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“No, no,” he whispered, ________ talking to himself.


B.even if

C.as if


提问人:匿名网友 发布时间:2022-10-18
C、as if
本句中的as if doing是as if he was doing的省略表达,意为“仿佛,好像”。while意为“虽然,尽管;当……时”,even if意为“即使”,when意为“当……时”,均不合题意。
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更多““No, no,” he whispered, ______…”相关的问题
Stage plays, at first, seem a lot like films. Both use actors, dialogue and scenery. But i
f you try to make a film by setting up a camera in front of the stage, you will find it won't work. A film made in this way will leave the audience cold. And even worse you'll be wasting a powerful tool— the camera.

A stage is actually a box. One side of the box has been removed so the audience can see what's going on inside. The actors remain at a fixed audience. In the film, however, the camera can bring the audience up close and fix their attention on small but important things: a frightened look, a whisper, a trembling of hands.

The camera offers the film maker freedom allowing him to move easily across barriers (界限) of time and space. He can show his action in real cities and on real farms. He can also use the camera to change the scene dozens of times in one film. No expert of the stage can do this.

The main idea of the text is that______.

A.stage plays and films are two different kinds of art

B.it is always disappointing to turn play into films

C.films have certain advantages over stage plays

D.the camera has made film making easy and possible

I (21) by Mr. J. Gerald Cowcamper's house one day and was greeted by a rather old looking

I (21) by Mr. J. Gerald Cowcamper's house one day and was greeted by a rather old looking dog. She was a gentle beast who (22) her tail as she pushed her nose against my hand.

"What's her (23) ?" I asked.

"I call her 'Dog Face'," replied the old (24) .

" (25) do you call her that?" I inquired.

"Isn't it obvious?" asked Mr. Cowcamper.

"Not really."

Mr. Cowcamper cradled the old animal's head in his hands. "If you (26) at just the right angle, you can see that she seems to have a dog's face," he (27) .

"But she is a (28) !" I said.

"Shhhh!" Mr. Cowcamper responded with the loudest whisper I have ever (29) . "Don't let her hear you say that!

I said (30) , because I didn't know what to say.

21 . A. stopped

B. ran

C. went

D. carried

Harrington Wilson's selling technique was 【C1】______itself. It was nothing more than a 【C2

Harrington Wilson's selling technique was 【C1】______ itself. It was nothing more than a 【C2】______ manipulation of human vanity. He was aware that there were a number of people who professed to know a great deal about antiques, and even more who would rather not confess that they did not and who accordingly practised little tricks and subterfuges to 【C3】______ their ignorance from their neighbors.

The women--they were mainly women--jostling round his stall, picking over his shoddy wares, would sometimes run a finger round the rim of a cup or hold it knowingly up to the light as if to test its luster, and plates were 【C4】______ turned upside down in search of china marks. To such a customer, Harrington would lean forward, benevolent and confidential, and in a conspiratorial whisper would murmur: "No, madam. I'm afraid it's not genuine (Wedgwood, Sevres--whatever it might be) but it is a superb copy--no one 【C5】______ ever suspect that it was not real, unless, of course, you told them. I can let you have it for—I could sell it for much more, but it would be unethical of me to try to pass it off as genuine..."

The customer, overwhelmed by such honesty and privately determined not to be quite so honest about the article to heir friends, would then willingly pay $ 2 for something that 【C6】______ Harrington a few pence. The profit 【C7】______ on these transactions was obviously so great that he was soon able to 【C8】______ another stall and then a shop and yet another and so on. He enlarged his specialties, dealing 【C9】______ spurious Victoriana, Georgian silver, trinkets and bric-a-brac, eventually branching out into reproduction furniture and paintings. Without any deliberate intention of doing so, he acquired an 【C10】______ knowledge of the antique business and as time went on, was accounted one of the greatest experts of his time.






By the time we had completed our preparations, the sky was beginning to grow rapidly light
er, although the sun was not yet above the horizon. We waited unpatiently, hardly daring to move or to whisper to one another. Suddenly, we heard the quick beating of wings and one of the birds we were looking for flew up from the valley beyond. He flied straight to the tree and settled on a thin branch, stripped bare of leaves, which grew diagonally upwards from the main trunk. Immediately he began to clean himself, combing with his beak the long soft feathers which grew from beneath his wings and extended past his tail in a glorious red cloud. Charles's camera, on a trial run, sounded unexcepted loud, but the bird took no notice and continued with his cleaning until at last he drew himself up and shook himself. Then, head held high, he called a single, loud, sharp note which resounded over the valley. He seemed in no hurry to begin his dance, as he continued to call for a quarter of an hour. Two other birds flew from the valley and settled in other parts of the tree. They were hens, uninteresting brown creatures, which, attracted by his call, had come to watch his dance. He paid no attention to them, and continued his unmusical cries, occasionally cleaning some more feathers. The hens kept silent, moving from branch to branch. Once one of them drew too near his dancing ground, but he beat his wings and she drew back.

His calls began to increase frequently, and I carefully fixed the recording machine so that they produced the highest reading on the scale. With electrifying suddenness, the bird lowered his head and throwing his fine tail feather over his back, he ran down his branch, a shaking flame of color, making his loud love cries. Up and down the branch he danced in a state of wild excitement. After half a minute he seemed to get out of breath, for his cries stopped and he danced silently.

The writer of this passage wanted to______.

A.take a photograph of the bird

B.make a recording of the bird's calls

C.catch the bird

D.watch the sunrise

By the time we had completed our preparations, the sky was beginning to grow rapidly light
er, although the sun was not yet above the horizon. We waited unpatiently, hardly daring to move or to whisper to one another. Suddenly, we heard the quick beating of wings and one of the birds we were looking for flew up from the valley beyond. He flied straight to the tree and settled on a thin branch, stripped bare of leaves, which grew diagonally upwards from the main trunk. Immediately he began to clean himself, combing with his beak the long soft feathers which grew from beneath his wings and extended past his tail in a glorious red cloud. Charles's camera, on a trial run, sounded unexcepted loud, but the bird took no notice and continued with his cleaning until at last he drew himself up and shook himself. Then, head held high, he called a single, loud, sharp note which resounded over the valley. He seemed in no hurry to begin his dance, as he continued to call for a quarter of an hour. Two other birds flew from the valley and settled in other parts of the tree. They were hens, uninteresting brown creatures , which, attracted by his call , had come to watch his dance. He paid no attention to them, and continued his unmusical cries, occasionally cleaning some more feathers. The hens kept silent, moving from branch to branch. Once one of them drew too near his dancing ground, but he beat his wings and she drew back.

His calls began to increase frequently, and I carefully fixed the recording machine so that they produced the highest reading on the scale. With electrifying suddenness, the bird lowered his head and throwing his fine tail feather over his back, he ran down his branch, a shaking flame of color, making his loud love cries. Up and down the branch he danced in a state of wild excitement. After half a minute he seemed to get out of breath, for his cries stopped and he danced silently.

The writer of this passage wanted to______.

A.take a photograph of the bird

B.make a recording of the bird' s calls

C.catch the bird

D.watch the sunrise

Have you ever thought of the similarities between the cinema and the theatre? The cinema h

Have you ever thought of the similarities between the cinema and the

theatre? The cinema has learnt a great deal from the theatre about presentation.

Gone are the days when crowds were packed on wooden benches in

tumbledown buildings to gape at die antics of silent, jerking figures on a

screen, where some poor pianist made frantic efforts to translate the drama 【M1】______.

into music. These days it is quite easier to find a cinema that surpasses a 【M2】______.

theatre in luxury. Even in small easy villages, cinemas are spacious, well-lit

and well .ventilated places where one can sit for comfort. The projectionist 【M3】______.

has been trained Io give the audience time to prepare themselves for the

film they are to see. Talk drops to a whisper and then fades out together.【M4】______.

As soon as the cinema is in darkness, spotlights are focused on the curtains

which are drawn slowly apart, often to the accompany of music, to reveal【M5】______.

the title of the film. Everything has been carefully contrived so that the

spectator will never actually see the naked screen which will remind to him 【M6】______.

all too sharply that what he is about to sec is nothing merely shadows flickering 【M7】______.

on a white board. However much the cinema tries to simulate from 【M8】______.

the conditions in a theatre, it never fully succeeds. Nothing can be equal to

the awe and sense of hushing expectation which is felt by a theatre audience 【M9】______.

as the curtain is slowly risen. 【M10】______.


I was eleven when we had to move out of the big old house in which I had spent my whole li
fe. Each time I thought of that, I felt very sad. When the final day came, I ran to a corner and sat alone, trying not to let others see my tears. Suddenly I felt a hand patting me on the shoulder. I looked up, and saw my grandpa. "It isn't easy, is it, my grandson?" he said in a very low voice, sitting down beside me. I nodded through my tears, without a word. We sat silently for a long time. Then he said, "Good-by is such a sad word that it seems too cold for us to use. We must try to avoid it."

Then we walked slowly in the garden, hand in hand, to have a last look at each rock, each tree, each flower. We sat for a while by the small pond which was a favorite place of my grandpa's. "What do you see here, Tommy?" asked the old man. I looked at the water, not knowing what to say, and then replied, "I see something soft and beautiful, Grandpa." He pulled me close to him and said, "It isn't the pond or the trees or the flowers that are beautiful. It is the special place in your heart that makes you feel so." After a while, he continued, "I built the pond, and planted the trees and the flowers a long time ago. I started to build this beautiful home the day my only son was born." He stopped. After a long silence, he murmured(低声说), "One day a terrible war came, and my son, like many other people's sons, went away to fight. Five months later, a telegram came, telling us that my son had passed away...' he couldn't finish his sentence. I saw tears trickle from his eyes. "That afternoon I picked some roses from this place and put them in front of son's portrait (肖像), and said goodbye to him. You know who he was, Tommy?"

"My father?" I asked in a whisper, hoping my grandpa would say no. But he said, "That's rights my dear. ' Ann in arm, we cried. Then the old man held me ups and said softly, "My dear Tom, we axe going to move, but don't say good-bye to our old house, never."

Tom and his grandpa______ the old house.

A.were too sorry to leave

B.were both unwilling to say goodbye to

C.felt sorry when they were in

D.didn't know that they had to leave

听力原文:Frozen forever in time are memories of wire rimmed glasses and a grey sweater tha

听力原文: Frozen forever in time are memories of wire rimmed glasses and a grey sweater that almost always had chocolate covered raisins in the left pocket. Grandpapa always read to me. I'd sit beside him and listen.

When Grandpapa got old and couldn't see well enough to read anymore, I read to him. I'd read until his eyes closed and he started to fall asleep.

As I quietly got up, Grandpapa would reach into the pocket of his grey sweater and pull out a box of chocolate covered raisins, pressing them into my teenaged hand. Eyes still closed, he would whisper "I remembered".

Grandpapa always said things like: "You scratch my back an' I'll scratch yours," and "Share, little one. Sharing makes everything better." Somehow, everything always was better.

I'll never forget the call from the hospital. Grandpapa had suffered a heart attack. My Mother was so upset, crying so many tears. It was snowing that night, great big fluffy snowflakes falling through the glow of the streetlight.

It's snowing this morning, big fluffy snowflakes falling through the glow of the streetlight. I sit and watch the snowflakes fall, thinking about Grandpapa with love in my heart and a cup of coffee in my hands. I will always remember his wise words, "Sharing makes everything better." The need to reach out to another human being is instinctive, and as necessary as the air that we breathe.

It is my sincere hope that you will want to share something of yourself. A kind word to a stranger perhaps, or a compliment to someone that deserves one. It is these small acts of sharing, and caring, that make this world a better place.


A.Chocolate covered raisins.

B.Chocolate covered peanuts.

C.A banana.

D.An apple.

听力原文: Frozen forever in time are memories of wire rimmed glasses and a grey sweater th
at almost always had chocolate covered raisins in the left pocket. Grandpapa always read to me. I’d sit beside him and listen.

When Grandpapa got old & couldn’t see well enough to read anymore, I read to him. I’d read until his eyes closed and he started to fall asleep.

As I quietly got up, Grandpapa would reach into the pocket of his grey sweater and pull out a box of chocolate covered raisins, pressing them into my teen-aged hand. Eyes still closed, he would whisper "I remembered".

Grandpapa always said things like; "You scratch my back an’ I’ll scratch yours," and "Share, little one. Sharing makes everything better. ’ Somehow, everything always was better.

I’ll never forget the call from the hospital. Grandpapa had suffered a heart attack. My Mother was so upset, crying so many tears. It was snowing that night. Great big fluffy snowflakes falling through the glow of the streetlight.

It’s snowing this morning, big fluffy snowflakes fall through the glow of the streetlight. I sit and watch the snowflakes fall, thinking about Grandpapa with love in my heart and a cup of coffee in my hands. I will always remember his wise words, "Sharing makes every thing better. ’ The need to reach out to another human being is instinctive, and as necessary as the air that we breathe.

It is my sincere hope that you will want to share something of yourself. A kind word to a stranger perhaps, or a compliment to someone that deserves one. It is these small act a of sharing, and caring, that make this world a better place.


A.chocolate covered raisins.

B.chocolate covered peanuts.

C.a banana.

D.an apple.

A voice seemed to be_____ in her mind, telling her to be brave.



C.to whisper


The word "whisper" means "speak in a ______ voice."A.lowB.loudC.big

The word "whisper" means "speak in a ______ voice."




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