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Many people know who wrote the song, but none has any idea of who__________ the music.




D.search for

提问人:网友lixin080108 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Many people know who wrote the…”相关的问题
Many people know who wrote the song, but it seems none has any idea of who the music.
As we know from the 3rd paragraph, many people believe that ______.A.the attack was led by

As we know from the 3rd paragraph, many people believe that ______.

A.the attack was led by Bin Laden

B.those who directed the attack was better engineers than those who built the towers

C.those who directed the attack know quite a lot about the towers

D.the attack was made spontaneously

Why do they need for you to tell them how many are coming?A.They need to know how many peo

Why do they need for you to tell them how many are coming?

A.They need to know how many people to invite.

B.They need to know how much food to prepare.

C.They need to know how many children are to be honored.

D.They need to know who are coming.

听力原文:M: I had a hard time getting through this novel.F: I know how you feel. Who can r

听力原文:M: I had a hard time getting through this novel.

F: I know how you feel. Who can remember the names of 40 different characters.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.The novel describes a man with many different kinds of character.

B.Thoro're too many characters in the novel to remember.

C.The man is good at memorizing people's names.

D.She hasn't read the novel yet.

Section C Directions: Listen to the passage twice more and fill in the blanks 1 to 15 with
what you hear. 音频11 注意:若一题多空,请用空格将答案隔开。 I, like many of you, am one of the two billion people on Earth who live in cities. And there are days -- I don’t know about the rest of you guys -- but there are days when I palpably feel how much I rely on other people for pretty much everything in my life. And some days, that can even be a little 1) ________.

There are many a career in which the increasing emphasis is 【M1】______in specialization. Y

There are many a career in which the increasing emphasis is 【M1】______

in specialization. You find these careers in engineering, in 【M2】______

production, in statistical work, and in teaching. And there 【M3】______

is an increasing demand for people who are capable lo take 【M4】______

in a great area at a glance, people who perhaps do not know

too much about any one field. There is, in the other words, 【M5】______

a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest

rather than the trees, making general judgment. We can call 【M6】______

these people "generalists". And these" generalists" are particular 【M7】______

needed for position in administration, where it is his job to 【M8】______

see that other people do the work, where they have to plan for

other people, to organize other people's work, to begin it and

judge it.

The generalist understands one field; his concern is with 【M9】______

technique and tools. He is a "trained" man; and his education

background is properly technical or professional. The generalist

deals with people; his concern is with leadership, with planning,

and on direction giving. He is an "educated" man: and the 【M10】______

humanities are his strongest foundation.


Step Back in TimeDo you know that we live a lot longer now than the people who were born b

Step Back in Time

Do you know that we live a lot longer now than the people who were born before us? One hundred years ago the average woman lived to be 45. But now, she can live until at least 80.

One of the main reasons for people living longer is that we know how to look after ourselves better. We know which foods are good for us and what we have to eat to make sure our bodies get all the healthy things they need. We know why we sometimes get iii and what to do to get better again. And we know how important it is to do lots of exercise to keep our hearts beating healthily.

But in order that we don't slip back into bad habits, let's have a look at what life was like 100 years ago.

Families had between 15 and 20 children, although many babies didn't live long. Children suffered from lots of diseases, especially rickets (佝偻病) and scurvy (坏血病), which are both caused by bad diets. This is because many families were very poor and not able to feed their children well.

Really poor families who lived in crowded cities like London and Manchester often slept standing up, bending over a piece of string, because there was no room for them to lie down.

People didn't have fridges until the 1920s. They kept fresh food cold by storing it on windowsills (窗台板), blocks of ice, or even burying it in the garden.

Some children had to start work at the age of seven or eight to earn money for their parents. If you had lived 100 years ago, you might well be selling matchsticks (火柴杆) (a job done by many children) or working with your dad by now.

On average women lived longer than men 100-years ago.



C.Not mentioned

Step Back in Time Do you know that we live a lot longer now than the people who were

Step Back in Time

Do you know that we live a lot longer now than the people who were born before us? One hundred years ago the average woman lived to be 45. But now, she can live until at least 80.

One of the main reasons for people living longer is that we know how to look after ourselves better. We know which foods are good for us and what we have to eat to make sure our bodies get all the healthy things they need. We know why we sometimes get ill and what to do to get better again. And we know how important it is to do lots of exercise to keep our hearts beating healthily.

But in order that we don't slip back into bad habits, let's have a look at what life was like 100 years ago.

Families had between 15 and 20 children, although many babies didn't live long. Children suffered from lots of diseases, especially rickets (佝偻病)and scurvy (坏血病),which are both caused by bad diets. This is because many families were very poor and not able to feed their children well.

Really poor families who lived in crowded cities like London and Manchester often slept standing up, bending over a piece of string, because there was no room for them to lie down.

People didn't have fridges until the 1920s. They kept fresh food cold by storing it on windowsills (窗台板), blocks of ice, or even burying it in the garden.

Some children had to start work at the age of seven or eight to earn money for their parents. If you had lived 100 years ago, you might well be selling matchsticks (火柴杆) (a job done by many children) or working with your dad by now.

第 16 题 On average women lived longer than men 100 years ago.



C.Not mentioned

John James Audubon was born in 1785 and died in 1851, but his name is still spoken every d
ay. Andubon was a scientist who loved nature. He wanted to show people the importance of nature in their lives. He was especially interested in birds, and painted many pictures of them.

In 1905, the National Audubon Society was formed by people who were also interested in birds and wanted to continue Audubon's nature studies. Even now, when people think of the Audubon Society, they usually think of birds. But the society does other things besides watching birds.

The members of the Society try to improve the environment as much as they can. They have helped pass many laws that protect birds and animals, and people, too. They taught young people how to protect their environment. They try to make their own communities cleaner, better places to live in.

John James Audubon knew that nature was important, He did not know how important his work would become.

Audubon ______.

A.was not famous 130 years ago

B.is still famous now

C.was famous 200 years ago

D.is not famous now

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