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听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor. St

udent Hello! Professor Hi, come in... Ill be with you in a moment...OK, hi, Melissa, how are you doing? Student Im doing great. Hi, Dr. Golden. How are you doing? Professor Pretty busy these days! How are your studies now? Student Good! Everything is on the right track. Im trying to meet the deadlines for my papers. Professor Melissa. I wanted to let you know that we have been notified about this years scholarship winner. Student Really? It seems so soon! I cant believe that it is almost May! So, did I pull it off? Do I get to be the first student from UAP to accept a scholarship to the University of Lima? Professor Yes, you did! Congratulations, Melissa! Student Thank you so much! Dr. Golden, I feel so excited about this news. Professor You did it! You are the first student from UAP to be accepted! What an honor! We are all so proud of you! Student Thank you, Dr. Golden. You have been a great help to me in getting this scholarship. Professor You are welcome. Your efforts have paid off. Student I promise that Ill do my best to represent our school and to make you all proud of me! Professor We are already proud of you. You got to tell your parents about it. They must be very proud of you. Student Yes, I will. They have been waiting to learn this news for quite a long time. Professor Eh...Melissa. I really feel that you will be able to contribute great things to the field of anthropology in the future! Yes, Im very much interested to see what insights you come back with from Peru. Have you started thinking about what kind of senior project youd like to write when you return from South America? Student Yes, Ive been thinking that it would be great to study the Amazon and all of the cultures that thrive on its banks. Professor Uh-huh, I think that would make a great paper. Student I think I would like to do my senior project on this topic. What do you think? Professor Well, thats good, but... Student But what? Professor The Amazon is a huge river, and there is no way that you can write just one paper on all of the cultures and peoples who live along the bank of the Amazon. If I were you, I would choose three or four tribes to write about. Student You are right. But Im so interested in knowing all the cultures and peoples there that I want to cover all of them in my paper. Professor I understand. But it would be quite difficult to include them all in your paper. Student OK then, I will take your advice. Professor Good! Student Before I leave for Peru, Ill have an outline for you. Ill try to limit my focus to three or four tribes living along the river. Professor Congratulations again! Im very proud of you! Student Thanks! Id better call my parents to tell them the good news! Professor Bye! Have a good day! Student You too. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 7. Why does the woman go to see her professor? 8. What is the professors concern about the student? 9. What will the woman do about her senior project? Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Professor The Amazon is a huge river, and there is no way that you can write just one paper on all of the cultures and peoples who live along the bank of the Amazon. If I were you, I would choose three or four tribes to write about. 10. What does the professor imply when he says this? Professor If I were you, I would choose three or four tribes to write about. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Student Really? It seems so soon! I cant believe that it is almost May! So, did I pull it off? Do I get to be the first student from UAP to accept the scholarship to the University of Lima? 11. What does the student mean when she says this? Student So, did I pull it off?Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Why does the woman go to see her professor?

A.She wants to get materials for a class she missed.

B.She wants to discuss an assignment she is working on.

C.The professor wants to tell her about her scholarship.

D.She wants to inform. the professor of changes in her schedule.

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A.diligent and persevering

B.busy and fruitful

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According to Paragraph 8, which of the following is true of ancient Egyptians?

A.It was normal to store beautiful artwork in the tomb with their dead relatives.

B.They would like to have all the valuables in the tomb to be exhibited in public.

C.They intended to preserve their ancient culture in the tomb.

D.They regard all the artwork in the tomb as part of a precious artistic heritage for all human beings to enjoy.

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A.By applying for financial aid.

B.By working part-time.

C.By applying for student loans.

D.By working for the government.

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A.More services, but less taxes.

B.Free services are paid for by all citizens in the end.

C.Less services means less trouble for taxpayers.

D.There is no obvious relationship between these two.


听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a history class. Professor How much of mans history do we know? It turns out we really know very little. Written records exist for only a fraction of what we suppose to have been mans time as a unique species. Furthermore, the accuracy of these records is often suspected and the scope and selection of significant detail in them often needs improvement. At times there is no more than a collection of a few songs, myths and legends. Even in recent times, the not uncommon lack of truly factual historical data makes it difficult to reconstruct an accurate picture of what actually did happen in mans history. It is even worse when we try to reconstruct mans history before the development of writing. This is unfortunate because the history of the greatest discoveries, such as fire, the wheel and the sail, as well as the history of the early development of human society are lost to us. The most that we can do is to use deduction, speculation and the knowledge we have of the habits of those animals which have some elementary social order to help us make a partial reconstruction. This is hardly a satisfactory substitute for precise information. With our fragmentary and limited knowledge of human history, it is nearly impossible to reconstruct the beginning, and to deduce the end, of the story of man. Thus, many schools of thought on the subject have developed, each of which attempts to give coherence to the human past by fitting it into the framework of a general theory of history. In one of these theories, it is assumed that man continually progresses. He has evolved from a lower to a higher form. of being, and he continues to evolve. This evolution takes place both in terms of his potentials and his abilities to actualize these potentials. If one holds to this theory, one feels that modern man must be more intelligent and civilized today than his ancestors, as well as physically and morally superior to them. One further assumes that this progress will continue into an ever more glorious future. Here deduction often ends and dreams of Utopia begin, for it seems that most of us find it hard to think of the human race developing into a race of angels. All in all, as a theory of history, the above view has had many eminent supporters. It might be well to mention here a variation on this theory that used to be popular, that is, the idea that man rose from a low condition to a Golden Age at some time in the remote past, and that things have gone straight downhill ever since. Many eminent men have found a sort of gloomy comfort in this idea, but science has now opened up possibilities for the future which make this theory less defendable. Perhaps for this reason the theory has little modern support. A second theory of history is held by those men who see mans history as something quite different from a simple progression from a lower to a higher state. They see it as a cycle of stages of development which are predictable in their broad outlines and main features. The chief pattern one sees in history is the rise and fall of civilizations. Man, according to this theory, is warlike in one stage of his history and humane in another. This is not due to individual human beings or to general progress, but rather to determining socioeconomic patterns that are not, as yet, understood. To holders of this theory, modern man is not looked upon as the most superior social being yet produced. He is simply the typical product of the current stage in the cycle of our civilization. In fact he may actually be inferior to members of past civilizations. It all depends upon what stage of civilization we happen to be living in. Indeed, it has been said that the average modern literate city dweller is comparatively more ignorant of his eras wealth of knowledge than other literate city dwellers of the past. In a third theory of history, the two above theories are to some degree reconciled. According to this theory, which is often termed the spiral view of history, human societies do repeat a cycle of stages, but overall progress is observable in the long historical perspective. Civilizations do rise and fall, as the advocates of the second theory maintain, but the new civilization which replaces the first, usually by conquest, contains superior qualities which enable it to rise to a higher stage of development until it, too, declines and is replaced by yet a third civilization. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 23. What is the lecture mainly about? 24. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the difficulties in reconstructing history? 25. According to the professor, what is the common aim of the different schools of historical theory? 26. According to the professor, which of the following is true of the first theory? 27. What is the professors attitude toward the second theory? 28. What does the professor mean when he says this? Professor In a third theory of history, the two above theories are to some degree reconciled.Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a history class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What is the lecture mainly about?

A.The reconstruction of man"s history.

B.Some theories of history.

C.The great civilizations in history.

D.The importance of studying history.

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