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Sales management can be defined as the control and implementation of personal contact programs designed to achieve the sales objectives of the firm.

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更多“Sales management can be define…”相关的问题
Which of the following would be considered to be an investment centre?

A、Managers have control over marketing.

B、Management have a sales team.

C、Management have a sales team and are given a credit control function.

D、Managers can purchase capital assets and are given a credit control function.

What is "SAP ERP"? Please choose the correct answer.()

A.SAP ERP is a technology platform. that can be used as a basis for implementing customer-specific enhancements

B.SAP ERP is a system that contains components for purchasing, sales, materials management, production, and so on

C.SAP ERP is an application that a company can use to manage its business processes efficiently

D.SAP ERP is a planning system in which enhanced planning processes can be represented

?Read the article below about product life cycles and the questions on tile opposite page.

?For each question (13-18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

Sales Strategies .Vary with Product Life Cycles

One of the most important concepts in sales management and marketing is that of tile product life cycle. This is a historical record of the life of a product, showing the stage in its life the product has reached at a particular time. By identifying the stage that a product is in or may be heading towards, companies can formulate better marketing plans. All products have 'lives' in as much as they are created, sell with varying profitability over a period of time, and then become obsolete and are replaced or simply no longer produced. A product's sales position and profitability can be expected to fluctuate over time and so, at each successive stage in the product's cycle, it is necessary to adopt different tactics.

The two main features of the product life cycle are unit sales and unit profit. The unit sales figures usually jump on introduction, as a response to heavy advertising and promotion, as customers buy the product experimentally. This is generally followed by a leveling off while it is evaluated -- the length of this period depending on the use to which the product is put. Then, unit sales rise steadily through the growth phase to the maturity phase, when the product is widely accepted, and so on to saturation level. By this time, competitors will have entered the market with their own version and, from this point, the sales team will have to work even harder to win all additional sales. Eventually, the product's sales decline as better versions enter the market and competition becomes too strong.

In retrospect, most firms know what happened to their products from launch to withdrawal. They can compile this information from the records of unit sales.

Unfortunately, unit sales are not the complete story as it is unit profit that is the decisive factor, although this is not always recorded accurately. It is this figure that sales management has to monitor, though, to ensure an effective marketing strategy and to produce effective profits.

At launch, the product is costed accurately on the basis of production costs plus selling costs. Initially these remain fairly stable, but, when the product is proving successful, competitors will bring out their own 'copy-cat' products. With a competitor in the field, the original firm has to respond in order to maintain its market position. It can run special sales promotions, improve deliveries, make more frequent sales calls and so on. Often the extra expenditure is not accurately charged to the product and the result is that, long before unit sales are noticeably falling, the unit profit has already fallen.

The product life cycle, then, presents a picture of what happened in the product's 'lifetime', so how can this be used as all ongoing aid to management decision- making? Every sales manager has a chart on which the progress of sales is plotted and this can be used as a guide to the stage of development each product is currently in. An essential management skill is being able to interpret sales results and draw in the stages as they occur. Deciding where each stage begins and ends can be a random exercise, though usually the stages are based on where the rate of sales growth or decline becomes pronounced.

According to the text, the end of a product's life cycle is marked by

A.a sharp rise in production costs.

B.the product becoming outdated.

C.an increase in customer complaints.

D.less support from sales management.

The following scenario relates to questions 6–10.Corfe Co is a business which manufactures

The following scenario relates to questions 6–10.

Corfe Co is a business which manufactures computer laptop batteries and it has developed a new battery which has a longer usage time than batteries currently available in laptops. The selling price of the battery is forecast to be $45.

The maximum production capacity of Corfe Co is 262,500 units. The company’s management accountant is currently preparing an annual flexible budget and has collected the following information so far:

In addition to the above costs, the management accountant estimates that for each increment of 50,000 units produced, one supervisor will need to be employed. A supervisor’s annual salary is $35,000.

The production manager does not understand why the flexible budgets have been produced as he has always used a fixed budget previously

Assuming the budgeted figures are correct, what would the flexed total production cost be if production is 80% of maximum capacity?





In the first month of production of the new battery, actual sales were 18,000 units and the sales revenue achieved was $702,000. The budgeted sales units were 17,300.

Based on this information, which of the following statements is true?

A.When the budget is flexed, the sales variance will include both the sales volume and sales price variances

B.When the budget is flexed, the sales variance will only include the sales volume variance

C.When the budget is flexed, the sales variance will only include the sales price variance

D.When the budget is flexed, the sales variance will include the sales mix and quantity variances and the sales price variance

Which of the following statements relating to the preparation of a flexible budget for the new battery are true?

(1) The budget could be time-consuming to produce as splitting out semi-variable costs may not be straightforward

(2) The range of output over which assumptions about how costs will behave could be difficult to determine

(3) The flexible budget will give managers more opportunity to include budgetary slack than a fixed budget

(4) The budget will encourage all activities and their value to the organisation to be reviewed and assessed

A.1 and 2 only

B.1, 2 and 3

C.1 and 4

D.2, 3 and 4

The management accountant intends to use a spreadsheet for the flexible budget in order to analyse performance of the new battery.

Which of the following statements are benefits regarding the use of spreadsheets for budgeting?

(1) The user can change input variables and a new version of the budget can be quickly produced

(2) Errors in a formula can be easily traced and data can be difficult to corrupt in a spreadsheet

(3) A spreadsheet can take account of qualitative factors to allow decisions to be fully evaluated

(4) Managers can carry out sensitivity analysis more easily on a budget model which is held in a spreadsheet

A.1, 3 and 4

B.1, 2 and 4

C.1 and 4 only

D.2 and 3

The management accountant has said that a machine maintenance cost was not included in the flexible budget but needs to be taken into account.

The new battery will be manufactured on a machine currently owned by Corfe Co which was previously used for a product which has now been discontinued. The management accountant estimates that every 1,000 units will take 14 hours to produce. The annual machine hours and maintenance costs for the machine for the last four years have been as follows:

What is the estimated maintenance cost if production of the battery is 80% of maximum capacity (to the nearest $’000)?






Retailer inventory risk is wide: For a retailer, inventory management is about buying and
selling speed. The retailer purchases a ________ variety of products and assumes a substantial risk in the marketing process. Retailer inventory ________ can be viewed as wide but not deep. Due to the high cost of store location, retailers place prime emphasis on inventory ________ and direct product profitability. Inventory turnover is a measure of inventory velocity and is calculated as the ratio of annual sales divided by average inventory.

In remarking "These men are confused," the author points out that ______.A.these men confu

In remarking "These men are confused," the author points out that ______.

A.these men confuse sales management with public relations or a treasurer's duties with those of a controller

B.these men are considering only themselves rather than the contribution they can make to the future employer

C.these men are not capable of filling several different kinds of jobs

D.these men are not professionally qualified

(iv) Tyre recently undertook a sales campaign whereby customers can obtain free car access

(iv) Tyre recently undertook a sales campaign whereby customers can obtain free car accessories, by presenting a

coupon, which has been included in an advertisement in a national newspaper, on the purchase of a vehicle.

The offer is valid for a limited time period from 1 January 2006 until 31 July 2006. The management are unsure

as to how to treat this offer in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2006.

(5 marks)


Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended

31 May 2006.

(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)

Investment institutions【26】the third major category in our financial system. These institu
tions combine the relatively small amounts of savings from many individuals and invest the【27】in financial assets. Mutual funds purchase corporate stocks and bonds as well as government securities. Real estate investment trusts invest in【28】and mortgages. Money market funds invest in short - term debt securities. While individual investors can invest directly in such securities, investment institutions【29】small investors diversification and experienced management of their funds. The fourth category consists of financial companies. These companies provide loans directly to consumers and businesses. Sales and consumer finance companies lend to individuals. Sales finance companies finance installment loan purchases of automobiles and other【30】goods. Consumer finance companies provide small loans to individuals and households. The fifth category consists of securities market institutions that are involved in the savings - investment process and the marketing and transferring of claims to wealth. Credit -reporting and credit-rating organizations aid lenders in deciding whether to extend credit to consumers and businesses.


Attracting new customers and without maintaining good customer【S1】______relationship is th

Attracting new customers and without maintaining good customer 【S1】______

relationship is the first and the outmost task in any business success.

Because Customer Relationship Management or CRM is a strategy 【S2】______

that used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors in 【S3】______

order to develop stronger relationships with them. While CRM

software systems can automate many customer-related tasks, as 【S4】______

it is the transformation of business processes that makes for 【S5】______

your CRM success. The success of CRM implementation will

help that bring together information about customers, 【S6】______

and market trend, marketing and sales efforts and customer 【S7】______

service. As a result of proliferation of Web-based business application, 【S8】______

CRM utilizing Internet technology is an integral part of organizations' 【S9】______

overall e-business strategies.

Because proper implementation of CRM system can improve the 【S10】______

process of identifying new customers, provide with better customer 【S11】______

support, make call centers and help desk more efficient, cross sell

products more effectively, shorten the time of closing for deals, and 【S12】______

integrate marketing and sales processes.


When Benjamin Franklin observed that nothing is certain in this world but death and taxes,
he might well have added "and work." Not that work really belongs in such dark company, however; it can and should be a good deal more pleasant than Mr. Franldin's two certainties. Working in a pleasant atmosphere, occupying the right post -- in short, finding the right job -- is an important part, perhaps the most important, of every man's life.

The first thing to do in seeking a position is to determine exactly what you want to do -- not in terms of some vague, ethereal (轻飘的) objective, such as "I, want to become a member of the management group," but with a definite and immediate goal. Through everyone's experience there must run a thread of consistency, a pattern of what the individual has enjoyed doing and hence has done well. Though actual jobs may have been held in different fields of endeavor, each one of us should be able to pick out the type of work he can do best.

Many men I have interviewed have come to me and said: "I am a financial man. Any sport you have in the treasurer's or controller's line, I'd like." or "I'm good with people. I can sell anything. If you hear of a sales manager's opening or public relations spot, I'd be a natural".

These men are confused. They have not thought through the problems and responsibilities of the fields they say they are qualified for. It is also apparent to the interviewer that they are thinking of themselves rather than of the contribution they can make to the future employer.

This does not imply that one man is not capable of filling several different kinds of positions. A man's aptitude or his past training may fit him for a number of job, but he should know enough not to confuse sales management with public relations or a treasurer's duties with those of a controller. (Personally I believe many companies set such rigid specifications .in looking for a man that they overlook worthwhile candidates.) But after all, if an individual cannot decide for himself what he can do best, how can he expect anyone else to do it for him?

The author seems to ______.

A.disagree with Franklin on death and taxes as the only two certainties

B.agree with Franklin on death and taxes as the only two certainties

C.think that there is no certainties but work in this world

D.think that work is as dark as death and taxes

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