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Most people don't enjoy facing the difficult situations that sometimes occur with coworker

s in the workplace. Such situations may arise from honest disagreements over design or engineering issues, personnel or benefits matters, management decisions or actions, or from any other situation where human impressions and objectives differ.

There could be double trouble for engineers who are more likely to feel at home with electrons and bytes(信息组), and behave in highly predictable ways, than with coworkers, who often appear arbitrary and unpredictable. For those of us who have internalized the strict and measurable rules of the physical world, dealing with other people can be both disappointing and frustrating.

Yet how you manage situations of conflict with your coworkers could have a significant impact on your career, often even more than your engineering prowess or your design skills. Those who deal successfully with potential conflicts are far more likely to receive added responsibilities and promotions, in addition to the pay increases and respect that come with them. On the other hand, not dealing successfully with conflict can potentially relegate you to a career backwater, with technical challenges and high pay passing you by.

Why is dealing with conflict an important skill today? It's primarily because there's more of it now than in the past. Workers of all types are more likely to speak up for their own ideas or actions, rather than follow the dictating corporate chain of command. Conflict also sometimes arises as a result of unclear company goals, or when those goals aren't shared equally by all. Rather than working for a single common good, employees and managers seek individual goals, such as promotion, job security, experience, money, and even the proverbial free lunch.

Not only is actual conflict greater today, but even the potential for interpersonal conflicts in the workplace is far greater than at any time in the past. One reason for this is increased time-to-market pressures. The need to rapidly make decisions, establish an engineering direction, and meet project milestones adds elements of tension and stress to an already difficult endeavor.

This makes the workplace a potential minefield for interpersonal conflict. It's especially apparent to an engineer in a position of responsibility, like a project leader or an engineering manager. For an engineer who must work with others to complete a project, the need to manage conflict can spell the difference between success and failure.

Which of the following statements is true' according to the passage?

A.Minefields are becoming common in the workplace.

B.Workplace conflict can arise from honest disagreements.

C.Workers today are less equipped to deal with workplace conflict.

D.Companies are finding new ways to deal with workplace conflict.

提问人:网友leyan90981 发布时间:2022-01-07
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A、the patients

B、the doctors

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4. The weakness is that a ___________ reader will have difficulties with the paragraph that might not demonstrate their true phonetic abilities.
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听力原文: The private motor vehicle has given us a freedom our ancestors could not dream about. We can travel swiftly, and usually safely, over the roads which have been built to accommodate our cars. People can display their wealth by driving a car which may cost as much as another person's home.

(29) Sadly the car has become a disadvantage as well as a boon. The car pollutes the atmosphere, may be involved in serious accidents, and by its very numbers blocks roads. (29) How can we reduce its use? The car is only desirable if we can use it easily, so we might begin by reducing access to parking spaces in the cities and simultaneously increasing the quality and availability of public transport. Cars could be banned from certain parts of the city, thus forcing people to walk or to use public transport. The expense of buying and running a car can be raised. (30) If the motorist is faced with a high purchase price, high road tax, high insurance premiums and substantial fines he or she may reconsider the purchase. A corresponding reduction in the price of public transport would help this financial argument against car ownership.

Neither of these arguments will sway the super rich who can afford the status cars, but it would perhaps encourage them to look at other ways of demon-strafing their wealth. (31) However we do it, reducing the number of cars on the road will reduce the problems of pollution and the congestion which can bring cities to a standstill.

29. What does the speaker focus on?

30.What factor might hinder most people's consideration of purchasing private cars?

31.What would be the result if the number of private cars is reduced?


A.The sadness of being involved in accidents.

B.Ways to limit the use of private cars.

C.The serious pollution on motor roads.

D.Freedom to travel quickly and safely.



丽江古城位于云南省西北部,是纳西族聚居的地方。它建于宋代(the Song Dynasty),距今已有800年的历史,其原貌得以保存完整。自古以来,古城就是远近闻名的集市。它是中国历史文化名城中唯一没有城墙的古城。古城里的建筑深受纳西、白、藏(Tibetan)、汉四个民族建筑艺术的影响,充满了浓厚的中华文化气息。1997年,丽江被列入世界文化遗产名录(World Heritage Sites)。


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