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Why does the speaker think a buffet lunch is a good idea?[A] It's relaxing. [B] I

Why does the speaker think a buffet lunch is a good idea?

[A] It's relaxing.

[B] It's quick.

[C] It's cheap.

[D] It's tasty.

提问人:网友cui163007 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Why does the speaker think a b…”相关的问题
In many traditional societies a woman&39;s role is restricted to that of mother (for the continuation of the race) , and she is confined to family and household activities, including help out in the field and market. In some ethnic(种族的) communities in Indonesia, even today, women are supposed to do the hard labor in the rice fields, while men take it easy in their coffee shops

When I visited the island of Timor in eastern Indonesia in 1987, I was told by friends that in the interior of the islands, where roads are still non-existent,villagers traveled to market either on foot or on horseback. It was a common sight to see the husband riding a horse, with his wife walking behind him carrying a heavy bundle of produce on her head to the market. On the island of Alor, also in eastern Indonesia, I met an old man aged about 80 years, proudly boasting to me that he had nine wives. "But you are a Catholic," I said to him. "How could you have nine wives?" He smiled, and said: "I married only once in church, but the other eight wives I married according to our traditional laws. " In many ethnic communities in Indonesia the good woman or wife is one who obey her husband, who does not go around gossiping, who cleans her home and cooks good food for the family, who is diligent in the field, who does not visit friends too much, and who gives birth of lots of children, especially boys.

In Indonesia many years ago the wives of government workers or members of the armed forces were organized into women&39;s organizations. The leadership of these women&39;s organizations was set up according to the hierarchical positions of the members&39; husbands. For example, the organization of women of personnel of a government ministry would automatically have as its chairperson the wife of the minister at the national level, and the chairperson of the provincial organization would be the wife of the governor, and so on to the lower administrative levels. It is amazing how a woman who may have an interest in being a leader nevertheless automatically becomes a chairperson because of the official position of her husband. When the husband is no longer minister or governor, she also automatically loses her position. Many of these women have complained to me that they feel this is a straitjacket(约束物) imposed on them, but they feel they have to accept the role for the sake of safeguarding their husbands&39; careers.

In some ethnic districts in Indonesia women should_______.

A.do household activities

B.give birth of children

C.do the hard labor in the fields

D.all of the above

In the 2nd paragraph "roads" means_______.A.some roads

B.high ways

C.country roads

D.heavy roads

What does the question "How could you have nine wives?" imply?A.The old man is too old to have nine wives.

B.The old man shouldn't have had nine wives.

C.The old man could marry only once because he is member of the Church of Rome.

D.The old man could have only a wife for he is a Christian.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to Paragraph 3?A.Women's organizations were set up in the government administrative levels and the armed forces.

B.The head of the women's organization of a province must be the wife of the governor.

C.All the leaders of the woman's organizations enjoyed their roles.

D.The wife of a governor loses her leading position for the sake of her husband.

The closest restatement of the last sentence in,the 3rd paragraph is______.A.many women would hate to be the chairperson without considering their husband's careers

B.many governors' wives complain they have to accept the chairperson roles

C.many women are forced to become the leaders of women's organizations in order to protect their husband's profession

D.many governors' wives feel it necessary to accept the roles

Why should the man think more about taking the job according to the woman?

A、Because the vice-president might have a heart attack.

B、Because the job killed the last vice-president.

C、Because the man has already had one heart attack.

D、Because the woman does not want him to take it.

The suffix “-holic” means ______.

A、the whole part of

B、feeling terrible about

C、being tired of

D、being addicted to

Why does Hester Prynne return to Salem at the end of The Scarlet Letter?

A、She wants to continue her penitence.

B、She runs out of money.

C、She misses her friends.

D、She wants to see her lover before he dies.

The author begins this article with a story. In so doing, the author intends to tell us ( ).

A、how he felt when he was asking for credit at a store

B、that the family's good reputation helped him win others' respect and trust

C、that the ugly shadow of racism still existed in the 1970's

D、what the relationship was like between a store owner and his customers

Why does the writer encourage you to walk away from the talk for a moment?

In order to collect ______ and reconsider your position.

Why does the passage mention the place Karaca Dağ?

A、Because Karaca Dağ is close to Göbekli Tepe.

B、Because in Karaca Dağ ancestors of modern einkorn wheat are found.

C、Because Karaca Dağ proves Göbekli Tepe may have led to agriculture.

D、Because Karaca Dağ is a famous site of historical interest.

The lab----about five years ago.

A、was builder

B、was built


D、has been built

How does the speaker try to move on to the next point?

A、By saying "Next time, I want to talk about ...”.

B、By saying “In the next lecture, we're going to learn...".

C、By saying “in the following part, we're going to learn...".

D、By saying “Next, we will move on to...".

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