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The General Assembly held the special meeting for_______days on the question of the disabled person.





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更多“The General Assembly held the …”相关的问题
【单选题】The General Assembly held the special meeting for days on the question of the disabled person.





What are the suggestions for the Chairperson during the meeting? (Multiple Choice)

A、Announce the opening of the meeting.

B、Facilitate balanced participation among meeting members.

C、Guide the process.

D、time management

E、Reach closure

When flight delays and cancellations occur at airports, which are usually due to one of following reasons?

A、weather condition

B、mechanical problem

C、air traffic control

D、security issues

阅读理解????Adam Smith, writing in the 1770s, was ...
Adam Smith, writing in the 1770s, was the first person to see the importance of the division of labour

and to explain part of its advantages. He gives us an example the process by which pins were made in

England. "One man draws out the wire, another strengthens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth

grinds(磨光滑) it at the top to prepare it to receive the head. To make the head requires two or three

distinct operations. To put it on is a separate operation, to polish the pins is another. And the important

business of making pins is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct operations, which in some

factories are all performed by different people, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them. "

"Ten men, " Smith said, "in this way, turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4,800 pins a

piece. But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labour, they certainly could not turn out any pin, each of them would have made twenty pins in a day and perhaps not even


There can be no doubt that division of labour is a way of organising work. Fewer people can make

more pins. Adam Smith saw this but it's a pity he also took it for granted that division of labour is in itself

responsible for economic growth and development and that it accounts for the difference between

expanding economies and those that stand still. But division of labour adds nothing new;it only enables

people to produce more of what they already have.

1. According to the passage, Adam Smith was the first person to ________.

A. take advantage of the division of labour

B. understand the effects of the division of labour

C. explain the causes of the division of labour

D. introduce the division of labour into England

2. Adam Smith saw that the division of labour ________.

A. enabled each worker to make pins more quickly and more cheaply

B. increased the number of people employed in factories

C. increased the possible output per worker

D. improved the quality of pins produced

3. Adam Smith mentioned the number 4,800 in order to ________.

A. show the advantages of the division of labour

B. emphasize how powerful the individual worker was

C. show the advantages of the old craft system

D. emphasize the importance of increased production

4. According to the writer, Adam Smith's mistake was in believing that division of labour ________.

A. certainly led to economic development

B. was a good way of organising work

C. increased the production of existing goods

D. was an important development in methods of production

5. Which of the following could serve as an appropriate title for the passage?

A. The Theory of Division of Labour

B. Adam Smith as the Discoverer of Division of Labour

C. Adam Smith, the English Economist

D. Division of Labour, a Good Way of Organizing Work

•Read the following a~icle about team work and answer the questions on the opposite page.

•For each question 15-20,mark one letter(A,B,C or D)on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

Is your group really a team?

Teams are all the rage in the workplace today,and every organization speaks of the importance of teams.But just because a group of people work together does not necessarily make them a team.There are essential elements that identify teams,and nurturing them will help you become a good team leader.

Let's begin with a definition of what a team really is.Teams are groups of individuals who accomplish designated objectives by working interdependenlIy,communicating effectively,and making decisions that impact their day to day work.So the first question to ask yourself is,‘How close does my team come to this definton?’If it doesn't measure up to the definition,then you are not really leading a team.You are probably managing a work group.There is absolutely nothing wrong with a work group.A work group can achieve great results with your close supemision.The idea,however,in today's changing organization and our competitive global marketplace,is to develop teams that can work autonomously without your close direction and support.

In a team.members share decision-making and often build consensus,with two-way communication between manager and members.There are joint work assignments and accountability on both the individual and team levels.In a work group,the manager is the decision-maker,and there is a one-way,top-down pattern of communication。Each member has individual work assignments,and each person is held accountable and appraised by the manager.

Whether you operate as a work group or a team depends on three factors.Firstly,the skill and motivational level of members.Skilled and motivated employees need to be able to make decisions on their own and communicate upwardly when they need to.This is a model for working as a team.Secondly,the nature of the work.Some work situations do not call for members to make decisions together,nor is there a need for much two way communication among team members and their manager.But if there is a need for both,you have a team.Thirdly,the manager's belief that indMduals can work autonomously and interdependently.This attitude is essential for today's workplace。When managers do not hold this belief,they will favor the work group over the team.

To get a group of individuals to function as a team,it is necessary to highlight the following issues.As for team members.everyone of them needs to know what he or she is supposed to accomplish and how it fits in with what other team members do.And they must be allowed to make decisions that impact their work products and semices.When we give people ownership over what they are doing,they perform. much better.Last but not least.team members cannot hold back on any comments that will help the team grow and prosper.As for the team leader,he or she should have the technical knowledge of what the team is doing,as well as be able to motivate and inspire the team.A qualified leader should always be ready to acknowledge team members’accomplishment.Members need ongoing reminders that their efforts are valued and appreciated so that they can sustain high levels of performance.

Which statement concerning teams is true?

A.Nowadays teamwork is a popular concept.

B.All the companies put great emphasis on teams.

C.A good team involves close supewision of the team leader.

D.There's nothing in common between a team and a group.

Day care centers for the elderly ____________ to overall public service; they did a lot to make the life of the old active, valuable and meaningful.

A、make up

B、come up

C、make a contribution

D、is used

【单选题】In which session did the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization decide the date of World Tourism Day?

A、In the first session.

B、In the second session.

C、In the third session.

D、In the fifth session.


The photos on the wall_______Grandma of those happy,old days when a large family lived


I have very money at the end of the week.


B、a few


D、a little

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