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There are ______ major periods in the drama of the West.A.FourB.FiveC.SixD.Three





提问人:网友lqlq2019 发布时间:2022-01-06
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  • · 有6位网友选择 C,占比66.67%
  • · 有2位网友选择 D,占比22.22%
  • · 有1位网友选择 A,占比11.11%
匿名网友 选择了A
[238.***.***.242] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[45.***.***.206] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[3.***.***.87] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了D
[213.***.***.181] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[248.***.***.180] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[186.***.***.198] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了D
[174.***.***.125] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[107.***.***.249] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[170.***.***.245] 1天前
更多“There are ______ major periods…”相关的问题
What is the three segments in trade process? What are those major terms in a international trade contract? How the seller fufill obligations as per CISG?
Name one major advantage of transporting gas under refrigeration.A.It increases its volume

Name one major advantage of transporting gas under refrigeration.

A.It increases its volume

B.It reduces its volume

C.It has less product per volume

D.None of the above

The small nation model for estimating welfare effects of tariffs applies to

A、nations that populations below ten million people.

B、nations with per capita income levels below $500 per year.

C、nations that are smaller than their major trading partners.

D、nations that are price takers, too small to affect through their own supply or demand

One major disadvantage of a low-speed diesel as compared to a steam main-propulsion system is().

A. the extra weight required for the diesel reduction gearing

B. a minimum speed for the engines that limits the minimum speed of the vessel

C. the higher fuel consumption per SHP

D. the low efficiency of the system when a controllable pitch propeller is used

One major disadvantage of a low-speed diesel as compared to a steam main-propulsion system is()

A.the extra weight required for the diesel reduction gearing

B.a minimum speed for the engines that limits the minimum speed of the vessel

C.the higher fuel consumption per SHP

D.the low efficiency of the system when a controllable pitch propeller is used

Coal gangue (矸石) is a complex industrial solid w...

Coal gangue (矸石) is a complex industrial solid waste discharged(排出) when coal is excavated (挖掘) and washed in the production course. Its major chemical composition is SiO2 and Al2O3, and its major mineralogical (矿物学的) composition is quartz and feldspar (长石). The amount of coal gangue accumulated in China has already reached 3.8 billion tons; moreover, the stockpile (库存) of gangue is increasing at a rate of 0.2 billion tons per year. The disposal of such a large quantity of this solid waste requires a lot of land and has caused many serious environmental problems.

JJG Co is planning to raise $15 million of new finance for a major expansion of existing b
usiness and is considering a rights issue, a placing or an issue of bonds. The corporate objectives of JJG Co, as stated in its Annual Report, are to maximise the wealth of its shareholders and to achieve continuous growth in earnings per share. Recent financial information on JJG Co is as follows:


(a) Evaluate the financial performance of JJG Co, and analyse and discuss the extent to which the company has achieved its stated corporate objectives of:

(i) maximising the wealth of its shareholders;

(ii) achieving continuous growth in earnings per share.

Note: up to 7 marks are available for financial analysis.(12 marks)

(b) If the new finance is raised via a rights issue at $7·50 per share and the major expansion of business has

not yet begun, calculate and comment on the effect of the rights issue on:

(i) the share price of JJG Co;

(ii) the earnings per share of the company; and

(iii) the debt/equity ratio. (6 marks)

(c) Analyse and discuss the relative merits of a rights issue, a placing and an issue of bonds as ways of raising the finance for the expansion. (7 marks)

Skycell, a major European cell phone manufacturer,...

Skycell, a major European cell phone manufacturer, is making production plans for the coming year. Skycell has worked with its customers (the service providers) to come up with forecasts of monthly requirements (in thousands of phones) as shown in Table 3-1. Manufacturing is primarily an assembly operation, and capacity is governed by the number of people on the production line. The plant operates for 20 days a month, eight hours each day. One person can assemble a phone every 10 minutes. Workers are paid 20 euros per hour and a 50 percent premium for overtime. The plant currently employs 1,250 workers. Component cost for each cell phone totals 20 euros. Given the rapid decline in component and finished-product prices, carrying inventory from one month to the next incurs a cost of 3 euros per phone per month. Skycell currently has a no-layoff policy in place. Overtime is limited to a maximum of 20 hours per month per employee. Assume that Skycell has a starting inventory of 50,000 units and wants to end the year with the same level of inventory.(a) Assuming no backlogs, no subcontracting, and no new hires, what is the optimum production schedule? What is the annual cost of this schedule? (b) Is there any value for management to negotiate an increase of allowed overtime per employee per month from 20 hours to 40? (c) Reconsider parts (a) and (b) if Skycell starts with only 1,200 employees. Reconsider parts (a) and (b) if Skycell starts with 1,300 employees. What happens to the value of additional overtime as the workforce size decreases? (d) Consider part (a) for the case in which Skycell aims for a level production schedule such that the quantity produced each month does not exceed the average demand over the next 12 months (1,241,667) by 50,000 units. Monthly production including overtime is no more than 1,291,667. What would be the cost of a level production schedule? What is the value of overtime flexibility?

听力原文:TEHERAN -- Iran’s Agriculture Minister Issa Kalantari has given a warning of a ha

听力原文: TEHERAN -- Iran’s Agriculture Minister Issa Kalantari has given a warning of a hard year to come because of a drought that is expected to destroy up to 2. S million tons of wheat. Other crops such as cotton, maize and hay, as well as the production of sugar and meat would suffer from the drought. Mr. Kalantari said in a seminar: "Weather conditions in the current crop year have caused the destruction of 2-9. S million tons of wheat and major damage to other fields that depend on rainfall. As far as water is concerned, Iran is going through a crisis this year. The volume of water behind dams is less than 40 per cent to S0 per cent of their capacity."

According to the news, Iran has been suffering from ______.


B.dry weather

C.economic crisis

D.food crisis

Lavare,local in the Chicago suburbs, is a major ma...

Lavare,local in the Chicago suburbs, is a major manufacturer of stainless steel sinks. Lavare is in the middle of the demand and supply planning exercise for the coming year. Anticipated monthly demand from distributors over the 12 months is shown in Table 9-4. Capacity at Lavare is governed by number of machine operators it hires. The firm works 20 days a month, with a regular operating shift of eight hours per day. Any time beyond that is considered overtime. Regular-time pay is $15 per hour and overtime is $22 per hour. Overtime is limited to 20 hours per month per employee. The plant currently has 250 employees. Each sink requires two hours of labor input. It costs $3 to carry a sink in inventory for a month. Materials cost per sink is $40. Sinks are sold to distributors at a price of $125 each. We assume that no stockouts are allowed and the starting inventory entering January is 5,000 units and the desires ending inventory in December is also 5,000 units. Market research has indicated that a promotion dropping prices by 1 percent in a given month will increase sales in that month by 20 percent and bring forward 10 percent demand from each of the following two months. Thus, a 1 percent drop in price in March TABLE 9-4 Anticipated Monthly Demand at Lavare Month Demand Forecast Month Demand Forecast January 10,000 July 31,000 February 11,000 August 28,000 March 16,000 September 22,000 April 19,000 October 19,000 May 22,000 November 13,000 June 25,000 December 12,000 by 3,000 (=0.2 X 15,000) and shifts 1,800 (=0.1 X 18,000) units in demand from April and 2,500 (=0.1 X 25,000) units from May forward to March. a. What is the optimal production plan for the year if we assume no promotions? What is the cost of this plan? b. It is better to promote in April or July? How much increase in profit can be achieved as a result? c. If sinks are sold for $250 instead of $125., does the decision about the timing of the promotion change? Why?

Cars Are Good for the Environment, HonestBritain's motor industry is planning a major pub

Cars Are Good for the Environment, Honest

Britain's motor industry is planning a major publicity campaign to counter what it sees as an official anti-car bias and to improve the environmental image of the cars, according to documents leaked to the pressure group. Friends of the Earth (FOE). 46 . 

The internal document which was produced last month by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, says that the “ultimate objective of the campaign must be to protect the longterm commercial freedom of the motor industry and the lifestyle. freedom of car users”. 

47 . European car manufacturers have already agreed with the European Commission to reduce CO2 emissions from new cars by 25 per cent to target of 140 grams per kilometre by 2008. 

However, the document also reveals that the industry is some way from meeting the target. 48 . 

To help control these emissions, the government has proposed replacing the flat rate annual tax on cars with a tax related to engine size so that owners of large gas-guzzler(耗油量大的汽车)would pay more than owners of small cars. 49 . 

Richard Barnet, the society's media manager, says:“We will work with the government to practise a practical system. ” 50 .

A The campaign will highlight the motor industry’s efforts to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)

B But the motor industry opposes taxes on persons owning cars preferring taxes on use

C The five-year campaign could cost up to £12 million

D The reason why cars are good for the environment is obvious

E But Ian Willmore of FOE says the industry “may pose as partners of the government, but its real intention is to frustrate serious attempts to reduce traffic levels”

F For example, last year's new cars exceed an average of 192 grams per kilometre — some 37 percent above the target

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