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The term restricted retained earnings refers to both legal and contractual restrictions.

提问人:网友k105827 发布时间:2022-01-07
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The term sociolect is used for less drastic difference which is restricted to variati
on in pronunciation.()

The term geographical dialect is used for less drastic difference which is restricted
to variation in pronunciation.()

The term ______ is used for less drastic difference restricted to variation in pronun



C、geographical dialect


The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to ().A.Situations when you c

The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to ().

A.Situations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visually

B.Visibility of less than half a mile

C.Any condition where visibility is restricted

D.Visibility where you cannot see shore

For the purpose of the Rules, except where otherwise required, the term ______.A.vessel in

For the purpose of the Rules, except where otherwise required, the term ______.

A.vessel includes seaplanes

B.seaplane includes non-displacement craft

C.vessel engaged in fishing includes a vessel fishing with trolling lines

D.vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver includes fishing vessels

SECTION 3Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its cont


Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.

Electronic computer speeds are restricted not only by the speed of electrons

in matter but also by the escalating density of interconnections necessary to

connect the electronic gates on microchips. Electrical engineers and physicists

have been developing and augmenting the technologies of analog and digital

(5) optical computing, in which the information is primarily carried by photons

rather than by electrons. Optical computing could, in principle, generate much

higher computer speeds, but one of the problems it has encountered lies in

accuracy, for these devices have practical limits of 8 to 11 bits of accuracy in

basic operations. Recent research has evinced that digital partitioning

(10) algorithms in tandem with error-correction codes, can substantially enhance the

accuracy of optical computing operations. In the near term optical computers

will most likely be hybrid optical/electronic systems that preprocess input data

for computation and post-process output data via electronic circuits, but

nevertheless, the prospect of all-optical computing remains highly attractive.

According to the passage, which of the following is true concerning optical computers?

A.Researchers have not yet discovered a means of transporting photons more efficiently.

B.Their primary limitation is the density of connections required between electronic microchip gates.

C.Their accuracy level is poor at 8 to 11 bits, but still superior to that Of electronic computers.

D.They invariably rely on electronic circuits to preprocess input data for computation.

E.Both analog and digital forms of optic computing are presently being developed by scientists.

From the center of downtown Tucson the ground slopes gently away to Main Street, drops a f
ew feet, and then rolls to the banks of the Santa Cruz River. Here lies the section of the city known as EL Hoyo. Why it is called EL Hoyo is not very clear. In no sense is it a hole, as its name would imply; it is simply the river's immediate valley. Its inhabitants are Chicanos who raise hell(喧闹)on Saturday night and listen to Padre Estanislao(去教堂做礼拜)on Sunday morning.

While the term Chicano is the short way of saying Mexicano, it is not restricted to the paisanos (country people) who came from old Mexico with the territory or the last famine to work for the railroad, labor, sing and go on relief. Chicano is the easy way of referring to everybody. Pablo Gutierrez married the Chinese grocer's daughter and now runs a meat department; his sons are Chicanos. So are the sons of Killer Jones who threw a fight in Harlem and fled to EL Hoyo to marry Christina Mendez. And so are all of them. However, it is doubtful that all these spiritual sons of Mexico live in EL Hoyo because of its scenic beauty— it is everything but beautiful. Its houses are simple affairs of unplastered adobe(土坯), wood, and abandoned car parts. Its narrow streets are mostly clearings that have, in time, acquired names. Except for some tall trees which nobody has ever cared to identify, nurse, or destroy, the main things known to grow in the general area are weeds, garbage piles, dark-eyed chavalos (slang for boys or young men), and dogs. And it is doubtful that the chicanos live in EL Hoyo because it is safe—many times the Santa Cruz has risen and inundated(淹没)the area.

The main point of this passage is that ______.

A.El Hoyo is the region of downtown Tucson that slopes down to Main Street and the banks of the Santa Cruz River

B.American cities have different personalities depending on the varied people who live and work there

C.Chicano is the short way of saying Mexicano

D.in EL Hoyo, Chicanos are a varied group who live in a defined community

Exactly where we will stand in the long war against disease by the year 2050 is impossible
to say. (111) But if developments in research maintain their current pace, it seems likely that a combination of improved attention to dietary and environmental factors, along with advances in gene therapy and protein-targeted drags, will have virtually eliminated most major classes of disease.

From an economic standpoint, the best news may be that these accomplishments could be accompanied by a drop in health-care costs. (112) Costs may even fall as diseases are brought under control using pinpointed, short term therapies now being developed. By 2050 there will be fewer hospitals, and surgical procedures will be largely restricted to the treatment of accidents and other forms of trauma (外伤). Spending on nonacute (慢性病的) care, both in nursing facilities and in homes, will also fall sharply as more elderly people lead healthy lives until close to death.

One result of medicine's success in controlling disease will be a dramatic increase in life expectancy. (113) The extent of that increase is a highly, speculative matter, but it is worth noting that medical science has already helped to make the very old (currently defined as those over 85 years of age) the fastest growing segment of the population. Between 1960 and 1995, the U. S. population as a whole increased by about 45%, while the segment over 85 years of age grew by almost 300%. (114) There has been a similar explosion in the population of centenarians, with the result that survival to the age of 100 is no longer the newsworthy feat that it was only a few decades ago. U. S. Census Bureau projections already forecast dramatic increase in the number of centenarians in the next 50 years: 4 million in 2050, compared with 37, 000 in 1990.

(115) Although Census Bureau calculations project an increase in average life span of only eight years by the year 2050, some experts believe that the human life span should not begin to encounter any theoretical natural limits before 120 years. With continuing advances in molecular medicine and a growing understanding of the aging process, that limit could rise to 130 years or more.


Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: People often miss meals because they get busy or are trying to lose weight. But how you skip meals, and the amount you eat at your next meal, can affect your overall health.

In recent months, (26) two new studies may help explain how skipping meals affects health.

The more recent study looked at what happens when people skip meals but end up eating just as much as they would in a normal day when they finally do sit down to a meal. The study, conducted by diabetes researchers, involved healthy, normal-weight men and women in their 40s. (27) For two months, the study subjects ate three meals a day. For another eight-week period, they skipped two meals but ate the same number of calories in one evening meal, consumed between 4 p. m. and 8 p. m.

The researchers found that skipping meals during the day and eating one large meal in the evening resulted in potentially risky metabolic changes. If the meal skippers persisted long term, it could lead to diabetes.

The study was notable because it followed another study earlier this year that found that skipping meals every other day could actually improve a patient's health. In that study, overweight adults ate normal meals one day. This was followed by a day of severely restricted eating, when they ate about 400 or 500 calories a day -- the equivalent of about one meal.

After following the special dieting pattern for two months, (28) the dieters lost an average of 8 percent of their body weight, and they had lower cholesterol.

The conclusion, say the authors of the more recent meal-skipping study, is that skipping meals as part of a controlled eating plan that results in lower calorie intake can result in better health. However, skipping meals during the day and then overeating at the evening meal results in harmful changes in the body.


A.To support skipping meals by giving scientific proofs.

B.To explain how skipping meals worsens people's health.

C.To explain how skipping meals helps improve health.

D.To explain how skipping meals affects people's health.






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