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What Garret Jones really wants is to ______.

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更多“What Garret Jones really wants…”相关的问题
On your way to the school cinema, you happen to meet Professor Jones walking to the c
inema, too、You can greet him by sayingYou're going to see the film, aren't you?()

听力原文:Interviewer(I): Good morning, MissMiss Jones(J): Miss Jones.I: Miss Jones, yes, r

听力原文:Interviewer(I): Good morning, Miss

Miss Jones(J): Miss Jones.

I: Miss Jones, yes, right. Hi, Um now, you'd like to join our team, I gather ...

J: Yes, I would.

I: That's very good. Er I'd like to know a little bit about you. Perhaps you could start if you could tell me a little bit about your education.

J: Oh yes, right. Well, I left school at 18 and for the first two years I went to Gibsons, you might know it, it's an engineering firm. Um and after that, I wanted to do a course, so I did a one-year full-time PA course and went back to Gibsona. I was PA to the Export Director. I stayed there for two years and then moved on to my present company. Um that's Europa Marketing um Mr Adair, the marketing director, offered me a job because Gibson had worked quite a lot with Europa Marketing. And I've been with them for three years now Um first working with the Marketing Director and and now I'm with the Sales Director.

I: That's all very interesting, Miss Jones. Um,.- l'd like to know, what did you enjoy most at school'? What was the course that you enjoyed most?

J: Ah foreign languages I liked best. We did French and German. Yes.

I: Mhm. And are you quite fluent in those now?

J: Yes, a bit rusty now, but um obviously the more travel I can do, the more [ can use my languages and I'd like to learn another language. I'd like to add Italian as well.

I: Italian?


J: Very good, very good, that might be very useful Now er tell me a little bit about er the work you're doing at present.

J: Um well er Europa Marketing is a marketing and public relations company and they do consultancy work for companies operating in the UK and European markets. Er our clients come from all over the world um we deal with some of them by post, but most of them come to our offices and at least once during a project. I assist the sales director by arranging these visits, setting up meetings and presentations and I deal with her correspondence. I've not been able to go with her on any of her trips abroad, but I've been to firms in this country, several times on my own to make these arrangements.

I: It sounds as if you're very happy there, Miss Jones. I'm curious why you'd tike to leave them and join our company.

J: Well um I know the reputation of Anglo-European and it has a very good reputation. And I feel I would have more scope and opportunity in your company and that the work will be more challenging for me. I might be able to possibly travel and use my languages because at the moment most of my work is rather routine secretarial-type work and I like the idea of more um challenges in my life really.

?You will hear part of an interview between a Human Resources Manager of a company and Miss Jones.

?For each question 23—30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer.

?You will hear the recording twice.

What did Miss Jones do after she left school?

A.She became a PA (personal assistant).

B.She did a one-year full-time PA Course company.

C.She went to an engineering company.

What can we infer is the sort of work Mr. Jones does?A.Car mechanicB.DoctorC.ConstructionD

What can we infer is the sort of work Mr. Jones does?

A.Car mechanic




听力原文:Police Officer: Hello. 24th Precinct. Officer Jones speaking.Man: Help. Yeah,uh,i

听力原文:Police Officer: Hello. 24th Precinct. Officer Jones speaking.

Man: Help. Yeah,uh,it was wild,I mean really bizarre.

Police Officer: Calm down sir!Now,what do you want to report?

Man: Well,I'd like to report a UFO sighting.

Police Officer: A what?

Man;What do you mean“what”?An unidentified flying object!

Police Officer: Wait,tell me exactly what you saw.

Man: Well,I was driving home from a party about three hours ago,so it was about 2:00 AM,when I saw this bright light overhead.

Police Officer: Okay. And then what happened?

Man: Oh,man. Well,it was out of this world. I stopped to watch the light when it disappeared behind a hill about a kilometer ahead of me.

Police Officer: Alright. Then what?

Man: Well,I got back in my car and I started driving toward where the UFO landed.

Police Officer: Now,how do you know it was a UFO?Perhaps you only saw the lights of an airplane,or the headlights of an approaching car. Things like that happen. you know.

Man: Well if it was that,how do you explain“the BEAST”?

Police Officer: What do you mean,“the BEAST”?

Man: Okay. I kept driving for about five minutes when all of a sudden,this giant,hairy creature jumped out in front of my car.

Police Officer: Oh,yeah. Then what?

Man: Well,then,the beast picked up the front of my car and said,“Get out of the car. I'm taking you to my master!”Something like that.

Police Officer: Wow?A hairy alien who can speak English!Come on!

Man: I'm not making this up,if that's what you're suggesting. Then,when I didn't get out of the car,the beast opened the car door,carried me on his shoulders to this round-shaped flying saucer,and well,that's when I woke up along side the road. The beast must have knocked me out and left me there.

Police Officer: Well,that's the best story I've heard all night,sir. Now,have you been taking any medication,drugs,or alcohol in the last 24 hours?You mentioned you went to a party.

Man: What?Well,I did have a few beers,but I'm telling the truth.

Police Officer: Okay,okay. We have a great therapist that deals with THESE kinds of cases.

Man: I'm not crazy.

Police Officer: Well,we'll look into your story. Thank you.


A.about 12:00 AM

B.about 3:00 AM

C.about 5:00 AM

D.about 24:00

__Brbr Jones offers to her fns is honestynd hppiness.WhichB.ThtC.WhtD.whom__Brbr Jones offers to her fns is honestynd hppiness.Which B.Tht C.Wht D.whom





“Miss. Jones, ____you tell me what has happened ”





In this setion,there is one passage presented as a conversation between Mike,Jack and Pete
r,followed by a summary which is an email sent to Mike’s friend,Paul.You should complete the email below suing no more than three words for each blank from the passage.Remember to write the answer on the answer sheet. Questions 66-70are based on the following passage. “I’ve just heard that Mike’s moved jobs,”said Jack to Peter.”The strange thing is that he’s moved to a much smaller firm and he’s usually so aambitious.It doesn’t sound like the kind of thing he’d do.Moving to a larger firm would be much more his style.” Peter replied,”I was talking to him briefly last night,but he didn’t have time to give me any details.He said he’d tell me all about it next time we meet.I gather that he still liked the work he was doing,but themarketing department,where he worked,had become a revolving door.A lot of people left before Mike did and their replacements are saying no time at all . That must be very unsettling for everyone.” Just then,Mike walked in and they asked him what had happened to make him change jobs. He began to tell them the background to his move. “To put it in a nutshell,it’s all the fault of the new marketing director.About six months ago,management decided that as a company we didn’t have a high enough profile and they got rid of Jeff Jones , who was head of marketing , and appointed someone to improve the image of the company.Unfortunately,the new broom is one of those people who takes an instant dislike to some people and sets out to make their lives a misery. I don’t know what he’s done for the public image of the firm,but morale has hit rock bottom.It’s particularly sad because Jeff Jones was a good boss and it was a very happy department when he was there.” Peter said,”That’s dreadful.It’s very difficult to work under such circumstances.How did you get on with him?” “I got on with him all right , I suppose, but his mood could change from one minute to another.None of us knew where we stood with him.I decided early on to get out while the going was good and was lucky enough to get a job with Smith&Jones . They’re a much smaller company,but you can see that they’re going place.They treat their staff well and so they stay around.” “It might be in the end a good career move,then,” said Jack.”Perhaps he did you a favour, after all.” “Certainly,”said Jack. “I’ve taken a cut in salary at the moment,but looking ta the big picture I can see that my promotion prospects are much better.” “You wouldn’t go back to your old job if this new man left,then?”asked Peter. “After the way management let him treat us?” asked Mike.”You must be joking!”QuestionsHi Paul, I’ve just changed jobs.I’ve moved to(1)______,Smith and Jones,and will take a pay cutbut it’s wroth it as the (2)are much better here.The main reason for leaving the old company is that the new marketing director had turned the office environment from a happy one to one with low(3)______.If he disliked someone,he would make(4)______.Though I(5)______him, I couldn’t be sure when would turn on me.So I decided to leave.Wish me luck. Cheers, Mike

根据材料,回答 91~96 题 [1] “Daddy, you're crying,” say my sons. “No, boys, I'm man-cryi

根据材料,回答 91~96 题

[1] “Daddy, you're crying,” say my sons. “No, boys, I'm man-crying. Very useful skill.”

[2] A short walk from my house in Hampshire, on a hill overlooking the heathland,is a plaque marking the spot where Richard Pryce Jones deliberately crashed his Halifax bomber during the war. ① He could have parachuted to safety, but that would have meant crashing into the village. The epitaph reads: “He died that others might live.”

[3] It never fails to move me. Not to tears, you understand. That would be disrespectful. But I do usually manage a lump in the throat and that film of moisture over the eyes that men have in their emotional armoury. ②Gordon Brown demonstrated the non-crying cry beautifully when he made his farewell speech on the steps of Number 10. That catch in the throat. The determination not to weep in public. At that moment, if at no other,he had nobility.

[4] Not everyone can carry it off. I don't think Paul Gascoigne ever quite got the hang of it, for example.But I like to think I have it down to an art. My technique honed from years of watching The Railway Children,Sleepless in Seattle and that scene in Dumbo when the mother elephant is locked away. “Daddy!” my sons will say, pointing the accusing finger. “You're crying!”

[5] “Me? Over Dumbo? Ha ha ha. No, boys, what I am doing is man-crying, a sort of non-crying cry. I'll teach you it one day. Very useful.”

[6] They are too young to appreciate the nuance yet, but when they are older I will explain that open sobbing is associated with being female, and so inappropriate for men. ③ The Charlie Chaplin analogy might be useful here. He once said that the way to act drunk is to imagine yourself a drunk man trying to act sober. The same is true when a man learns the non-crying cry. To be convincing, you must look as if you are trying to avoid tears.

[7] Men have to be careful what they cry at, because some subjects are more worthy of tears than others.Grief, obviously. But not self-pity. And rarely should a man cry in pain. And never at the death of a princess he didn't know. Those are the rules.

[8] I suspect my colleague Matt Pritchett might be with me on this. One of his cartoons showed a father next to a television tuned to the World Cup, explaining to his children that “at some point in the next few weeks, you are going to see me cry”.④ And the day after the last survivor of the Great Escape died, he did a cartoon showing a gravestone with a mound of tunnelled earth trailing away from it. I seemed to have something in my eye when I saw that, and I expect he had the same something in his eye when he drew it.

第 91 题 Richard Pryce Jones didn't parachute because __________.

[A] he was not allowed to do so

[B] he wanted to save his plane [C] he was afraid of parachute jump

[D] he didn't want to take the villagers' lives

Did the woman know what was in the package?A.No, she didn't.B.Yes, because the mailman tol

Did the woman know what was in the package?

A.No, she didn't.

B.Yes, because the mailman told her.

C.Yes, because she knew what kind of shop Jones and Jones was.

What will happen if the matter is not resolved?A.The order will be returned.B.Mr. Jones wi

What will happen if the matter is not resolved?

A.The order will be returned.

B.Mr. Jones will reorder.

C.Court action will follow.

D.Shipping costs will increase.

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