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If its a birthday or any other type of event then you go ahead and make a story or a______

(2 words)in regards to that special event.

提问人:网友fireabe 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“If its a birthday or any other…”相关的问题
Does Fiorina have the same opinion as Chambers about the birthday breakfast?A.Fiorina agre

Does Fiorina have the same opinion as Chambers about the birthday breakfast?

A.Fiorina agrees with what Chambers said and thinks that leadership cannot be disconnected from customers.

B.Fiorina does not agree with what Chambers said and thinks that the leadership can only need to deal with the things of the people in the high position.

C.Fiorina thinks that part of what Chambers said is right and every company can have its only culture.

Letter A support, assure, ensure, sure, convey, respect Dear Mr.Vice President, I have the disti

Letter A

support, assure, ensure, sure, convey, respect

Dear Mr.Vice President,

I have the distinct pleasure to(1)to you, on the occasion of your birthday, my most sincere wishes of good health, happiness and joy beside your family and friends, as well as of full success in fulfilling the complex responsibilities of your mission.

I greatly(2)and admire your work and leadership in(3)of the efforts President George W.Bush and the whole US Administration are undertaking to defend homeland security, fight terrorism and threat of weapons of mass destruction, especially those in hands of repressive regimes.I would like to(4)you of the readiness of the Romanian Government to support the United States in its actions to make(5)Iraq disarms and complies with all UN requirements.

Please accept, Mr.Vice President, my warmest congratulations on your birthday and the assurance of my sincere friendship and support.

Sincerely yours,

The buying behaviour of several customers or poten...

The buying behaviour of several customers or potential customers is described below for Kodak digital cameras. Assume in each situation that the customer being described is representative of a particular group of customers-all possessing the same needs and exhibiting similar buying behaviour. Then (a) indicate in which consumer product class the product should be placed based on the characteristics of each group of customers, and (b) state why you placed the product in this class. Mary Wang, a college student, wished to purchase a camera as a birthday gift for her boy friend. Although Mary could afford to spend less than $500, she wanted a digital camera of reasonably good quality-but also one that would be easy to operate. Knowing very little about cameras, Mary asked a salesperson at the Campus Camera Shop for his advice. He recommended that she buy the new Kodak digital camera because of its low price and many convenient features.

It is not, by no means, the worlds oldest company. There are 【M1】______ Japanese hotels d
ated back to the 8th century, German breweries that 【M2】______ hail from the 11th and an Italian bank with roots in the 15th. What is unusual about IBM, which celebrates its 100th birthday this week, is that it has been so successful and so long in the fast-moving field of 【M3】______ technology. How has it done it? IBMs secret is that it is built around an idea that transcends any special product or technology. Its strategy is to package technology 【M4】______ for use by businesses. At first this meant making punch-card tabulators, but IBM moved on to magnetic-tape systems, mainframes, PCs, and most recently services and consulting. Building a company around an idea, other than a specific technology, makes it easier to 【M5】______ adapt when industry platform. shifts occur. True, IBMs longevity is also due, in parts, to dumb luck. It 【M6】______ almost came unstuck early because its bosses were hesitant to 【M7】______ abandon punch cards. And it had a near-death experience in 1993 since its bosses realized that the best way to package technology for 【M8】______ use by businesses was to focus on services. An elegant organizing idea is of use if a company cannot come up with good products or 【M9】______ services, and if it has clueless bosses. But on the basis of this simple 【M10】______ formula — that a company should focus more on an idea than a technology, which of todays technology giants might still be standing tall a century after their founding?


Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements

Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.

As the cost of "v-mail" (video mail) service drops, an "I miss you" message from a far away sweetheart or a "Happy Birthday" serenade(小夜曲) from Grandma could soon be winging its way to your mailbox. A variety of companies have recently introduced cheap video-mail offerings that manage to force a one-minute multimedia(多媒体) message to the size of a one-page Word document. And the prices of web cameras—ranging from $25 to $150—are dropping fast. According to a recent Forrester Research study in the US, 94% of Internet users send an e-mail at least once a week, and 41% send pictures through e-mail once a week, which shows a huge market.

A number of Internet service providers believe that consumers will be eager to use voice and video e-mail. AT&T WorldNet, Microsoft Corp's WebTV, Yahoo, to name a few, have all jumped on the v-mail bandwagon(乐队花车). All that's required is a standard web camera and video-mall software, some suppliers charge a monthly fee for either an unlimited or set amount of v-mails. But while the technology is predicted to make in-roads in one's mailbox, it will likely be a while before it becomes a favored tool of advertisers.

v-mail service may provide a mail service together with ______.

A.pictures and sound

B.letters and documents

C.an "I miss you" message

D.a "Happy Birthday" serenade

[图] A Few years ago, a university professor tried...

[图] A Few years ago, a university professor tried.A Few years ago, a university professor tried a little experiment. He sent Christmas cards to a sample of perfect strangers. Although he expected some reaction, the response he received was amazing—holiday cards addressed to him came pouring back from the people who had never met nor heard of him. The great majority of those who returned a card never inquired into the identity of the ___1___ professor. They received his holiday greeting card, and they ___2___ sent one in return. This study shows the action of one of the most powerful of the weapons of influence around us—the rule for reciprocation. The rule says that we should try to repay, in ___3___, what another person has provided us. If a woman does us a favor, we should do her ___4___ in return; if a man sends us a birthday present, we should remember his birthday with a gift of our own; if a ___5___ invites us to a party, we should be sure to invite them to one of ours. By ___6___ of the reciprocity rule, then, we are obligated to the future repayment of favors, gifts, invitations, and the like. So typical is it for ___7___ to accompany the receipt of such things that a term like “much obliged” has become a synonym for “thank you,” not only in the English language but in others as well. The impressive aspect of the rule for reciprocation and the sense of obligation that ___8___ with it is its pervasiveness in human culture. It is so ___9___ that after intensive study, sociologists such as Alvin Goldener can report that there is no human society that does not ___10___ to the rule. 5. _____ (只填写大写字母即可)

Questions 下列各 are based on the following passage. A day after the mobile phone celebra
ted its 40th birthday, Facebook has produced something that it hopes will make certain of the devices even more useful. On April 4th the giant social network 36 Home, new software that is designed to give it more prominence on mobile phones powered by Android, an operating system developed by Google. This matters because more and more folk are now accessing social networks from mobile devices rather than from desktop computers and because mobile advertising 37 are growing fast, albeit from a low base. Without a robust mobile 38 , Facebook could see some of its users siphoned off by rivals born in the mobile era. And it could miss out on a 39 massive source of new revenue. There had been 40 that Facebook was working on a phone of its own, or at least on a mobile operating system to rival Android or Apples IOS. But dabbling in hardware at this stage of its development would be a huge risk for Facebook and developing a rival operating system would risk 41 Apple and Google, whose mobile platforms have helped power its advertising growth, eMarketer, a research firm, 42 Facebook is on track to win 11% of the $13.6 billion likely to be spent around the world on mobile ads this year. Home, which is a group of Facebook apps, avoids both pitfalls. Among other things, it 43 a phones home screen (and lock screen) to Facebooks Newsfeed, allowing people to get updates on what their friends are doing without having to launch a 44 app each time they want news. A phone using Home will also notify you when your friends are doing something new, as well as alerting you to new data from other apps. Another feature is a tool called "Chat Heads" that 45 Facebooks message system to a phones regular SMS message offering. This means messages pop up on the home screen along with the senders profile picture, which is enclosed in a small circle.Questions 下列各 are based on the following passage. 请回答(36)题__________.

The moment I saw the sign Principals Office in my son's school I knew the apostrophe was d
oomed. The correct English would have been Principal's Office, with an apostrophe indicating the office belonged to the principal or head of the school. Having an apostrophe in my name Noel O'Hare--frequently omitted--I have always felt rather attached to this misunderstood piece of punctuation. Apostrophe abuse, like drug abuse, can be found at every level of society, from the local school to the company boardroom. Shops and businesses are some of the worse offenders, omitting apostrophe as in "the Razors Edge, men's hairdressing" (The Razors Edge is incorrect--it needs an apostrophe in Razor's , but men's hairdressing is correct).

You'd think that bookshop would at least have some feeling for proper English usage, but even major chains such as Whitcoulls have abandoned the apostrophe. It's left to the American fastfood franchise McDonald's to set an example.

Literacy is not something you expect to find in television. Despite the responsibility of serving a mass audience, television graphics writers appear never to have mastered the difference between "its" and "it's", and other apostrophes are often misplaced or omitted. The misuse sometimes leads to wholesale plagiarism. Poor Charles Dickens; television versions of his novels are often passed off as "Charles Dicken's" works.

The widespread misuse of the apostrophe is, the argument goes, impoverishing the language by reducing clarity. If I omit the apostrophe from a phrase such as "my friends house" it is impossible to tell whether I mean one friend or several (though it may often be clear from the context). In correct usage, "my friend's house" would mean the house of one friend; "my friends' house" would mean a house where several friends lived. On the other hand, the gross misuse of the apostrophe in a sentence such as "Its you're birthday" does nothing to diminish the meaning (the correct usage would be "It's (It is) your birthday" ).

English teachers, though, no longer take a hard line on the use of apostrophes. Richard Hogg, professor of English at Manchester University and editor of The Cambridge History of the English Language, recently made news when he revealed that "he would not go to the stake" to maintain the difference between "it's" and "its". The apostrophe, he suggested, is fast becoming redundant. Laurie Bauer, researcher in linguistics at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, and a keen apostrophe watcher, agrees that the apostrophe is dying in its present form. and that its misuse is not a major linguistic crime. "There are some (misuses) that don't matter and some that may not matter. The number of times where you're actually going to be confused between 'I'll' and 'Ill' is actually small." There is greater ambiguity, for instance, between the present tense and past tense of the verb "read". "Sometimes that can be very con- fusing," says Bauer, "but people don't complain, because it's well established."

It's easy for the likes of Bauer to be blase about the decline of the apostrophe--she doesn't have an apostrophe in her name, as I do. Personally, I think this linguistic slovenliness is clear evidence the country is going to the dog's.

Which of the following is the correct form. of the name of the business discussed in Para- graph 1 ?

A.The Razor's Edge, men's hairdressing.

B.The Razor's Edge, men' hairdressing.

C.The Razors' Edge, men's hairdressing.

D.The Razors' Edge, men' hairdressing.

改错:It seems that every country, race, and religion observe some type of holiday or festival.

It seems that every country, race, and religion observe some type of holiday or festival. The two most celebrating holidays __1__in the North and South America, Australia and Eueope, and in the most of Christian world are Christmas and Easter. __2__Christians celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas. The __3__exchange of gifts rises from the birthday tradition. The __4__winter holiday season is time for bright colored lights to __5__appear in and out the houses, on Christmas trees, and on __6__buildings and storefronts, At Easter, Christians celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. This is also a time for celebration with family.A non-religious celebration in North America is Thanksgiving.Similarly, National Day and Labour Day Holidays are among the non-religious holidays in China. A common tradition is the observance of the New Year as celebrated around the world on January 1st. Therefore, various religious groups celebrate the __7__

New Year on the spring or fall. One common thread that __8__goes through all these holidays is the celebration of the __9__occasion with family, food, new clothing, lights, and festivity.They are set apart as special times to be celebrated happily with family and friends. Religious or not religious, each festival or holiday has its own legend or origin behind. __10__

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