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In the middle and late years of the Qing Dynasty, Han style clothes and Manchu style clothes influenced each other.

提问人:网友Jessy2007 发布时间:2022-01-07
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听力原文:M: Hi, mom!W: Ah, there you are, I was getting worried about you. It's late.M: Ye

听力原文:M: Hi, mom!

W: Ah, there you are, I was getting worried about you. It's late.

M: Yes. I bumped into Lyn and went to the pub for a drink. She was telling me about a funny thing that had happened to her yesterday.

W: Oh. What was that?

M: Well. She was driving home from work when suddenly she saw an old lady on her hands and knees in the middle of the road.

W: Oh, her hands and knees in the middle of the road?

M: Yes, in front of her car. She was so shocked that she stopped without warning, and the car behind crashed into hers.

W: Oh! Was she hurt?

M: No, she wasn't, fortunately.

W: And what was the old lady doing on her hands and knees?

M: I'm just coming to that--so Lyn got out of her car. Then the old lady picked up something, and walked away without saying a word.

W: Well. I never! She was lucky Lyn didn't run her over.

M: Well, yes. Then a policeman came but he didn't believe the story.

W: Oh?

M: Luckily there was a witness, a man waiting for a bus. He saw it all. Guess what the old la dy was doing?

W: I haven't the faintest idea.

M: She was looking for a false tooth.

W: A false tooth?

M: Yes, it fell out as she was crossing the road. The witness heard her mumbling, "Oh, my gold tooth."

W: I don't believe it.

M: It's true. Ask Lyn.

Why was the old lady on her hands and knees in the middle of the road?

A.She was run over by a car.

B.She was shocked to see a car crashing into a another.

C.She fell when crossing the road.

D.She was looking for her false tooth.

Paris is the capital of the European nation of France.It is also one of the most beaut
iful and most famous cities in the world.

Paris is called the City of Light.It is also an international fashion center.What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world.Paris is also a famous world center of education.For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

The Seine River divides the city into two parts.Thirty-two bridges cross this river.The oldest and perhaps most well-known is the Pont Neuf, which was built in the sixteenth century.The Sorbonne, a famous university, is located on the Left Band (south side) of the river.The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on top of the hill called Montmartre on the Right Band (north side) of the Seine.

There are many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum the Louvre, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.

Paris as well as the Cathedral of Notre Dame is named after a group of people called the Parisi.They built a small village on an island, in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago.This island called the llede La Cite is where Notre Dame is located.Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.

1.A good title for this selection is().

A.The French Language

B.The City of Pairs

C.Education and Culture in France

D.The SenUior River

2.The word “headquarters”in line 5 means().



C.main office

D.25 percent

3.We may conclude that Notre Dame is located()

A.on the Left Bank

B.On the Right Bank

C.In the middle of the Senior River

D.On neither bank

4.The Pont Neuf was built in ()

A.the 1500s

B.the 1600s

C.the 1700s

D.the 1400s

5.The population in the Pairs area is around()

A.two million

B eight million

C.sixteen million

D.eighteen million

Part B (10 points)Just under a year ago, a sharp drop in equatorial Pacific sea-surface te

Part B (10 points)

Just under a year ago, a sharp drop in equatorial Pacific sea-surface temperature indicated the end of the 1997~1998 E1 Nino. Called by someone "the climate event of the century", it was by several measures the strongest on record. (41)______.This is more than simply an academic question: the 1997~1998 E1 Nino severely disrupted global weather patterns and Pacific marine ecosystems, and by one estimate caused $033 billion in damage and cost 23,000 lives worldwide. (42)______.Clearly we have much to learn from this experience.

(43)______.Now E1 Nino more generally refers to a warming of the tropical Pacific basin that occurs roughly every three to seven years in association with a weakening of the trade winds. The opposite side of El Nino, La Nina, is characterized by stronger-than-normal trade winds and unusually cold sea-surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific. Both E1 Nino and La Nina are accompanied by swings in atmospheric pressure between the eastern and western Pacific. These swings are known as the Southern Oscillation. These phenomena are collectively referred to as ENSO or E1 Nino/Southern Oscillation.

The general mechanisms underlying the ENSO involve large-scale ocean-atmosphere interactions and equatorial ocean dynamics. But each El Nino and La Nina is unique in the combination of its strength, duration and pattern of development. Irregularity in the ENSO cycle can be seen both in the record dating back to the middle of the 19th century, and in other supporting data, such as lake sediments, coral growth rings and tree rings, going back hundreds or even thousands of years. (44)______.

Nonetheless, the 1997~1998 E1 Nino was an unusual one. It developed so rapidly that every month between June and December 1997 set a new monthly record high for sea-surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Anomalies (that is, deviations from normal) in December 1997 were the highest ever recorded along the Equator in the eastern Pacific. Moreover, before 1997~ 1998, the previous record-setting E1 Nino occurred in 1982~1983. (45)______.

Several factors may have contributed to the strength of the 1997~1998 E1 Nino. One is chaos, which some theories invoke to account for the irregularity of the ENSO cycle. Nonlinear resonances involving ENSO and the seasonal cycle have received special attention, but other chaotic interactions may affect ENSO as well. In 1997~1998, events possibly acted together to produce an extraordinarily strong E1 Nino simply due to the underlying tendency towards chaos in the elimate system.

[A] So in principle, it should not be surprising that an unusually strong E1 Nino occurs ever so often.

[B] Identifying why it was so strong challenges our understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for E1 Nino.

[C] From that perspective, the strength of the 1997~1998 E1 Nino may be but one manifestation of a linkage between interannual and decadal climate variations in the Pacific.

[D] These two "super E1 Ninos" were separated by only 15 years, compared with a typical 30~40 year gap between such events earlier in the 20th century.

[E] E1 Nino, Spanish for "the child" (and specifically the Christ child), is the name Peruvian fisherman gave to coastal sea-temperature warnings that first appeared around Christmas time.

[F] There were warnings of a coming E1 Nino before it occurred. But although many computer forecast models predicted that 1997 would be warm in the tropical Pacific up to three seasons in advance, none predicted the rapid development or ultimate intensity of the event before it began.

[G] In association with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, sea-surface temperatures have generally been higher in the tropical Pacific from the Mid-1970s. Since then, there have been more E1 Ninos than La Ninas.


El Nino is the term used for the period when sea surface temperatures are above normal off
the South American coast along the equatorial Pacific, sometimes called the Earth's heartbeat, and is a dramatic but mysterious climate system that periodically rages across the Pacific.

El Nino means "the little boy" or "the Christ child" in Spanish, and is so called because its warm current is felt along coastal Peru and Ecuador around Christmas. But the local warming is just part of an intricate set of changes in the ocean and atmosphere across the tropical Pacific, which covers a third of the Earth's circumference. Its intensity is such that it affects temperatures, storm tracks and rainfall around the world.

Droughts in Africa and Australia, tropical storms in the Pacific, torrential rains along the Californian coast and lush greening of Peruvian deserts have all been ascribed to the whim of El Nino. Until recently it has been returning about every three to five years. But recently it has become more frequent—for the first time on record it has returned for a fourth consecutive year—and at the same time a giant pool of unusually warm water has settled down in the middle of the Pacific and is showing no signs of moving.

Climatologists don't yet know why, though some are saying these aberrations may signal a worldwide change in climate. The problem is that nobody really seems sure what causes the El Nin o to start up, and what makes some stronger than others. And this makes it particularly hard to explain why it has suddenly started behaving so differently.

In the absence of El Nino and its cold counterpart, La Nina, conditions in the tropical eastern Pacific are the opposite of those in the west. the east is cool and dry, while the west is hot and wet. In the east, it's the winds and currents that keep things cool. It works like this. Strong, steady winds, called trade winds, blowing west across the Pacific drag the surface water along with them. The varying influence of the Earth's rotation at different latitudes, known as the Coriolis effect, causes these surface winds and water to veer towards the poles, north in the northern hemisphere and south in the southern hemisphere. The surface water is replaced by colder water from deeper in the ocean in a process known as upwelling.

The cold surface water in turn chills the air above it. This cold dense air cannot rise high enough for water vapor to condense into clouds. The dense air creates an area of high pressure so that the atmosphere over the equatorial eastern Pacific is essentially devoid of rainfall.

The writer begins the text with ______.

A.a description of a scene.

B.a root cause of El Nino.

C.a narrative of an event.

D.a definition of EI Nino.

EI Nino is the term used for the period when sea surface temperatures are above normal off
the South American coast along the equatorial Pacific, sometimes called the Earth's heartbeat, and is a dramatic but mysterious climate system that periodically rages across the Pacific.

EI Nino means "the little boy" or "the Christ child" in Spanish, and is so called because its warm current is felt along coastal Peru and Ecuador around Christmas. But the local warming is just part of an intricate set of changes in the ocean and atmosphere across the tropical Pacific, which covers a third of the Earth's circumference. Its intensity is such that it affects temperatures, storm tracks and rainfall around the world.

Droughts in Africa and Australia, tropical storms in the Pacific, torrential rains along the Californian coast and lush greening of Peruvian deserts have all been ascribed to the whim of EI Nino. Until recently it has been returning about every three to five years. But recently it has become more frequent—for the first time on record it has returned for a fourth consecutive year—and at the same time a giant pool of unusually warm water has settled clown in the middle of the Pacific and is showing no signs of moving.

Climatologists don't yet know why, though some are saying these aberrations may signal a worldwide change in climate. The problem is that nobody really seems sure what causes the EI Nino to start up, and what makes some stronger than others. And this makes it particularly hard to explain why it has suddenly started behaving so differently.

In the absence of EI Nino and its cold counterpart, La Nina, conditions in the tropical eastern Pacific are the opposite of those in the west: the east is cool and dry, while the west is hot and wet. In the east, it's the winds and currents that keep things cool. It works like this. Strong, steady winds, called trade winds, blowing west across the Pacific drag the surface water along with them. The varying influence of the Earth's rotation at different latitudes, known as the Coriolis effect, causes these surface winds and water to veer towards the poles, north in the northern hemisphere and south in the southern hemisphere. The surface water is replaced by colder water from deeper in the ocean in a process known as upwelling.

The cold surface water in turn chills the air above it. This cold dense air cannot rise high enough for water vapor to condense into clouds. The dense air creates an area of high pressure so that the atmosphere over the equatorial eastern Pacific is essentially devoid of rainfall.

The writer begins the text with

A.a description of a scene.

B.a root cause of EI Nino.

C.a narrative of an event.

D.a definition of EI Nino.

When were the images of Mars taken?A.In the middle of summer on Earth.B.In the middle of s
ummer on Mars.C.In the middle of summer on Earth's polar caps.D.In the middle of summer in the northern part of Mars.

The topic sentence should not be put in the middle of a paragraph.
The young man was _________ middle height.A、withB、atC、ofD、on

The young man was _________ middle height.





The White House advisory panel is set up to ______A.show cares to the middle class.B.creat

The White House advisory panel is set up to ______

A.show cares to the middle class.

B.create more jobs for the middle class.

C.help the middle class go through the difficult decades.

D.study and solve the problems the middle class faced.

This course is NOT designed for _____.

A、middle school students

B、pre-service English teachers

C、high school English teachers

D、middle school English teachers

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