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The song would ________ us for months.





提问人:网友chandle_bin 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“The song would ________ us for…”相关的问题
The worst thing about television and radio is that they entertain us, saving us the troubl
e of entertaining ourselves.

A hundred years ago, before all these devices were invented, if a person wanted to entertain himself with a song or a piece of music, he would have to do the singing himself or pick up a violin and play it. Now, all he has to do is turn on the radio or TV. As a result, singing and music have declined.

Italians used to sing all the time. Now, they only do it in Hollywood movies, Indian movies are mostly a series of songs and dances trapped around silly stories. As a result, they don't do much singing in Indian villages anymore. Indeed, ever since radio first came to life, there has been a terrible decline in amateur (业余的) singing throughout the world.

There are two reasons for this sad decline. One, human beings are astonishingly lazy. Put a lift in a building, and people would rather take it than climb even two flights of steps. Similarly, invent a machine that sings, and people would rather let the machine sing than sing themselves. The other reason is that people are easily embarrassed. When there is a famous, talented musician readily available by pushing a button, which amateur violinist or pianist would want to try to entertain family or friends by himself?

These earnest reflections came to me recently when two CDs arrived in the mail. They are historic recordings of famous writers reading their own works. It was thrilling to hear the voices from a long dead past in the late 19th century. But today, reading out loud anything is no longer common. Today, we sing songs to our children until they are about two, we read simple books to them till they are about five, and once they have learnt to read themselves, we become deaf. We're alive only to the sound of the TV and the stereo (立体声音响).

I count myself extremely lucky to have been born before TV became so common: I was about six before TV appeared. To keep us entertained my mother had to do a good deal of singing and tell us endless tales. It was the same in many other homes. People spoke a language; they sang it, they recited it; it was something they could feel.

Professional actors' performance is extraordinarily revealing. But I still prefer my own reading, because it's mine. For the same reason, people find karaoke (卡拉OK) liberating. It is almost the only electronic thing that gives them back their own voice. Even if their voices are hopelessly out of tune, at least it is meaningful self-entertainment.

The main idea of this passage is that ______.

A.TV and radio can amuse us with beautiful songs and music

B.TV and radio prevent us from self-entertainment

C.people should sing songs and read books aloud themselves

D.parents should sing songs and read books aloud to their children

1 “Vincent” is a folk song by American singer-song...

1 “Vincent” is a folk song by American singer-songwriter Don McLean written as a tribute to Vincent van Gogh. It is also known by its opening line, “Starry Starry Night”, a reference to Van Gogh's painting The Starry Night. The song also describes different paintings done by the artist. It was created on the 100th anniversary of the midpoint of Van Gogh’s life. 2 Van Gogh painted “Starry Night” after committing himself to an asylum in 1889. He wrote that night was "more richly colored than the day," but he couldn't go outside to see the stars when he was committed, so he painted the night sky from memory. 3 The lyrics, "Paint your palette blue and gray" reflect the prominent colors of the painting, and are probably a reference to Vincent's habit of sucking on or biting his paintbrushes while he worked. The "ragged men in ragged clothes" and "how you tried to set them free" refer to Van Gogh's humanitarian activities and love of the socially outcast as also reflected in his paintings and drawings. "They would not listen/They did not know how" refers to Van Gogh's family and some associates who were critical of his kindness to "the wretched." "How you suffered for your sanity" refers to the schizophrenic disorder from which Van Gogh suffered. 4 McLean wrote the lyrics in 1971 after reading a book about the life of the artist. McLean told The Daily Telegraph February 24, 2010 the story of this song: "In the autumn of 1970 I had a job singing in the school system, playing my guitar in classrooms. I was sitting on the veranda one morning, reading a biography of Van Gogh, and suddenly I knew I had to write a song arguing that he wasn't crazy. He had an illness and so did his brother Theo. This makes it different, in my mind, to the garden variety of 'crazy' – because he was rejected by a woman [as was commonly thought]. So I sat down with a print of Starry Night and wrote the lyrics out on a paper bag." 5 McLean was going through a dark period when he wrote this song. He explained to The Daily Telegraph: "I was in a bad marriage that was torturing me. I was tortured. I wasn't as badly off as Vincent was, but I wasn't thrilled, let's put it that way." 6 The following year, the song became the number one hit in the UK Singles Chart and No. 12 in the US. Coincidentally, it spent 12 weeks on the HOT 100. In the US, "Vincent" also peaked at number two on the Easy Listening chart. Billboard ranked it as the No. 94 song for 1972. 7 Talking about the song on the UK show Songbook, McLean said: "It was inspired by a book. And it said that it was written by Vincent's brother, Theo. So what caused the idea to percolate in my head was, first of all, what a beautiful idea for a piece of music. Secondly, I could set the record straight, basically, he wasn't crazy. Regarding the writing of (Starry, Starry Night) , according to this passage, which of the following is NOT right?

A、This song, and Van Gogh's painting, reflect what it's like to be misunderstood.

B、The song Vincent was completed within a very short time and was written on a paper bag.

C、In the following year of this song being released, it was more popular in US than it was in UK.

D、Van Gogh was not appreciated until after his death, and his struggles to be understood were something many musicians also felt, including a young Don McLean.

The song "What's going on"was not a protest song but a song .

A、that call up people to unite

B、about love and understanding

C、which indicate the darkness of the US government

D、that expose the real condition in vietnam

The song on the radio () us of our childhood in the country.





The song on the radio ( ) us of our childhood in the country.
The song on the radio () us of our childhood in the country.





The classical writer, Horace, told us: “ut pictura poesis,” meaning a poem is like a______





第三篇A Tale of Scottish Rural Life Lewis Grassic Gibbon's Sunset Song (1932)was vote "t


A Tale of Scottish Rural Life

Lewis Grassic Gibbon's Sunset Song (1932)was vote "the best Scottish novel of all Time" by Scotland's reading public in 2005. Once considered shocking for its frank description of aspects of the lives of Scotland’s poor rural farmers, it has been adapted for stage, film, TV and radio in recent decades.

The novel is set on the fictional estate of Kinraddie, in the farming country of the Scottish northwest in the years up to and beyond World War l. At its heart is the story of Chris, who is both part of the community and a little outside it.

Grassic Gibbon gives us the most detailed and intimate account of the life of his heroine (女主人公). We watch her grow through a childhood dominated by her cruel but hard-working father:experience tragedy(her mother's suicide and murder of her twin children);And learn about her feelings as she grows into a woman. We see her marry, lose her husband, then marry again. Chris has seemed so convincing a figure to some female readers that they cannot believe that she is the creation of a man.

But it would be misleading to suggest that this book is just about Chris. It is truly a novel of a place and its people. Its opening section tells of Kinraddie's long history, in a language that imitates the place's changing patterns of speech and writing.

The story itself is amazingly full of characters and incidents. 1t is told from Chris' point of view but also from that of the gossiping community, a community where everybody knows everybody else's business and nothing is ever forgotten.

Sunset Song has a social theme too. It is concerned with what Grassic Gibbon perceives as the destruction of traditional Scottish rural| |life first by modernization and then by World War l. Gibbon tried hard to show how certain character:S resist the war. Despite this, the war takes the young men away. a number of them to their deaths. In particular, it takes away Chris' husband, Ewan Tavendale. The war finally kills Ewan, but not in the way his widow is told. In fact, the Germans aren’t responsible for his death, but his own side. He is shot because he is said to have run away from a battle.

If the novel is about the end of one way of life it also looks ahead. It is a "Sunset Song" butt is concerned too with the new Kinraddie, indeed of the new European world. Grassic Gibbon went on to publish two other novels about the place that continue its story.

41 What is Sunset Song mainly about?

A The First World War. B The beauty of the sunset.

C The new European world. D The lives of rural Scottish farmers.

How to Deal with Loneliness ALoneliness is a feeling of emptiness or hollowness inside you

How to Deal with Loneliness


Loneliness is a feeling of emptiness or hollowness inside you. You feel isolated or separated from the world, cut off from those you would like to have contact with. There are different kinds of loneliness and different degrees of the loneliness. You might experience loneliness as a vague feeling that something is not right, a kind of minor emptiness. Or you might feel loneliness as a very intense deprivation and deep pain, One type of loneliness might be related to missing a specific individual because they have died or because they are actually physically isolated from. For instance, if you work alone on the night shift or are alone in a part of a building where people seldom go. You might even feel emotionally isolated when you are surrounded by people but are having difficulty reaching out to them.


It needs to be emphasized here that loneliness is not the same as being alone. A person will always have time when they chose to be alone. Rather, loneliness is the feeling of being alone and feeling sad about it. And, of course, all of us feel lonely some of the time. It is only when we seem trapped in our loneliness that it becomes a real problem.


Loneliness is a passive state. That is, it is maintained by our passively letting it continue and doing nothing to change it. We hope it will go away, eventually, and we do nothing but let it envelop us. Strangely, there are times when we might even embrace the feeling. Yet, embracing loneliness and sinking down into feeling associated with it usually leads to a sense of depression and helplessness, which, in turn, leads to an even more passive state and more depression.


To stop feeling lonely, we first must accept that we are feeling lonely. Sometimes admitting that to ourselves is difficult. We then have to express those feelings of loneliness in some way. We might find ourselves writing in a diary, writing an imaginary letter to a friend or relative, drawing or painting a picture, making up a song, or doing anything else that lets us begin to express the feeling we have inside usincluding talking with other people! Expressing our feelings might lead us to discover that we feel a number of things which might be connected to our feelings of loneliness, including sadness, anger and frustration. We might be able to begin to see where these feelings are coming fromwhat they are connected to in our lives. As we begin to see the connections we will be more able to begin to make changes.


The big change, of course, is to stop being passive and become more active. If we're missing someone, such as parents, family, or friends, we can telephone, write, email or visit them. Talking to an understanding friend can often help change our moods as well. If we don't have an understanding friend, talking with a pastor, teacher or counselor might be a place to start. If we are lonely because we are missing someone who has died, being able to express our grief at their loss and beginning to remember our happier moments with them and knowing that those memories can always be with us, can move us away from the lonely feelings. This can also apply to losses of significant friendships or lovers.


Getting involved in some




I would love to have kids . I would () an Oscar to see my boy at a baseball game or my girl at a song recital.
I would love to have kids . I would () an Oscar to see my boy at a baseball game or my girl at a song recital.

A Tale of Scottish Rural LifeLewis Grassic Gibbon's Sunset Song (1932) was voted "the best

A Tale of Scottish Rural Life

Lewis Grassic Gibbon's Sunset Song (1932) was voted "the best Scottish novel of all time" by Scotland's reading public in 2005. Once considered shocking for its frank description of aspects of the lives of Scotland's poor rural farmers, it has been adapted for stage, film, TV and radio in recent decades.

The novel is set on the fictional estate of Kinraddie, in the farming country of the Scottish northwest in the years up to and beyond World War I. At its heart is the story of Chris, who is both part of the community and a little outside it.

Grassic Gibbon gives us the most detailed and intimate account of the life of his heroine (女主人公). We watch her grow through a childhood dominated by her cruel but hard-working father; experience tragedy (her mother's suicide and murder of her twin children) ; and learn about her feelings as she grows into a woman. We see her marry, lose her husband, then marry again. Chris has seemed so convincing a figure to some female readers that they cannot believe that she is the creation of a man.

But it would be misleading to suggest that this book is just about Chris. It is truly a novel of a place and its people. Its opening section tells of Kinraddie's long history, in a language that imitates the place's changing patterns of speech and writing.

The story itself is amazingly full of characters and incidents. It is told from Chris' point of view but also from that of the gossiping community, a community where everybody knows everybody else's business and nothing is ever forgotten.

Sunset Song has a social theme too. It is concerned with what Grassic Gibbon perceives as the destruction of traditional Scottish rural life first by modernization and then by World War I. Gibbon tried hard to show how certain characters resist the war. Despite this, the war takes the young men away, a number of them to their deaths. In particular, it takes away Chris' husband, Ewan Tavendale. The war finally kills Ewan, but not in the way his widow is told. In fact, the Germans aren't responsible for his death, but his own side. He is shot because he is said to have run away from a battle.

If the novel is about the end of one way of life it also looks ahead. It is a "Sunset Song" but is concerned too with the new Kinraddie, indeed of the new European world. Grassic Gibbon went on to publish two other novels about the place that continue its story.

What is Sunset Song mainly about?

A.The First World War.

B.The beauty of the sunset.

C.The new European world.

D.The lives of rural Scottish farmers.

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