题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

You are going to read a magazine article about swimming with dolphins Eight paragraphs hav

e been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-I the one which fits each gap (15-21) There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Dolphins in the Bay of Plenty

Swimming with groups of dolphins, known as 'pods', is beck,ming a popular holiday activity for the adventurous tourist. Our travel correspondent reports.

'You must remember that these dolphins are wild. They are not fed or trained iii any way. These trips are purely on the dolphins' terms.' So said one of our guides, as she briefed us before we set out for our rendezvous.

No skill is required to swim with dolphins, just common sense and an awareness that we are visitors in their world. Once on board the boat, our guides talked to us about what we could expect from our trip.

【B1】 __________________

The common dolphin we were seeking has a blue-black upper body, a grey lower body, and a long snout. We had been told that if they were in a feeding mood we would get a short encounter with them, but if they were being playful then it could last as long as two hours.


Soon we were in the middle of a much larger pod, with dolphins all around us. The first group of six swimmers put on their snorkels, slipped off the back of the boat and swam off towards them.

【B3】 __________________

Visibility was not at its best, but the low clicking sounds and the high-pitched squeaks were amazing enough. The dolphins did not seem bothered by my presence in the water above them. Sometimes they would rush by so close that I could feel the pressure-wave as they passed.

【B4】 __________________

I personally found it more rewarding to sit on the bow of the boat and watch as the surface of the sea all around filled with their perfectly arching dolphin backs. Some of the mole advanced snorkellers were able to dive down with these dolphins, an experience they clearly enjoyed.

【B5】 __________________

In fact, they are very sociable animals, always supporting each other within the pod. The guides are beginning to recognise some of the local dolphins by the markings on their backs, and some individuals appear time after time.

【B6】 __________________

Indeed, the pod we had found, on some hidden signal, suddenly turned away from the boat and headed off in file stone direction at high speed. We watched as hundreds of backs broke through the water's surface at the same time, disappearing into the distance.

【B7】 __________________

They had finally finished feeding and were content to play alongside as they showed us the way home. The sun beamed down, and as each dolphin broke the surface of the water and exhaled, a rainbow would form. for a few seconds in the mist. It was an enchanting experience.

A This was a magical experience and, as time in the water is limited, everyone rotates to get an equal share. We spent the next two hours getting in and out of the boat, and visiting other pods.

B An excited shriek led us all to try something that one girl had just discovered, and we all rushed to hang our feet over the front so that the playful creatures would touch them.

C A spotter plane circled above the bay, looking for large pods of dolphins to direct us towards. On deck, we watched for splashes on the surface of the water.

D These include mothers gently guiding their young alongside, either to introduce them to the boat, or to proudly show off their babies. Yet, when they become bored with playing, they leave.

E After 20 minutes, we sighted our first small pod. The dolphins came rushing towards the boat, swimming alongside and overtaking us until they could surf on the boat's bow w

提问人:网友gzmeng 发布时间:2022-01-07
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