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The Importance of Just Being There"What's the most important thing you've done in your lif

The Importance of Just Being There

"What's the most important thing you've done in your life?" The question was put to me during a presentation I gave to a group of young lawyers.

The answer came to mc in an instant. It's not the one I gave, because the setting wasn't right. As a lawyer in the entertainment industry, I knew the audience wanted to hear some amusing stories about my work with well-known persons. But here's the true answer, the one that leapt from the bottom of my memory.

My real experience

The most important thing I've ever done occurred on October 8, 1990. It was my mother's 65th birthday, and I was back home for a family celebration. I began the day playing tennis with a secondary-school friend I hadn't seen for a while. During the breaks, we talked about what had been happening in each other' s lives. He and his wife had just had a baby boy, who was keeping them up at night.

What happened to the baby boy of my friend's?

While we were playing, a car came screaming up the road toward the courts. It was my friend's father, who shouted to my friend that his baby had stopped breathing and was being rushed to the hospital. In a flash 'my friend was in the car and gone, disappearing in a cloud of dust. Why did I hesitate?

For a moment I just stood there, too shocked to think of anything to do. Then I tried to figure out what I should do. Follow my friend to the hospital? There was nothing I could accomplish there, I convinced myself. My friend' s son was in the care of doctors and nurses, and nothing I could do or say would affect the outcome. Be there for moral support? Well, maybe. But my friend and his wife both had large families, and I knew they'd be surrounded by relatives who would provide more than enough comfort and support, whatever happened. All I could do at the hospital, I decided, was to get in the way. Also, I had planned a full day with my family, who were waiting for me to get home. So I decided to head back to my parents' house and check in with my friend later.

What caused my final decision?

As I started my rental car, I realized that my friend had left his truck and keys at the courts. I now faced another problem. I couldn't leave the keys in the truck. But if I locked the truck and took the keys, what would I do with them? I could leave them at his house, but with no paper on me to leave a note, how would he know I had done that? Reluctantly I decided to drive by the hospital and give him the keys.

What was the unexpected effect?

When I arrived, I was directed to a room where my friend and his wife were waiting. As I had thought, the room was filled with family members silently watching my friend comfort his wife. t slipped in and stood by the door, trying to decide what to do next. Soon a doctor appeared. He approached my friend and his wife, and in a quiet voice told them that their son had died, the victim of sudden infant death syndrome (综合症).

For what seemed an eternity the two held each other and cried, unaware of the rest of us standing around in pained, astonished silence. After they had calmed themselves, the doctor suggested they might want to spend a few moments with their son.

My friend and his wife stood up and walked numbly (麻木地) past their family. When they reached the door, my friend' s wife saw me standing in the corner. She came over and hugged me and started to cry. My friend hugged mc, too, and mid, "Thanks for being here."

For the rest of that morning, I sat in the emergency room of that hospital and watched my friend and his wife hold the body of their infant son, and say good-bye.

An unintentional deed, instructive lessons

It's the most important thing I have ever done.

The experience taught me three lessons.

First: The most important thing I've ever done ha




提问人:网友shenquan619 发布时间:2022-01-07
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[    ]

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