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The UK is located in northwestern Europe.

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更多“The UK is located in northwest…”相关的问题
Which of the following landmark is located in UK?()

A.Taj Mahal

B.Big Ben

C.Statue of Liberty

D. the Great Wall

The UK is located to the northwest of mainland Europe, it is made up of many of the islands collectively known as the _________________.
Co X, a US company, owned 30% of the equity of a Chinese company, Co A. Co X sold all of t
he equity in Co A at a profit to a UK company, Co Y.

Which of the following statements are correct?

(1) Co X is the taxpayer for China enterprise income tax (EIT)

(2) Co Y is the withholding agent for China EIT

(3) Co A is the withholding agent for China EIT

(4) The EIT should be filed at the place where Co

A.is located A 1 and 2

B.1, 3 and 4

C.1 and 4 only

D.3 and 4 only

3 Fran?ois, Demetris, José and Giuseppe are a group of students from different Mediterrane
an countries, taking their

MBA in a large UK city. As part of their course requirements, the group has to come up with an innovative business

idea, research into the feasibility of that idea and then present their business plan to a panel. After considerable

brainstorming they have come up with the idea of a themed restaurant based around Mediterranean cooking, menus

and service provisionally called ‘Casa del Mediterraneo’ and located in the city centre.

Initial research has revealed suitable premises to rent, but also the severe competition they will face in a city that is

very cosmopolitan and well provided for with restaurants serving cuisine from many parts of the world. The city has

a student population of around 100,000 and this, together with a young working population, means that there is a

very vibrant social life and a real willingness to sample food from different parts of the world.


(a) Identify and evaluate the critical success factors and associated competences that the group should consider

in developing their business plan for the restaurant. (12 marks)

?Read the following extract from an article about diversity management, and the questions

?For each question 15—20, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

The UK diversity management literature has tended to focus on its implementation in the public sector rather than in the commercial sector. Hicks-Clarke and He’s work considers the links between gender diversity and organizational performance in both retailing and the National Health Service but found that survey analysis was not the most appropriate way of exploring diversity climates in the retail company. Initially, the study developed from an approach from the UK high-street operation which was seeking to create more innovative HR practices to support a marketing strategy of appealing to a more diverse customer base. The decision to participate in the study suggests that not only are diversity issues growing in significance for UK retailers but, arguably, point to an absence of guidance on how to achieve diversity management in practice.

The retailer had three distinct businesses: the UK high street, its online business and the US retailing chain. The online business, selling products through its website and other interactive channels, employed approximately 100 people all centrally located in one UK premises. In contrast, the UK high street and US businesses were much larger and more widely dispersed. Both businesses had similar structures (head office, regional level and store level) and relied on formal documents to disseminate company policies. The UK high-street business had approximately 530 stores and 17, 000 staff, and has occupied a dominant position in UK retailing since its inception more than 200 years ago. Established in 1985, the US business employed 3,600 staff and had a total of 570 stores in airports and hotels, predominately in North America. A case study approach was selected as the most likely means of gathering insights into understanding the concept of diversity management and how managers applied this in their working environments. Over 12 months, 40 semi-structured interviews were conducted with individuals holding managerial responsibilities in the UK business operations and with a small number of ssnior HR specialists from the relevant head office who were the architects of the equality and diversity policies and procedures. The majority of the samples were store managers but a number had wider regional or general managerial roles and not only had a responsibility for diversity issues but also experienced these as employees. Although an important consideration was the diversity of respondents, and every effort was made to ensure that they reflected a wide range of visible characteristics, the main priority of the study was to obtain the views of those staff with an organizational responsibility for the interpretation and application of equality and diversity policies. This meant that the diversity of the sample was constrained by the composition of the population in such roles.

The result was a sample that was 70 percent female and 30 percent male, with an age composition ranging from mid-twenties to late fifties, although the majority were in their thirties or earlier forties. There was only one non-white manager in the UK sample, and one with a visible physical disability. It was difficult to select respondents on the grounds of their non-visible diversity, such as religion and sexuality, as these differences were not made known unless during the interview the respondent provided the information that they were, for example, Christian. The large numbers employed in the UK high street and US businesses, combined with the fluid nature of job roles in the online business, meant that snowball sampling was employed to select interviewees. This technique relies on respondents to identify other suitable people to interview. It is recogn

A.The study is to expose the thought of a number of managers who were responsible for the application of organizational equality and diversity policies in the retailing industry.

B.The study is mainly about in the implementation of organizational diversity initiatives, employers need to take greater account of the tensions facing line managers.

C.Line managers regard a diversity management agenda concerned with recognizing and responding to individual differences.

D.The study is to explore through qualitative methods the understandings, perceptions of fair treatment and reported actions of a group of managers.


Instead of trying to beat back the rising flood, innovative amphibious buildings can adapt to the rising flood. These buildings are ready for whatever Mother Nature might throw at them– even 10-foot floodwaters. Let's take a look at just two of them.


The UK's first amphibious house is located on the Thames River. And the first amphibious building in Britain will be completed soon. Baca Architects designed this home for a couple who wanted to live on a flood-prone island, an island easy to be attacked by floods, in the Thames River. This building is equipped with a terraced landscape. And this terraced landscape acts as an early warning system when the waters are rising. The terraces will be filled with water before the ‘wet dock’ under the house does, and then the home itself will slowly rise to stay above the water.


Residents of Makoko in Nigeria have been building houses on stilts for generations. People there go from one house to another by canoe. As sea levels are rising, officials threaten to tear down the entire community. If these houses are tore down, 250,000 people will be homeless and have to look for a new place to live. Architects found a solution in floating structures with improved sanitation conditions. The first completed example is a three-storey solar-powered school.

This amazing floating school addresses social, physical and ecological needs. Built on top of 256 recycled blue barrels, the school buildings are made of triangular bamboo and wood. Makoko's residents made full use of their skills when building these structures. With three levels, the solar-powered high school has room for 100 local kids and recycles rainwater to flush the toilets. And the cost for the whole school structures was under $7,000.

1.Innovative amphibious buildings have adaptation to the rising flood. {T; F}

2.The first amphibious building in Britain has been completed. {T; F}

3.250,000 residents of Makoko in Nigeria will be homeless if officials tear down their houses. {T; F}

4.The first completed floating school has three floors. {T; F}

5.In the opinion of the writer, the cost for the floating school was quite high. {T; F}

A. As HSBC Data Processing (Shanghai) Limited continues to grow, we invite people who exce


As HSBC Data Processing (Shanghai) Limited continues to grow, we invite people who excel in a challenging and dynamic work environment to join our fast expanding team. You will support international banking and financial services transactions taking place in areas such as the UK, Hong Kong and other Asia Pacific countries. This is an opportunity for you to use and develop your professional and English language skills while making great strides towards achieving your career objectives.


Wal-Mart Global Procurement (WMGP) is an important division of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. The mission of WMGP is to carry out merchandising functions to support purchasing activities of Wal-Mart U. S. A, Sam' s Club. and Wal-Mart International through its many branch offices covering various regions of the world. WMGP's overseas Home Office is located in Shenzhen PRC. Our annual purchases from China exceed US $ 4 billion and cover a wide range of product categories including electronics, toys, seasonal products, housewares, shoes, home textile and apparel products.

Shanghai is another full function office in China. We are seeking high quality applicants who are enthusiastic of their work and willing to develop their career in an outstanding company. Interested applicants please send resume in Chinese and English with the position applying for, expected salary, address, telephone number via e-mail to us.


Lincoln Industrial Corporation, an American based company, is the world leader in the manufacture and supply of premier automated centralized lubrication systems and related equipment. Our highly engineered products are applicable to almost all sectors of the industrial market.

To support our growing business operations in China, our Shanghai office is seeking a mature, dynamic and result-oriented individual for the Posts.

Interested candidates are invited to submit (via email or fax) a detailed resume, stating present and expected salaries, in Chinese and English to us.

The company has established an office in Shenzhen.

NOT JUST A SHOP! In his yearly report, the Chairman of a chain of retail outlets writes ab


In his yearly report, the Chairman of a chain of retail outlets writes about the financial aspects of the business and describes the work which the company has done to benefit people in the areas where their shops are located

It continues to be an important part of our company policy to be responsible for the health and welfare of people in the areas which we serve. In the past year, we have concentrated especially on education and training, and have invested over £4,000,000 in this and other areas ranging from the care of the old to the arts.

Let us look at these first. We have, as always, financed health research and care projects helping not only the old but children and the disabled too. We were especially pleased this year to provide alarms for disabled people who live alone and to run programmes which help children understand better the problems facing disabled people.

The Groundwork Foundation encourages young people in poor areas to improve their environment, while the Schools Prom concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London includes 20,000 children nationwide. Both of these were given financial help.

As mentioned above, in the last year we have been active in supporting a range of education projects. Two of our managers are now out of the company on 1-year projects, training young people for work in the retail industry and improving the quality of the teaching they receive. In addition, we have started a programme of 3-month schemes which our managerial staff are able to benefit from without having to take a long break from their jobs.

Schools and universities have also benefited. A London Business School received £50,000 to develop a training programme for UK school staff, giving them the skills necessary to manage their own schools. A major University has received a promise of £100,000 over 5 years to fund a new teaching post in international retailing. This will allow 22 more students to study this subject each year.

It is not only the company that supports good work for other people. Members of staff themselves are encouraged to join the company Give as You Earn system, to give money to others, especially those organisations working for the benefit of the local area. In such cases the company often gives its support by making an additional contribution.

We look forward to committing even more money to these and other projects in the coming year.

In the past year £4,000,000 was spent on

A.looking after old people.

B.all the company projects.

C.education and training.

As one of the biggest restaurants in the world, McDonald's origination and development has
been a miracle in this field. The McDonald's story began in 1954 in San Bernardino, California. At first, the restaurant is run by two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald. It didn't go very well at first; at one time it was nearly closed. However, the two brothers insisted on and overcame the difficulties, and made it turn for the better day by day.

Ray Kroc, a milk shake machine salesman, saw the massive potential of the brothers' business and decided to get involved. He purchased the rights from the brothers, on April 15th, 1955. He became the McDonald brothers' first franchisee when he opened his own McDonald's restaurant in Des Plaines, a suburb just north of Chicago.

The entry of Ray Kroc into the business contributed to the development in the history of McDonald's. He bought the rights to expand the McDonald's concept outside of California and Arizona, and quickly built the restaurant chain and by 1959 over 100 restaurants were in operation.

What is the secret of Ray Kroc? As a matter of fact, the restaurant was a favor for many of the local teens at first and the menu was primarily barbeque items. Eight years later, the restaurant was closed for several months as it was renovated to become a restaurant that served food and was easy to prepare and served quickly. The food was very limited including Hamburgers, French fries and cold drinks. The employees prided themselves on creating an assembly line type of food preparation and being speedy in getting their food to the customers. The very basic step paved the path to glory. It separated McDonald's from the rest of the competitors and attributes to their great success. The restaurant proved to be an instant success.

By 1984, McDonald's served 17 million customers a day that was equivalent to serving lunch to the entire population of Australia and New Zealand. Today, McDonald's becomes one of the most famous and successful "fast food" chain in America and the world. McDonald's restaurants are now located in 31, 000 locations all over the world, and the company employs more than 1. 5 million people. Just have a look at its development in UK. In September 2004 the UK company-owned restaurants employed 43, 491 people: 40, 699 hourly-paid restaurant employees, 2, 292 restaurant managers, and 500 office staff. McDonald's franchisees employed a further 25, 000 people.

Which of the following about McDonald's is true?

A.It is started by brothers McDonald and Ray Kroc.

B.It is highly welcomed at the beginning.

C.Its barbeque is the most favorable among people.

D.Its prosperousness is mostly due to Ray Kroc.

Text 4As one of the biggest restaurants in the world, McDonald's origination and developme

Text 4

As one of the biggest restaurants in the world, McDonald's origination and development has been a miracle in this field. The McDonald's story began in 1954 in San Bernardino, California. At first, the restaurant is run by two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald. It didn't go very well at first; at one time it was nearly closed. However, the two brothers insisted on and overcame the difficulties, and made it turn for the better day by day. '

Ray Kroc, a milk shake machine salesman, saw the massive potential of the brothers' business and decided to get involved. He purchased the rights from the brothers, on April 15th, 1955. He became the McDonald brothers' first franchisee when he opened his own McDonald's restaurant in Des Plaines, a suburb just north of Chicago.

The entry of Ray Kroc into the business contributed to the development in the history of McDonald's. He bought the rights to expand the McDonald's concept outside of California and Ari zona, and quickly built the restaurant chain and by 1959 0ver 100 restaurants were in operation.

What is the secret of Ray Kroc? As a matter of fact, the restaurant was a favor for many of the local teens at first and the menu was primarily barbeque items. Eight years later, the restaurant was closed for several months as it was renovated to become a restaurant that served food and was easy to prepare and served quickly. The food was very limited including Hamburgers, French fries and cold drinks. The employees prided themselves on creating an assembly line type of food preparation and being speedy in getting their food to the customers. The very basic step paved the path to glo-ry. It separated McDonald's from the rest of the competitors and attributes to their great success. The restaurant proved to be an instant success.

By 1984, McDonald's served 17 million customers a day that was equivalent to serving lunch to the entire population of Australia and New Zealand. Today, McDonald's becomes one of the most famous and successful "fast food" chain in America and the world. McDonald's restaurants are now located in 31,000 locations all over the world, and the company employs more tihan l. 5 million people. Just have a look at its development in UK. In September 2004 the UK companyowned restaurants employed 43,491 people: 40,699 hourly-paid restaurant employees, 2,292 restaurant managers, and 500 0ffice staff. McDonald's franchisees employed a further 25,000people.

56. Which of the following about McDonald's is true?

[A] It is started by brothers McDonald and Ray Kroc.

[B] It is highly welcomed at the beginning.

[C] Its barbeque is the most favorable among people.

[D] Its prosperousness is mostly due to Ray Kroc.

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