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Votes in Parliament are often referred to as "divisions".

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更多“Votes in Parliament are often …”相关的问题
According to the passage, the colonists who participated and supported the American Revolu
tion initially did so

A.with the goal of replacing a corrupt system of power with a more egalitarian one

B.in order to preserve and retain the monarch's powers, so that they would not be usurped by Parliament

C.primarily in an effort to gain more votes from their dissatisfied political supporters

D.with the foremost intent of achieving a greater level of profit from the system already in place

E.as an endeavor predicated upon the ultimate aim of achieving national sovereignty and independence

Which of the following statements correctly describes the U.S. presidential election?

A、In General Election, people vote for who they wish to be elected as the MP for their local area. The person who receives the most votes is appointed in the role for up to five years. Typically the political party who receives the most number of seats in the House of Commons forms the government. The leader of the political party who wins will be made the President of the U.S.A.

B、In General Election, 16 states are subdivided into 299 districts, each containing roughly 250,000 eligible voters. On election day, voters receive a ballot divided into two columns. On the right side of the ballot, voters choose the candidate they would like to represent their district in the parliament. On the left side of the ballot, voters choose the party they feel best represents their interests. After multiple rounds of votes, the party that has the most representatives in the parliament usually determines who will be the next President.

C、The election of President is an indirect election in which the citizens who are registered to vote in one of the 50 states or in Washington, D.C. cast ballots not directly for those offices, but instead for members of the U.S. Electoral College, known as electors. These electors then in turn cast direct votes, known as electoral votes, for President. The candidate who receives an absolute majority of electoral votes is then elected to that office.

D、The President is designated by both houses of the parliament, before the conduct of any other business. For that purpose, each conducts a ballot under the run-off system. If the two houses choose different individuals, then a joint committee of both houses is appointed to agree on a common candidate. Ultimately, however, if the two houses do not agree within 10 days, the decision of the House of Representatives is deemed to be that of the parliament. Therefore, the House of Representatives can theoretically ensure the appointment of any President it wants. The candidate is then presented with his or her commission, and formally appointed to office by the Emperor.

听力原文: Canada's minority Liberal government, under heavy pressure over a corruption sca
ndal, looks set to lose a confidence vote next week, government and opposition officials said on Friday.

Prime Minister Paul Martin has proposed Parliament vote on his budget next Thursday and says he will call an election if he loses.

"Of course we'll lose the vote," a junior cabinet member told Reuters. If the IAberals fall next Thursday

it would open the way to a June 27 election.

The Liberals and their left-leaning New Democrat allies have 151 seats in the 308-seat parliament, while the Conservatives and the separatist Bloc Quebecois have 153. The speaker of Parliament is a Liberal but he only votes in case of a tie. One seat is vacant.

Which of the following is the ruling party?.

A.The Bloc Quebecois

B.The Conservative Party.

C.The Liberal Party.

D.The New Democrat.

听力原文:Members of Parliaments in Britain have rejected a cut in the time limit for abort

听力原文: Members of Parliaments in Britain have rejected a cut in the time limit for abortions from 24 to 22 weeks or lower. In a series of votes MPs decided by large majorities against moves to reduce the legal time limit for abortion to as little as 12 weeks. The debate in Parliament focused on whether modem medicine had in- creased survival rates of premature babies and in particular those born before 23 weeks.

When voting, the minorities agreed to cut the legal time limit for abortion to

A.24 weeks.

B.12 weeks.

C.23 weeks.

D.22 weeks.

5. Congress vs Parliament The difference between c...

5. Congress vs Parliament The difference between congress and parliament exist in the way they function. Congress and parliament are terms that have come to represent two major forms of democracies in different parts of the world. While Westminster form of parliamentary democracy is found in Britain and many other commonwealth countries that were ruled by Britain at one point of time and are now free and independent, congressional form of democracy where the President is the head of the executive is opted by mainly US and some other countries. The main purpose of both congress as well as parliament is to make, pass, and amend laws providing representation to states or provinces that collectively make up the nation. However, there are also differences that will be highlighted in this article. At a superficial level, it seems hard to find out differences between a congress and a parliament as both are made up of popularly elected representatives of people who have got majority votes of the people in their constituency. However, there are differences between both in how members get elected and what their roles and functions are once they are members of the house. The first and foremost difference between the two lies in the meanings of the two terms themselves. While congress comes from a Latin word meaning “to come together,” parliament comes from a French word meaning “to talk.” The same difference in meaning almost defines differences in the election procedure of congressmen and parliamentarians. What is the difference between Congress and Parliament? Both congress and parliament serve the same purpose of making legislations though, there are differences in how members get elected and what they do after getting elected in the two types of legislative bodies. Definition of Congress and Parliament: • Congress is the legislative branch of a governing system that has a congressional democracy. • Parliament is the legislative branch of a governing system that has a parliamentary democracy. Accountability of the Executive: • The executive branch is not accountable to the legislative branch in a congressional democracy. • The executive branch is accountable to the legislative branch in a parliamentary democracy. Freedom: • There is more freedom to members in a congress than in the parliament. This simply means that a member has more individuality in case of congress than in the case of a parliament. Parts of Congress and Parliament: • Congress has two parts as Senate and House of Representatives. • Parliament has two parts as House of Lords and House of Commons. Influence of the Executive: • Executive is more powerful in congress. •However, executive is more in control as far as legislation process is concerned in parliament. 9. About the differences between Congress and Parliament, which one is NOT TRUE?

A、Members in a congress enjoy more freedom than in the parliament

B、Congress has two parts as Senate and House of commons.

C、Executive is more powerful in congress.

D、Congress comes from a Latin word meaning “to come together”.

听力原文: Canadian PrimeMinister Paul Martin announced the addition of a rising opposition

听力原文: Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin announced the addition of a rising opposition Conservative star to his party's ranks days before his minority Liberal government faces a confidence vote.

Belinda Stronach, the daughter of a wealthy auto parts magnate who entered politics only a year ago, was named human resources and skills development minister by Martin. She will also implement the recommendations of a judicial inquiry into corruption accusations against the government.

The surprise defection gives the Liberals and their New Democratic Party allies 151 votes in parliament, while the Conservatives and the separatist Bloc Quebecois, which want to topple the government, have 152 members.

The fate of the government still rests with three independent MPs, only one of whom has so far committed to support the Liberals in a budget vote Thursday. That vote will decide whether the government is forced to call an immediate election that most Canadians do not want.

Belinda Stronach used to be a member of ______

A.The New Democratic Party

B.the Liberal Party

C.the Conservative Party

D.the separatist Bloc Quebecois

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

When British voters go to the polls during General Elections to decide who will govern them they usually have a choice of at least three candidates who will each represent one of the three main political parties in Britain today.

The Labour Party is the party of the left, the Tory or Conservative Party represents the right, and between the two, with policies and opinions of its own, is the smaller Liberal Party.

Britain is divided into over 600 political units known as "constituencies", each with its own candidates who stand for Parliament hoping to be elected (or re-elected) with large majorities. The cities and large towns are themselves divided into constituencies and they also choose the Members of Parliament (MPs) who will represent their views in the Houses of Parliament at Westminster. Here, in the House, the government of the day led by its Prime Minister and his Cabinet—a team of specially selected minister—carries out its duties of governing the country. Various proposals are put forward for debate and discussion and these may, eventually, become part of the law of the land. The government in office has to face the criticism of the other parties which are opposition. This is the sort of democratic process that the majority of British people seem to favour by Her Majesty's Government is watched over by Her Majesty's Opposition, and thus a certain balance of power is maintained. Decisions are made by a majority vote and this, of course, is where the other parties, the Liberals, the National and Regional parties (such as the Scottish or Welsh National Party) and other independent parties can exercise their influence. Some issues may be decided on a mere handful of votes.

Before General Elections most prospective candidates visit their constituencies to canvass for votes by addressing public meetings, talking to people in the streets, publishing political leaflets or by touring the area in cars fitted with loudspeakers. Sometimes quite a carnival atmosphere is created, especially when a candidate in one of the rural districts arrives on horse back or by tractor to attract attention!

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.The three main political parties in Britain.

B.The duties of Prime Minister's Cabinet.

C.The British general election and parliament system.

D.The political units known as constituencies.

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

Cabinet meetings outside London are rare and reluctant things. Harold Wilson held one in Brighton in 1966, but only because the Labour Party was already there for its annual conference. In 1921 David Lloyd George summoned the Liberals to Inverness because he didn't want to cut short his holiday. Gordon Brown's decision to hold his first cabinet meeting after the summer break in Birmingham, on September 8th, was born of a nobler desire to show the almost nine tenths of Britons who live outside London that they are not ignored. He will have to do better: constitutionally, they are more sidelined now than ever.

Many legislatures use their second chamber to strengthen the representation of sparsely populated areas (every American state, from Wyoming to California, gets two votes in the Senate, for example). Britain's House of Lords, most of whose members are appointed supposedly on merit, has the opposite bias. A survey by the New Local Government Network (NLGN), a think-tank, finds that London and two of its neighbouring regions are home to more peers than the rest of Britain combined; even Birmingham, the country's second-largest city, has just one.

Oddly, this distortion is partly thanks to reforms that were supposed to make the Lords more representative. By throwing out most of the hereditary peers in 1999, Labour paved the way for a second chamber that was less posh, less white and less male than before. But in booting out the landed gentry, it also ditched many of those who came from the provinces. The Duke of Northumberland (270th in the Sunday Times's " Rich List") may not be a member of a downtrodden minority. But Alnwick Castle, his family pile, is in the North-east region, home to just 2% of the Lords' members now. Geographically speaking, the duke and his fellow toffs were champions of diversity.

The government now wants to reintroduce some geographical fairness, but minus dukes. Long-incubated plans to reform. the Lords would see it converted during the next parliament into a body that is mainly or entirely elected. A white paper in July outlined various electoral systems, all based on regional or sub-regional constituencies.

Some would like to see the seat of government prised out of the capital altogether, though in the past this has normally required a civil war or a plague. Southerners whisper that no one would show up if Parliament were based in a backwater such as Manchester. But many don't now. The NLGN found that peers resident in Northern Ireland vote least often. But next from the bottom are the London-dwellers, who show up for less than a third of the votes on their doorstep. Even the eight who live abroad are more assiduous. The north may seem an awfully long way away, but apparently so is Westminster.

Why will Gordon Brown hold his first cabinet in Birmingham?

A.Labour Party will have its annual conference there.

B.To tell citizens outside London that they are not ignored.

C.He did not want to cut short his holidays.

D.Many British feel that they are more sidelined now than ever.

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. List


Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Lebanon's new prime minister is visiting Damascus for talks with Syrian leaders aimed at improving relations. Just a day earlier, the first government formed since Syria's withdrawal from Lebanon won a vote of confidence in Parliament.

Relations between Lebanon and Syria have been strained since Damascus bowed to international pressure, and ended its 29-year presence in Lebanon in April. Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's first official trip to Syria is a push to improve political, economic, and social stability in Lebanon.

Syria has implemented a tight border crackdown. Hundreds of transport trucks line the road to Syria waiting for clearance to cross the border. The reported lock down has been in place for more than a month, taking a toll on Lebanese exports. Many of the trucks carrying produce have lost thousands of dollars in revenues as the items have spoiled from the heat.

Many Lebanese claim the border crackdown is an attempt to strangle Lebanon's economy. Syria says it is in response to international pressure to stop insurgents and militants from crossing into the country.

Prime Minister Siniora's government won 92 votes of confidence in the 128-member parliament, where an anti-Syrian coalition won a majority in June elections.

Lebanon's new leader is visiting Syria in order to

A.discuss border issues

B.improve bilateral relations

C.sign a ceasefire treaty

D.form. allies

听力原文: MOSCOW Russian lawmakers voted overwhelmingly yesterday to reject the appointmen

听力原文: MOSCOW

Russian lawmakers voted overwhelmingly yesterday to reject the appointment of Viktor Chernomyrdin as prime minister despite warnings that the country was on the verge of political and economic collapse.

The Duma, the lower chamber of parliament, voted after more than three hours of bitter debate not to confirm Chernomyrdin. Hard-line delegates called for President Boris Yeltsin's resignation.

Chernomyrdin pleaded before the vote with lawmakers to approve the formation of a government to tackle the country's crisis that has seen the collapse of the stock market and the devaluation of the currency. The acting premier, who needed 226 votes for confirmation, watched glumly as the Duma voted not to confirm him.


More than 160 bank chiefs jailed by Nigeria's military regime have gone on hunger strike to protest against their ongoing detention without trial, reports here said yesterday. Eighty-five jailed bank chiefs refused food. On Sunday at their detention center in Lagos, said the privately-owned Post Express and state-owned Daily Times newspapers.


The death toll from the crash of a Cuban aircraft at Ecuador's Quito airport rose to 80 Sunday as aviation experts searched the wreckage in the hope of pinning down the cause of the accident.

The Cubana de Aviation plane, a Russian-made Tupolev, ploughed through airport fences into a nearby field after it aborted a third attempt to take off on Saturday, witnesses said. It caught fire and exploded.

The civil aviation department said 80 people had died by Sunday afternoon. The initial toll of 77 increased when one victim died in hospital of severe burns and two more bodies were found at the site.


Around 47 percent of 600 firms in six Asia-Pacific countries are uncertain about the advantages of electronic commerce (E-commerce), according to the results of a survey by Visa International released here yesterday. Fifty-three percent of merchants believed conducting transactions via the Internet was suitable for their businesses. Meanwhile, 73 percent said this would only supplement, but not replace traditional ways of doing business.


Indonesian troops threatened to fire rubber bullets yesterday at hundreds of looters attacking houses owned by ethnic Chinese in the central Java town of Cilacap. "Piloting has rocked the town in recent days. Violence, not looting, has abated in the town." A military official said.

"Basically, the situation is getting better. There is no violence today, but hundreds of jobless people are still continuing to loot a number of ethnic Chinese fishermen's houses," Colonel M. Noer Muis told reporters.

"We are going to take action against the robbers, with rubber bullets if necessary. Police detained 27 people in the town in recent days. " Muis said.


6. How many votes are needed in the lower chamber of Russian parliament to confirm the appointment of the prime minister?

7.What do the jailed bank chiefs protest against in Nigeria?

8.When did the plane crash happen?

9.What's the majority view concerning electronic commerce, according to a recent survey conducted by Visa International?

10.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the rioting in Indonesia?






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