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Part BDirections: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one

Part B

Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Dad?

M: Yes... Shelly! How are you? Is there anything wrong?

W: Oh, no. I'm just calling to see how you and Mom are. It' s been quite a while since I saw you last.

M: Oh, we' re both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center shopping.

W: For a new dress?

M: No, for shoes this time. How' s Tom?

W: He' s fine. He likes his work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Davis. We were all pretty pleased about that.

M: Yes, I think you should be. And how are the children?

W: Well, Billy' s at home from school today. It' s nothing serious, just a bad cold and it' s his birthday, too.

M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.

W: No, the 23rd.

M: Well, that' s too bad. Tell him we sent him a present.

W: All right. Sally' s still taking dancing lessons.

M: She must be pretty good by now. I' d like to see her sometime. And how' s Ted?

W: He' s OK, too. He loves working on cars and has a part-time job at the garage now.

M: Well, it' s certainly good to hear your voice. When are you coming for a visit?

W: Not for a few months, t' m afraid. But I hope we can come for a few weeks this summer, probably in July.

M: That would be nice. Call again soon.

W: OK, Dad. Nice talking to you and glad everything' s all right. Give Morn our love.

M: All right. Goodbye.

W: Goodbye, Dad.

Why did Shelly call?

A.Because she wanted to know if everything was OK with her parents.

B.Because she wanted to invite her parents to Billy' s birthday party.

C.Because she wanted to tell her parents that everything was OK with her children.

D.Because she wanted to tell her parents that she would go and visit them in July.

提问人:网友huahuafdy 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Part BDirections: You will hea…”相关的问题
A partnership designed to protect innocent partners from malpractice or negligence claims resulting from acts of another partner is a:


B、Limited partnership.

C、Limited liability partnership.

D、General partnership.

E、Limited liability company.






Part B

Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.

听力原文:W: Good morning, sir. What can I help you?

M: I wonder if you could tell me some information about active holidays.

W: Active holidays, sir? Can you tell me exactly what you mean, please?

M: Well, you see, when I go on holiday, I like to take plenty of exercise. I don’t like staying around and doing nothing. I get enough of that in my office. What I mean to say is I’m the sort of men who enjoy swimming, water skiing, that sort of thing. I like anything to do with water and I don’t mind roughing it. I’ve always been used to looking after myself. When I was in the army, I used to get up at five every morning just to see the sunrise.

W: Yes, sir, very interesting. Urn... active holidays, let me see. Oh, yes, what about skin diving, sir? We can offer you a fortnight off the coast of Cornwall, all--including one week skin diving and one week shark-fishing with the local fishermen. It’s a very good bargain.

M: Shark-fishing? I don’t think I fancy shark-fishing. Is there any chance of getting a bit of sailing in that part of Cornwall?

W: We don’t do any sailing holidays, sir. They are mostly organized by the sailing schools. But rowing, canoeing, yes. Are you fond of rowing, sir?

M: Well, I did a lot of rowing when I was at university, but I’m a bit out of practice these days. I don’t think I’ve handled a pair of oars since I went boating on the Thames ten years ago. No, I don’t think I’d like to spend my holiday rowing.

W: Try looking through some of these brochures, sir, and see if there’s anything that attracts you.

What is an active holiday according to the man?

A.Sitting around.

B.With joys of social activities.

C.Doing nothing.

D.Holiday with a lot of exercise.

Which one is NOT the man's hobby?


B.Going to the cinema.


D.Taking pictures.

听力原文:M: Well, Mrs. Fern, how did you do on your driving test?

W: Not so well, I'm afraid.

M: Didn't you get your license?

W: No. My score was only 49 percent. The woman who tested me was very strict about everything.

M: Where did you lose the most points?

W: One thing was not turning my head before changing lanes or making turns.

M: Right. Using a turn signal isn't enough. To be safe, you have to glance back over your shoulder in the direction you want to go.

W: My teacher didn't emphasize that enough, or about maintaining the right distance behind the car in front.

M: That's right. You need a training distance of about one or two car lengths for every 10 miles per hour you're going.

W: My parallel parking was good. I've been practising that a lot.

M: what was your worst moment?

W: Waiting on an uphill stop for the light to change to green.

M: What happened?

W: Well, I let the car stall and forgot how to use the hand break. So the car rolled back and bumped the one behind me.

M: That alone probably failed you.

How did the woman do on her driving test?

A.She failed.

B.She barely passed.

C.She passed easily.

D.She wouldn' t say.


根据材料回答下列各题: "Family" is of course an elastic word. And in different countries it has different meanings. Butwhen British people say that their society is based on family life, they are thinking of "family"in itsnarrow, peculiarly European sense of mother, father and children living together in their own houseas an economic and social unit. Thus, every British marriage indicates the beginning of a new and in-dependent family--hence the tremendous importance of marriage in British life. For both man andwoman, marriage means leaving one’s parents and starting one’s own life. The man’s first duty willthen be to his wife, and the wife’s to her husband. He will be entirely responsible for her financialsupport, and she for the running of the new home. Their children will be their common responsibilityand their alone. Neither the wife’s parents nor the husband’s, nor their brothers or sisters, aunts oruncles, have any right to interfere with them-they are their own masters. Readers of novels likeJane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice will know that in former times, marriage among wealthy families were arranged by the girl’s parents, that is, it was the "parents duty tofind a suitable husband for their daughter, preferably a rich one, and by skillful encouragement tolead him eventually to ask their permission to marry her. Until that time, the girl was protected andmaintained in the parents home, and the financial relief of getting rid of her could be seen in theirgiving the newly married pair a sum of money called a dowry (嫁妆). It is very different today.Most girls of today get a job when they leave school and become financially independent before theirmarriage. This has had two results. A girl chooses her own husband, and she gets no dowry. Everycoin has two sides; independence for girls is no exception. But it may be a good thing for all of thegirls, as their social status are much higher and they are no longer the subordinate(部下,下级) oftheir parents and husbands. What does the author mean by "Family is of course an elastic word"?

A.Different families have different ways of life.

B.Different definitions could be given to the word.

C.Different nations have different families.

D.Different times produce different families.

What will they buy for Dick?

A.Some records.

B.A toy suit.

C.A space suit.

D.A toy.










What is the address given by the man?

A.1120, East 42rid Street.

B.1120, East 32nd Street.

C.1220, East 32rid Street.

D.1220, East 42nd Street.

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