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Where do the Romano-Germanic systems predominate?

提问人:网友ulptfgah 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Where do the Romano-Germanic s…”相关的问题
English took its script and alphabetic system from Greek.
The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called Mnemonics. The name is (1) from their G
 The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called Mnemonics. The name is(1)from their Goddess of Memory, Mnemosene. In the ancient world, a trained memory was an(2)asset, particularly in public life. There were no(3)devices for taking notes and early Greek orators (演说家) delivered long speeches with great(4)because they learned the speeches using Mnemonic systems.

  The Greeks discovered that human memory is(5)an associative process—that it works by linking things together. For example, think of an apple. The(6)your brain registers the word "apple", it(7)the shape, colour, taste, smell and(8)of that fruit. All these things are associated in your memory with the word "apple".

  (9). An example could be when you think about a lecture you have had. This could trigger a memory about what you were talking about through that lecture, which can then trigger another memory.

  (10). An example given on a website I was looking at follows: Do you remember the shape of Austria, Canada, Belgium or Germany? Probably not. What about Italy, though?(11)You made an association with something already known, the shape of a boot, and Italy's shape could not be forgotten once you had made the association.

The main modes of transport are road transport, railway transport, air transport, water transport and pipeline transport.
These Chinese classical gardens, or scholar's gardens (wenren yuan), were inspired by, and in turn inspired, classical Chinese _______ and _________.

A、poetry, painting

B、novels, verses

C、poetry, novels

D、painting, novels

In what way is common law different from the Romano-Germanic law?

Fill up each gap with an appropriate word given below: consolidate fashion nor referred to or subordinate terms based therefore however code cases confusingly compiled enact The meaning of the word ‘code’ will vary according to whether it is being used by lawyers trained in the English common law tradition, or lawyers brought up in the civil law tradition. In the civil law system, a 1_______is an authoritative, comprehensive and systematic collection of general clauses and legal principles, divided into Books or Parts dealing in a logical 2¬¬¬¬______ with the law relating thereto. Civil law codes are 3________ regarded as the primary source of law, to which all other sources are 4________, and often the only source of law on a particular matter. 5________, codes have also been 6_________ in common law jurisdictions, particularly for procedure and, in 7_______ of sheer volume, the United States have more ‘codified’ laws than any other country. 8 _________ the cardinal feature in a common law code is that it is 9________ pre-existing law (usually a combination of cases and statutes) and is neither designed, 10_________ intended to be a formulation of all inclusive rules. In other words, common law codes are generally enacted to 11 ______ the law on a particular area, or to clarify an area of law which has become unsettled, obscure or confused. It is exceedingly rare for a common law code to attempt to 12 ______ new rules or new concepts. Despite the enactment or compilation of various codes in common law jurisdictions, 13 _______ (or judicial decisions) generally retain their clarificatory significance and will continue to be 14______ as sources of law if there is any ambiguity in the statute, 15______ if there is a perceived ‘gap’ in the legislation which could then be filled by an existing judicial decision. In terms of style and organization, the format and structure of a typical common law statute is quite different from that of a civil law statute or code.

“Good fortune and bad fortune, wealth and destitution, equality and inequality, virtue and vice -- all depend upon political administration.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
What are the differences between a government with a constitution and a constitutional government?

conflict shaming resembling homogeneous jails disapproval homogeneity heterogeneity isolated unequal solidarity law-abiding mediation source kinship It is generally recognized that law develops with the societal evolution. Traditional societies may rely almost exclusively on custom as the 1_____ of legal rules and resolve disputes through conciliation or 2_____ by village elders, or by some other moral or divine authority. As for law, such societies need little of it. Traditional societies are more 3_____ than modern industrial ones. Social relations are more direct and intimate, interests are shared by virtually everyone, and there are fewer things to quarrel about. In a small, homogeneous society with little division of labor and a high degree of 4_____, informal sanctions are sufficient to keep most behavior in line with the norms. An ideal example is the community on Tristan da Cunha, and 5_____ island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean. A few hundred people live there, growing potatoes and catching fish. When social scientists visited the island in the 1930s, they were amazed to see how “6_____” these people were, even though they had nothing 7_____ law as we know it. There was no serious crime on the island that anyone could recall, no police, courts, 8_____, or judges. There was no need for them. People in the community relied on informal mechanisms of social control such as 9_____ and open 10_____, which can be effective and severe in their own way. Such forms of control work in small, homogeneous societies. As societies become larger, more complex, and modern, 11_____ gives way to 12_____ . Common interests decrease in relation to special interests. Face-to-face relations become progressively less important, as do13_____ ties. Access to material goods becomes more indirect, with a greater likelihood of 14_____ allocation, and the struggle for available goods becomes intensified. As a result, the prospects for 15_____ and dispute within the society increase. The need for explicit regulatory and enforcement mechanisms becomes increasingly apparent. As a result, laws gradually become to be more codified and formal.

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