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Light levels are carefully controlled to fall within an acceptable level for______ reading






提问人:网友Romatince 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Light levels are carefully con…”相关的问题
Which sttements is truebout light cigrette light cigrette contins low nicotineWhich sttem

Which sttements is truebout light cigrette light cigrette contins low nicotineWhich sttements is truebout light cigrette light cigrette contins low nicotinend tr content. B.Smoking light cigrette is different from smoking regulr one. C.Women who smoke light cigrettes wnt to get higher levels of nicotine. D.Tobcco compniesdvertise cigrettess ’light’ to obscure smoking risks.

A.A light cigarette contains low nicotine and tar content.

B.Smoking a light cigarette is different from smoking a regular one

C.Women who smoke light cigarettes want to get higher levels of nicotine

D.Tobacco companies advertise cigarettes as ’light’ to obscure smoking risks.

Women who live in areas with higher levels of outdoor light at night may be at higher risk

Women who live in areas with higher levels of outdoor light at night may be at

higher risk for breast cancer, according to a study from Harvard T.H. Chan

School Of Public Health. The link was stronger among women who worked night


Previous studies have suggested that exposure to light at night may lead to

decreased levels of the homone melatonin , which can disrupt circadian

rhythms—our internal ’clocks’ that govern sleepiness and alertness—and, in turn,

lead to increased breast cancer risk.

The new study, the most comprehensive to date to examine possible links between

outdoor light at night and breast cancer, looked at data from nearly 110,000

women enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study II from 1989-2013. The researchers

linked data from satellite images of Earth taken at night time to residential

addresses for each study participant, and also considered the influence of night

shift work. The study also factored in detailed information on a variety of

health and socioeconomic factors among participants.

Women exposed to the highest levels of outdoor light at night—those in the top

fift— had an estimated 14% increased risk of breast cancer during the study

period, as compared with women in the bottom fifth of exposure, the researchers

found. As levels of outdoor light at night increased, so did breast cancer


However, the association between outdoor light at night and breast cancer was

found only among women who were premenopausal and those who were current or past

smokers. In addition, the link was stronger among women who worked night shifts,

suggesting that exposure to light at night and night shift work contribute

jointly to breast cancer risk.

What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Women who live with higher levels of outdoor light may be at higher risk for cancer.

B.Men who live with higher levels of outdoor light may be at higher risk for cancer.

C.Women who worked night shifts may be at higher risk for breast cancer.

D.Men who worked night shifts may be at higher risk for breast cancer.

The underlined word in the Second Paragraph means_______.A.Awakening




According to previous studies, which of the following factors leads to increased breast cancer risk directly?A.Night shift work

B.Higher levels of outdoor light

C.Higher levels of the hormone melatonin

D.Health and socioeconomic factors

Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A.Higher levels of outdoor light at night may be increasing the risk for breast cancer

B.The study of women’s work context

C.Higher levels of the hormone melatonin may be increasing the risk for breast cancer

D.The study of breast cancer

Which one is TURE?A.The association between outdoor light at night and breast cancer was found among all women.

B.According to the new study, as levels of outdoor light at night increased, so did breast cancer rates.

C.Women who were premenopausal were at lower risk for breast cancer.

D.Only night shift work contributes to breast cancer risk.


Which statements is true about a light cigarette?A.A light cigarette contains low nicotine

Which statements is true about a light cigarette?

A.A light cigarette contains low nicotine and tar content.

B.Smoking a light cigarette is different from smoking a regular one.

C.Women who smoke light cigarettes want to get higher levels of nicotine.

D.Tobacco companies advertise cigarettes as "light" to obscure smoking risks.

If the hypothesis stated in lines 36 - 40 is true, it can be inferred that nutritional the
ory should argue that the consumption of more polyunsaturated fats

A.necessitates the consumption of higher levels of carbohydrates

B.is unlikely to affect the ratio of LDL to HDL levels in the bloodstream

C.is likely to have no observable effect on the risk of coronary heart disease

D.is potentially capable of wholly eliminating cholesterol levels in the blood

E.is poorly understood in light of the failure of certain controlled feeding studies

Women who live in areas with higher levels of outdoor light at night may be at

higher risk for breast cancer, according to a study from Harvard T.H. Chan

School Of Public Health. The link was stronger among women who worked night


Previous studies have suggested that exposure to light at night may lead to

decreased levels of the homone melatonin , which can disrupt circadian

rhythms—our internal ’clocks’ that govern sleepiness and alertness—and, in turn,

lead to increased breast cancer risk.

The new study, the most comprehensive to date to examine possible links between

outdoor light at night and breast cancer, looked at data from nearly 110,000

women enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study II from 1989-2013. The researchers

linked data from satellite images of Earth taken at night time to residential

addresses for each study participant, and also considered the influence of night

shift work. The study also factored in detailed information on a variety of

health and socioeconomic factors among participants.

Women exposed to the highest levels of outdoor light at night—those in the top

fift— had an estimated 14% increased risk of breast cancer during the study

period, as compared with women in the bottom fifth of exposure, the researchers

found. As levels of outdoor light at night increased, so did breast cancer


However, the association between outdoor light at night and breast cancer was

found only among women who were premenopausal and those who were current or past

smokers. In addition, the link was stronger among women who worked night shifts,

suggesting that exposure to light at night and night shift work contribute

jointly to breast cancer risk.

What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Women who live with higher levels of outdoor light may be at higher risk for cancer.

B.Men who live with higher levels of outdoor light may be at higher risk for cancer.

C.Women who worked night shifts may be at higher risk for breast cancer.

D.Men who worked night shifts may be at higher risk for breast cancer.

The underlined word in the Second Paragraph means_______.A.Awakening




According to previous studies, which of the following factors leads to increased breast cancer risk directly?A.Night shift work

B.Higher levels of outdoor light

C.Higher levels of the hormone melatonin

D.Health and socioeconomic factors

Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A.Higher levels of outdoor light at night may be increasing the risk for breast cancer

B.The study of women’s work context

C.Higher levels of the hormone melatonin may be increasing the risk for breast cancer

D.The study of breast cancer

Which one is TURE?A.The association between outdoor light at night and breast cancer was found among all women.

B.According to the new study, as levels of outdoor light at night increased, so did breast cancer rates.

C.Women who were premenopausal were at lower risk for breast cancer.

D.Only night shift work contributes to breast cancer risk.

what is the importance of appraisal?

A、Identifying the individual’s training and development needs in the light of actual performance.

B、Identifying areas that require improvement.

C、Monitoring the organization’s initial selection procedures against subsequent performance.

D、Improving communication between different levels in the hierarchy.

There has rarely been a tougher time to be a carmaker, Squeezed by the credit crunch, rock
ed by the seesawing price of oil and now faced with a nasty recession as the banking crisis infects the real economy, the traditional markets of North America, western Europe and Japan, already sluggish (行动迟缓的) for several years, have all but packed up. In America car sales are running at about 16% below last year's level. Detroit's struggling big three -- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler- are in dire(可怕的) straits. They have gotten a $25 billion bailout from Congress and are now looking for much more. In Europe the market is also collapsing. Sales in Japan this year are expected to be the lowest since 1974.

However, not all is doom and gloom. Mature vehicle markets may be close to saturation (饱和), but there is huge unsatisfied demand in the big emerging car markets of Brazil, Russia, India and China (the so-called BRICs). Although not immune from the rich countries' troubles, they are likely to suffer much less. For one thing, levels of personal debt are far lower and a smaller proportion of cars are bought on credit. For another, the BRIC economies have been expanding so fast that even a slowdown should still leave them with growth rates that look respectable to Western eyes.

One measure of the BRIC countries' new importance to the car industry is that, recession or not, global car sales in 2008 may still hit an all-time record of about 59 million. For the first time passenger-vehicle sales in the BRICs, at around 14 million, are likely to overtake those in America, which are expected to be the worst since 1992. As recently as 2005 America outsold them by over 10 million. By the end of this decade China, already the world's second-biggest market, will probably overtake America's sales of 16 million-17 million in a "normal" year. In Brazil sales have increased by nearly 30% in each of the past two years.

It is the irresistible combination of rapid economic growth, favorable demographics (人口特征) and social change in the BRICs that is coming to the carmakers' rescue and that is likely to account for nearly all their growth for the foreseeable future. America has more than 900 cars (including light trucks) for every 1,000 people of driving age.

When times are hard, an American family that already has two or three cars will simply postpone buying a new one. But a potential customer in an emerging market who has been saving for years to buy his first car will still want to go ahead. As Carlos Ghosn, the boss of the Renault-Nissan alliance, put it at this year's Beijing motor show: "Nothing can stop the car being the most coveted product that comes with development."

What can we learn about the situations in traditional market from the first paragraph?

A.It is hard for carmakers for the hiking oil price.

B.General Motors, Ford and Chrysler are all in a dilemma.

C.Traditional markets in America began to be inactive this year.

D.Sales this year will get to the lowest in America.

The study is considered more successful because it__________ .A.compared drinkers to nondr

The study is considered more successful because it__________ .

A.compared drinkers to nondrinkers

B.tested light drinkers

C.looked into heavy drinkeis

D.examined varying levels of alcohol intake

Complete the notes below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet.

127 fibres = 1 bundle

2 fibres = 60 Watt bulb

A (9) measures amount of light & a (10) mixes light from different sources to keep levels constant

Higher % of natural light, more attractive and biologically advantageous—fluorescence contributes to feelings of (11) whereas natural or hybrid light gives rise to more productivity (& the sale of more (12) in shops) because it helps workers (& shoppers ) feel good and maintain biological rhythms.

Plastic fibres are cheap but length from the (13) is a limiting factor.


Why did George stop his car?A.The traffic light was red.B.Something went wrong with his ca

Why did George stop his car?

A.The traffic light was red.

B.Something went wrong with his car.

C.He wanted to speak to the boy and his girlfriend.

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