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Once you gain confidence in yourself, you can judge truth and error with you own mind

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更多“Once you gain confidence in yo…”相关的问题
A.She suggests he should tell the company the truth.B.She suggests he should be confid

A.She suggests he should tell the company the truth.

B.She suggests he should be confident to call the company.

C.She suggests he should promise the company he can learn fast.

D.She suggests he should gain a chance by lying to the company.

George Bernard Shaw once wrote, "There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your hear
ts desire. The other is to gain it." To what extent do you agree or disagree with his statement? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

They seem to be never satisfied___ they can gain the whole world.()





SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:A: How do you and your housemates like the co - up? I' m thinking of joining it myself.

B: We like it quite a bit. We get some very fresh produce. And both staples and fair prices. But it certainly hasn’t saved us time. The co - up doesn’t carry everything. So we still wind up going to the supermarket too, for cleaning supplies, batteries, that sort of thing. I wish the co - up solved those items. ]' ye been talking about it with some of the other members.

A: What do members have to do.'? Just to pay a membership fee?

B: Yeah. There is a fee, and there are meetings. But attend ance isn’t required. But we do have to work there for an hour every week, which isn’t too bad. Once you are there, you can get your shopping done.

A: I wouldn’t mind working there some time. You get to learn about the products. But is the food free of additives? That will be the main reason I join. I' m a convert from junk food. Until now my diets have been largely chemical additives and pesticides. B: Well, a lot of food is pure and pesticides - free. They also have ultamine supplements and soy and Toufu and that kind of thing, lots of health food in shop there. So if source health oriented, the co- up is.

A: I’d like to try it just for a month or so. Then if you like it, you can join for a longer periods. And it becomes cheaper. A six month membership costs as much as 5 individual months.

B: Sounds pretty easy. Maybe the next time I run into you a gain, it will be in the checkout line in the co -up.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.Memberships in a food coup.

B.The benefits of health food.

C.Shopping in the supermarket.

D.The current cost of food.

Key James, Secretary of Health and Human Resources...

Key James, Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the Virginia State government, loves to turn the tables on those who don&39;t think it&39;s possible to be middle-class,conservative,educated and still be truly black. Once, during an Abortion debate, a woman in the audience angrily told James she was so middle-class she didn&39;t have a clue about real African American life. "If you understood what these women go through," the woman said, "you would realize that abortion is their only choice. "

James then asked the woman to consider a poor black mother on welfare. She already has four children and an alcoholic husband who has all but abandoned the family. Now she discovers another child is on the way. How would you counsel that woman, asked James.

"Have an abortion," the woman responded. "That child would have a very poor quality of life. "

"I have a vested interest in your answer," James said. "The woman I described was my mother. I was the fifth of six children born into poverty. And, in case you&39;re interested,the quality of my life is just fine!"

1、"To move the tables" means__________.

A.to move the tables

B.to carry the tables away

C.to gain courage

D.to gain an advantage after having been at a disadvantage

James' mother__________.A.was educated

B.was conservative

C.was poor

D.A and B

James' family led a__________life when she was born.A.miserable




James' father__________.A.divorced his wife

B.liked to drink

C.deserted his family

D.B and C

阅读理解题为6-10题,请按顺序作答。 阅读理解: Directi...

阅读理解题为6-10题,请按顺序作答。 阅读理解: Directions:Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.   Everybody lies. It may only be “white lies”, but everyone tells lies or “omits the truth” sometimes. People start lying at around age 4 to 5 when children gain an awareness of the use and power of language. This first lying is not ill-natured, but rather to find out, or test, what can be controlled in a child’s environment. Eventually children begin to use lying to get out of trouble or get something they want. White lies, those told to protect someone’s feelings, are not a big deal at all. The person, however, who seems to feel forced to lie about both small and large stuff, has a problem. They lie to protect themselves, look good, gain financially or socially and avoid punishment. A much more troubling group is those who lie a lot, and knowingly, for personal gain. Lying often gets worse with the passage of time. When you get away with a lie, it often forces you to continue your lies.   Why do we dislike liars so much? It’s a matter of trust. When people lie, they have broken a bond – an unspoken agreement to treat others as we would like to be treated. Serious lying often makes it impossible for us to trust another person again. Because the issue (问题) of trust is at risk, coming clean about the lie as soon as possible is the best way to mend fences. If the truth only comes out once it is forced, repair of trust is far less likely. As a parent, the most important message you can send to your children about lying is that you always – always – want them to come clean with you. No matter how small a lie they have told, remind them that you would always rather hear the truth, no matter how bad it is, than be cheated. Tell them there is really nothing better in your relationship than your trust of each other. According to the passage, the worst liars are those who ________.

A、tell white lies

B、feel forced to tell lies

C、lie a lot for personal gain

D、began to lie at a very young age

Americans expect to gain and lose friendships naturally as their life changes. For example, they may have a group of close friends in high school that will change once they reach university.
According to the passage, which of the following categories of travelers will gain most fr
om airline alliances?

A.Travelers who fly frequently economy class.

B.Travelers who fly frequently business class.

C.Travelers who fly occasionally during holidays.

D.Travelers who fly economy class once in a while.

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文: School Education

Interviewer: Janet, as a teacher, can you give us some idea on how the English school system works?

Janet: Urn, well, first of all most children start school at the age of five and they can't leave school until the age of sixteen. Um... they will go to primary school from the age of five until eleven ... um, and previously they used to take an eleven plus examination which would then determine whether they would go to a grammar school or alternatively a secondary school. But now we have a.. a new system where children aren't divided off at the age of eleven, instead, they could take the exams at the age of sixteen.

Interviewer: Do you think that's a ... an improvement to the system?

Janet: Well,... um, theoretically.., it's supposed to be much better because it gives.., it stops separating children at the age of eleven and gives them a better chance, and in fact what usually happens is that those children who wouldn't ... er who would have gone to a grammar school tend to be at the top end of the comprehensive system, and those that would have gone to secondary modern school find themselves at the lower levels of the school.

Interviewer: Do you think that the present school system is an efficient way of educating children?

Janet: Urn... well if you, if you accept that, you know, there have to be schools, it seems to work fairly efficiently. Of course one of our great problems in England is that we have very large classes and .. urn, it would be very nice if we could reduce that by at least half instead of there being forty children in a class, there are only twenty., um and so that each child gets more individual attention so that their own particular needs just aren't passed over.

Interviewer: Do you think the.., subjects that er... children study today are adapted to present-day society.9

Janet: It would be very good if... er, more children at school had the opportunity of learning about the society they live in... in economic terms and in social terms, so that they are much more aware of the problems that we face today. But I also think that education isn't only something that has to be.. has to be relevant.., um, I think education can be just a... a gradual extension of oneself, and I don't think it's um... important for subjects to be seen only in terms of how useful they are when you leave school.., but how much you enjoy them and how much they mean to you.

Interviewer: What about games.., er and drama and things like that?

Janet: Well, the students have about an hour and a half of games a week, and for about an hour a week they have a class called social studies, which urn.., provide them ... er with some basic information or knowledge about what life will be after they leave school.., and they will do a drama in this class. They also study something about ecology, sociology et cetera... It's not an "O" level class, it's just for.., er experience.

Interviewer: Janet, do you.., really think, that your students gain a lot from their education?

Janet: I think they gain a certain amount of necessary knowledge, yes, but I think it should be broader. I think more emphasis should be put on broadening their knowledge instead of studying towards passing an exam, or reading towards writing a paper.

Interviewer: Er... do you have any specific way in which you think.., time at school could be improved?

Janet: Yes, I think there

A.were at the age of 16

B.failed the eleven plus exam

C.did well in the eleven plus exam

D.were not qualified for secondary school

Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bough
t something just because the salesman talked you into it? Are you afraid to ask someone for a date?

Many people are afraid to assert themselves (坚持已见). Dr. Robert Alberti, author of Stand Up, Speak Out, and Talk Back, thinks it's because of their lack of confidence. "Our structure of organization tends to make people distrust themselves," says Alberti. "There's always a 'superior' around—a parent, a teacher, a boss—who knows better'. These 'superiors' often gain when they keep breaking at your self-image."

But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people assert themselves. They offer "assertiveness training" courses—AT for short. In the AT course people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be aggressive without hurting people.

In one way, learning to speak out is to overcome fear. A group taking an AT course will help the shy person to lose his fear. But AT uses an even stronger motive—the need to share. The shy person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels.

Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-image. If someone you face is more "important" than you, you may feel less of a person. You start to doubt your own good sense. You go by the other person's label. But, why should you? AT says you can get to feel good about yourself. And once you do, you can learn to speak out.

People are reluctant to talk back because ______.

A.they have a poor self-image

B.they have not received AT courses

C.they have not grasped communication skills

D.they are not generous enough to share things

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