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If you (were to) ask Jim what (did he) with (his) money, he would have difficulty (remembe

If you (were to) ask Jim what (did he) with (his) money, he would have difficulty (remembering).

A.were to

B.did he



提问人:网友feifei12 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“If you (were to) ask Jim what …”相关的问题

Which of the following will be the advantage of a centrifugal pump as compared with a reciprocating pump? l.Its discharge is continuous; ll.It has no internal valves: lll.Upon accidental closing of discharge valve, excessive pressure will not build up()

A.l, ll

B.ll, lll

C.l ,ll.III


【单选题】The first imperialist war took place between the U.S. and _____ in 1898.





Have you ever seen a moon that looks unbelievably big? It hangs over the horizon like a huge? pale hot-air balloon. Many people think of the bright full moon of autumn or the harvest moon that way—like a huge? pale hot-air balloon. But can you always trust your eyes?

The harvest moon is the full moon on a day nearest the first day of autumn. Full or nearly full, it rises early in the evening for several nights in a row. It brings farmers well-lit evenings to harvest their crops.

The harvest moon can look huge. But does it really fill more of the sky than an ordinary full moon?

Why does the moon look bigger when it is near the horizon? Our brains compare the size of the moon with the size of the objects we see on the horizon. We know that the distant mountains? homes? or skyscrapers are really very large. And? since the moon is much farther away than is the distant landscape? we “see the moon as being larger than it would otherwise look.”

1.To what do we compare the size of the harvest moon?




D.All of these

2.The main purpose of the article is to() .





3.The author knew most people find the moon() .




D.so ordinary

4.The moon looks bigger if ().

A.it is autumn

B.it is near the horizon

C.homes are near

D.it is a clear night

5.The autumn moon______.

A.is more beautiful than it really looks

B.is the brightest object in the sky

C.rises slowly at dawn

D.helps farmers see as they harvest their crops

The most important hormone that affects human nervous system growth is

A、estrogen and testosterone

B、Thyroid stimulating hormone

C、Thyroid hormone

D、Growth hormone


Einstein's Compass??Young Albert was a quiet boy. ...
Einstein's Compass

Young Albert was a quiet boy. "Perhaps too quiet", thought Hermann and Pauline Einstein. He spoke hardly at all until age 3- They might have thought him slow, but there was something else evident. When he did speak, he'd say the most unusual things. At age 2, Pauline promised him a surprise. Albert was excited, thinking she was bringing him some new fascinating toy. But when his mother presented him with his new baby sister Maja, all Albert could do was stare with questioning eyes. Finally he responded, "where are the wheels?"

When Albert was 5 years old and sick in bed, Hermann Einstein brought him a device that did stir his intellect. It was the first time he had seen a compass. He lay there shaking and twisting the odd thing, certain he could fool it into pointing off in a new direction. But try as he might, the compass needle would always find its way back to pointing in the direction of north. "A wonder," he thought. The invisible force that guided the compass needle was evidence to Albert that there was more to our world that meets the eye. There was "something behind things, something deeply hidden."

So began Albert Einstein's journey down a road of exploration that he would follow the rest of his life. "I have no special gift," he would say, "I am only passionately curious."

Albert Einstein was more than just curious though. He had the patience and determination that kept him at things longer than most others. Other children would build houses of card up to 4 stories tall before the cards would lose balance and the whole structure would come falling down. Maja watched in wonder as her brother Albert methodically built his card buildings to 14 stories. Later he would say, "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."

One advantage Albert Einstein's developing mind enjoyed was the opportunity to communicate with adults in an intellectual way. His uncle, an engineer, would come to the house, and Albert would join in the discussions. His thinking was also stimulated by a medical student who came over once a week for dinner and lively chats.

At age 12, Albert Einstein came upon a set of ideas that impressed him as "holy." It was a little book on Euclidean plane geometry . The concept that one could prove theorems of angles and lines that were in no way obvious made an "indescribable impression" on the young student. He adopted mathematics as the tool he would use to pursue his curiosity and prove what he would discover about the behavior of the universe.

He was convinced that beauty lies in the simplistic. Perhaps this insight was the real power of his genius. Albert Einstein looked for the beauty of simplicity in the apparently complex nature and saw truths that escaped others. While the expression of his mathematics might be accessible to only a few sharp minds in the science, Albert could condense the essence of his thoughts so anyone could understand.

For instance, his theories of relativity revolutionized science and unseated the laws of Newton that were believed to be a complete description of nature for hundreds of years. Yet when pressed for an example that people could relate to, he came up with this: "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. THAT's relativity."

Albert Einstein's wealth of new ideas peaked while he was still a young man of 26. In 1905 he wrote 3 fundamental papers on the nature of light, a proof of atoms, the special theory of relativity and the famous equation of atomic power: E=mc2. For the next 20 years, the curiosity that was sparked by wanting to know what controlled the compass needle and his persistence to keep pushing for the simple answers led him to connect space and time and find a new state of matter.

What was his ultimate quest?

"I want to know how God created this world...I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details."


Many United States companies have, unfortunately,mad the search for legal proteetion from import competition into a major line of work. Since 1980 the United States International Trade Commission (lTC) bas received about 280 complaints alleing(宣称) darmage from imports that benefit from subsidies by foreign governments. Another 340 charge that foreign companies. “dumped" their products in the United Ststes at"less than fair value". Even when no unfair practices are all alleged, the simple claim that an industry has been injured by imports is sufficient grounds to seek relief. Contrary to the generat impression, this quest for import relief has hurt more companies than it has helped. As corporations begin to function globally,they develop an intricate Web of marketing,production,and research relationships.The complexity of these relationships makes it unlikely that a system of import relief laws will meet the strategic needs of all the units under the same parent company. Internationalization increases the danger that foreign companies will use import relief laws against the very companies the laws were designed to protect. Suppose a United States owned company establishes an overseas plant to manufacture a product while its competitor makes the same product in the United States. If the competitor can prove injury from the imports and that the United States company received a subsidy from a foreign government to build its plant abroad-the United States company&39;s products will be uncompetitive in the United States , since they would be subject to duties. Perhaps the most brazen case occurred when the ITC investigated allegations that Canadian companies were injuring the United States salt industry by dumping rock salt,used to deice ronds. The bizarre(古怪的)aspect of the complaint was that a foreign conglomerate(企业集团)with United States operations was crying for help against a United States company with foreign operations. The"United States company claiming injury was a subsidiary of a Dutch conglomerate, while the"Canadian"companies included a subsidiary of a Chicago firm that was the second-largest domestie producer of rock salt.

The main idea of the passage can best be described as____.

A.arguing against the increased internationalization of United States corporations

B.warning that the application of laws affeting trade frequently has unintended comquences

C.demonstrating that foreign based firms receive more subsides from their governments than United States firms receive from the United States government

D.advocating the use of trade restrictions for “dumped” products but not for other imporis

It can be inferred from the passage that the minimal basis for a complaint to the International Trade Commission is____A.a foreign competitor has received a subsidy from a foreign govérnment

B.a foreign competitor has substantially increased the volume of products shipped to the United States

C.a foreign competitor is seling products in the United States at less than fair value

D.the company requesting import relief has been injured by the sale of imports in the Umited States

The relationship between the last paragraph and the other paragraphs can best be described as____A.it presents a recommendation based on the evidence presented earlier

B.it discusses an exceptional case in which the results expected by the author of the passage were not obtained

C.it introduces an additional area of concern not mentioned earlier

D.it cites aspecific case that illstrates a problem presented more generaly in the previous paragraph

Which of the following is NOT the Olympic Spirit revealed by Luz Long?

A、Participation is more meaningful than winning gold medals

B、Bringing out one's best is the original intention of holding the Olympic Games.

C、Enjoying the process of taking parting the sports is more significant.

D、Being the Champion and bringing honor to the country is the key point.

The professor paused to consult his notes, and then ________ to ask us some more questions.





In order to win in the school track and field meeting, he __________ himself to practice running every day.





Their team failed to _______ for the World Cup even though they had trained like crazy.





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