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The holiday may date from the Middle Ages and the origin of the name “Boxing Day” is fully known. ()

提问人:网友hhz2020 发布时间:2022-07-03
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更多“The holiday may date from the …”相关的问题
In the Roman Holiday, ______.A.people date with their valentineB.birds choose their matesC

In the Roman Holiday, ______.

A.people date with their valentine

B.birds choose their mates

C.people choose someone to be his/her sweetheart

D.birds also have their holiday

PART CDirections: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each on


Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.

听力原文: Many of the early settlers in the new world came to America seeking religious freedom. One of the best known of these groups was the pilgrims who settled at Plymouth Massachusetts in the winter of 1620.

In fact the American national holiday "Thanksgiving" celebrated each November dates back to the pilgrims first year when they held a feast in thanks for surviving that first brutal winter. The pilgrims came to America on hoard the May Flower.

The story of the May Flower actually begins long before the ship set sail in 1620 more than a decade before, when members of a puritan sect that opposed the Elizabethan established church in England fled persecution in their homeland for refuge in the Netherlands. This group of about 100 pilgrims eventually settled in Lyden where their congregation tripled. But although they lacked the religious and civil autonomy they needed for their spiritual purity and growth. So in 1616 they decided to move to America where under English protection, they hoped to establish a profitable fishing and trading post in the colony of Virginia.

In which year does Thanksgiving date back to ______.





MemoDate: January 15, 2002To: Employees in Research and Development DepartmentFrom: Mary S


Date: January 15, 2002

To: Employees in Research and Development Department

From: Mary Silvers, Project Manager

Re: New Flex-Time Policy Beginning March 1, 2002

The company is offering a new flex-time schedule to all employees. You must sign up for this plan by Feb. 20, 2006, in order to use it.

Components of the Plan

Employees must agree to:

* Work 40 hours a week(except normal vacation time, sick leave, or holiday weeks)

* Work a minimum of 4 days a week

* Work no more than 12 hours a day

* Arrive at work no later than 9:30 a.m.

* Leave work no earlier than 3:30 p.m.(unless you have completed 40 hours that week)

Scheduling Considerations

Employees may schedule work time as long as it fits the above criteria.

Employees who sign up for this new flex time scheduling must declare their work hours during the previous week.

The supervisor will take responsibility for recording each employee's work schedule.

Employees who wish to try this new plan must stay on it for three months before returning to the current policy.

Employees who may want to start it later, must wait until January of the next calendar year to sign up.

Important Reminder

Remember—Sign up by Feb. 20 to take advantage of the new Flex-Time schedule.

The memo is about

A.the employees will take responsibility for recording each employees work schedule

B.supervisor who may want to start it later, must wait until January of the next calendar

C.New Flex-Time Policy Beginning March 1, 2002

D.employers may schedule work time as long as it fits the above criteria

Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements

Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.


Date: January 15, 2002

To: Employees in Research and Development Department

From: Mary Silvers, Project Manager

Re: New Flex-Time Policy Beginning March 1, 2002

The company is offering a new flex-time schedule to all employees. You must sign up for this plan by Feb. 20, 2006, in order to use it.

Components of the Plan

Employees must agree to:

* Work 40 hours a week (except normal vacation time, sick leave, or holiday weeks)

* Work a minimum of 4 days a week

* Work no more than 12 hours a day

* Arrive at work no later than 9:30 a. m.

* Leave work no earlier than 3: 30 p. m. (unless you have completed 40 hours that week)

Scheduling Considerations

Employees may schedule work time as long as it fits the above criteria.

Employees who sign up for this new flex time scheduling must declare their work hours during the previous week.

The supervisor will take responsibility for recording each employee's work schedule.

Employees who wish to try this new plan must stay on it for three months before returning to the current policy.

Employees who may want to start it later, must wait until January of the next calendar year to sign up.

Important Reminder

Remember—Sign up by Feb. 20 to take advantage of the new Flex-Time schedule.

The memo is about

A.the employees will take responsibility for recording each employees work schedule

B.supervisor who may want to start it later, must wait until January of the next calendar

C.New Flex-Time Policy Beginning March 1, 2002

D.employers may schedule work time as long as it fits the above criteria

A campus emergency ______ occur at any time of the day or night, weekend, or holiday,
with little or no warning.

A、have to



When travelers lack an awareness of 【51】 time is regulated in a foreign country, they can
expect to feel somewhat disoriented. Since most people 【52】 time for granted, the effects of values, customs, and social etiquette on the use of time are seldom examined. A culture that values achievement and progress will discourage people 【53】 "wasting" time. Highly efficient business people from these cultures may feel frustrated in a country 【54】 work proceeds at a slow pace. In religious societies, customs specify times of the day, week, or year for prayer and religious celebrations. If an individual tries to 【55】 an appointment during a sacred holiday, he or she could unknowingly offend a religious person. Social etiquette determines appropriate times for visits, meetings, and even phone calls. Arriving two hours late for an 【56】 may be acceptable in one culture, whereas in 【57】 , keeping someone 【58】 fifteen minutes may be considered rude.

Promptness is important in American business, academic, and social settings. The 【59】 of punctuality is taught to young children in school. Tardy slips and the use of bells signal to the child that punctuality and time itself are to be respected. An amusing report of a school child's experience with time 【60】 in a recent newspaper article:

" 【61】 a child, my mother used to tell me 【62】 crucial it was to be at school 【63】 the first bell rang. Preparation for my 'on-time' appearance began the night before. I was directed to go to bed early so I could wake 【64】 wide-eyed at 7 a.m. with enough time to get ready. Although I usually managed to watch my share of TV cortoons, I knew that in one hour I had to get dressed, eat breakfast, 【65】 my teeth, 【66】 my hair, and be on my way to school or I would be violating an important rule of Mom's, the school's or of the world's. It was hard to tell which."

People who keep appointments are 【67】 dependable. If people are late to job interviews, appointments, or classes, they are often viewed 【68】 unreliable and irresponsible. In the business world, "time is money" and companies may fine their executives for tardiness to business meetings. Of course, it is not always possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for late arrivals. Calling on the telephone if one is going lo be more than a few minutes late for scheduled appointments is considered polite and is often expected. Keeping a date or a friend wailing beyond ten to twenty minutes is considered rude. On the other 【69】 ,arriving thirty minutes 【70】 to some parties is acceptable.


How will the hours of operation be altered during holiday periods?It may ________

How will the hours of operation be altered during holiday periods?

It may _____________.

Ifthe shipment date is“on or about May 20”,then the goods must be shipped before that date

If the shipment date is“on or about May 20”,then the goods must be shipped before that date.()



The May Day Holiday ______ over, we must now get down to work.A.beB.beingC.to have beenD.t

The May Day Holiday ______ over, we must now get down to work.



C.to have been

D.to be

Notice Tomorrow is (劳动节), there will be no work for (五天). May you have a great holiday! Principal's Office

A.Labor Day, five day

B.Labor Day, five days

C.Labor day, five days

D.Labors Day, five day

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