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Not all car owners are good ______ .





提问人:网友firyan 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Not all car owners are good __…”相关的问题
The law requires that all the car owners ____ their cars tested twice a year.




D.will have

Many electric car owners consider the debate over charging points all a bit of a fuss.
{A; B; C}

A. 许多电动车车主都认为充电点很吵闹。

B. 许多电动车车主都为充电点在争论。

C. 许多电动车车主都认为争论充电点有点大惊小怪。

What does the speaker claim about the survey?A.Only new car owners responded to it.B.Peopl

What does the speaker claim about the survey?

A.Only new car owners responded to it.

B.People from all over the world responded.

C.The results were confirmed by telephone calls.

D.More people responded to it than ever before.

Car thefts account for a quarter of all recorded crime. Together they impose costs on ever
yone—the cost of the police time taken up in dealing with the offenses, the cost of taking offenders through the criminal justice system, and the cost to motorists of increased insurance premiums.

Over 460,000 cars are reported missing in this country each year and many of these are never recovered. Many of those which are found have been damaged by the thieves. A stolen car is also far more likely to be involved in an accident than the same car driven by its owner; car thieves are often young and sometimes drunk. Yet car crime can be cut drastically if motorists follow a few simple rules to keep thieves out of their cars in the first place.

Most car thieves are opportunist unskilled petty criminals; many are under So make your own car a less inviting target, to discourage thieves from trying.

The main message of the pamphlet is to______.

A.provide car owners with car theft statistics.

B.give details about costs in crime prevention.

C.portray the profile of certain car thieves.

D.raise car owners' awareness against car theft.

Henry Ford brought great benefit to car owners because ______.A.he created wealth for them

Henry Ford brought great benefit to car owners because ______.

A.he created wealth for them

B.he made cars with all kinds of colors

C.his mass production was able to bring the price down

D.he produced a gasoline engine as the power for his cars

Car thefts account for a quarter of all recorded crime. Together they impose costs on ever
yone-the costs of the police time taken up in dealing with the offenses, the cost of taking offenders through the criminal justice system, and the cost to motorists of increased insurance premiums.

Over 460, 000 cars are reported missing in this country each year and many of these are never recovered. Many of these which are found have been damaged by the thieves. A stolen car is also far more likely to be involved in an accident than the same car driven by its owner; car thieves are often young and sometimes drunk. Yet car crime can be cut drastically if motorists follow a few simple rules to keep thieves out of their in the fast place.

Most car thieves are opportunist unskilled petty criminals; many are under So, make your own car a less inviting target, to discourage thieves from trying.

The main message of the pamphlet is to ______

A.provide car owners with car theft statistics.

B.give details about costs in crime prevention.

C.portray the profile of certain car thieves.

D.raise car owners' awareness against car theft.

听力原文: The recent increase in car stealing has alarmed the police who are looking for w
hat they now believe must be a well-organized gang of professional car thieves. Most of the thefts have taken place in the rich residential areas round Southwell Park, where last week alone twenty-two car thefts were reported to the local police. Of these, only one has been found, abandoned in Rockinghill Palace Road twenty miles away. The others have still not been found except for one which had been falsely reported missing. The owner later admitted that he had forgotten where he had parked it a few days before. An interesting aspect of the thefts is that nearly all the missing vehicles had been taken from locked garages. The owners now admit that they may have left the car doors unlocked, but only one owner is not certain whether he has locked the garage door. The police therefore assumed that the gang found it easier to break into the garages where vehicles are often left unlocked at night and into locked cars parked on the roadside in daytime or at night. They advise car owners to lock up their cars even when they are kept in locked garages.


A.The increase in driving offences.

B.The increase in professional gangs.

C.The increase in car stealing.

D.The increase in car owners.

Do you want to buy a used car? Oslo, Norway will soon be a good place for you. It'll
be the fist European capital to ban all cars from the city center. The plan will start no later than 2019. About 350.000 car owners will need to sell their cars.

City government around the world are already banning cars from city center for special events. Philadelphia asked residents to stop driving their cars for four days when Pope Francis visited in late September. Philadelphia residents felt more relaxed, and children were free to play in the streets.

But there are more reasons to limit cars in cities. Cars are polluting the air throughout the world. Drivers waste time looking for parking places. Residents also feel safer without cars. A 2013 study by doctors in New York City said people were more likely to be hit by a car while in a crosswalk.

Car free cities may not be a fantasy if Oslo' S experience provides a strong example. The world will be watching and seeing how it goes.

Oslo will give New York and London a road map if they want to go car free. In Norway, the plan includes at least 60 kilometer of new bike roads. They will pay more for the bus and subway, too Car free cities can happen only if the infrastructure is good there And that means more bike roads, sidewalks, buses and subways.

1. Why is Oslo a good place to buy a used car?()

A.Because it’ll be the first European capital to make cars.

B.Because the people there want to buy new cars.

C.Because all cars will be banned from the city center.

D.Because car owners there don' t like driving any longer.

2. Philadelphia banned cars for four days().

A.for Pope Francis’ visit.

B.to make residents foe more relaxed

C.tor children' s safety

D.to make less pollution

3. Which reason is NOT mentioned to limit cars in cities?()

A.Driving cars pollutes the air.

B.Parking cars wastes time.

C.Residents feel safer without cars

D.The traffic is becoming heavier.

4. What' s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "fantasy"?





5. From this article, we know car-free cities().

A.can happen easily

B.will appear all over the world soon

C.has along way to go

D.can’t be achieved at all

Add Littleton,Colorado,to the list of cities dazed with grief after a school slaughter.Two
students shot and killed 12 other students and a teacher before taking their own lives.The massacre was the largest in the history of this nation.This type of crime didn’t exist 10 years ago.

Americans should stop acting surprised that these shooting happen in "nicer" neighborhoods.That’s the only place they happen.None of the recent school massacres took place at an inner-city campus; they all occurred in smaller towns or suburbs.These killers haven’t been from impoverished or extremely violent families.They don’t appear to have been picked on(挨骂受罚) any worse than kids have been for generations.They chose alienation and destruction,and they found the tools to carry out their hate-filled plan.

Do not blame schools for these massacres.Schools simply take what they are sent.Question the killers’ parents.The parents are supposed to teach their children respect and empathy for others’ lives.Parents should help their offspring learn to handle taunt or conflict without resorting to violence.

All concerned adults should take a youth’s threat to shoot someone as seriously as airport security guards take jokes about bombs.Students must be encouraged to tell teachers if a classmate threatens or jokes about violence.Administrators at schools around the country need to emphasize they will take such reports seriously,and that they will not identify any student who comes forward with such a report.

More gun regulations probably won’t stop these shootings,but gun owners and sellers must take more responsibility for keeping weapons away from young people.Gun owners should keep their guns unloaded,locked up and hidden away.Most car owners don’t leave their keys in the car even when they park in their own garage; gun owners should be at least as careful with weapons.

The federal government can’t solve this problem.Schools alone can’t solve it.More guns won’t solve it.Americans must consciously create a culture that makes violence unacceptable.Parents need to stop allowing their children’s minds to be polluted with violence.News media need to show more restraint and thought about how and what they report.

The Colorado massacre is a national tragedy.More’s the pity if Americans do not stop,reflect and vow to make it the last school massacre.

1.One common feature of all the recent school massacres is that ______.

A) they have all been carefully planned by hateful youngsters

B) the killers have all failed to passed their exams?

C) they all occur in places that appear to be all right

D) the killers are all from disadvantaged families

2.Children are less likely to become killers if ______.

A) their parents succeed in teaching them respect and empathy for others’ lives

B) they study hard in school and get high scores?

C) teachers stop telling meaningless jokes in class

D) they follow the rules set by administrators at schools around the country

3.Who does the author think should take the main responsibility for campus shootings?

A) School authorities.

B) The federal government.

C) News media.

D) The killers’ parents.

4.What is the most effective way to prevent school massacre from happening again?

A) Reinforcing stricter laws and regulations.

B) Introducing security guards onto campus.

C) Creating a culture that makes violence unacceptable.

D) Keeping weapons away from young people.

5.From the passage we can infer that ______.

A) there were a lot of school massacres in inner-cities 10 years ago

B) many people turn a blind eye to school massacre

C) a youth’s joke about violence is often ignored by other people

D) most gun owners like to leave their guns in their cars

听力原文:(29) The recent increase in car stealing has alarmed the police, who are looking

听力原文: (29) The recent increase in car stealing has alarmed the police, who are looking for what they now believe must be a well-organized gang of professional car thieves.

Most of the thefts have taken place in the rich residential areas round South-well Park, where last week alone, twenty-two car thefts were reported to the local police. Of course, (30)only one has been found abandoned in Rocking-hill Palace road twenty miles away. The others have not been found yet, except tot one which had been falsely reported missing. The owner later admitted that he had forgotten where he had parked it a few days before.

An interesting aspect of these thefts is that nearly all the missing vehicles have been taken from locked garages. The owners now admitted that they may have left the car doors unlocked, but only one owner was not certain whether he had locked the garage dour. The police have therefore assumed that the gang find it easier to break into garages, where vehicles are often left unlocked at night, than into locked cars, parked on the road-side in day time or at night. (31)They advise car owner to lock up their cars, even when they are kept in locked garages.


A.The increase in driving offences.

B.The increase in professional gangs.

C.The increase in car stealing.

D.The increase in car owners.

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