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East London has traditional ly been an area which has attracted immigrants.The chance

to find jobs in London has led to immigrants from many different parts of the world living there.Also, because it was the home of London s docks, it was easy for people to get there by ship.One famous bui lding in Brick Lane has been a church, a synagogue and is now a mosque Nowadays this part of London, which is known as the East End.is home to people from many different parts of the world.including Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.This means that there are many shops and restaurants selling ethnic food.In the past the East End was one of the poorest parts of London, but now it is becoming more fashionable and house prices are rising rapidly.This is because many people want to live near to where they work in the centre of the city.Also improved transport links to both other parts of London and to other countries via the Channel Tunnel train station and Dock lands Airport have attracted more people to the area.

21.East London has()

A.has never been a home for immigrants

B.has recently become a home for immigrants

C.has always been a home for immigrants

22.Immigrants are attracted by()

A.low house prices


C.ethnic food

23.London' s docks were()

A.easy to reach by plane

B.mainly in East London

C.a good place to find work

24.East London()

A.is a cheap place to live

B.has never been a cheap place to live in

C.ued to be a cheap place to live in

25.House prices are rising rapidly because()

A.it has good transport links and more people want to live there near the center of London

B.there are lots of jobs in East London

C.there are lots of good shops and restaurants

提问人:网友xiayan188 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“East London has traditional ly…”相关的问题
NorwichNorwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has been in exist


Norwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has been in existence for more than two thousand years. It began as a small village beside the River Wensum. At the time of the Norman invasion in 1066 it had grown to become one of the largest towns in England.

With two cathedrals and a mosque(清真寺), Norwich has long been a popular centre for various religions. The first cathedral was built in 1095 and has recently celebrated its 900th anniversary, while Norwich itself had a year of celebration in 1994 to mark the 800th anniversary of the city receiving a Royal Charter. This allowed it to be called a city and to govern it-self independently.

Today, in comparison with places like London or Manchester, Norwich is quite small, with a population of around 150,000, but in the 16th century Norwich was the second largest city of England. It continued to grow for the next 300 years and got richer and richer, becoming famous for having as many churches as there are weeks in the year and as many pubs as their are days in the year.

Nowadays, there are far fewer churches and pubs, but in 1964 the University of East Anglia was built in Norwich. With its fast-growing student population and its success as a modern commercial centre (Norwich is the biggest centre for insurance services outside London), the city now has a side choice of entertainment: theatres, cinemas, nightclubs, busy cafes, exeellent restaurants, and a number of arts and leisure centres. There is also a football team, whose colours are green and yellow. The team is known as "The Canaries (金丝雀)",though nobody can be sure why.

Now the city's attractions include another important development, a modern shopping centre called "The Castle Mall". The people of Norwich lived with a very large hold in the middle of their city for over two years, as builders dug up the main car park. Lorries moved nearly a million tons of earth so that the roof of the mall could become a city centre park, with attractive water pools and hundreds of trees, but the local people are really pleased that the old open market remains, right in the heart of the city and next to the new development. Both areas continue to do good business, proving that Norwich has managed to mix the best of the old and the new.

The River Wensum flows by Norwich.



C.Not mentioned

Norwich Norwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has been in exis


Norwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has been in existence for more than two thousand years. It began as a small village beside the River Wensum. At the time of the Norman invasion in 1066 it had grown to become one of the largest towns in England.

With two cathedrals and a mosque(清真寺), Norwich has long been a popular centre for various religions. The first cathedral was built in 1095 and has recently celebrated its 900th anniversary, while Norwich itself had a year of celebration in 1994 to mark the 800th anniversary of the city receiving a Royal Charter. This allowed it to be called a city and to govern itself independently.

Today, in comparison with places like London or Manchester, Norwich is quite small, with a population of around 150,000, but in the 16th century Norwich was the second largest city of England. It continued to grow for the next 300 years and got richer and richer, becoming famous for having as many churches as there are weeks in the year and as many pubs as their are days in the year.

Nowadays, there ate far fewer churches and pubs, but in 1964 the University of East Anglia was built in Norwich. With its fast-frowing student population and its success as a modern commercial centre (Norwich is the biggest centre for insurance services outside London), the city now has a side choice of entertainment: theatres, cinemas, nightclubs, busy cafes, excellent restaurants, and a number of arts and leisure centres. There is also a football team, whose colours are green and yellow. The team is known as "The Canaries (金丝雀)",though nobody can be sure why.

Now the city's attractions include another important development, a modern shopping centre called "The Castle Mall". The people of Norwich lived with a very large hold in the middle of their city for over two years, as builders dug up the main car park. Lorries moved nearly a million tons of earth so that the roof of the mall could become a city centre park, with attractive water pools and hundreds of trees, but the local people are really pleased that the old open market remains, right in the heart of the city and next to the new development. Both areas continue to do good business, proving that Norwich has managed to mix the best of the old and the new.

The River Wensum flows by Norwich.



C.Not mentioned

听力原文:A key component in the explosives used in last week' s London bombings is triacet

听力原文: A key component in the explosives used in last week' s London bombings is triacetone triperoxide (TATP), a U.S. law enforcement official tells U.S. News. TATP is a sophisticated or "high yield" explosive that' s easily mixed at home with recipes available on the Internet.

It was used by suicide bombers in Israel and chosen as a detonator in 2001 by would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid. Reid, who attempted to bomb a plane as it crossed the Aflamic Ocean, has claimed he used an Internet recipe to make his sneaker bomb. The ingredients in TATP — hydrogen peroxide obtained from local pharmacies, the paint thinner acetone, and a little hydrochloric or sulphuric acid-- can be mixed to manufacture TATP, which packs the same punch as plastic explosives such as RDX. TATP, used by terrorists in the Middle East and elsewhere, is considered so unstable that it can be set off by clapping one' s hands to detonate it or stomping on it with one' s foot and usually is used with other ingredients as a booster or detonator component.

What is the feature of TATP?

A.It is an simple explosive.

B.It is a military explosive.

C.It is made in U.S. factories.

D.It can be easily made indoors.

听力原文:At the end of the 19th century, a social scientist visited Stockwell, in south Lo

听力原文: At the end of the 19th century, a social scientist visited Stockwell, in south London. He was involved in an ambitious project, led by the shipping magnate Charles Booth, to color-code every street in the capital according to its social make-up. In general, the area struck him as comfortable. But just east of Stockwell Road he found a pocket of filth and squalor, with rude residents and broken windows. It was, he believed, "far the worst place in the division".

Since then, the area has been transformed. Dismal two-storey cottages have been swept away and replaced by grass and the apartment blocks of the Stockwell Park Estate. But the appearance of the neighborhood has changed more than its character. Julie Fawcett, who lives in one of the blocks, characterizes her neighbors as "the mad, the bad and the sad". Unemployment is more than double the area's average.

In many ways, London has changed dramatically in the past century. It has sprawled far beyond its 1898 boundaries. The network of underground transport has expanded, and cars have appeared. The city has been bombed in two world wars. The middle classes fled, then returned. Yet when Booth's maps am updated using data from the last census, the changes are less striking than what has stayed the same. Not only do the broad patterns found in the 19th century hold -- the East End is still poor, the West End still rich -- but so do many local ones.

Booth's method of judging streets was necessarily impressionistic. Researchers peered through windows and into back gardens in search of clues. A torn waistcoat on a clothes line in Kentish Town, north London, "told clearly of working-class occupants". Police officers were asked their opinions. Of the residents of one street in the south London neighborhood of Battersea, the local copper asserted: "People have improved their houses but not their manners." That road was coded black, for "vicious, semi-criminal" -- the lowest of seven categories.

Sadly, the 2001 census does not measure viciousness. But it does measure people's socioeconomic status. By collapsing its eight categories, and Booth's seven, into four, it is possible to see how a neighborhood has changed (or not changed) over a century. One area that has altered more than most: north Chelsea.

In 1898, Chelsea was socially mixed, and neither especially rich nor especially poor. Booth's researchers found some well-to-do residents in the Georgian terraces and on the main roads; before the advent of cars, busy roads were often smart. Worst was a now-demolished street southeast of the Fulham Road, the neighborhood's main drag, which featured "evil looking drink sodden old Irish women".

A century later, managerial and professional workers are now the dominant group in the area. Many streets that were middling in Booth's day are now wealthy, and some pockets of deep poverty have disappeared.

But poverty has not been altogether banished from this part of Chelsea, nor has it moved much. Most of the poorest areas in 2001 were also poor in 1898, and in almost exactly the same places. The reason is that the worst Victorian slums have been knocked down and replaced with tracts of social housing. Some of this housing was built by charitable trusts in the early 20th century.

Charles Booth was a ______.

A.urban planner

B.social scientist

C.shipping tycoon

D.government consultant

One thing the tour books don't tell you about London is that 2.000 of its residents are fo
xes. As native as the royal family, they fled the city about centuries ago alter developers and pollution moved in. But now that the environment is cleaner, the foxes have come home, one of the many wild animals that have moved into urban areas around the world.

"The number and variety of wild animals in urban areas is increasing," says Gomer Jones, president of the National Institute for Urban Wildlife, in Columbia, Maryland. A survey of the wildlife in New York's Central Park last year tallied the species of mammals, including muskrats, shrews and flying squirrels. A similar survey conducted in the 1890s counted only five species. One of the country's largest populations of raccoons (浣熊) now lives in Washington D.C., and moose (驼鹿) are regularly seen wandering into Maine towns. Peregrine falcons (游隼) dive from the window ledges of buildings in the largest U.S. cities to prey on pigeons.

Several changes have brought wild animals to the cities. Foremost is that air and water quality in many cities has improved as a result of the 1970s' pollution-control efforts. Meanwhile, rural areas have been built up, leaving many animals on the edges of suburbia. In addition, conservationists have created urban wildlife refuges.

The Greater London Council last year spent $750,000 to buy land and build 10 permanent wildlife refuges in the city. Over 1,000 volunteers have donated money and cleared rabble from derelict lots. As a result, pheasants now strut in the East End and badgers scuttle across lawns near the center of town. A colony of rare house martins nests on a window ledge beside Harrods, and one evening last year a fox was seen on Westminster Bridge looking up at Big Ben.

For peregrine falcons, cities are actually safer than rural cliff dwellings. By 1970 the birds were extinct east of the Mississippi because the DDT had made their eggs too thin to support life. That year, ornithologist Tom Cede of Cornell University began rising the birds for release in cities, for cities afforded abundant food and contained none of the peregrine's natural predators.

"Before they were exterminated, some migrated to cities on their own because they had run out of cliff space," Cade says. "To peregrines, buildings are just like cliffs." He has released about 30 birds since 1975 in New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Norfolk, and of the 20 pairs now living in the East, half are urbanites. "A few of the young ones have gotten into trouble by falling down chimneys and crashing into window-glass, but overall their adjustment has been successful."

The first paragraph suggests that ______.

A.environment is crucial for wildlife

B.tour books are not always a reliable source of information

C.London is a city of fox

D.foxes are highly adaptable to environment

根据短文回答 16~22 题。 Norwich Norwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as

根据短文回答 16~22 题。


Norwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has been existence for more than two thousand years It began as a small village beside the River Wensum. At the time of the Norman invasion in 1066 it had grown to become one of the largest towns in England.

With two cathedrals and a mosque (清真寺), Norwich has long been a popular centre for various religions. The first cathedral was built in 1095 and has recently celebrated its 900th anniversary, while Norwich itself had a year of celebration in 1994 to mark the 800th anniversary of the city receiving a Royal Charter. This allowed it to be called a city and to govern itself independently.

Today, in comparison with places like London or Manchester, Norwich is quite small, with a population of around 150,000, but in the 16th century Norwich was the second largest city of England. It continued to grow for the next 300 years and got richer and richer, becoming famous for having as many churches as there are weeks in the year and as many pubs as there are days in the year.

Nowadays, there are far fewer churches and pubs, but in 1964 the University of East Anglia was built in Norwich. With its fast-growing student population and its success as a modern commercial centre (Norwich is the biggest centre for insurance services outside London), the city now has a wide choice of entertainment: theatres, cinemas, nightclubs, busy cafes, excellent restaurants, and a number of arts and leisure centers. There is also a football team, whose colours are green and yellow. The team is known as "The Canaries (金丝雀)", though nobody can be sure why.

Now the city's attractions include another important development, a modern shopping centre called 'The Castle Mall'. The people of Norwich lived with a very large hole in the middle of their city for over two years, as builders dug up the main car park. Lorries moved nearly a million tons of earth so that the roof of the Mall could become a city centre park, with attractive water pools and hundreds of trees. But the local people are really pleased that the old open market remains, right in the heart of the city and next to the new development. Both areas continue to do good business, proving that Norwich has managed to mix the best of the old and the new.

第 16 题 The River Wensum flows by Norwich.()



C.Not mentioned

One thing the tour books don't tell you about London is that 2,000 of its residents are fo
xes. As native as the royal family, they fled the city about centuries ago after developers and pollution moved in. But now that the environment is cleaner, the foxes have come home, one of the many wild animals that have moved into urban areas around the world.

"The number and variety of wild animals in urban areas is increasing," says Gomer Jonas, president of the National Institute for Urban Wildlife, in Columbia, Maryland. A survey of the wildlife in New York's Central Park last year tallied the species of mammals; including muskrats, shrews and flying squirrels. A similar survey conducted in the 1890s counted only five species. One of the country's largest populations of raccoons(浣熊) now lives in Washington D.C., end moose(驼鹿) are regularly teen wandering into Maine towns. Peregrine falcons(游隼) dive from the window ledges of buildings in the largest U.S. cities to prey on pigeons.

Several changes have brought wild animals to the cities. Foremost is that air and water quality in many cities has improved as a result of the 1970s' pollution-control efforts. Meanwhile, rural areas have been built up, leaving many animals on the edges of suburbia. In addition, conservationists have created urban wildlife refuges.

The Greater London Council last year spent $750, 000 to buy land and build 10 permanent wildlife refuges hi the city. Over 1,000 volunteers have donated money and cleared rubble from derelict lots. As a result, pheasants now strut in the East End and badgers scuttle across lawns near the center of town. A colony of rare house martins nests on a window ledge beside Harrods, and one evening last year a fox was seen on Westminster Bridge looking up at Big Ben.

For peregrine falcons, cities are actually safer than rural cliff dwellings. By 1970 the birds were extinct east of the Mississippi because the DDT had made their eggs too thin to support life. That year, ornithologist Tom Cede of Cornell University began rising the birds for release in cities, for cities afforded abundant food and contained none of the peregrine's natural predators.

"Before they were exterminated, some migrated to cities on their own because they had nm out of cliff space," Cade says. "To peregrines, buildings are just like cliffs." He has released about 30 birds since 1975 in New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Norfolk, and of the 20 pairs now living in the East, half are urbanites. "A few of the young ones have gotten into trouble by falling down chimneys and crashing into window-glass, but overall their adjustment has been successful."

The first paragraph suggests that ______.

A.environment is crucial for wildlife

B.tour books are not always a reliable source of information

C.London is a city of fox

D.foxes are highly adaptable to environment

听力原文: A key component in the explosives used in last week's London bombings is triacet
one triperoxide (TATP), a U.S. law enforcement official tells U.S. News. TATP is a sophisticated or "high yield" explosive that's easily mixed at home with recipes available on the Internet.

It was used by suicide bombers in Israel and chosen as a detonator in 2001 by would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid. Reid, who attempted to bomb a plane as it crossed the Atlantic Ocean, has claimed he used an Internet recipe to make his sneaker bomb. The ingredients in TATP---hydrogen peroxide obtained from local pharmacies, the paint thinner acetone, and a little hydrochloric or sulphuric acid ----can be mixed to manufacture TATP, which packs the same punch as plastic explosives such as RDX. TATP, used by terrorists in the Middle East and elsewhere, is considered so unstable that it can be set off by clapping one's hands to detonate it or stomping on it with one's foot and usually is used with other ingredients as a booster or detonator component.

What is the feature of TATP?

A.It is an simple explosive.

B.It is a military explosive.

C.It is made in U.S. factories.

D.It can be easily made indoors.

Since 1066 the blood of many other races has been added to the original English mixture. N
ot only have Welsh, Scots and Irishmen made their homes in England, but also Jews, Russians, Germans—people from almost every country in Europe—as well as many West Indians, Indians: and others from the Commonwealth (英联邦).

As the English are such a mixed people, local customs and accents in England vary a great deal and local pride. is still strong in some parts of the country. Both Leonard Townsend and Herbert Perkins al- ways think of themselves as Northerners, although they have moved to the south. Leonard is as proud of being a Yorkshire man as Iran Macdonald is of being a Scot (苏格兰人).

The closer one gets to London, the less one notices such differences, for London is a melting-pot. People from all over Britain and from all over the world pour into the giant city. London tends to ' melt down' and smooth out strong accents and local customs. Every year the influence of London spreads fur-her and further into the country, north, south, east and west, but particularly into the south and south- east. In an effort to stop London from spreading any more, new overspill towns are being built forty to filly miles outside London. London from are encouraged to move to a new town, or at least to open new branches there instead of in another part of London. This policy is now beginning to have results. Until recently the greater London region had a population of twelve million, but this figure is starting to drop.

Which of the following is NOT the meaning of the sentence "Since 1066 the blood ... "in Para. 1?

A.People from other countries have settled down in England.

B.Many foreigners have died and been buried in England.

C.Foreign people have immigrated into England.

D.People from other countries have become Englishmen.

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