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Which poem did Robert Frost recite at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy in

A. Kennedy in 1961?

B.“Stopping by Woods in a Snowy Evening”

C.“The Gift Outright”

D.“Mending Wall”

E.“The Road Not Taken”

提问人:网友lqlq2018 发布时间:2022-01-07
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  • · 有4位网友选择 D,占比21.05%
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  • · 有3位网友选择 C,占比15.79%
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  • · 有2位网友选择 B,占比10.53%
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更多“Which poem did Robert Frost re…”相关的问题
Which poem did Robert Frost recite at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy in

A. Kennedy in 1961?

B.“Stopping by Woods in a Snowy Evening”

C.“The Gift Outright”

D.“Mending Wall”

E.“The Road Not Taken”

Whitman says that “My right hand is time, and my left hand is space—both are ample...

A... I am vast.” Which poem did Whitman refer to ?

B.“O Captain! My Captain!”

C.“One’s Self I Sing”

D.“Song of Myself”

E.“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”

Why did the author write this poem Why did the author write this poem
What trouble did the man ever have in writing a poem?A.Finding out a rhymed word with pand

What trouble did the man ever have in writing a poem?

A.Finding out a rhymed word with panda.

B.Bringing the poem about panda to an end.

C.Adding the name "Amanda" into a poem.

D.Replacing panda with another word.

Why did the author write this poem?

Who did Dr Stewart read a poem to?A.An actor.B.A business person.C.Mr Davies.

Who did Dr Stewart read a poem to?

A.An actor.

B.A business person.

C.Mr Davies.

What poem did Dalong recite?





A concrete poems means____________A.a poem which has a concrete tone.B.a poem which has

A concrete poems means____________

A.a poem which has a concrete tone.

B.a poem which has a concrete visual feature.

C.a poem which is written on concrete material.

D.a poem which contains only one symbol.

From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when Igrew I should be

From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when I

grew I should be a writer. Between the ages of about seventeen and 【1】______

twenty-four I tried to abandon this idea, but I did so with the conscience that I 【2】______

was outraging my true nature and that soon or later I should have to settle 【3】______

down and write books.

I was the child of three, but there was a gap of five years on the either 【4】______

side, and I barely saw my father before I was eight. For this and other reasons

I was somewhat lonely, and I soon developed disagreeing mannerisms which 【5】______

made me unpopular throughout my schooldays. I had the lonely child's habit

of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginative persons, and 【6】______

I think from the very start my literal ambitions were mixed up with the 【7】______

feeling of being isolated and undervalued. I knew that I had a facility with

words and a power of facing in unpleasant facts, and I felt that this created a 【8】______

sort of private world which I could get my own back for my failure in 【9】______

everyday life. Therefore, the volume of serious—i. e. seriously intended— 【10】______

writing which I produced all through my childhood and boyhood would not amount to half a dozen pages. I wrote my first poem at the age of four or five, my mother taking it down to dictation.


The poem is narrated by the first person “I”, which reads very naturally and conversationally.
Eliot's interested in poetry in about 1902 with the discovery of Romantic. He had recalled
how he was initiated into poetry by Edward Fitzgerald’s Omar Khayyam at the age of fourteen. "It was like a sudden conversion", he said, an "overwhelming introduction to a new world of feeling." From then on, till about his twentieth year of age (1908), he took intensive courses in Byron, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Rossetti and Swinburne.

It is, no doubt, a period of keen enjoyment...At this period, the poem, or the poetry of a single poet, invades the youthful consciousness and assume complete possession for a time...The frequent result is an outburst of scribbling which we may call imitation...It is not deliberate choice of a poet to mimic, but writing under a kind of daemonic possession by one poet.

Thus, the young Eliot started his career with a mind preoccupied by certain Romantic poets. His imitative scribbling survives in the Harvard Eliot Collection, a part of which is published as Poems Written in Early Youth. "A Lyric" (1905), written at Smith Academy and Eliot’s first poem ever shown to anther’s eye, is a straightforward and spontaneous overflow of a simple feeling. Modeled on Ben Johnson, the poem expresses a conventional theme, and can be summarized in a single sentence: since time and space are limited, let us love while we can. The hero is totally self-confident, with no Prufrockian self-consciousness. He never thinks of retreat, never recognizes his own limitations, and never experiences the kind of inner struggle, which will so blight the mind of Prufrock.

"Song: When we came home across the hill" (1907), written after Eliot entered Harvard College, achieved about the same degree of success. The poem is a lover’s mourning of the loss of love, the passing of passion, and this is done through a simple contrast. The flowers in the field are blooming and flourishing, but those in his lover's wreath are fading and withering. The point is that, as flowers become waste then they have been plucked, so love passes when it has been consummated. The poem achieves an effect similar to that of Shelley’s "when the amp is shattered".

The form, the dictation and the images are all borrowed. So is the carpe diem theme. In "Song: The Moon- lower Opens" (1909), Eliot makes the flower -- love comparison once more and complains that his love is too old-hearted and does not have "tropical flowers/With scarlet life for me". In these poem, Eliot is not writing in his own right, but the poets who possessed him are writing through him. He is imitating in the usual sense of the word, having not yet developed his critical sense. It should not be strange to find him at this stage so interested in flowers: the flowers in the wreath, this morning’s flowers, flowers of yesterday, the moonflower which opens to the moth -- not interested in them as symbols, but interested in them as beautiful objects. In these poems, the Romantics did not just work on his imagination; they compelled his imagination to work their way.

Though merely fin-de-siecle routines, some of these early poems already embodied Eliot’s mature thinking, and forecasted his later development. "Before Morning" (1908) shows his awareness of the co-habitation of beauty and decay under the same sun and the same sky. "Circle’s Palace" (1909) shows that he already entertained the view of women as emasculating their male victims or sapping their strength. "On a Portrait" (1909) describes women as mysterious and evanescent, existing "beyond the circle of our thought". Despite all these hints of later development, these poems do not represent the Eliot we know. Their voice is the voice of tradition and their style. is that of the Romantic period. It seems to me that the early Eliot’s connection with Tennyson is especially interesting, in that Tennyson seems to have foreshadowed Eliot’s own development.

Eliot was wrapped up i

A.Edward Fitzgerald’s poems

B.Romantic poets

C.Classical literature

D.Romantic literature

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