me, does the No. 8 bus go to the Wang Fu Jing Department Store?M: No, i

听力原文:W: Excuse me, does the No. 8 bus go to the Wang Fu Jing Department Store?

M: No, it doesn't. You'll have to change to a No. 3 bus at Sha Tan. Or, if you don't mind walking, you can take this bus and get off at the Workers Club Building and walk across to Wang Fu Jing.

W: I think I'd rather take the bus. Where did you say I should change?

M: Sha Tan, when you get off the bus, walk back to the corner and turn left, you'll see the bus stop just ahead of you on the left-hand side of the street. But remember to take the No. 3 bus. The others don't go to Wang Fu Jing.

W: Change to the No. 3 bus at Sha Tan. Thanks a lot.

M: Not at all.

What does the woman want to do?

A.Go to Wang Fu Jing Department Store.

B.Play at the Workers Club Building.

C.Ask the way from the man.

听力原文:W: I’ve noticed that you get letters from the UK now and then. Would you mind sav
ing the stamps for me? My mum collects them.

M: My classmates already asked for them.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.His classmates know the woman's mom.

B.His classmates send him letters.

C.He already promised to introduce his classmates to the woman's mom.

D.He already promised to save stamps for his classmates.

听力原文: I would like to begin by welcoming everybody from the many different countries w
ho have been kind enough to join us today. You are very welcome to the UK and I hope that you find your trip worthwhile- we are certainly grateful for your contribution to this debate. I consider the question of how we harness the potential of technological change—alongside the related question of science, to be the fundamental economic and social challenge of our future. What we do with information technology and how we use it will determine our success industrially and as a society for years to come.


听力原文:Mr. Sarkozy says he wants the UK and France to work"hand in glove" on issues like

听力原文: Mr. Sarkozy says he wants the UK and France to work "hand in glove" on issues like energy and immigration. During his visit, Mr. Sarkozy will address both Houses of Parliament and meet Mr. Brown at Westminster. The Sarkozys will also attend a glittering state banquet at Windsor Castle. Mr. Sarkozy’s talks with Mr. Brown are expected to cover issues ranging from global finance to Afghanistan. The two leaders are also expected to unveil new co-operation on illegal immigration and nuclear energy. Mr. Sarkozy is being accompanied by his new wife, the supermodel-turned-singer Carla Bruni—dressed in a sober grey coat and Jackie Kennedystyle. hat and his mother-in-law. They were met at Heathrow by Prince Charles, and his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall. The Sarkozys' 36-hour stay is the first full state visit by a French president for 12 years.After a private lunch and a viewing of French items from the royal collection, Mr. Sarkozy will travel to Westminster Abbey to lay a wreath at the grave of the unknown Warrior.Later he will address both Houses of Parliament from the Royal Gallery, followed in the evening by a state banquet at Windsor Castle.

What is Mr. Sarkozy’s purpose of visiting Westminster Abby?

A.To address both Houses of Parliament.

B.To enjoy a glittering state banquet.

C.To honor the unknown soldier.

D.To meet Prince Charles and his wife.

听力原文:The term "balanced diet" is constantly heard but rarely explained. What it means

听力原文: The term "balanced diet" is constantly heard but rarely explained. What it means is a diet that includes a combination of several different food types, including grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, dairy products, fats and oils.

Crucial to the idea of a balanced diet is including foods in the right proportions; the aim is to get all the nutrients your body needs while maintaining a healthy weight. The US government provides a basic idea of what nutrients we need on their website.

It isn't a case of having roughly equal measures of everything. There should be a lot of some kinds and just a little of others. Some fats and oils, for example, are important in the diet for various reasons. But you only need a small amount compared with foods such as vegetables.

In the UK, the Food Standards Agency has developed a programme called The Balance of Good Health to show people what proportions and types of foods make up a healthy balanced diet. This divides foods into five different groups. The largest groups are bread and vegetables, followed by milk and meat. The smallest by far is the salt and sugar group.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are low in fat, calories and salt, and an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Most of us don't eat enough to meet the current recommendation of three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruit a day. Protein-rich foods and dairy foods are needed in more moderate amounts. Your diet should include two to three servings of milk or dairy products a day, for example.


A.A diet largely consisting of fruits and vegetables.

B.A diet including grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, and meat.

C.A diet including a combination of several different food types.

D.A diet without fat and oils.

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: The use of mobiles on planes flying in European airspace has been given approval by UK regulator Ofcom. It has issued plans that will allow airlines to offer mobile services on UK-registered aircraft. The decision means that mobiles could be used once a plane has reached an altitude of 3,000m or more. The decision to offer the services now falls to individual airlines. However, there are other regulatory hurdles to overcome before the technology is considered to be fully approved. The European Aviation Safety Agency needs to approve any hardware that would be installed in aircraft to ensure that it did not interfere with other flight systems. In addition, said a spokesman for the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), airlines would need to develop operating procedures to ensure cabin crew were trained in the proper use of the systems. The services could stop working once the aircraft leave European airspace.

What is the main idea of the news item?

A.Airlines plan to develop new operating procedures.

B.The hardware installed in aircraft has been approved.

C.UK Airlines will step up the training of cabin crew.

D.The use of mobiles will soon be allowed on aircraft.

听力原文:Chris: I've heard that you used to work for the BBC, is that true?Erwin: Yes, tha

听力原文:Chris: I've heard that you used to work for the BBC, is that true?

Erwin: Yes, that's true. I worked as a news journalist for the World Service, specializing in Africa.

Chris: Then how could you turn to become a dive master in Seychelles?

Erwin: As I've told you, I worked for the World Service in Africa. That was bow I first had the opportunity to visit the Indian Ocean Islands of Seychelles, Mauritius, Comoros and Madagascar-even though I wash't a diver then.

Chris: So over time you developed an interest in diving, right?

Erwin: Yes, over a period of years I fell in love with Seychelles and by the time I came to live there I was an obsessive diver.

Chris: Did you leave the BBC after you went to live in the Seychelles?

Erwin: No. Diving became part of the reason I wanted to live there, but officially I was on loan to the Seychelles Broad casting Corporation from the BBC--helping to train the local radio and TV journalists.

Chris: What prompted you to come back to the UK then?

Erwin: To be frank, I became bored of living on a small island. It was quite a stressful experience in many ways, and the BBC wanted me back.

Why did the man go to Seychelles?

A.Because he likes diving.

B.Because he wanted to find a job as a dive master there.

C.Because he worked for the World Service.

D.Because he was assigned to Madagascar.

听力原文: The film My Fair Lady, in which a London flower seller in the early years of thi
s century is transformed into an elegant high society figure, simply by changing the way she speaks, reflects an old English belief that it is not what you say that is important but how you say it. Undeniably, it helps in all aspects of life to be articulate and well-spoken. However, it seems that young people in Britain today are losing the ability to communicate clearly and accurately in standard English, and the British government is so concerned that it has set up a committee to "promote the use of better English".

However, do Britain's young people really have a problem in expressing themselves articulately? A study published last October suggests that there is real cause for concern; it showed that among the UK's 15-year-olds, only 22 percent of boys and 28 percent of girls feel comfortable using standard English in formal situations. Professor Dick Hudson of the Development of Linguistics at University College, London, agrees that there is a problem: "British pupils leaving school are not as good at using language as pupils from other countries. Partly because they do not spend very much time talking in class."

What is the theme of the film: "MY FAIR LADY" ?

A.Women can speak elegant English.

B.Women love flowers more than men.

C.The way you say something is less important than what you say.

D.What you say is not as important as how you say it.

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