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With proper practice and training, you will become a good speaker.

提问人:网友wuming_56 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“With proper practice and train…”相关的问题
Translating practice: A proper introduction will leave a good first (印象) upon others.
The proper title for this passage should be ______.A.Courtship and Mate SelectionB.Social

The proper title for this passage should be ______.

A.Courtship and Mate Selection

B.Social and Biological Changes in Adolescence

C.The Practice of Dating

D.The Practice of Like Marrying Like

It can be inferred from the passage that high-quality college education calls for ______.A

It can be inferred from the passage that high-quality college education calls for ______.

A.putting academic work in the proper context

B.a commitment to students and effective teaching

C.the practice of putting leaning to productive ends

D.dedication to research in frontier areas of knowledge

Without federal regulations on proper handling procedures, there is no way to assure custo
mers a best practice for e-cycling. Currently the EPA does not have any data on the amount of e-waste being exported----only data on how much is being recycled, which for cell phone is less than 10%.

It can be inferred from the passage that high-quality college education calls for______.A.

It can be inferred from the passage that high-quality college education calls for______.

A.putting academic work in the proper context

B.a commitment to students and effective teaching

C.the practice of putting learning to productive ends

D.dedication to research in frontier areas of knowledge

Which is the right translation of the sentence "孝悌也者,其为仁之本与“.

A、Filial piety is the root of Ren

B、To hold love and respect for parents and brothers is the practice of Ren.

C、To have love for parents or respect for elder brothers are essence of Ren

D、Surely proper behaviour towards parents and brothers is the trunk of goodness

The passage seems to show that the worst thing a language learner can do is ______.A.refus

The passage seems to show that the worst thing a language learner can do is ______.

A.refuse to interact with the language

B.excessively practice and learn

C.say too much when asked a question

D.concentrate too much on proper pronunciation

By "crisis of comprehension" the author means that many students ______.A.are too much. co

By "crisis of comprehension" the author means that many students ______.

A.are too much. concerned with grades

B.fail to understand the real goal of education

C.lack proper practice in phonic and grammar drills

D.are unable to understand what they read, although they do reasonable well on standardized tests

Company A exports 200 metric tons of goods. Accord...

Company A exports 200 metric tons of goods. According to L/C terms, shipment should be effected in March and April in two equal monthly lots of 100M/T each and transshipment is allowed. Company A shipped the first lot of 100M/T of goods on March 30 on Ship A and on April 2 the second lot was shipped on Ship B. Both Ship A and Ship B transshipped in Singapore. In Singapore, two lots of goods of 200M/T total were loaded onto the same ship, Ship C, and were delivered to the final destination. Questions: 1. Does the shipment of the 200M/T goods constitute partial shipments? Why?' 5’ Evaluate the practice of Company A handling shipping of the 200M/T goods from the following angles: 2. Does Company A’s shipping practice is in compliance with the requirement of the L/C? 5’ Is it proper? 5’ 3. What could be the possible considerations that buyer required the goods to be shipped in two equal lots in two consecutive months? Please try to provide three points as your answers. 5’+5’+5’ 4. What will be the consequnce of Company A's shipping practice to the buyer? 5’ 5. What is the proper way to handle partial shipments of equal monthly shipment? 5’ 学生自评给分建议(重要): 本题总分40分。每个小题的分值为5到15分,请看清每个小题的分值。请按得分点给分。学生的答案未必会按照参考答案顺序呈现,请通读学生的全部答案之后再给分,不要遗漏学生的得分点。 学生给出的答案未必和参考答案完全一致,只要主要意思回答出来,和参考答案没有矛盾即可以给5分(每个得分点)。如果学生的答案未出现在参考答案中,但是能够回答问题并且自圆其说,也可以算一个得分点,得5分。但是全部答案的总分不得超过40分。

1 If Johnny can't write, one of the reasons may be conditioning based on speed rather tha
n respect for the creative process. Speed is neither a valid test of nor a proper preparation for competence in writing. It makes for murkiness, glibness, disorganization. It takes the beauty out of the language. It rules out respect for the reflective thought that should precede expression. It runs counter to the word-by-word and line-by-line reworking that enables a piece to be finely knit.

2 This is not to minimize the value of genuine facility. With years of practice, a man may be able to put down words swiftly and expertly. But it is the same kind of swiftness that enables a cellist, after having invested years of efforts, to negotiate an intricate passage from Haydn. Speed writing is for stenographers and court reporters, not for anyone who wants to use language with precision and distinction.

3 Thomas Mann was not ashamed to admit that he would often take a full day to write 500 words, and another day to edit them, out of respect for the most difficult art in the world. Flaubert would ponder a paragraph for hours. Did it say what he wanted it to say— not approximately but exactly? Did the words turn into one another with proper rhythm and grace? Were they artistically and securely fitted together? These questions are relevant not only for the established novelist but for anyone who attaches value to words as a medium of expression and communication.

4 E.B. White, whose respect for the environment of good writing is exceeded by no word-artist of our time, would rather have his fingers cut off than to be guilty of handling words lightly. No sculptor chipping away at a granite block in order to produce a delicate curve or feature has labored more painstakingly than White in fashioning a short paragraph. Obviously, we can't expect our schools to make every Johnny into a White or Flaubert or a Mann, but it is not unreasonable to expect more of them to provide the conditions that promote clear, careful, competent expression. Certainly the cumulative effort of the school experience should not have to be undone in later years.

According to the passage, competence in writing is _______________.

A.an art that takes practice

B.a skill that requires dexterity

C.a technique that is easy to learn

D.a result of the spontaneous flow of words

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