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Golden Rules of Negotiating The art of negotiating is a difficult skill for most of us

, even good salespeople. Here are three golden rules for you to follow:

1. Always Start the Negotiations. You must initiate the process. This is because whoever controls the start of the negotiations tends to control where they end. If you let the other party start negotiations, you will be constantly giving up control, often without even realizing it. For instance, when you ask someone what his project budget is, you are allowing him to start the negotiations. You will then spend your time chasing his number rather than finding the best solution. So, never let the other party control the negotiations.

2. Always Negotiate in Writing. The purpose of negotiations is to arrive at a formal written agreement, not tell a story or spend time talking. From the first moment you begin a proposal, you should create a document and take it to the client. It will include all the points of agreement and become real to the prospective customer. Negotiating first and then having to create a document adds unnecessary time to a transaction. But if you build your written agreement as you negotiate, you are prepared to ask for a signature the moment the decision to buy is made.

3. Always Stay Cool. The negotiation table can be loaded with agendas, egos and emotions. Great negotiators know how to stay cool, providing leadership and solutions, while the rest of the room becomes insanely invested in personal agendas and useless emotions. 27 Crying, getting angry and blowing off steam may make you feel good, but such behavior. will not benefit you while negotiating. When the rest of the room gets emotional, stay cool and use logic to negotiate and close.

1. If you let the other party start negotiations, you will be completely grasp the control, often without even realizing it.

2. So, never let both parties control the negotiations.

3. Negotiating first and then having to create a document doesn’t need necessary time to a transaction.

4. Great negotiators know how to stay cool, providing leadership and solutions, while the rest of the room becomes wild or helpless during the negotiation.

5. When the rest of the room gets out of control, stay cool and use logic to negotiate and close.

提问人:网友Chenshan2019 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Golden Rules of Negotiating Th…”相关的问题
If you are asked to chair a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting().





which is not one of the three golden rules for UI design()

A.Place the user in control.

B.Reduce the user’s memory loa

C.Make the interface consistent.

D.Provide for flexible interaction.

which is not one of the three golden rules for UI design()

A.Place the user in control.

B.Reduce the user’s memory load.

C.Make the interface consistent.

D.Provide for flexible interaction.

The golden rule for good writing is not a rule of grammar. It is true that there are rules
of grammar, as in music there are rules of harmony, and that they are important, but one can no more write good English merely by keeping these rules than one can compose good music. The golden rule for good writing concerns not merely the arrangement of words but the choice of them. Only the right words can convey the right meaning: the secret is to pick those words and to use them and them only. For the "right" words have a happy knack (a clever way) of arranging themselves for you. But, first, you must have something to say. Matthew Arnold once said: "Have something to say and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret of style." There is much truth in those words, especially in relation to the sort of writing where emotional appeal plays no part. We can turn to the member of the General Post Office who, by composing the notice "Postal officials are neither bound to give change nor authorized to demand it." used thirteen words hardly less efficiently to warn customers of what must have been as intractable (difficult to deal with) dilemma. Every word is exactly right; no other word would do as well; each is pulling its weight: none would be dispensed with. As was said of Milton' s prose.

"Fewer words would not have served the turn, more would have been superfluous."

The author's purpose is to persuade us that in order to write well, we should ______ .

A.study carefully the style. of writing

B.know the rules of grammar well

C.watch the arrangements of words in our sentences

D.know what we want to say and choose the right words

What is the true definition of a gentleman? This question is not easy to answer completely
, but we will try. First of all, a gentleman is not necessarily a man of wealth, or one who wears fine clothes. It is no question of outer circumstances or appearance; it is the inner nature that distinguishes the gentleman. There are men in the humblest walks of life who are natures gentlemen. Without going into complicate analysis, however, we will try to give a general definition. The truest gentleman is the one who in his treatment of others comes nearest to exemplifying the "Golden Rule. " This practically includes all, for upon this rule, all rules of conduct and rules of etiquette, however worldly, are based. Some common conceptions of a gentleman are these; a gentleman is always considerate of the feelings of others; he has tact—he knows how to say and to do the right thing at the right time. He is a gentle man—that is to say he is quiet and refined in manner and speech; he does not unduly assert himself. True strength is not loud and boisterous, but quiet and subdued. The manner of a gentleman is characterized by that essence of good manners—repose.


1.The Golden Rules of Negotiating

The art of negotiating is a difficult skill for most of us, even good salespeople. Here are three golden rules for you to follow: Always Start the Negotiations.

You must initiate the process. This is because whoever controls the start of the negotiations tends to control where they end. If you let the other party start negotiations, you will be constantly giving up control, often without even realizing it. For instance, when you ask someone what his project budget is, you are allowing him to start the negotiations. You will then spend your time chasing his number rather than finding the best solution. So, never let the other party control the negotiations.

2.Always Negotiate in Writing.

The purpose of negotiations is to arrive at a formal written agreement, not tell a story or spend time talking. From the first moment you begin a proposal, you should create a document and take it to the client. It will include all the points of agreement and become real to the prospective customer. Negotiating first and then having to create a document adds unnecessary time to a transaction. But if you build your written agreement as you negotiate, you are prepared to ask for a signature the moment the decision to buy is made.

3.Always Stay Cool.

The negotiation table can be loaded with agendas, egos and emotions. Great negotiators know how to stay cool, providing leadership and solutions, while the rest of the room becomes insanely invested in personal agendas and useless emotions. Crying, getting angry and blowing off steam may make you feel good, but such behavior will not benefit you while negotiating. When the rest of the room gets emotional, stay cool and use logic to negotiate and close.

1.If you let the other party start negotiations, you will be completely grasp the control, often without even realizing it.()

2.So, never let both parties control the negotiations.()

3.Negotiating first and then having to create a document doesn’t need necessary time to a transaction.()

4.Great negotiators know how to stay cool, providing leadership and solutions, while the rest of the room becomes wild or helpless during the negotiation.()

5.When the rest of the room gets out of control, stay cool and use logic to negotiate and close.()

It is fundamental that ____________(两国调和彼此间的分歧), or they have to stop their nego

It is fundamental that ____________(两国调和彼此间的分歧), or they have to stop their negotiations.

Golden Rules of Negotiating The art of negotiating is a difficult skill for most of us
, even good salespeople. Here are three golden rules for you to follow:

1. Always Start the Negotiations. You must initiate the process. This is because whoever controls the start of the negotiations tends to control where they end. If you let the other party start negotiations, you will be constantly giving up control, often without even realizing it. For instance, when you ask someone what his project budget is, you are allowing him to start the negotiations. You will then spend your time chasing his number rather than finding the best solution. So, never let the other party control the negotiations.

2. Always Negotiate in Writing. The purpose of negotiations is to arrive at a formal written agreement, not tell a story or spend time talking. From the first moment you begin a proposal, you should create a document and take it to the client. It will include all the points of agreement and become real to the prospective customer. Negotiating first and then having to create a document adds unnecessary time to a transaction. But if you build your written agreement as you negotiate, you are prepared to ask for a signature the moment the decision to buy is made.

3. Always Stay Cool. The negotiation table can be loaded with agendas, egos and emotions. Great negotiators know how to stay cool, providing leadership and solutions, while the rest of the room becomes insanely invested in personal agendas and useless emotions. 27 Crying, getting angry and blowing off steam may make you feel good, but such behavior. will not benefit you while negotiating. When the rest of the room gets emotional, stay cool and use logic to negotiate and close.

1. If you let the other party start negotiations, you will be completely grasp the control, often without even realizing it.

2. So, never let both parties control the negotiations.

3. Negotiating first and then having to create a document doesn’t need necessary time to a transaction.

4. Great negotiators know how to stay cool, providing leadership and solutions, while the rest of the room becomes wild or helpless during the negotiation.

5. When the rest of the room gets out of control, stay cool and use logic to negotiate and close.

段落匹配:Is it possible to enjoy a peaceful life in a world that is increasingly challenged by threats

Section B(2016年6月英语四级卷三试题及答案)

Ancient Greek Wisdom Inspires Guidelines to Good Life

[A] Is it possible to enjoy a peaceful life in a world that is increasingly challenged by threats and uncertainties from wars, terrorism, economic crises and a widespread outbreak of infectious diseases? The answer is yes, according to a new book The 10 Golden Rules: Ancient Wisdom from the Greek Philosophers on Living a Good Life. The book is co-authored by Long Island University's philosophy professor Michael Soupios and economics professor Panos Mourdoukoutas.

[B] The wisdom of the ancient Greek philosophers is timeless, says Soupios. The philosophy professor says it is as relevant today as when it was first written many centuries ago. "There is no expiration(失效)date on wisdom," he says "There is no shelf life on intelligence. I think that things have become very gloomy these day, lots of misunderstanding, misleading cues, a lot of what the ancients would have called sophistry(诡辩). The nice thing about ancient philosophy as offered by the Greeks is that they tended to see life clear and whole, in a way that we tend not to see life today."

Examine your life

[C] Soupies, along with his co-author Panos Mourdoukoutas, developed their 10 golden rules by turning to the men behind that philosophy-Aristotle, Socrates, Epictetus and Pythagoras, among others. The first rule-examine your life-is the common thread that runs through the entire book. Soupios says that it is based on Plato's observation that the unexamined life is not worth living. "The Greek are always concerned about boxing themselves in, in terms of convictions(信念)," he says. "So take a step back, switch off the automatic pilot and actually stop and reflect about things like our priorities, our values, and our relationships."

Stop worrying about what you can not control

[D] As we begin to examine our life, Soupios says, we come to Rule No.2: Worry only about things that you can control. "The individual who promoted this idea was a Stoic philosopher His name is Epictetus, "he says." And what the Stoics say in general is simply this. There is a larger plan in life. You are not really going to be able to understand all of the dimerisions of this plan. You are not going to be able to control the dimensions of this plan."

[E]So, Soupios explains, it is not worth it to waste our physical, intellectual and spiritual energy worrying about things that are beyond our control. "I can not control whether or not I wind up getting the disease swine flu, for example." He says. "I mean, there are some cautious steps. I can take, but ultimately I can not guarantee myself that. So what Epictetus would say is sitting at home worrying about that would be wrong and wasterful and irrational. You should live your life attempting to identify and control those things which you can genuinely control."

Seek true pleasure

[F]To have a meaningful, happy life we need friends. But according to Aristotle-a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great-most relationships don't qualify as true friendships. "Just because I have a business relationship with an individual and I can profit from that relationship, it does not necessarily mean that this person is my friend." Soupios says. "Real friendship is when two individuals share the same soul. It is a beautiful and uncharacteristically poctic image that Aristotle offers."

[G]In our pursuit of the good life, he says, it is important to seek out true pleasures-advice which was originally offered by Epicurus. But unlike the modern definition of Epicureanism as a life of indulgence(放纵)and luxury, for the ancient Greeks, it meant finding a state of calm, peace and mental case.

[H]"This was the highest and most desirable form. of pleasure and happiness for the ancient Epicureans." Soupios says. "This is something that is very much well worth considering here in the modern era. I do not think that we spend nearly enough time trying to concentrate on achieving a sort of calmness, a sort of contentment in mental and spiritual, which was identified by these people as the gighest form. of happiness and pleasure."

Do good to others

[I]Other golden rules counsel us to master ourselves, to avoid excess and not to be a prosperous(发迹的)fool. There are also rules dealing with interpersonal relationships. Be a responsible human being and do not do evil things to others.

[J]"This is Hesiod, of course, a younger contemporary poet, we believe, with Homer," Soupios says. "Hesiod offers an idea-which you very often find in some of the word's great religions, in the Judeo-Christian tradition and in Islam an others-that in some sense, when you hurt another human being, you hurt yourself. That damaging other people in your community and in your life, trashing relationships, results in a kind of self-inflicted(自己招致的)spiritual wound."

[K]Instead, Soupios says,ancient wisdom urges us to do good. Golden Rule No.10 for a good life is that kindness toward others tends to be rewarded.

[L]"This is Aesop, the fabulist(寓言家), the man of these charming little tales, often told in terms of animals and animal relationships." He says. "I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to another human being. One can hope that that good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to you, the doer of the good deed. Even if there is no concrete benefit paid in response to you good deed. At the very least, the doer of the good deed has the opportunity to enjoy a kind of spiritually enlightened moment."

[M]Soupios say following the 10 Golden Rules based on ancient wisdom can guide us to the path of the good life where we stop living as onlookers and become engaged and happier human beings. And that, he notes, is a life worth living.

37.According to an ancient Greek philosopher, it is impossible for us to understand every aspect of our life.

38.Ancient Philosophers saw life in a different light from people of today.

39.Not all your business partners are your soul mates.

40.We can live a peaceful life despite the various challenges of the modern world.

41.The doer of a good deed can feel spiritually rewarded even when they gain no concrete benefits.

42.How to achieve meatal calmness and contentment is well worth our consideration today.

43.Michael Soupios suggests that we should stop and think carefully about our priorities in life.

44.Ancient philosophers strongly advise that we do good.

45.The wise teachings of ancient Greek thinkers are timeless, and are applicable to contemporary life.

46.Do harm to others and you do harm to yourself.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.The Algerian government officials had nego

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The Algerian government officials had negotiation with the hijackers so that they might secure tile release of hostages aboard the plane.

B.Tape recording messages were radioed to airport control tower.

C.According to the news report, the government was determined to give in the hijackers' demand.

D.The hijackers demanded that the Kuwaiti government free 70 prisoners still in the jails and give them safe conduct through Algiers.

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