题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

If you don't get the approval you’re looking for, you will end up feeling_________.





提问人:网友chaiyudong 发布时间:2022-01-07
如搜索结果不匹配,请 联系老师 获取答案
  • · 有5位网友选择 D,占比50%
  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比30%
  • · 有1位网友选择 A,占比10%
  • · 有1位网友选择 C,占比10%
匿名网友 选择了B
[189.***.***.95] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了D
[28.***.***.66] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了D
[217.***.***.108] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了D
[246.***.***.30] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了D
[53.***.***.244] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了D
[67.***.***.233] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[53.***.***.247] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了B
[210.***.***.114] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了B
[105.***.***.158] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了A
[191.***.***.40] 1天前
更多“If you don't get the approval …”相关的问题
Dont keep us in ______—did you get the job or not?A.suspenseB.suspendingC.suspensionD.susp

Dont keep us in ______—did you get the job or not?





Ted,______yourself and dont get your coat dirty again, or you will get into trouble!A.beha

Ted,______yourself and dont get your coat dirty again, or you will get into trouble!





The sentence in the sixth paragraph "You dont get it, and you never will" implies thatA.th

The sentence in the sixth paragraph "You dont get it, and you never will" implies that

A.the teenagers think that their parents will never understand them.

B.it"s teenagers" excuse to disguise their vulnerability of being under custody.

C.the generation gap can not be shortened despite their parents" efforts.

D.the parents do not necessarily force into the world of their children.

听力原文:W: Son, I dont know what to get for your father. He has about everything, doesnt
he? M: Why dont you get him an MP3 player? Q: Whats the womans problem?2.

A.He doesn"t write well enough.

B.He is not a professional writer.

C.He has no professional experience.

D.He didn"t perform. well in the interview.

Speaker A:______, Susan ? Speaker B: I have written and rewritten so much that I dont know
if Ill ever get it finished.

A.How are you doing

B.How are you getting along with your work

C.How are you getting along with your lessons

D.How are you getting along with your term paper

Find the general words which contribute to the coherence of the following extract, and dis
cuss how each of these words is used. And what about interviewing, because you interview a number of politicians like, well, the Prime Minister or the Chancellor or the Exchequer. Is that an easy thing to do and how difficult is it when youre interviewing people that you dont particularly agree with or who get difficult with you during an interview?

IN THE BEDROOM Dont smoke in bed—it causes about 1 000 fires a year, many with fatal
results. Dont overload your electrical points; the ideal is "one appliance, one socket". Dont use an electric underblanket over you or an overblanket under you. An underblanket, unless of the low voltage type, MUST be switched off before you get into bed. Never let furniture or clothing get close to a lighted fire. Make sure that there is a suitable guard for the room heater. Keep aerosol type containers (喷雾器) away from heat and NEVER burn or puncture (刺穿) them. Dont dim a table lamp by covering it: buy a low wattage bulb. Pyjamas and nightdresses, especially for children and elderly people, should be made from flame resistant material. IF CUT OFF BY FIRE Close the door of the room and any fanlight or other opening and block up any cracks with bedding, etc. Go to the window and try to attract attention. If the room fills with smoke, lean out of the window unless prevented by smoke and flame coming from a room below or nearby. If you cannot lean out of the window, lie close to the floor where the air is clearer until you hear the fire brigade. If you have to escape before the fire brigade arrives, make a rope by knotting together sheets or similar materials and tie it to a bed or another heavy piece of furniture. If you cannot make a rope and the situation becomes intolerable, drop cushions or bedding from the window to break your fall, get through the window feet first, lower yourself to the full extent of your arms and drop. If possible drop from a position above soft earth. If above the first floor, drop only as a last resort

According to the instructions, fires in the bedroom can be caused by______.

A.one appliance, one socket

B.smoking in bed

C.underblankets of the low voltage type

D.all of the above mentioned points

听力原文:Academic adviser How do you do, Miss Wu? Please have a seat. Student It is ver
y nice to see you! Thank you. Academic adviser Now then, let us look at your transcript. Student OK! Here you are! Academic adviser It is very clear and solid. You have your Bachelor of Arts in English and now you want to get your Masters in Education, right? Student Right. I got my Bachelor of Arts in English last year. Academic adviser Why do you want to get Masters in Education? Student Because I am interested in Education. But I dont know what 111 need. Academic adviser You will need 36 credit hours, of which 15 must be from the English Department and 15 from the Education Department. For the remaining six credit hours, you can either write a thesis or take two selected courses. Student You mean that 36 credit hours are the minimum? Right now, this is very confusing to me, but I am sure it will straighten out in my mind as I learn more about it. Academic adviser Let us program your courses. Since you have had English Literature, you should take American Literature and American Prose and Fiction. Your transcript. indicates that your English background is strong, so I dont think you will have any problem with it. Student OK! I loved English Literature and got an A. I am also interested in studying American Prose and Fiction. How many credits can I get for each course? Academic adviser Three. You should also take two three-credit courses in the Education Department. I suggest Educational Psychology and Audiovisual Methods and Aids. That will give you 12 hours altogether which is the minimum for a full-time student. Student Excuse me. Actually I am a part-time student. I am sorry I dont have enough time to take all the courses, although m attracted by them. So I would like to audit one course. Academic adviser Thats right. You have been appointed Assistant Head Resident at Western. How many hours do you have to work? Student Twelve hours a week. Since this is my first time in the United States, I dont want to fail any classes and would therefore prefer a somewhat lighter program. In addition, I am a part-time student, so it is very hard for me to select all the courses. In order to pass the exams smoothly, have to choose lighter ones. Academic adviser That is correct. In fact you must maintain a B average to earn your Masters. In other words, if you get a C, you will need an A to balance it out. If you get a D, it takes two As to raise it to a B average. Student Oh! My goodness! It is so complex. I definitely dont want to get any Ds or Fs. Academic adviser Yes, you are right. Student Id better go slowly but surely, like the tortoise in the fable. Academic adviser That is a good idea. Which course do you want to audit? Student American Prose and Fiction. Academic adviser Are you aware that even though you wont receive any credit for an audited course, you still pay the same for the other courses? Student Yes, I am. I know that the professor will keep track of my attendance, but I wont have to do any papers or take any exams. Academic adviser Fine. You are set now. Jim will show you to the Administration building. Good luck, and I hope you will enjoy studies here at Miami. Student Thank you. I am sure I will.Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and a academic adviser. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.The adviser directs the student on how to get a Bachelor of Arts in English.

B.The adviser gives some advice to the student about her courses.

C.The adviser explains the courses and class grades in detail.

D.The adviser instructs the student on how to pay her tuition.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor. Student Go
od morning, Professor Thompson. I know your office hours are this afternoon, but I was wondering if you could spare me a few minutes now cause I have classes this afternoon. Professor Sure, Susan. What do you want to talk to me about? Student Well...to tell you the truth, Im not doing what I wanna do, I mean I dont like my major very much. Electrical Engineering isnt the sort of thing that attracts me. And I am at a loss what to do. What should I consider if I wanna choose another major? Professor Good Question! The most efficient way to pick a major would be to ask yourself: What do I love to do? One of my friends, for instance, started out as a microbiology major because he wanted to earn a comfortable living when he graduated. Then, in his junior year, he realized he loved history above all else, changed his major, and is now a history professor. Student Yeah, youre right, yknow, actually I was keen on Literature, but my mother, an engineer, talked me into taking this major. Professor Well, dont live someone elses dream. Its your time to be in college. Its your career in the making. Dont let someone else dictate what you should major in. My mother, a doctor, really pushed me to be a doctor. I cant think of anything Id hate more! Nothing is worse than to work for a career you dont like for your whole life! Student Yeah, but urn...um...the thing is...the thing is I am afraid of making a wrong decision again. Professor Remember, you dont have to decide right away. Go ahead and get those pesky general education requirements out of the way and, who knows- you might find something in your genned classes that you decide to major in! Most colleges dont insist that you declare a major right away, so take advantage of that. And remember, you can always change your mind. Thats my personal opinion. You can also ask other people, for example, advisors at our university whose job is to help you answer this question with their skills and expertise. You may either go to a faculty adviser who will provide ongoing advice and guidance on program selection, course registration, credit load, deadlines, and majors and minors, or to an academic adviser who can provide support, guidance, and appropriate referrals for students experiencing academic or personal difficulties while studying at our university. Student In fact, Ive already asked Dr. lasenza. But she had a different view. She said once youve chosen a major, then find the specific degree path that gets you out of school the fastest as possible. She said she knew a lot of people were going but what if I dont like it or I dont want to work in that field. Well to those questions the answer is easy: work at what you like but save as much time and money as possible on your degree. She also said that the majority of highly successful people didnt go to college, didnt finish college, or dont work in the area of their degree...so...um...it makes no sense to put any more money than necessary to obtain the degree. Once you graduate and move to your actual career that is where your real education will begin. Professor Eh...that might be reasonable, but what I want to say is: be honest with yourself. A potentially huge income in a field that...you know...will bore you or make you miserable isnt worth it. I forget who said it, but heres the best advice I can give: "Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life!" Student Ok, I see, I guess now I have to ponder what really matters. Thank you very much, Professor, for your advice. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 7. What are the speakers mainly discussing? 8. Why does the student visit the professor? 9. What does the professor imply when he says this? Professor Well, dont live someone elses dream. Its your time to be in college. Its your career in the making. Dont let someone else dictate what you should major in. 10. What can be inferred from Dr. lasenzas response to the student? Student She said...work at what you like but save as much time and money as possible on your degree. 11. What can be inferred about the professor when he says this? Professor Eh...that might be reasonable, but what I want to say is: be honest with yourself. A potentially huge income in a field that...you know...will bore you or make you miserable isnt worth it.Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.Working in an office.

B.Finding a job.

C.Choosing a major.

D.Talking to an advisor.

请根据下面短文回答下列各题: Dear Students, I am happy that you are now in America.Iam hap
py that you have made new friends from around the world.All of youare growing every day. Like many people, you decided to come toAmerica.You are learning a new language and a new culture(文化).It takes a lot of time and hard work.Youare doing great! Welcome.And thank you! Id like to give you some simple advice(忠告) 1 ) Learn to speak up.Ask for help whenyou need it.Most Americans are friendly and helpful.2 )Dont be afraid ofmaking mistakes.You cannot learn without making mistakes. 3 )Get out and meet people. 4)Dont forget your dreams(梦想).Work hard for the things that are importantto you. 5 ) You are going through manydifficulties now.But remember that these difficulties will make you stronger for the future. 6) Smile ! You came from many different parts of theworld to this class.I am very glad to be your teacher. I wish each of you well in thefuture. Your teacher, Mr.Charles Kaspar What makes the teacherhappy?

A.The students have made newfriends in America.

B.The students have madefriends with him.

C.The students have taken hisadvice.

To help others, you dont have to be an efficient expert in the art; the main thing is the
intention. You may be crude and clumsy, wasteful and ineffective, but if you sincerely try to help, your attempt produces nothing but good. The one you are trying to help knows your intention and is strengthened and encouraged by the magic of your sharing. In nearly every case, your simple desire to help, converted into action, produces the good sought. But perhaps the greatest good is the good that you yourself get out of the attempt. Service to others delivers more joy to you than the joy you deliver to them. In doing good, you free yourself from the terrible burden of self; you escape from yourself into a clean world of joy and light. The good you simply try to do, regardless of the outcome, is always a success inside yourself. Unselfish giving is your most efficient formula for happiness, for you have embraced Eternity instead of Self; you have felt life, and you are now the world bigger than you were before you began the project.

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