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Which of the following are considered negative body language()?


B.Folding arms over your body

C.Leaning with legs crossed

D.Standing upright

提问人:网友吴欢 发布时间:2022-01-07
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  • · 有3位网友选择 C,占比30%
  • · 有3位网友选择 ABC,占比30%
  • · 有2位网友选择 D,占比20%
  • · 有1位网友选择 AD,占比10%
  • · 有1位网友选择 BC,占比10%
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In direct method, each service department assigns its own costs to operating departments plus the costs that have been allocated to it from other service departments.

She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while       human games.

A.she watchedB.watchingC.watchedD.to watch
How do people learn body language? The same way they learn spoken language-by observing and imitating people around them as they' re growing up. (6)________. Little boys imitate their fathers or a respected uncle or a character on television. In this way. They learn the gender signals appropriate for their sex. Regional. class. and ethnic patterns of body behavior. are also learned in childhood and persist throughout their life.

(7)________. In America, for example. women stand with their thighs together.Many walk with their pelvis (骨盆) tipped slightly forward and their upper arms close to their body. When they sit , they cross their legs at the knee or cross their ankles. American men hold their arms away from their body , often swinging them as they walk. They stand with their legs apart. When they sit, they put their feet on the floor with legs apart and , in some parts of the country, they cross their legs by putting one ankle on the other knee.

Leg behavior. indicates sex , status , and personality. It also indicates whether or not one is at ease or is showing respect or disrespect for the other person. Young Latin American males avoid crossing their legs. In their world of machismo (男子气概), the preferred position for young males when with one another .is to sit on the base of the spine with their leg muscles relaxed and their feet wide apart. Their respect position is like our military equivalent: spine straight , heels and ankles together-almost identical to that displayed by properly brought up young women in New England in the early part of this century.

The way we walk , similarly , indicates status , respect , mood , and ethnic or cultural affiliation. To white Americans , some French middle-class males walk in a way that is both humorous and suspect. There is a bounce and looseness to the French walk , as though the parts of the body were somehow unrelated. (8)________.

6. Choose the best supporting example.

A. No one becomes an instant expert on people' s behaviors by watching them at parties.

B. American males lean back and prop their legs up on the nearest object.

C. Little girls imitate their mothers or an older female.

7. Choose the best topic sentence for this paragraph.

A. Body language is not something that is independent of the person.

B. Non-verbal communication systems are interwoven into the fabric of the personality.

C. Such patterns of masculine and feminine body behavior. vary from one culture to another.

8. Choose the best statement to conclude the paragraph.

A. All over the world , people walk in their own characteristic ways.

B. The idea that people communicate volumes by their posture and walk is not new.

C. People have long been aware of the idea that it is essential to walk properly.

Keep your arms on the table while eating.
阅读理解。????All of us communicate with one anothe...
All of us communicate with one another non-verbally, as well as with words. We gesture with

eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else's eyes and look away, shift positions in a chair. These actions

we assume are random and incidental. But researchers have discovered in recent years that there is a

system to them almost as consistent and comprehensive as language.

Every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its difference along with spoken

language. A Frenchman talks and moves in French. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing

like the way a male American does it. In talking, with a future-tense verb, Americans often gesture with

a forward movement.

There are regional idioms too. An expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the

way he uses his eyebrows during conversation. Your sex, moral background, social class and personal

style all influence your body language.

Usually, the wordless communication acts to qualify the words. What the non-verbal elements

express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message. When a person feels liked

or disliked, often it's a case of "not what he said but the way he said it." Psychologist Albert Mehrabian

has come up with this formula: total impact of a message = 7% verbal + 38% gestural + 55% facial.

Experts in kinesics - the study of communication through body movement - are not prepared to spell

out a vocabulary or gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with

someone or rejecting something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. Another example:

When a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man's eyes a little longer than is usual,

it can be a sign of respect and affection; it can be a challenge to the professor's authority; or it can be

something else entirely. The experts look for patterns in the context, not for an isolated meaningful gesture.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements inNO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

1. What idea does the author aim to convey in paragraph 2?


2. Besides moral background, __________ are the other three factors affecting people's body language.

3. From Albert's formula, we learn that the body language __________.

4. What can you conclude from the examples given in paragraph 5?


Who won the Nobel Pize in 1923?

A、T. S. Eliot

B、Virginia Woolf

C、W. B. Yeats

D、James Joyce

______ was made Poet Laureate in 1985.

A、Dylan Thomas

B、Ted Hughes

C、Thomas Hardy

D、Thomas Stearns Eliot


Decide what types of evidence are used in the following argumentative paragraphs. A, fact B. statistics C. examples D. authority E. personal experience For example: Americans are downing close to 200 pounds of meat, poultry, and fish per capita per year, an increase of 50 pounds per person from 50 years ago. We each consume something like 110 grams of protein a day, about twice the federal government’s recommended allowance; of that, about 75 grams come from animal protein. It’s likely that most of us would do just fine on around 30 grams of protein a day, virtually all of it from plant sources. __B____ 1. The flow of spam(垃圾邮件) is often seasonal. It slows in the spring, and then in the month that technology specialists call “black September”--when hundreds of thousands of students return to college, many armed with new computers and access to fast Internet connections --the levels rise sharply.________ 2. Even sure-footed natives on a dark night could misjudge the lay of land,stumbling into a ditch or off a precipice. In Aberdeenshire, a 15-year-old girl died in 1973 after straying from her customary road through a churchyard and tumbling into a newly dug grave. The Yorkshireman Arthur Jessop, returning from a neighbor’s home on a cold January night, fell into a stone pit after losing her bearings. ________

Read the following conversation. What fallacy does Dylan’s argument have? Roman: Unless we build a power plant in this area within the next ten years, we won’t be able to meet the significantly growing demand for electrical power. Dylan: What you’re saying is that you couldn’t care less what happens to the plant life and wildlife in this area or even to human lives that might be dislocated by the building of this dam.

A、Circular reasoning.

B、Red herring.

C、Straw man.

D、Appeal to ignorance.

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