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Now, for human beings, eighty, ninety are coming to be recognized as

提问人:网友miyaonanhai 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Now, for human beings, eighty,…”相关的问题
According to the author, all the great religions of the world ______.A.bring peace of mind

According to the author, all the great religions of the world ______.

A.bring peace of mind and peace with other human being

B.put forth a better life now and promise eternal life in the Western Paradise

C.give courage to their adherents to live and to die peacefully

D.urge their adherents to achieve higher incarnations

What can be inferred from paragraph 4 about the third type of naturally selected character

A.There is nothing controversial about the now widely accepted view that some traits are selected because they benefit the species.

B.The old view of evolution is utterly wrong and needs to be replaced with a wholly new theory of the creation of species.

C.The gene for homosexuality will eventually be completely phased out of the gene pool for every living species.

D.The human trait of being altruistic is more beneficial to humankind as a whole than it is to any particular human bein

What can be inferred from paragraph 4 about the third type of naturally selected character

A.There is nothing controversial about the now widely accepted view that some traits are selected because they benefit the species.

B.The old view of evolution is utterly wrong and needs to be replaced with a wholly new theory of the creation of species.

C.The gene for homosexuality will eventually be completely phased out of the gene pool for every living species.

D.The human trait of being altruistic is more beneficial to humankind as a whole than it is to any particular human bein

听力原文:We are now living in a world in which robots are taking over much of the work.Rob

听力原文: We are now living in a world in which robots are taking over much of the work.Robots make our cars, fly our planes and work out wages.

But these robots are not mechanical men and women.They do not look like us.They are machines specially built to do some of the things that human beings can.

Although they may not look like us,robots need some human features in order to be able to do human work.First of all they need some kind of brain.Their "brain" is a computer,which has a memory to human member instructions and ability to control other equipment.Another essential feature of many robots is an arm that can do the kind of things that human beings can with their arms.One-armed robots are now coming into widespread use in industry.They are being used,for example,on car assembly lines.

The great advantage of robots over human workers is that they can work non-stop for long periods. They never get tired,and always work with the same accuracy.They can also work in conditions that humans could not bear.Last but not least,as more robots are built,their cost will come down.

Although robots are rapidly taking over many jobs in industry, they seem a long way from taking over in the home. The problem is that it would take a very complex and costly robot to perform. half the tasks involved in housework.

According to the speaker,what can the present-day robots do?

A.Drive cars.

B.Fly planes.

C.Pay wages.

D.Repair machines.

Being a developing country, China has made great progress in acquisition and application o
f science and technology as well as modern knowledge, but compared with developed countries, it still has a long way to go. For this reason, China has decided on the strategy of developing the country through science and education. Now, it is accelerating the progress in science and technology and knowledge update so as to narrow the gap between China and the developed countries.

The vitality of knowledge lies in innovation. Only by creating new knowledge and technology unceasingly can the new industrial revolution be triggered and the development of the economy and society be boosted. Only by continuous reformation and innovation in theory and technology, can new invention and breakthrough be made in order to inject new vigor and vitality for economic and social development, in order to effectively develop, arrange and exploit human and natural resources, thereby creating more the material and spiritual wealth for the benefit of human society.

F: We ought not to test the safety of new drugs on sentient animals, such as dogs and rabb
its. Our benefit means their pain, and they are equal to us in the capacity to feel pain. G: We must carry out such tests; otherwise, we would irresponsibly sacrifice the human lives that could have been saved by the drugs. Which of the following, if true, is the best objection that could be made from Fs point of view to counter Gs point?

A.Even though it is not necessary for people to use cosmetics, cosmetics are also being tested on sentient animals.

B.Medical science already has at its disposal a great number of drugs and other treatments for serious illnesses.

C.It is not possible to obtain scientifically adequate results by testing drugs in the test tube, without making tests on living tissue.

D.Some of the drugs to be tested would save human beings from great pain.

E.Many tests now performed on sentient animals can be performed equally well on fertilized chicken eggs that are at a very early stage of development.

Something big is happening to the human race—something that could be called The Great Tran

The Transformation consists of all the changes that are occurring in human life due to advancing technology. For thousands of years such progress occurred slowly. Now, everything is changing so fast that you may find yourself wondering where all this progress is really leading.

Fifty years ago, few people could even imagine things like computers and lasers. Today, a host of newly emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and genetic engineering are opening up all kinds of new paths for technologists.

Like it or not, our advancing technology has made us masters of the earth. We not only dominate all the other animals, but are reshaping the world's plant life and even its soil and rocks, its waters and surrounding air. Mountains are being dug up to provide minerals and stone for buildings. The very ground under our feet is washing away as we chop down the forests, plow up the fields, and excavate foundations for our buildings.

Human junk is cluttering up not only the land but even the bottom of the sea. And so many chemicals are being released into the air by human activities that scientists worry that the entire globe may warm, causing the polar icecaps to melt and ocean waters to flood vast areas of the land.

During the twentieth century, advancing technology has enabled man to reach thousands of feet into the ocean depths and to climb the highest mountains. Mount Everest, the highest mountain of all, resisted all climbers until the 1950's. Now man is reaching beyond Earth to the moon, Mars, and the stars.

No one knows what the Great Transformation means or where it will ultimately lead. But one thing is sure: human life 50 years from now will be very different from what it is today.

It's also worth noting that our amazing technology is posing an increasingly insistent question: When we can do so many things, how can we possibly decide what we really should do. When humans were relatively powerless, they didn't have to make the choices they have to make today.

Technology gives us the power to build a magnificent new civilization—if we can just agree on what we want it to be. But today, there is little global agreement on goals and how we should achieve them.

So it remains to be seen what will happen as a result of our technology. Pessimists worry that we will use the technology eventually to blow ourselves up. But they have been saying that for decades, and so far we have escaped. Whether we will continue to do so remains unknown—but we can continue to hope.

The Great Transformation is caused by

A.artificial intelligence and genetic engineering.

B.the shortage of natural resources.

C.the development of practical science.

D.unknown reasons.

To Err Is HumanEveryone must have had at least one personal experience with a computer err

To Err Is Human

Everyone must have had at least one personal experience with a computer error by this time. Bank balances are suddenly reported to have jumped from $ 379 into the millions, appeals for charitable contributions are mailed over and over to people with crazy sounding names at your address, department stores send the wrong bills, utility companies write that they're turning everything off, that sort of thing. If you manage to get in touch with someone and complain, you then get instantaneously typed, guilty letters from the same computer, saying, "Our computer was in error, and an adjustment is being made in your account."

These are supposed to be the sheerest, blindest accidents. Mistakes are not believed to be the normal behavior. of a good machine. If things go wrong, it must be a personal, human error, the result of fingering, tampering a button getting stuck, someone hitting the wrong key. The computer, at its normal best, is infallible.

I wonder whether this can be true. After all, the whole point of computers is that they represent an extension of the human brain, vastly improved upon but nonetheless human, superhuman maybe. A good computer can think clearly and quickly enough to beat you at chess, and some of them have even been programmed to write obscure verse. They can do anything we can do, and more besides.

It is not yet known whether a computer has its own consciousness, and it would be hard to find out about this. When you walk into one of those great balls now built for the huge machines, and standing listening, it is easy to imagine that the faint, distant noise are the sound of thinking, and the turning of the spools gives them the look of wild creatures rolling their eyes in the effort to concentrate, choking with information. But real thinking, and dreaming, are other matters. On the other hand, the evidence of something like an unconscious, equivalent to ours, are all around, in every mail. As extensions of the human brain, they have been constructed the same property of error, spontaneous, uncontrolled, and rich in possibilities.

The title of the writing "To Err Is Human" implies that ______.

A.making mistakes is confined only to human beings

B.every human being cannot avoid making mistakes

C.all human beings are always making mistakes

D.every human being is born to make bad mistakes

To Err Is Human by Lewis ThomasEveryone must have had at least one personal experience wit

To Err Is Human

by Lewis Thomas

Everyone must have had at least one personal experience with a computer error by this time. Bank balances are suddenly reported to have jumped from $379 into the millions, appeals for charitable contributions are mailed over and over to people with crazy sounding names at your address, department stores send the wrong bills, utility companies write that they're turning everything off, that sort of thing. If you manage to get in touch with someone and complain, you then get instantaneously typed, guilty letters from the same computer, saying, "Our computer was in error, and an adjustment is being made in your account."

These are supposed to be the sheerest, blindest accidents. Mistakes are not believed to be the normal behavior. of a good machine. If things go wrong, it must be a personal, human error, the result of fingering, tampering a button getting stuck, someone hitting the wrong key. The computer, at its normal best, is infallible.

I wonder whether this can be true. After all, the whole point of computers is that they represent an extension of the human brain, vastly improved upon but nonetheless human, superhuman maybe. A good computer can think clearly and quickly enough to beat you at chess, and some of them have even been programmed to write obscure verse. They can do anything we can do, and more besides.

It is not yet known whether a computer has its own consciousness, and it would be hard to find out about this. When you walk into one of those great halls now built for the huge machines, and standing listening, it is easy to imagine that the faint, distant noises are the sound of thinking, and the turning of the spools gives them the look of wild creatures rolling their eyes in the effort to concentrate, choking with information. But real thinking, and dreaming, are other matters. On the other hand, the evidence of something like an unconscious, equivalent to ours, are all around, in every mail. As extensions of the human brain, they have been constructed the same property of error, spontaneous, uncontrolled, and rich in possibilities.

The title of the writing "To Err Is Human" implies that______.

A.making mistakes is confined only to human beings.

B.every human being cannot avoid making mistakes.

C.all human beings are always making mistakes.

D.every human being is born to make bad mistakes.

【试题2】LAST week, Indonesia announced its 43rd human death from bird flu. It has now rec


LAST week, Indonesia announced its 43rd human death from bird flu. It has now recorded more fatalities than any other nation, and in stark contrast to all other countries its death toll is climbing regularly. It looks as though things will get worse before they get better.

The Indonesian government claims to be committed to fighting the disease, caused by the H5N1 virus, but it does not seem to want to spend much of its own money doing so. After the international community pledged $900m in grants and slightly more in very soft loans to combat the spread of bird flu globally and to help nations prepare for a possible human flu pandemic[2], Indonesia put in a request for the full $900m—all of it in grants.

A national bird-flu commission was created in March to co-ordinate the country&39;s response but it has yet to be given a budget. Its chief, meanwhile, has just been given a second full-time job—heading efforts to rebuild the part of Java devastated by an earthquake in May.

Observers say that the available money is being mis-spent, with the focus on humans rather than on animals. The agriculture ministry, for example, is asking for less money for next year than it got this year. This is despite hundreds of thousands of hens dying every month, to say nothing of infected cats, quails, pigs and ducks. Farmers are being compensate at only 2,000 rupiah (21 cents) per bird, well below market price, thereby discouraging them from reporting outbreaks. The country&39;s veterinary surveillance services are inadequate. Pledges to vaccinate hundreds of millions of birds have not been met.

The UN&39;s Food and Agriculture Organisation is starting to establish local disease-control centres to cope with the effects of a virulent mutation, should one occur, but reckons that only one-third of the country will be covered by year&39;s end. A bunch of international do-gooders[4] that is trying to plug some of the gaps is finding it hard to raise money.

Computers are now being pushed into schools. We know that multimedia will make 【21】______e

Computers are now being pushed into schools. We know that multimedia will make 【21】______ easy and fun. Children will happily learn from 【22】______ characters while taught by expertly 【23】______ software. Who needs teachers when you've got 【24】______ education? These expensive toys are difficult to use in the classrooms and 【25】______ extensive teacher training. Sure, kids love video games-- 【26】______ think of your own experience: can you 【27】______ even one educational filmstrip of many years ago? I'll 【28】______ you remember the two or three great teachers who made a 【29】______ in your life.

Then there's cyberbusiness. We're promised 【30】______ catalog shopping--just point and click for great deals. We'll order airline tickets 【31】______ the network, book restaurants and negotiate sales 【32】______ . Stores will become obsolete. So how come my local mail does more 【33】______ in an afternoon than the entire Internet 【34】______ in a month? Even if there were a trustworthy way to 【35】______ money over the Internet, the network is 【36】______ a most essential ingredient of trade and commerce: salespeople.

What's absent from this electronic wonderland? People contact. Computers and networks 【37】______ us from one another. A network chat line is a limp 【38】______ for meeting friends over coffee. No interactive multimedia display

【39】______ to the excitement of a 【40】______ concert. This virtual reality where frustration is legion and where--in the holy names of Education and Progress--important aspects of human interactions are relentlessly devalued.






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