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Your old friend and classmate Jack (want) ______ to see you right now.

Your old friend and classmate Jack (want) ______ to see you right now.

提问人:网友lzzyok 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Your old friend and classmate …”相关的问题
How can you join?A.Phone a friendB.Place your contact details on the websiteC.Contact your

How can you join?

A.Phone a friend

B.Place your contact details on the website

C.Contact your old school

D.Talk to a psychologist

—What's your new classmate like ? —He is______ .

A.a student

B.very handsome

C.Xiao Ming

D.an old friend of Wang Hua's

Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. T

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.

听力原文:M: Where are you living now? I went to see you at your old apartment and it was empty.

W: I'm living in the city. It's closer to work.

Q: Where did the woman live before she moved in?


A.In a student dorm.

B.In an apartment.

C.In an old friend's house.

D.In her uncle's house.

SECTIONBNOTE-WRITING(10 MIN) Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50 -60 words based


Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50 -60 words based on the following situation:

Your friend Hilda has invited you to a get-together party with some old friends. Write her a note to accept the invitation, stating the time you will get to the party and expressing thanks for her invitation.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.

听力原文:Many interesting sites have come up on the Internet in recent years, but one of t
he most successful sites has been "oldfriends. com". Like all good ideas, this one is very simple. It's just a database of schools that you can add your name and e-mail address or phone number to, so that old friends can log on, find your details and contact you. In the studio today, we have two guests Mark Sorenson, a sociologist who has been investigating this phenomenon and Dr. Julie Arnforth, a psychologist who has recently produced a study of how and why friendships from the past can become very important to us in later life.

Who is speaking?

A.A sociologist

B.An old friend

C.Dr. Julie Arnforth

D.A radio or TV presenter

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。The old saying “pr


The old saying “practice makes perfect” applies to interviewing too. Conduct practice interviews with a friend or family member, and ask for their feedback. You can also record or videotape your responses {A. soB、B. whenB、C. because} you can review your answers and check your body language. Prepare answers to commonly {A. askB、B. askingB、C. asked} interview questions. Doing so will help you analyze your background and qualifications for the position.

Also prepare a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer. Remember, you aren't {A. easilyB、B. simplyB、C. very} trying to get the job - you are also interviewing the employer to assess {A. whyB、B. whenB、C. whether} this company and the position are a good fit for you. The more you practice, the more self-assured you will feel walking in to the interview. Your answers will feel natural, and interviewers will be impressed by your {A. appearanceB、B. confidenceB、C. hope}."

段落翻译: It’s so easy to take good friends for gr...

段落翻译: It’s so easy to take good friends for granted. Like a comfortable pair of gloves, old friends wear well. But friendships that suffer from busyness and over — familiarity can’t afford to be neglected too long. They need renewal. If you want and need to keep true friendship alive and well, please, consider and think over a list of the most important qualities. Probably it will help you to understand why you and your best friend haven’t called up for ages, why you’re getting embarrassed while being asked “Whom are you going to have fun with this weekend?” You may neglect your intimate friends from time to time, but if you fail to cultivate these qualities — loyalty, forgiveness, honesty, and dedication — you can’t expect to keep true friends.

Please make up a dialogue based on the following s...

Please make up a dialogue based on the following situation. (refer to the useful expressions on page 127 and model dialogue on page 125 of the textbook) You are going to talk about your family with someone. For student A: You are writing to your grandparents on your mother's side when a friend, Oscar, comes. He asks you whom you are writing to and so you begin to talk about your family. Your maternal grandma is 64 and your maternal grandpa is 69. They live by themselves, but your uncle lives nearby so he can take care of them. Your paternal grandpa died of cancer five years ago and your paternal grandma who is 83 lives with your parents. She is in good health. And your uncles and aunts come to visit her every week. Then Oscar tells you something aboout his grandpa who will be 90 next month. For student B: You see your friend, Norman, writing to his maternal grandparents, so you ask him some questions about his family. You ask him how old his grandparents are and where they live. Then you tell him that your maternal grandpa is still alive. He lives in the countryside with your uncle and will be 90 next months, so all of your relatives will go back to celebrate his birthday for him. 对话格式为: A: ...... B: ......

Learning a foreign language is not a matter of reading some grammar rules and learning
some vocabulary words — although those are important activities not to be ignored.Acquiring (学到) a language is learning a skill, not a body of information.It’s as much like learning to swim or ride a bike as it is like learning about the Second World War.That is, you must not only understand the ideas and have information at hand, but also make your body accustomed to using that information in physical activity: In this case, the physical activity is speaking, listening, writing and reading.

You need, then, not only to learn and understand, but also to practice!

Here are a few suggestions on effective practice/study techniques.

1.Make your mouth or hand do what your mind is learning.Study out loud.Do go to the lab and work on the tapes.Study with a friend, and, thus, participate in speaking and listening.Try to write sentences or a short paragraph using the skills you have practiced with your own lips.

2.Study day-by-day.You cannot get by in a foreign language course by cramming (临时抱佛脚) at the last minute.You may be able to “learn” vocabulary items that way, but you cannot teach your mouth to use them in sentences.

3.Sometimes go back and review “old”topics and vocabulary.Language learning is cumulative (累积的).You learn new skills on the basis of old ones.The more you “recycle”familiar information and skills, the better you will be able to take in new ones.

4.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.Self-consciousness (害羞) can be a strong barrier to learning a language.Perhaps part of the reason small children readily learn languages is that they are not afraid of making mistakes.

41.The first paragraph of the passage has been written to lay stress on the fact that______.

A.memorizing vocabulary words is necessary in language learning

B.learning to swim is quite similar to learning about the Second World War

C.understanding the ideas is more important than anything else

D.language learning is a process of acquiring different language skills

42.One of the major benefits of studying with a friend is that ________ .

A.it makes one talk in a particular language

B.it builds the friendship between two friends

C.friends can share tapes or other learning materials

D.one studies better in with a friend

43.Cramming is no good while learning a language because _________.

A.it is of little use to study without a clear purpose

B.nothing can be learned through cramming

C.anything learned that way can hardly be put into use

D.one may not find enough time to use at the last minute

44.The purpose of reviewing old topics is __________.

A.to build up a good basis for new skills

B.to enjoy the good ideas contained in them

C.to throw away the old, useless information

D.to avoid making mistakes in the future

45.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Why Children Are Able to Learn a Language Better than Grown-ups

B.A Few Suggestions on Studying a Foreign Language

C.Why Learning a Foreign Language Is More Difficult than Anything Else

D.An Introduction to Language Teaching and Learning


1. 发生,引起____

2. 出版,出来____

3. 来到;合计,总共是;苏醒过来____

4. 结束____

5. 赶上,提出____

6. I____an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.


7. Perhaps I shall ____ him somewhere in the park.


8. How did it____that you didn't report the accident until two days later?


9. Can you tell me when your new book will ____?


10. The scientists are beating their brains trying to ____ a solution to the problem.

科学家正绞尽 脑汁,力求找到解决这个问题的办法.

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