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What does the mans father want him to do?A.Study something practical.B.Find a way to pay h

What does the mans father want him to do?

A.Study something practical.

B.Find a way to pay his tuition.

C.Transfer to another school.

D.Apply for a scholarship.

提问人:网友taizi5112005 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“What does the mans father want…”相关的问题
What is the mans opinion of the research of coffee?A.Decaffeinated coffee may help prevent

What is the mans opinion of the research of coffee?

A.Decaffeinated coffee may help prevent heart disease.

B.Coffee does not necessarily cause heart disease.

C.Coffee has less caffeine than soda.

D.Regular and decaffeinated coffee contain the same amount of caffeine.

What is the expectation of the mans parents for him?A.To be strict with himself.B.To be a

What is the expectation of the mans parents for him?

A.To be strict with himself.

B.To be a good man.

C.To get on well with others.

D.To be independent and confident.

What is the mans request?A.To have breakfast in the room.B.To pay the bill when checking o

What is the mans request?

A.To have breakfast in the room.

B.To pay the bill when checking out.

C.To sign the name in the morning.

D.To use a new credit card for the room.

What is the normal way of dealing with the mans case?A.More days will be given.B.He can ha

What is the normal way of dealing with the mans case?

A.More days will be given.

B.He can hand in the paper next term.

C.He has to take the course again.

D.He must hand in the paper as scheduled.

What does the future hold for the problem of housing? A good (1)_____ depends, of course,

What does the future hold for the problem of housing? A good (1)_____ depends, of course, on the meaning of" future". If one is thinking in (2)_____ of science fiction and the space age (3)_____ at least possible to assume that man will have solved such trivial and earthly problems as housing. Writers of science fiction have (4)_____ the suggestion that men will live in great comfort, with every (5)_____ device to make life smooth, healthy and easy, (6)_____ not happy. But they have not said what his house will be made of.

The problems of the next generation or two can more readily be imagined. Scientists have already pointed out that (7)_____ something is done either to restrict the world's rapid growth in population or to discover and develop new sources of food (or both), millions of people will be dying of starvation or, (8)_____, suffering from under feeding before this (9)_____ is out. But nobody has worked out any plan for housing these growing populations. Admittedly the worse situations will occur in the (10)_____ parts of the world, where housing can be of light structure, or in backward areas where standards are (11)_____ low. But even the minimum shelter requires materials of (12)_____ kind, and in the crowded, bulging towns the low-standard" housing" of flattened petrol mans and dirty canvas is far more wasteful (13)_____ ground space than can be tolerated.

Since the war, Hong Kong has suffered the kind of crisis which is likely to (14)_____ in many other places during the next generation. (15)_____ millions of refugees arrived to (16)_____ the already growing population and emergency steps had to be taken to prevent squalor and disease and the (17)_____ of crime. Hong Kong is only one small part of what will certainly become a vast problem and not (18)_____ a housing problem, because when population grows at this rate there are (19)_____ problems of education, transport, water supply and so on. Not every area may have the same resources as Hong Kong to (20)_____ and the search for quicker and cheaper methods of construction must never cease.





What is the mans final decision?A.To give up moving out of the dorm.B.To consult the accom

What is the mans final decision?

A.To give up moving out of the dorm.

B.To consult the accommodation office.

C.To buy a small apartment of his own.

D.To share one room with the woman.

A mans worth lies not so much in() he has as in()he is.





听力原文:W: Hello, Im Jenny Johnson. How are you this morning? M: Hello, Doctor Johnson.
I cant say Im feeling well. I have a pain and swelling in my knee. W: What kind of pain is it? M: It is a dull ache. But sometimes the pain is constant, but it doesnt disturb my sleep. W: How long have you been feeling pain in your knee? M: For about two years. But recently, I feel pain in my fingers. W: Have you had any swelling in your fingers? M: Yes, a little. W: How about your wrist or toes? M: No, only my knees and fingers. The pain becomes worse when the weather changes, like in cloudy or wet weather. W: OK. Let me see your blood test report first. M: How is it? W: Not very bad. M: Do I have to have an operation? W: No, I dont think so. Ill prescribe some Chinese traditional medicine. Also you need a treatment with rays below the red in the spectrum. M: Do I have to come here every day for the treatment? W: Not every day. Can you come three days a week? A course of treatment includes 20 times, so you have to come for the treatment 3 times a week for 7 weeks. M: How long does each treatment take? W: 30 minutes. M: OK. Ill do that. W: When you are at home, use these hot water pads as often as possible. Put it over your knees. Try to avoid using cold water. M: OK. Thank you, Doctor. W: Youre welcome. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. What is the problem with the man? 14. How does the woman treat the mans problem? 15. What does the doctor suggest the man do at home?13.

A.She asks him to have injections.

B.She asks him to have an operation.

C.She asks him to have a good rest.

D.She asks him to have some herb medicine and a treatment with rays.

听力原文:W: Are you OK? You look really tired. M: I am. I cant seem to sleep at night. Iv
e been under a lot of pressure lately. W: Whats up? M: Ive got a million things to do. Im busy at work. Im working on the house too, you know. Im trying to fix it up. I need to finish it before winter. Just lots of deadlines. W: Any way I can help? M: Thanks, but not really. Its just things I have to do. W: Well, you need to manage that stress a little better. Are you getting any exercise? M: Who has time? W: You really should ride a bicycle to the store, or walk to work a couple of days a week, or go swimming at the community centre. It helps me to get exercise when Im busy. M: That is a good suggestion. Its just the time, you know. Im always thinking of what I should be doing. W: No wonder you cant sleep. A lot of people learn to meditate or learn yoga. Meditation and yoga are supposed to be good ways to deal with stress. M: Yoga? Maybe Ill call the community centre. They might have some classes there. W: You know, another thing you can do is to take vitamins. You use up a lot of vitamins and you dont get them in your meals all the time. They wont help the stress, but they might help your body handle it better. You really should take vitamins every day. M: Yeah, I should get some. Thanks. W: How about going out with Rosa and me this Friday? Itll do you good. M: You know, youre right about all of this. Lets go somewhere Friday night, have dinner, see a movie. Thatll be fun. Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 12. Whats the mans problem? 13. What does the woman suggest the man do to deal with stress? 14. What does the woman say about vitamins? 15. What does the man suggest doing this Friday night?12.

A.Learn to meditate or learn yoga.

B.Walk to the supermarkets.

C.Go mountain-climbing once a week.

D.Take part in a bicycle race.

What is the mans problem?A.His meal card lost.B.His meal plan was changed.C.There were no

What is the mans problem?

A.His meal card lost.

B.His meal plan was changed.

C.There were no more meals left on his card.

D.The food in the cafeteria was not his favorite.

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