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In writing a counterargument paragraph for an essay, one does not need to report the opponent's view.

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1 If Johnny can't write, one of the reasons may be conditioning based on speed rather tha
n respect for the creative process. Speed is neither a valid test of nor a proper preparation for competence in writing. It makes for murkiness, glibness, disorganization. It takes the beauty out of the language. It rules out respect for the reflective thought that should precede expression. It runs counter to the word-by-word and line-by-line reworking that enables a piece to be finely knit.

2 This is not to minimize the value of genuine facility. With years of practice, a man may be able to put down words swiftly and expertly. But it is the same kind of swiftness that enables a cellist, after having invested years of efforts, to negotiate an intricate passage from Haydn. Speed writing is for stenographers and court reporters, not for anyone who wants to use language with precision and distinction.

3 Thomas Mann was not ashamed to admit that he would often take a full day to write 500 words, and another day to edit them, out of respect for the most difficult art in the world. Flaubert would ponder a paragraph for hours. Did it say what he wanted it to say— not approximately but exactly? Did the words turn into one another with proper rhythm and grace? Were they artistically and securely fitted together? These questions are relevant not only for the established novelist but for anyone who attaches value to words as a medium of expression and communication.

4 E.B. White, whose respect for the environment of good writing is exceeded by no word-artist of our time, would rather have his fingers cut off than to be guilty of handling words lightly. No sculptor chipping away at a granite block in order to produce a delicate curve or feature has labored more painstakingly than White in fashioning a short paragraph. Obviously, we can't expect our schools to make every Johnny into a White or Flaubert or a Mann, but it is not unreasonable to expect more of them to provide the conditions that promote clear, careful, competent expression. Certainly the cumulative effort of the school experience should not have to be undone in later years.

According to the passage, competence in writing is _______________.

A.an art that takes practice

B.a skill that requires dexterity

C.a technique that is easy to learn

D.a result of the spontaneous flow of words

In a few weeks, nigh school students face the prospect of taking the much-publicized new S
AT Reasoning Test, which for the first time will require them to write a timed essay. Yet colleges continue to send confusing signals about whether students applying in the fall to attend college must take the new exam.

Some schools, including Harvard, say they will accept scores from either the new test or the old SAT, which was administered for the last time in January and did not contain a writing section. The University of Central Florida, for example, will require the new test, which will be given for the first time on March 12. Still others, such as the University of Virginia, strongly recommend that prospective applicants take the new test but under some circumstances also will accept the old SAT. A number of colleges are delaying a decision. The College Board, which administers the SAT, surveyed more than 1,900 four-year schools and has heard back from slightly more than 500. Of those, 81% say they will require the new test, including schools such as Harvard that are giving students a choice in what will be a year of transition.

"Anything new goes through a special lens of evaluation," says Lee Stetson, admissions dean at the University of Pennsylvania, which judiciously will use results from the new writing section until officials have a chance to study the revised SAT's predictive validity.

A number of admissions deans are skeptical that the new exam will be an improvement. Charles Deacon, dean of undergraduate admissions at Georgetown University, says adding the essay "will create more barriers to poor kids who are less well-prepared". The test was rushed to market because the University of California system, a major College Board customer, threatened to stop requiting the SAT, he says. The test "was developed and marketed for all the wrong reasons". Deacon, who says he has been "badgered" by the College Board to endorse the new exam, has refused to do so.

Some schools, including Georgetown, Iowa's Grinnell College and Pennsylvania's Franklin and Marshall College, say that at least for now, they will not even look at scores from the writing section when making admission decisions. "We have adopted a wait-and-see attitude," says Dennis Trotter of Franklin and Marshall.

College Board officials counter that based on extensive field tests, they are confident the test is as reliable a predictor of freshman-year performance as the old SAT. Moreover, they say, well-trained scorers, many of them, high school English teachers, will grade the essays, which students have 25 minutes to write.

Amidst all the confusion, what should students do? Admissions deans and school counselors say to be sure to check with each college for requirements.

If a student took the old SAT in January, he has to take another test if he applies for

A.University of Virginia.

B.Georgetown University.

C.The University of Central Florida.

D.Harvard University.

Copenhagen Bank Date: 4 January, 2000 To: Bank of China, Beijing We hereby open our Irrevo

Copenhagen Bank

Date: 4 January, 2000

To: Bank of China, Beijing

We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit NO.112235 in favor of China Trading Corporation for account of Copenhagen Import Company up to an amount of GBP1,455,00 (Say Pounds Sterling One Thousand Four Hundred And Fifty - five Only) for 100% of the invoice value relative to the shipment of:

150 metric tons of Writing Paper Type 501 at GBP97 per m/t CIF Copenhagen as per your S/C No. PO5476 from Copenhagen to China port. Drafts to be drawn at sight on our bank and accompanied by the following documents marked "X":

(X)Commercial Invoice in triplicate

(X) Bill of Lading in triplicate made out to our order quoting L/C No. 112235, marked FREIGHT COLLECT


(X) One original Marine Insurance Policy or Certificate for All Risks and War Risk, covering 110% of the invoice value, with claims payable in Copenhagen in the currency of draft(s) Partial shipments and transshipment are prohibited.

Shipment must be effected not later than 31 March, 2000.

This L/C is valid at our counter until 15 April 2000.












My mother's hands are deep in cabbage leaves, her sleeves pushed up past her elbows, as sh
e sifts through water, salt, and vegetable. Beneath her nails are saffron flakes of red pepper powder. My mother wears an apron; under it her stomach is full and round. The apron is blue with red borders. I remember she bought it one day at Woodward's on sale.

I sit at the kitchen table beneath a peach-painted ceiling and a chandelier with oversized plastic teardrops. Every now then I get up and walk over to the counter, peer into the yellow tub, watch, pretend to watch, and then sit down again. Across from me, the little knick-knacks my mother loves so much--ceramic flowers, Delfts-blue miniature vases, a figurine forever windblown -- are arranged carefully upon the window sill.

My mother's hands are thin-skinned, pale, spotted and freckled with age and sun. The nails are thick, almost yellow. A few strands of hair, not quite black, fall over her forehead and her mouth is slightly open, the tip of her tongue just visible between her teeth as she lifts and mixes the cabbage leaves. "Are you paying attention?" she wants to know, and I nod at ceramic flowers, Delfts-blue miniature vases, a figurine forever windblown.

Kim chee is pickled cabbage. Friends always ask me for bottles of the stuff: Mama Kim's special recipe, they tease. I pass this onto my mother and she grumbles and laughs, embarrassed, pleased.

My mother's hands lie in my lap and I touch them carefully, lift them like small, live animals, fit them into the plans of my own hands, turn them over and think of crab-hunting as a child and a trail of overturned, shell-encrusted sea rocks.

Once I told my mother that I would like to photograph her hands, and she peered down at them, lifted her hands up to her face suspiciously as if seeing them for the first time. "My hands?" she asked, and I went and fetched some skin lotion from the bathroom. Her hands were too dry.

I had her sit on the couch in the living-room. The couch was floral-patterned and she sat in the centre of it, awkward, distracted. I took the pictures, head-to-toe shots, some of her hands alone. They lay limply in her lap. She held one hand with the other. She didn't know what else to do with them. I took the pictures. Every ten minutes or so she got up and walked to the kitchen, checked the oven, the various pots. My father walked by once, and joked, "How about my hands?"

The cabbage leaves are washed and salted and rinsed. This much I remember. A winter's sun floats in through the window, plays weakly with the plastic tear-drops, falls down onto the kitchen table, onto my own hands. I suppose they will soon look like hers.

I get up, restless, lean over the counter, try to concentrate. Every year for the last five years or so I have asked my mother to teach me how to pickle cabbage. Every year I have watched her hands, seen the aprons change, the stomach grow more round -- the cabbage leaves are washed and salted and rinsed. This much I remember.

I take the rolls of film to a friend who knows something about photography. He develops them and is impressed. He sees a small Asian woman, smiling hesitantly into a camera, lost among the flowers of living-room couches. She is tired and stiff. My friend doesn't even notice her hands. He calls the photos "real", I call them "disappointing".

The kim chee is just made so it is not quite ripe, but we eat a little of it at dinner, anyway. My father tells me his story about villagers who ran away during the war, as the bombs came down, with earthenware kim chee pots in their arms. It is favourite, not quite-ripe kim chee story.

When the winter sunlight comes through the kitchen window, tear-refracted onto my own hands. I stop writing and put down my pen. My mother asks, "What are you writing. And I tell her that I am writing about kim chee. She laughs, "You don't even know

A.My mother's hand.

B.Pickled cabbage.

C.Kim chee.

D.My mother.

Nathaniel Hawthorne's writings are noteworthy for their perceptive exploration of the hidd
en motivations behind the Puritan American heritage. Like many authors of his time, he faced great difficulties making a living as his writings were not financially lucrative. In part, his financial status within the community significantly contributed towards the underlying message in his works. The powerful influence of the religious community in economic affairs of the day ordained (决定) that most respected and highly compensated callings (职业) were those that demonstrated strict physical descipline. As fiction writing did not fit within those guidelines, the young author found himself torn between the contrary needs of his family and those of his artistic aspirations. The resulting tensions are played out in the themes of his stories.

In the sense that his writings described the subtle motivations behind human behavior. as guilt and anxiety resulting from the sins perpetrated (犯罪) against humanity, he adhered to the same moes as his Puritan predecessor. He differed from them in that he saw the potential consequences of all decisions resulting in either the chance possibility of regeneration or some form. of humiliating punishment. This element of ambiguity in his works ran directly counter to the thoughts of his fundamentalish (原较旨主义者) contemporaries who believed that all actions, and their consquences, were predetermined.

As he chose an allegorical style, his short stories were often situated in fantastic settings with unlikely characters. It was not unusual for Satan to appear in his narratives disguised in a human form. but possessing some defining characteristic such as cloven hooves and a tail. What marks these tales as unique to the author's positions their suddestion that there may be contradictory meanings behind the actions of figures which initially appear to be east in transparent roles.

His classic novel, the Scarlet Letter (1850), concerned of the crime, but Puritan community. The heroine, Hester Prynne, stands accused of the crime, but refuses to reveal the identity of her partner. The moral ambivalence (矛盾心理,既爱又恨) inherent in the plot of the work is representative of the themes found throughout Hawthorne's writing.

What is the main topic of the passage?

A.the writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne

B.the life of Nathaniel Hawthorne

C.the classic novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne

D.the relationship between Hawthorne and Puritaism

Counter Offer
Audio 6: refusal for a counter offer Counter offer for ()

A.Amount Counter

B.Peg Counter

C.Gauge Counter

D.Status Counter

有如下程序:PrivateSubForm_Click() DimCheck,Counter Check=True Counter=0 DoDoWhile


Private Sub Form_Click()

Dim Check, Counter

Check = True

Counter = 0


Do While Counter < 20

Counter = Counter + 1

If Counter = 10 Then

Check = False

Exit Do

End If


Loop Until Check = False

Print Counter, Check

End Sub


A.15 0

B.20 -1

C.10 True

D.10 False

阅读下面的程序: PrivateSubForm_Click() DimCheckAsBoolean,CounterAsInteger Check=T


Private Sub Form_Click()

Dim Check As Boolean, Counter As Integer

Check = True

Counter = 5


Do While Counter < 20

Counter = Counter + 1

If Counter = 10 Then

Check = False

Exit Do

End If


Loop Until Check = False

Print Counter

End Sub


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