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previous station

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更多“previous station”相关的问题
At the required fire drill conducted aboard a vessel, all persons must report to their sta
tions and demonstrate their ability to perform the duties assigned to them ______.

A.by the tool pusher

B.in the station bill

C.by the person conducting the drill

D.at the previous safety meeting


一条大型输气管,各个时期的输气量不会相同,从投产初期的不满负荷运行到全部运转时的满负荷工作。同样可以从前面介绍的计算中,找到输气管不同时期的压气站数。这时,必须注意到压气站在不满负荷时,不一定是全部机组投入运行,压气站特性方程中A和B的数值将有所变化。A large gas pipeline will not have the same volume of gas in different periods, from the initial load of operation to the full load of operation. It is also possible to find the number of compressor stations in different periods of the gas pipeline from the previous calculation. At this time, it must be noted that when the compressor station is not under load, not all units may be put into operation, and the values of A and B in the characteristic equation of the compressor station will change.

Astronaut Jim Voss has enjoyed many memorable moments in his career, including three space
flights and one space walk. But he recalls with special fondness a decidedly earthbound experience in the summer of 1980, when he participated in the NASA-AS-EE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program. Voss, then a science teacher at West Point, was assigned to the Marshall Space Flight Center's propulsion lab in Alabama to analyze why a hydraulic fuel pump seal on the space shuttle was working so well when previous seals had failed. It was a seemingly tiny problem among the vast complexities of running the space program. Yet it was important to NASA because any crack in the seals could have led to destructive results for the astronauts who relied on them.

"I worked a bit with NASA engineers," says Voss, "but I did it mostly by analysis. I used a handheld calculator, not a computer, to do a thermodynamic analysis. "At the end of the summer, he, like the other NASA-ASEE fellows working at Marshall, summarized his findings in a formal presentation and detailed paper. It was a valuable moment for Voss because the ASEE program gave him added understanding of NASA, deepened his desire to fly in space, and intensified his application for astronaut status.

It was not an easy process. Voss was actually passed over when he first applied for the astronaut program in 1978. Over the next nine years he reapplied repeatedly, and was finally accepted in 1987. Since then he has participated in three space missions. The 50-year-old Army officer, who lives in Houston, is now in training for a four-month mission as a crew member on the International Space Station starting in July 2000.

Voss says the ASEE program is wonderful for all involved. "It brings in people from the academic world and gives NASA a special property for a particular period of time. It brings some fresh eyes and fresh ideas to NASA, and establishes link with our colleges and universities," Voss explains. "There's an exchange of information and an exchange of perspectives that is very important."

For the academic side, Voss says, the ASEE program also "brings institutions of higher learning more insight into new technology. We give them an opportunity to work on real-world problems and take it back to the classroom. "

Why was the hydraulic fuel pump seal important for the space shuttle?

A.Because previous seals all failed.

B.Because it was very complex in running the space program.

C.Because great care has to be taken of the hydraulic fuel pump sealing.

D.Because any crack in the seals would cause disastrous results for the astronauts.

Astronaut Jim Voss has enjoyed many memorable moments in his career, including three space
flights and one space walk. But he recalls with special fondness a decidedly earthbound(只在地球上的) experience in the summer of 1980 when he participated in the NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program. Voss, then a science teacher at West Point was assigned to the Marshall Space Flight Center's propulsion(推进) lab in Alabama to analyze why a hydraulic fuel pump seal on the space shuttle was working so well when previous seals had failed. It was a seemingly tiny problem among the vast complexities of running the space program` Yet it was important to NASA because any crack in the seal could have led to destructive results for the astronauts who relied on them.

"I worked a bit with NASA engineers, "says Voss, "but I did it mostly by analysis. I used a handheld calculator, not a computer, to do a thermodynamic(热力学的) analysis. "At the end of the summer, he, like the other NASA-ASEE fellows working at Marshall summarized his findings in a formal presentation and detailed paper. It was a valuable moment for Voss because the ASEE program gave him added understanding of NASA, deepened his desire to fly in space, and intensified his application for astronaut status.

It was not an easy process. Voss was actually passed over when he first applied for the astronaut program in 1987. Since then he has participated in three space mission. The 50-year-old Army officer, who lives in Houston, is now in training for a four-month mission as a crew member on the International Space Station starting in July 2000.

Voss says the ASEE program is wonderful for all involved. "It brings in people from the academic world and gives NASA a special property for a particular period of time. It brings some fresh eyes and fresh ideas to NASA, and establishes a link with colleges and universities", Voss explains". There is an exchange of information and an exchange of perspectives that is very important".

For the academic side, Voss says, the ASEE program also "brings institutions of higher learning more insight into new technology. We give them an opportunity to work on real-world problems and take it back to the classroom".

Why was the hydraulic fuel pump seal important for the space shuttle?

A.Because previous seals all failed.

B.Because it was very complex in running the space program.

C.Because great care has to be taken of the hydraulic fuel pump sealing.

D.Because any crack in the seals would cause disastrous results for astronauts.

Astronaut Jim Voss has enjoyed many memorable moments in his career, including three space
flights and one space walk. But he recalls with special fondness a decidedly earthbound (为地球引力所束缚的) experience in the summer of 1980 when he participated in the NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program. Voss, then a science teacher at West Point, was assigned to the Marshall Space Flight Center's propulsion lab in Alabama to analyze why a hydraulic fuel pump seal on the space shuttle was working so well when previous seals had failed. It was a seemingly tiny problem among the vast complexities of running the space program. Yet it was important to NASA because any crack in the seal could have led to destructive results for the astronauts who relied on them.

"I worked a bit with NASA engineers," says Voss, "but I did it mostly by analysis. I used a handheld calculator, not a computer, to do a thermodynamic(热力学的) analysis." At the end of the summer, he, like the other NASA-ASEE fellows working at Marshall, summarized his findings in a formal presentation and detailed paper. It was a valuable moment for Voss because the ASEE program gave him added understanding of NASA, deepened his desire to fly in space, and intensified his application for astronaut status.

It was not an easy process. Voss was actually passed over when he first applied for the astronaut program in 1978. Over the next nine years he reapplied repeatedly, and was finally accepted in 1987. Since then he has participated in three space missions. The 50-year-old Army officer, who lives in Houston, is now in training for a four-month mission as a crew member on the International Space Station starting in July 2000.

Voss says the ASEE program is wonderful for all involved. "It brings in people from the academic world and gives NASA a special property for a particular period of time. It brings some fresh eyes and fresh ideas to NASA, and establishes a link with our colleges and universities," Voss explains. "There's an exchange of information and an exchange of perspectives that is very important."

For the academic side, Voss says, "the ASEE program also brings institutions of higher learning more insight into new technology. We give them an opportunity to work on real world problems and take it back to the classroom."

Why was the hydraulic fuel pump seal important for the space shuttle?

A.Because previous seals all failed.

B.Because it was very complex in running the space program.

C.Because great care has to be taken of the hydraulic fuel pump sealing.

D.Because any crack in the seals would cause disastrous results for the astronauts.

听力原文:Purse snatching is an increasingly common crime. There are estimated 50 to 100 pu

听力原文: Purse snatching is an increasingly common crime. There are estimated 50 to 100 purse snatchings each month in the New York City subways. One of the favored techniques is to stand between two subway cars and, as the train starts pulling out of the station, reach out and pull free a woman's purse.

Recently, a crime analysis officer for the New York Police Department found that purse stealing in Manhattan's top restaurants was up 5 percent over the previous year. Where a woman puts her purse on a vacant chair at a table or at her feet beside her chair, she is inviting a purse snatcher to take it. Purse snatchers often work in pairs. When a target in a restaurant is sighted, one of them will create some kind of disturbance to gain the victim's attention. While the woman is looking away from her table, the actual snatcher will lift the purse. A popular technique is for the thief, man or woman, to carry an umbrella with the curved handle down. The umbrella handle suddenly hooks the bag and in an instant it is on the thief's wrist or under the coat over his arm if he is a man, and on its way out of the restaurant. Police advise that women in restaurants keep their purses either on their laps or on the floor between their legs.

Other purse snatchers who operate in theaters are called "seat tippers", vietimizing women who put their purses down on an adjacent empty seat. Yet others specialize in snatching purses from ladies' rooms. When a woman is in a toilet stall, her purse should never be placed on the floor or hung on the coat hook on the door.


A.Officials from the New York Police Department.

B.Officials from the New York federal government.

C.Officials from the New York local government.

D.Americans working in subway and restaurants.

Flats were almost unknown in Britain until the 1850s when they were developed, along with
other industrial dwellings, for the laboring classes. These vast blocks were plainly a convenient means of easing social conscience by housing large numbers of the ever-present poor on compact city sites. During the 1880s, however, the idea of living in comfortable residential chambers caught on with the affluent upper and upper middle classes, and controversy as to the advantages and disadvantages of flat life was a topic of conversation around many a respectable dinner table. In Paris and other major European cities, the custom whereby the better-off lived in apartments, or flats, was well established. Up to the late nineteenth century in England only bachelor barristers had established the tradition of living in rooms near the Law Court. any self-respecting head of household would insist upon a West End town house as his London home, the best that his means could provide.

The popularity of flats for the better-off seems to have developed for a number of reasons. First, perhaps, through the introduction of the railways, which had enabled a wide range of people to enjoy a holiday staying in a suite at one of the luxury hotels which had begun to spring up during the previous decade. Hence, no doubt, the fact that many of the early luxury flats were similar to hotel suites, even being provided with communal dining-rooms and central boilers for hot water and heating. Rents tended to be high to cover overheads, but savings were made possible by these communal amenities and by tenants being able to reduce the number of family servants.

One of the earliest substantial London developments of flats for the well-to-do was begun soon after Victoria Railway Station was opened in 1860, as the train service provided an efficient link with both the City and the South of England. Victoria Street, adjacent to both the Station and Westminster, had already been formed, and under the direction of the architect, Henry Ashton, was being lined with blocks of residential chambers in the Parisian manner. These flats were commodious indeed, offering between eight and fifteen rooms apiece, including appropriate domestic offices. The idea was an emphatic departure from the tradition of the London house and achieved immediate Success.

Perhaps the most notable block in the vicinity was Queen Anne's Mansions, partly designed by E. R. Robson in 1884 and recently demolished. For many years, this was London's loftiest building and had strong claims to be the ugliest. The block was begun as a wild speculation, modelled on the American skyscraper, and was nearly 200 feet high. The cliff-like walls of dingy brick completely overshadowed the modest thoroughfare nearby. Although bleak outside, the mansion flats were palatial within, with sumptuously furnished communal entertaining and dining rooms, and lifts to the uppermost floors. The success of these tall blocks of flats could not have been achieved, of course, without the invention of the lift, or "ascending carriage" as it was called when first used in the Strand Law Courts in the 1870s.

Flats first appeared in Britain in the middle of the 19th century when______

A.they were principally built for those families with several servants

B.people were not conscious of the crowded housing of the less well-to-do

C.there was increasing concern over accommodation for the poor

D.people became conscious of the social needs of the rural population

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