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It ______ that he was a fluent speaker of English, many people came to him to learn spoken


A.being known

B.is known

C.was known

D.had been known

提问人:网友crododile 发布时间:2022-01-06
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阅读理解????The opinion of many engineers is that ...
The opinion of many engineers is that the architects that designed the New York World Trade Center

Twin Towers did a good job in designing the buildings. The buildings were safe from the hazards

envisioned (预想到的) at the time. Indeed, they were designed to withstand the force of aircraft that might crash into them. They were not however, designed to withstand the effects of the very high temperatures

produced by the ignition (点燃) of aviation fuel carried by the aircraft.

Steel lightly covered with concrete is the main structural part of the towers and steel loses a lot of

structural strength when heated to 1100 degrees Centigrade and beyond, as it was. To protect the steel the towers beams were coated with a few centimeters of concrete. That insulation (隔离) was to provide

structural state of being complete for at least 1 hour of fire. The towers met that test. The south tower

lasted 62minutes. The north, 103 minutes. Tragedy followed when not all could escape before the


Most experts agree that the Twin Towers were very well designed. Many also agree that the people

planning the attacks were very knowledgeable and aimed the aircraft at a height that would produce the

most damage. The aircraft crash and the resulting fuel fed fires were aimed at about the 90th floor. That

was just high enough to insure that the upper floors would weaken with the heat and crack down, dropping into the remaining part of the building.

The mass of the falling top floors created such a falling load that some experts estimate it exceeded by 5 to 10 times normal bearing loads. The effect was like a giant hammer, each floor contributing more weight

to be born by the next floor down.

Were the Trade Towers well designed? Engineers say yes. But, the public holds to the belief that

architects will never again design a tall building without considering the effects of terrorist attacks of all

potential kinds. That not only includes the ability of the structure to withstand attack but the means to allow the buildings occupants to escape in time to survive.

1. Many engineers believe that the Twin Tower was well-designed after September 11 because _________________.
A. it could withstand aircraft crashing into it at the moment

B. it could withstand any natural hazards such as earthquake or fire

C. it had an attracting and beautiful appearance until they were destroyed

D. they had the miserable honor of being selected as the target of terrorist attack

2.  According to the article, those who designed the tower could have done better if _______.
A. the tower lasted longer after being attacked

B. the tower held stable until all of the people in there managed to escape

C. the tower can be immune to such attacks

D. they considered more about the effects of the very high temperatures and made duel(决定性的)

changes in the structure

3. The part of the building below 90th floor _____________.
A.  remained where they were

B. cracked down because of the burning

C. was hammered down by the falling upper part

D. was safe after the attack

4. The author believed that the Twin Towers ____________.
A. were not well- designed

B. were well-designed

C. were good examples for engineers of our time

D. were out of consideration when we talk about engineering later

Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED in the passage?



C.Paddle boats.

D.Bridge design.

You couldn't have come at a better time.





Section B

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.

听力原文:M: Hi, Lucy! Haven't seen you for ages! What are you doing now?

W: Hi, Sam. I didn't expect to see you here. What a surprise! Well, I got a full-time job in a supermarket.

M: You did? It seems to me that you used to work at a hotel.

W: Yes. That's right. I quit that job one year ago.

M: Are you happy with your current position?

W: Yes. And as a mater of fact, I don't think I'll change my occupation, really.

M: Good. It sounds perfect.

W: But there is really something I don't like. I have to work at night and I have to ask my mother to take care of my son.

M: Since you go into it, you have to take both the good and the bad. How about your boss?

W: He is a nice man, very easy to get along with. And he helped me a lot during my first week there.

M: You're lucky.

Q6: What do we learn about the woman?


A.She used to work in her spare time.

B.She works at a hotel.

C.She's got a new job.

D.She's planning to change her job.

The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the manager of the local supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them.

If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market. If your father is a steel worker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producing goods or service for the market.

When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market.

The market may seem to be something abstract. But for each person or business who is making and selling something, it's very real. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it won't be long before you get the message. The market is telling you something. It's telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesn't want you to do.

According to the first paragraph, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Production is a kind of knowledge.

B.Production controls the market.

C.Production is guided by the market.

D.Production can be stopped suddenly.

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