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Do Sample of Exam for Chapter 2. Upload your solution.

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A sample of 200 students at a Big-Ten university w...

A sample of 200 students at a Big-Ten university was taken after the midterm to ask them whether they went bar hopping the weekend before the midterm or spent the weekend studying, and whether they did well or poorly on the midterm. The following table contains the results. Did Well in Midterm Did Poorly in Midterm Studying for Exam 80 20 Went bar hopping 30 70 If the sample is a good representation of the population, we can expect percent of the students in the population to spend the weekend studying and do poorly on the midterm.





According to Ron Yasbin, all the cheating students ______.A.should be severely punished fo

According to Ron Yasbin, all the cheating students ______.

A.should be severely punished for their dishonesty

B.didn't have much time to study before the exam

C.could get the highest grades if they had studied hard enough

D.could be excused because they were not familiar with the new system

听力原文:LECTURER: Good morning. Now, what is it you want to discuss today?STUDENT: Good m

听力原文:LECTURER: Good morning. Now, what is it you want to discuss today?

STUDENT: Good morning, Dr Reed. This assignment you've given us is the first psychology experiment I've had to do and I'm not sure where to begin or which steps to take.

LECTURER: Well, conducting your first psychology experiment can be quite a complicated and confusing process but just remember that like other sciences, psychology uses the scientific method and bases its conclusions upon empirical evidence.

STUDENT: What do you mean by "empirical" evidence?

LECTURER: Ah, well, empirical evidence is established by observation rather than theory.

STUDENT: And the scientific method?

LECTURER: Oh, yes, when conducting an experiment you need to follow a few basic steps.

STUDENT: I know the first step is to come up with a research question or problem.

LECTURER: Yes, a question that can be tested.

STUDENT: How do I find an appropriate question?

LECTURER: I would suggest one of three methods. Firstly, you can investigate a commonly held belief or what we call "folk" psychology.

STUDENT: I see. So, I could examine the belief that staying up all night to study for an important exam can adversely affect test performance?

LECTURER: That's right. In that case you would compare the scores of students who stayed up all night with those of students who got a good night's sleep.

STUDENT: I think I could do that.

LECTURER: Well, alternatively, you might want to consider reviewing the literature on psychology. You know, published studies can be a good source of unanswered research questions. I'm sure you've read papers where the authors note the need for further research.

STUDENT: So I would come up with some questions that remain unanswered?

LECTURER: Correct. But there is a third source of ideas: just think about everyday problems and then consider how you could investigate potential solutions.

STUDENT: Okay...perhaps I could study various memorization strategies to find out which are the most effective.

LECTURER: That's the idea. Next, you need to define the variables--you know, anything that might have an effect on the outcome of your research.

STUDENT: Yes, I remember we learnt about that last week.

LECTURER: Yes. That's right. Then you have to develop a testable hypothesis that predicts how the variables are related.

STUDENT: For example: "Students who are sleep deprived will perform. worse in an exam than students who are not sleep deprived"?

LECTURER: Exactly. Once you have developed a hypothesis you must carry out background research.

STUDENT: I can use books, journals, online databases and websites?

LECTURER: Yes, all of those. I covered the reasons for background research in last Friday's lecture, didn't I? What you have to remember at this stage is to take careful notes and generate a bibliography of your sources.

STUDENT: Okay, I've got that...then, I'm ready to develop an experimental design?

LECTURER: Well, again you have a choice. There are three basic designs and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. The pre-experimental design does not include a control group so there is no comparison. What we call a quasi-experimental design does incorporate a control group but there is no randomization whereas a true experimental design has both control groups and random assignment to groups.

STUDENT: You've also told us about standardization of procedures—is this where that comes in?—being sure to compare apples to apples...

LECTURER: Absolutely. Going back to your sleep deprivation example...the same exam would have to be given to each participant in the same way at the same time, etcetera.

STUDENT: Got it.

LECTURER: When selecting subjects, you need to consider different techniques. If you were to go through with your sleep deprivation experiment, you would need to ensure that your experimental and control groups were standardized, that is, all third year accounting students, for instance. A simple random sample involves choosing a number of participants from a group of similar people. On the other hand, a different kind of study might involve a stratified random sample where participants are randomly chosen from different subsets of the population.

STUDENT: You mean...subsets with distinctive characteristics...like age, gender, race, socioeconomic status and so on.

LECTURER: Precisely. Then the next step is to actually conduct the experiment and collect the data.

STUDENT: Then I have to analyze the data.

LECTURER: I'll be dealing with the statistical methods for analyzing data in next week's lecture.

STUDENT: Oh good. I guess all that's left then is to write up the data?

LECTURER: Yes, communicating your results is important and in the next couple of lectures I'll be covering the format and structure of a psychology paper and tips for writing each section.

STUDENT: Thank you, Dr Reed. I feel much more confident in getting started now. Thank you for taking the time to see me.

"Research Methodology"

Close scientific method based on empirical evidence (= (21) )

Find a research problem or question

—a commonly held belief e.g. lack of sleep has negative impact on (22)

—review the literature

—an everyday problem: e.g. research different memorization (23)

Define your variables

Develop a hypothesis

Conduct (24) research

—books; jumbles; online databases websites

—make noises and create (25)

Select an experimental design

—pre-experimental = experimental group only

—quasi-experimental = include control group but not random

—true experimental = both kinds of groups + random

Standardize your (26)

—compare like with like

Choose your participants

Close different (27)

—random sample = select from same group

—stratified random sample = select from subsets with different (28)

Conduct tests and collect data

Analyze the results

—use (29) methods (to be covered next week)

Write up and communicate results

— (30) and ......of paper is important; tips for writing (to be covered next two weeks)


根据下列材料请回答 23~30 题A New Citizenship Test1 Last week a sample of the new US citize

根据下列材料请回答 23~30 题

A New Citizenship Test

1 Last week a sample of the new US citizenship(公民身份)exam was released by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services(US—CLS ).It will be tried out in 1 0 cities early next year to replace the current test in 2008.Instead of asking how many stripes the USflag has,as the current test does,the new one asks why there are 13 stripes。Instead ofhaving to name the branches of government,an applicant is asked to explain why thereare three.

2 “The goal is to make it more meaningful.”explains Emilio Gonzalez,director of theUS—CIS。Immigrants who pass it are expected to have a better“understanding and respect”for US civic(公民的)values,Gonzalez says.

3 The US isn’t the only country dealing with citizenship tests that aim to get a“ sharedcommitment”from immigrants for their adopted country’s“values”,In recent years,Inaddition to the usual requirement of language/work skills and economic status-severalEuropean countries have adopted citizenship tests.Britain introduced a new citizenshiptest last November.In March,a new Dutch law took effect requiring all would—beimmigrants to take a citizenship test.It involved watching a video showing nude(裸体的)women bathing at beaches and gay(同性恋的)men kissing in public.The aim was toensure that“newcomers will be comfortable with the country’S liberal social mores(风俗)”.

4 Europe has been known for welcoming immigrants for decades.But,today,the fact is that some immigrants are kept apart from local citizens by culture and they becomehostile to each other.Promoting integration has become a major concern for Europeancountries.after the rioting in Muslim ghettoes(少数民族聚居区)in France and the killingof Dutch public figures by religious extremists.

5 Officials believe that a person’s attachment to a country can be tested by his or herknowledge of the country.However,some critics say that the changes can do little to helppeople’assimilate(同化)themselves.“Immigration is a culture war today-Is giving a newtest the right way to lessen the accusations in that fight?”says Ali Noorani ,of theMassachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition(难民辩护联盟)

第 23 题 paragraph 2___________

To win the position, the most important task for Chris to do is to _____________.

A、pass the exam

B、earn more money

C、contact more clients

D、do favors to the office manager

A New Citizenship Test 1 Last week, a sample of the new US citizenship(公民身份)e

A New Citizenship Test

1 Last week, a sample of the new US citizenship(公民身份)exam was released by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services(US-CIS). It will be tried out in 10 cities early next year to replace the current test in 2008. Instead of asking how many stripes the US flag has, as the current test does, the new one asks why there are l3 stripes. Instead of having to name the branches of government, an applicant is asked to explain why there are three.

2 The goal is to make it more meaningful.” explains Emilio Gonzalez, director of the US—CIS. Immigrants who pass it are expected to have a better “understanding and respect” for US civic(公民的)values, Gonzalez says.

3 The US isn't the only country dealing with citizenship tests that aim to get a “shared commitment” from immigrants for their adopted country's “values”. In recent years, in addition to the usual requirement of language/work skills and economic status, several European countries have adopted citizenship tests. Britain introduced a new citizenship test last November. In March, a new Dutch law took effect requiring all would-be immigrants to take a citizenship test. it involved watching a video showing nude(裸体的) women bathing at beaches and gay(同性恋的)men kissing in public. The aim was to ensure that “newcomers will be comfortable with the country's liberal social mores(风俗)”.

4 Europe has been known for welcoming immigrants for decades. But, today, the fact is that some immigrants are kept apart from local citizens by culture and they become hostile to each other. Promoting integration has become a major concern for European countries, after the rioting in Muslim ghettoes(少数民族聚居区)in France and the killing of Dutch public figures by religious extremists.

5 Officials believe that a person's attachment to, a country can be tested by his or her knowledge of the country. However, some critics say that the changes can do little to help people assimilate(同化)themselves. ”Immigration is a culture war today. Is giving a new test the right way to lessen the accusations in that fight?” says Ali Noorani, of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition(难民辩护联盟).

A Preparation for taking a citizenship test

B Citizenship tests in European countries

C Importance of promoting integration

D Necessity to know the branches of government

E Different views on the new citizenship test

F Goal of the new citizenship test

23 Paragraph 2 .

A.The exam was easier.B.Tom is sure that he will do better.C.The exam is easier than la

A.The exam was easier.

B.Tom is sure that he will do better.

C.The exam is easier than last one.

D.Tom is afraid of failing the exam.

听力原文:M: What do you think of the final exam?W: I was expecting it to be easy, but at t

听力原文:M: What do you think of the final exam?

W: I was expecting it to be easy, but at the end of the first hour, I was still on the first page, I barely had time to get to the last question.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The exam was difficult for the woman.

B.The test consisted of one page.

C.The woman found the exam easy.

D.The woman completed the exam in one hour.

According to the man, to postpone an exam, a student should do all the following EXCEPTA.f

According to the man, to postpone an exam, a student should do all the following EXCEPT

A.filling in a special form.

B.giving valid reasons.

C.talking with the dean of the faculty.

D.getting the doctor"s signature on the completed form.

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