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All Americans regardless of chosen profession require global competence to function in the world ________________________.

提问人:网友xuyihan2004 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“All Americans regardless of ch…”相关的问题
Which of the following statements can best summarize the implications of Paragraph 2?A.Tex

Which of the following statements can best summarize the implications of Paragraph 2?

A.Texans are so conceited that they blindly and subjectively consider everything Texan to be inclusively Texan.

B.Texans pride themselves on being superior to other Americans who are not as rich as Texans.

C.Texans thumb down on all non-natives and regard them as being less educated and resourceful.

D.Texans are crude in nature, savage in behavior, and conceited in personality.

听力原文:Rich Americans are willing to spend large sums of money on space tourism, accordi

听力原文: Rich Americans are willing to spend large sums of money on space tourism, according to a poll released recently. Possibly bored by the ordinary daily life on earth or inspired by the exciting heroic deeds of such pioneers as first American in space Alan Shepard and first millionaire in space Dennis Tito, the poll says 7 percent of rich Americans would pay $ 20 million for a two-week orbital flight and 19 percent would pay $100,000 for a 15-rninute suborbital flight. The poll by Zogby International was commissioned by Futron Corp. , a Maryland aerospace consulting group which has a $1.8 million contract with NASA to explore the commercial applications of space travel, including what space tourism could look like in the next 20 years. Zoghy International conducted telephone interviews with 450 Americans whose yearly incomes were more than $ 250,000 or whose net worth was more than $1 million. Futron's NASA project program manager Derek Webber said, "We commissioned this survey in order to get an idea of what rich people think and not the man in the street who loves the idea of going into space but can't afford it."


A.Not all Americans can afford traveling in space.

B.Not all Americans think it a good idea to go into space.

C.Most Americans regard space tourism ridiculous.

D.Rich Americans are willing to pay a lot to fly into space.

In a conversation between friends, Americans regard it as sincere and truthful to ______.A

In a conversation between friends, Americans regard it as sincere and truthful to ______.

A.maintain direct eye contact

B.hide emotions with a deadpan expression

C.display excitement or disgust, shock or sadness

D.raise their eyebrows, nod and smile politely

Although the United States cherishes the tradition it is a nation of small towns and wide
open spaces, only one in every eight Americans now lives on a farm. The recent population trend has been a double one, toward both urbanization and suburbanization. Metropolitan areas have grown explosively in the past decade, and nearly half this increase has been in the suburbs. With the rapid growth of cities has come equally rapid decentralization. The flight of Americans from the central city to the suburbs constitutes one of the greatest migrations of modem times; quite residential sections outside cities have become conglomerations of streets, split-level houses, and shopping centers.

This spurt of suburban expansion, however, does not alter the basic fact that the United States has become one of the most urban nations on the face of the earth. Census Bureau figures show that the rural population has been shrinking steadily since 1830. When the United States became a nation it had no large cities at all; today some fifty cities have population of more than 258,000. Mammoth complexes of cities are developing in the area of the East Coast and the east north-central states, on the Pacific and Gulf coasts, and near the shores of the Great Lakes. Some sociologists now regard the entire 600mile stretch between Boston and Washington D. C. - an area holding a fifth of the country’s population -- as one vast city or, as they call it, megalopolis.

The author says that trends are toward the ______.

A.growth of cities and shrinking of suburban areas

B.growth of both rural and suburban areas

C.growth of urban and suburban areas

D.growth of suburban areas and shrinking of cities

Are the British people Europeans? This may seem a strange question to Africans and Asians,
who tend to think of all white men as Europeans. But the British, when they are in Britain, do not regard themselves as Europeans. The Europeans, to them, are those rather excitable foreigners from the other side of the English Channel, who have never learnt how to speak English. Europe is "the Continent"; a place full of interest for Britain tourists, but also the source of almost all the wars in which Britain has ever been involved. Thus, although geographically speaking Britain is a part of Europe, yet the fact that it is a separate island has made its people feel very, very insular. They feel, and in many ways are, different from the rest of Europe, and they sometimes annoy continental nations by failing to support them, or even to understand them, in time of need.

Where did the British people come from? This is an extraordinary interesting question, since they are a mixture of many different races, and all these races invaded Britain before at various times from Europe. Nobody knows very much about Britain before the Romans came during the first century B. C., but there had been at least three invasions before that. The first of these was by a dark-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians. The other two were by Celtic tribes: first the Baels, whose descendants are the modern Scots and Irish, some of whom still speak the Gaelic language; and secondly the Britons, who gave their name to the whole island of Britain. These were the people whom the Romans conquered. The Romans gave the Britain in very large numbers, so the British race survived until the overthrow of the Roman Empire by the "barbarians", i. e., the numerous Germanic tribes that overran the whole of Western Europe.

According to the first paragraph, which of the following is true?

A.The British in Britain regard themselves as Europeans.

B.Chinese and Egyptian will think of white men as Europeans.

C.White men are Europeans in the eye of Americans and Asians.

D.Those who speak English are Europeans.

In which culture, the wolf was NOT held in high regard?

A.Ancient Greece

B.Ancient Rome

C.Native Americans


Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Americans are reputed to be friendly people. Their friendships, however, tend to be shorter and more casual than friendships among people from other cultures. It is not uncommon for Americans to have only one close friend during their lifetime, and consider other "friends" to be just social acquaintances. This attitude probably has something to do with American mobility and the tact that Americans dislike to be dependent on other people. They incline to "compartmentalize" (划分) friendships, having "friends at work", "friends on thc softball team", "family friends" and so forth.

Because the United States is a highly active society, full of movement and change, people always seem to be on the go. In this highly charged atmosphere, Americans can sometimes seem abrupt or impatient. They want to get to know you as quickly as possible and then move on to something else. Sometimes, early on, they will ask you questions that you may feel are very personal. No insult is intended; the questions usually grow out of their genuine interest or curiosity, and their impatience to get to the heart of the matter. And the same goes for you. If you don't understand certain American behavior. or you want to know more about them, do not hesitate to ask them questions about themselves. Americans are usually eager to explain all about their country or anything "American" in which you may be interested. So much so in fact that you may become weary of listening. It doesn't matter because Americans tend to be uncomfortable with silence during a conversation. They would rather talk about the weather or the latest sports scores, for instance, than deal with silence.

On the other hand, don't expect Americans to be knowledgeable about international geography or world affairs, unless those subjects directly involve the United States. Because the United States is geographically distant from many other nations, some Americans tend not to be aware of what goes on in other parts of the world.

According to the passage, Americans' attitude towards friendship is______.

A.unusual to have only one intimate friend

B.more informal than that in other countries

C.to regard all friends as only social acquaintances

D.to divide friends into several grades

Although the United States cherishes the tradition that it is a nation of small towns and
wide open spaces, only one in every eight Americans now lives on a farm. The recent population trend has been a double one, towards both urbanization and suburbanization. Metropolitan areas have grown explosively in the past decade, and nearly half this increase has been in the suburbs. With the rapid growth of cities has come equally rapid decentralization. The flight of Americans from the central city to the suburbs constitutes one of the greatest migrations of modern times; quiet residential sections outside cities have become conglomerations (密集) of streets, split-level houses, and shopping centers.

This spurt of suburban expansion, however, does not alter the basic fact that the United States has become one of the most urban nations on the face of the earth. Census (人口调查) Bureau figures show that the rural population has been shrinking steadily since 1830. When the United States became a nation it had no large cities at all; today some fifty cities have populations of more than 258 ,000. Mammoth complexes of cities are developing in the area of the East Coast and the east north-central states, on the Pacific and Gulf coasts, and near the shores of the Great Lakes. Some sociologists now regard the entire 600-mile stretch between Boston and Washington, D. C.—an area holding a fifth of the country' s population—as one vast city or, as they call it, megalopolis.

A traditional American belief is that ______.

A.few people live on farms

B.the nation consists mainly of small towns and wide open spaces

C.the population is the greatest in the world

D.the United States is a nation of big cities

Although the United States cherishes the tradition that it is a nation of small towns and
wide open spaces, only one in every eight Americans now lives on a farm. The【B1】population trend has been a double one, toward both urbanization and suburbanization, Metropolitan areas have grown explosively in the past decade and nearly half this increase has been in the【B2】, With the rapid growth of cities has come【B3】rapid decentralization. The flight of Americans from the central city to the suburbs【B4】one of the greatest migrations of modern times; quiet residential sections outside cities have become conglomerations of streets, split-level houses, and shopping centers.

【B5】, this spurt of suburban expansion does not alter the basic fact that the United States【B6】one of the most urban nations on the face of the earth. Census Bureau【B7】show that the【B8】population has been shrinking steadily since 1880. When the United States became a nation it had no large cities at all; today【B9】fifty cities have populations of more than 258,000. Mammoth complexes of cities are developing in the area of the East Coast and the east north central states, on the pacific and Gulf coasts, and near the shores of the Great Lakes. Some sociologists now regard the entire 600-mile stretch between Boston and Washington, D.C.—an area holding a fifth of the country's population—【B10】one vast city or, as they call it, megalopolis.






What do most Americans do with regard to privacy protection?A.They change behaviors that m

What do most Americans do with regard to privacy protection?

A.They change behaviors that might disclose their identity.

B.They use various loyalty cards for business transactions.

C.They rely most and more on electronic devices.

D.They talk a lot but hardly do anything about it.

It is found that 71% of Americans regard it as worthwhile to______.A.spend money on souven

It is found that 71% of Americans regard it as worthwhile to______.

A.spend money on souvenirs while traveling with family and friends

B.accept hidden costs while traveling with family and friends

C.travel with family and friends during the holiday season

D.travel with family and friends so as to please them

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