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Reading my essay through, a number of mistakes needed correction. This sentence is wrong.

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听力原文:W: I’m reading an essay by Thornton Wilder for my theater course, so I am eager t
o see how he applies his theories about drama to his own plays. Last night, I saw the student production of Our Town. It's too ex citing. To Wilder, a wonderful stage display is neither necessary nor suitable in a dramatic presentation. There certainly wasn't any impressive performance in Our Town. In fact, in the play there are hardly any objects or pieces of furniture are used at all. While I walked into the theater, I thought I had gone on the wrong night, since there was nothing but a bare stage, not even a curtain. A simple setting like that is exactly what Wilder insists upon. At the start of the play, the stage manager who was also the narrator, put a table and chair on either side of the stage and said they represented the houses of two families. All the other objects used in the play were imaginary.

W: I think I'd really enjoy seeing Our Town.

M: You would, especially since you've read that essay. There will be another production of it tonight and one more on Sunday afternoon. I hope you can appreciate it.

What is the woman reading for her theater course?

A.The play Our Town.

B.An essay by Thornton Wilder.

C.A critical review of Our Town.

D.A short story about New Hampshire.

听力原文:M: Professor Murphy, can you spare a few minutes?W: Actually, I'm on my way to an

听力原文:M: Professor Murphy, can you spare a few minutes?

W: Actually, I'm on my way to an appointment with a student, so please make this quick.

M: My name is Josh Ryan, and I'm in your Classical Political Theory class at 2:00.

W: Oh, yes. I recall now. You always ask excellent questions about the lecture. I can tell that you consistently do the readings for the day. What can I do for you, Josh?

M: I'm very interested in the works of John Locke, but the textbook didn't go into detail about him. Would you kindly suggest where I can find supplemental reading in this field?

W: You're in luck. I wrote my doctoral essay on Locke, so I have a whole library on his writings. I'll put together a reading list, and you can look at which specific books you are interested in. I'll bring the list with me to class tomorrow. Then, choose a few books, and I'll bring those particular books to the following class so you can borrow them.

M: Thank you very much, Professor Murphy. I didn't expect this much help!

W: I'm always pleased to help an enthusiastic student. I hope that you enjoy Locke's writings and consider majoring in polities. You will learn about many different political philosophies that might interest you.

M: Yes, I'm definitely considering it.


A.Because he had some problems with the readings.

B.Because he wanted to change classes.

C.Because he was thinking about becoming a politics major.

D.Because he wanted additional reading on a topic.

Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

The structure of an essay includes four parts: title, opening paragraph, body and conclusion.

Your title should reflect the thesis or central argument of your essay. Avoid repeating the topic as assigned (or selected).

Begin with a statement about the general topic and proceed to your particular thesis(论文) and approach to it. This structure will orient(使确定方向) your reader. Avoid giving a summary of what is to follow. Avoid writing about your essay; write only about your subject. (In other words, avoid such statements as: "In this section I shall discuss x." Simply discuss x. )

The middle section of the essay should be divided into carefully connected paragraphs, each consisting of four to eight sentences. Avoid overly long or short paragraphs. Each paragraph should contain one major point, and must be related logically and grammatically to the preceding and following ones. Use connecting words (such as: however, therefore, in addition, nevertheless, and so on) to ensure smooth and clear transitions(过渡) between points and paragraphs. Never apologize. Avoid too such statements as "in my opinion", since the entire essay is assumed to be your opinion -- that is, an opinion based upon and supported by material from the texts.

Since the argument has built up to your strongest point, your conclusion should begin with what your argument proved -- your thesis. A brief and reworded summary of your main points could follow for emphasis, but a plodding(单调乏味的) repetition should be avoided. End with an "opening outwards" to the general implications of your findings, remembering that the reader should be left with a feeling of your conviction, not your doubt or hesitation.

In the opening paragraph, you should avoid ______.

A.orienting your reader

B.discussing x

C.writing only about your subject

D.writing about your essay

From a child I was fond of reading, and all the little money that came into my hands was e
ver laid out in books. Pleased with the PILGRIM's PROGRESS, my first collection was of John Bunyan's works, in separate little volumes. I afterwards sold them to enable me to buy R. Burton's Historical Collection; they were small chapmen's books and cheap, 40 or 50 in all. My father's little library consisted chiefly of books in polemic divinity, most of which I read, and have since often regretted that, at a time when I had such a thirst for knowledge, more proper books had not fallen in my way, since it was now resolv' d I should not be a clergyman. Plutarch's Lives there was, in which I read abundantly, and I still think that time spent to great advantage. There was also a book of Defoe's, called AN ESSAY ON PROJECTS, and another of Dr. Mather's called ESSAYS TO DO GOOD which perhaps gave me a turn of thinking that had an influence on some of the principal future events of my life.

This bookish inclination at length determined my father to make me a printer, tho' he had already one son (James) of that profession. In 1717 my brother James return'd from England with a press and letters to set up his business in Boston. I lik'd it much better than that of my father, but still have a hankering for the sea. To prevent the apprehended effect of such an inclination, my father was impatient to have me bound to my brother. I stood out some time but at last was persuaded, and signed the indentures, when I was yet but 12 years old... I was to serve as an apprentice till I was 21 years of age, only I was to be allow'd journeyman's wages during the last year. In a little time I made great proficiency in the business, and became a useful hand to my brother. I now had access to better books. An acquaintance with the apprentices of booksellers, enabled me sometimes to borrow a small one, which I was careful to return soon and clean. Often I sat up in my room reading the greatest part of the night, when the book was borrow'd in the evening and to be return'd early in the morning, lest it should be miss'd or wanted. And after some time an ingenious tradesman Mr. Matthew Adams who had a pretty collection of books, and who frequented our printing house took notice of me, invited me to his library, and very kindly lent me such books as I choose to read.

When Benjamin Franklin was a child, he liked to read because _________.

A.he wanted to be a clergyman

B.he would be printer

C.he had a thirst for knowledge

D.he was pleased with the Pilgrim's Progress

听力原文:M: Mary, (19)you want to talk about your second essay, right?W: Yes, Dr. Richards

听力原文:M: Mary, (19)you want to talk about your second essay, right?

W: Yes, Dr. Richardson. I just need your comments on what I'm planning to do. (19)I'm doing the essay on the differences between TV news programs at different hours of the day.

M: How many times slots are you planning to consider?

W: Well, I think I'd look at all of them. That'd be five slots. The breakfast news, midmorning news. midday news. mid-afternoon news and evening news.

M: That's rather a lot. And you'd have too much to consider. (20)Why don't you just do two. Say the midmorning and then evening news. That should give you two contrasting approaches with two main audience compositions.

W: OK, just two then.

M: Yes, I think that would be much better. Now how many actual programs do you plan to work with?

W: What do you think of analyzing a whole week's news programs?

M: Well, that depends on how much of each program, if you concentrate on one particular type of news item, say the sports news or local items, it might be alright.

W: Yes. that would be a good idea. (21)I won't make a decision before I collect a sample of programs over a whole week. I'll look at them and see what items appear throughout the week.

M: Yes, that's a sound approach. (22)Now we’re getting close to the deadline. Can you finish it in time?

W: Yes, I think so. I've completed the reading and I know what my basic approach is, so it's really just a matter of pulling it all together now.

M: Fine, Mary. I'll look forward to reading it.


A.To discuss the second essay.

B.To get the comments on TV news.

C.To plan to join TV news programs.

D.To tell the difference of TV news.

听力原文:Last semester almost half the students in my class failed. Before you get scared

听力原文: Last semester almost half the students in my class failed. Before you get scared and conclude that I don't like my students, let explain how that came about. This class is a composition class. In composition there are certain rules of formality that must be followed in order to clearly communicate. It is unfortunate that these days many students feel that formal rules are not necessary. When 1 grade a paper and I see that you have misspelled a word, you have lost 10 points. If you have used inadequate punctuation, that can cost you up to 15 points. Additionally, any paper that you can not finish on time will not be accepted. Any theme that is not submitted on time will not be graded. You will have to read all the assignments. I will give quizzes on the reading assignments in order to make sure that you are keeping up on your readings. The class meets on Tuesday and Thursdays. Your final grade is based on the total scores of the four tests, several quizzes and six theme papers. Any time you have a problem I would seriously recommend that you come to see in my office. My office is located on the fourth floor of the building directly in front of the building we are in now. The hour is 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on the same days as class. For Thursday you write an essay about your readings from the short story on Page 74 of the textbook. If there are no questions, that will be all for today.


A.There will be a test on Tuesday.

B.There will be a quiz on Tuesday.

C.The class will read the story on Thursday.

D.The class will write a composition.

Florence Stephen is 77 and lives in Deganwy, North Wales. She is reading for arts degree.
"I'm more of a creature to polish my mind than polish my furniture. The house takes second place while I put the studying first".

"I was very happy at school and had wonderful teaching. I passed the university entrance examination and was ready to go to university but with WWI I went into banking. I was paid 1 pound a week. Manchester University kept my place open for three years but I was enjoying the money and freedom. So I turned it down."

Mrs. Stephen is now in the second year of her Open University course and is finding it hard work. She underestimates her ability. "I'm feeling tired more frequently..I can't do more than an hour' s work at a time. The memory' s shocking. I' m supposed to be revising and I look up notes ! did earlier this year and think, ' Have you mad this before?' so I' m doing it very slowly—one credit a year, so it' 11 take six years."

"At the moment the greatest reward is simply the increase in knowledge'--and the discipline. I had an essay failed this week. The professor said I hadn't answered the question. I've been thinking about all week. I know I haven' t got the facility for essay construction. I just let myself to get excited. I feel more emotionally than I do mentally. I'm very ordinary really."

While claiming to be ordinary and lazy, Mrs. Stephen is still working hard daily at her assignments. Mrs. Stephen sees her studies as keeping her fit and independent. "Because of my life I' ve been self-sufficient. It' s not a very nice characteristic. It means I don' t care enough about people. I cannot say I find comfort in what I'm learning, so I'U be interested to see if there's a life ahead."

When Florence said "I' m more of a creature to polish my mind than polish my furniture", she meant that______.

A.she was tired of learning

B.she was thirsty for knowledge

C.she was more suitable for doing housework

D.she did not have enough time to keep the house clean

From a child I was fond of reading, and all the little money that came into my hands was e
ver laid out in books. Pleased with the PILGRIM's PROGRESS, my first collection was of John Bunyan's works, in separate little volumes. I afterwards sold them to enable me to buy R. Burton's Historical Collections they were small chapmen's books and cheap, 40 or 50 in all. My father's little library consisted chiefly of books in polemic divinity, most of which I read, and have since often regretted that, at a time when I had such a thirst for knowledge; more proper books had not fallen in my way, since it was now resolv'd I should not be a clergyman. Plutarch's Lives there was, in which I read abundantly, and I still think that time spent to great advantage. There was also a book of Defoe's, called AN ESSAY ON PROJECTS, and another of Dr. Mather's called ESSAYS TO DO GOOD which perhaps gave me a turn of thinking that had an influence on some of the principal future events of my life.

This bookish inclination at length determin'd my father to make me a printer, tho' he had already one son (James) of that profession. In 1717 my brother James return'd from England with a press and letters to set up his business in Boston. I lik'd it much' better than that of my father, but still have a hankering for the sea. To prevent the apprehended effect of such an inclination, my father was impatient to have me bound to my brother. I stood out some time but at last was persuaded, and signed the indentures, when I was yet but 12 years old... I was to serve as an apprentice till I was 21 years of age, only I was to be allow'd journeyman's wages during the last year. In a little time I made great proficiency in the business, and became a useful hand to my brother. I now had access to better books. An acquaintance with the apprentices of booksellers, enabled me sometimes to borrow a small one, which I was careful to return soon and clean. Often I sat up in my room reading the greatest part of the night, when the book was borrow'd in the evening and to be return'd early in the morning, lest it should be miss'd or wanted. And after some time an ingenious tradesman Mr. Matthew Adams who had a pretty collection of books' and who frequented our printing house took notice of me, invited me to his library, and very kindly lent me such books as I choose to read.

(From Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin )

When Benjamin Franklin was a child, he liked to read because _____.

A.he wanted to be a clergyman

B.he would be printer

C.he had a thirst for knowledge

D.he was pleased with the Pilgrim's Progress

听力原文:Presenter: Welcome to this first presentation on writing an academic essay. A uni
versity essay can be thought of as an extended answer to a quite specific question that has been posed by your lecturer. A key consideration for lecturers when they mark students' work is whether the essay before them is relevant; that is whether it does in fact provide an answer to the question being posed. For this reason it is important when you prepare to work on an essay that you spend a reasonable amount of time reading and mulling over the essay topic so that you understand precisely what is being asked. This involves identifying and thinking about key words in the topic, among other things. This tutorial on essay writing is based on the following topic:

"In the last 20 years, rates of divorce have risen significantly in Western countries. Critically analyse some of the different explanations given for this phenomenon. In your discussion you should consider what implications these explanations might have for social policy."

'Implication' is a common term. Implications can be thought of as a set of ideas that follow on in some logical sense from a preceding set of ideas. In the case of this essay, the preceding set of ideas are the explanations for rising divorce. What is required then is that students consider what social policies might follow on from each of the different explanations considered. Note that the word 'phenomenon' refers here to 'rising divorce'. This means that the essay will need to be concerned with explaining why divorce rates have risen. 'Different explanations' suggests that different analysts have come up with a variety of reasons for this happening. To 'critically analyse' means to assess the value of some entity with respect to its strengths and weaknesses. This entity may be a theory, a policy, an argument, a piece of research etc. In the case of this essay topic, what needs to be evaluated are the different explanations given for rising divorce. This proposition is central to the essay topic. Clearly the essay will need to be concerned in a general sense with the subject of rising divorce. It is also important to note those terms which limit the subject in some way, in this case to a particular place—Western countries—and to a particular time—the last 20 years.

I asked three different students spent some time analysing the divorce essay topic. On the following three slides, you can read each of their interpretations of the topic. After reading each, decide whether you think it is a reasonable interpretation of the topic.

This slide shows Student As analysis—"This essay topic is about divorce in Western countries. I would look in detail at statistics for divorce in various countries. I would then mm to the effects of divorce, as discussed by various sociologists. I would describe the effects divorce is thought to have on parents and on children. Then I would consider what social policy solutions there are for the problems arising from divorce."

Student B wrote—"For this essay I would focus on why rates of divorce have increased in Western countries. To answer this question, I would give my own critical explanation, focusing on what I know from experience are the reasons why couples choose to divorce. I would then interview a number of divorced people I know asking them what the reasons were for the breakdown of their marriage. I would then consider current social policies relating to divorce and find out how well the people I interview have coped since they were divorced."

And this slide tells us what Student C wrote—"This topic states that divorce has risen in Western countries. First I would want to find out if this is the case by looking at statistics from a number of countries. Assuming that the proposition is true, I would then look at a variety of accounts given by sociologists for this increase. For each of these, I

Which of the following is an expository essay?

A、A London tour guide

B、A recipe

C、A survey report

D、A reading review

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